

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
This is just one of the things I commonly see and it's just so ignorant to me when people use age as an excuse to invalidate people's suffering and want to force them to stay here as a result. The reality is that suicide is a valid option no matter what as nobody is obligated to delay the inevitable and anyway all human beings have the potential to suffer so extremely, experiencing suffering and torment isn't limited to old people. There are people way younger than me who have experienced way more unbearable suffering in their existence and suicide could never need a reason in the first place, so I think that people should just respect suicide as being a personal decision rather than being insensitive because of views about young people, that they invented themselves. And not everyone wants to exist anyway.

In my case I really wish that I left this world at a younger age, I know that my existence is incredibly unnecessary and for me 22 years here is far too long, it's unbearable the thought of potentially existing here for many more decades. And I just think that for me suicide is always the most rational decision regardless of the circumstances as this world is such a harmful place to exist in, with the risk of even worse suffering being there at any moment and existing can get much more unbearable beyond how we even can imagine and that is the case for all humans trapped in this decaying flesh prison.

We only exist as a tragic consequence of evolution in the first place and that is all, any meaning to existence beyond this is a delusion. Existing in this world truly is dreadful to me and I've always preferred the sound of not existing, and all of this is why I cannot stand it when people go on about people being too young for suicide, and that young people always have "temporary" problems. But what about when the problem is life itself, I know that I've had awareness of the true harmful nature of existence for such a long time.
People who see their own wish to die as being valid yet dismiss other people are hypocrites, but I'm not even surprised that people act such a way in this anti suicide society.
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Sitting in the darkness.
Feb 28, 2023
I agree that the disdain for younger people is rather cruel. It is certainly insensitive to dismiss someone's problems as temporary. As for the arbitrary age requirements people propose for ctb, it's generally just a random number they've chosen under their own age. People are selfish like that, I doubt they'd call themselves impulsive or having temporary problems if they were younger. As for wanting to restrict the age of euthanasia to prevent abuse, it's understandable. However, most of the people wanting to restrict suicide to certain ages just look down on people younger than them and use fancy words like "prefrontal cortex" to sound smart. All in all, it's just another way that people are cruel to others. I hope you don't have to deal with people like this for much longer.
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Death is my goal

Death is my goal

pathetic failure
Aug 25, 2022
young people definitely has all the right to die as long as it's a serious problem like cancer, disability, abusive environment.. etc
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
The problem is that it must be generalized in order not to make a mistake, at the risk of excluding young people who really have a well-founded decision.
I mean that we are not invalidating the suffering in any case, we are simply taking into account that adolescence is a very hard stage for many people, that is to say that many people start a real hell from the age of 12-13 years old, who knows where it comes from, and magically disappears as if it had never existed, and everything was a very bad memory, around the age of 23 or 24 years old.

Many people remember this when they are well into adulthood... what should you do then when you know that for many people it is really a temporary situation? To me the only solution I find realistic is that a judge assesses the maturity of a person from the age of 14 (often done in other cases unrelated to euthanasia), on an individual basis ... from here on I have no idea.

If I take myself as an example, I wrote it in a thread once, I should not have been allowed to make a decision like this until I was 30, because I have been and am a very immature person.

What is clear is that people don't mature all of a sudden and everyone does it at their own pace, so the younger a person is the more likely their maturity level will be lower and the older they are the higher it will be. But everyone is different, because a few months ago I myself had to ask for a medical report, at the age of 45, to prove that I was mentally capable of renouncing an inheritance.

But this is not about despising the suffering of anyone, because a baby suffers enough when teething, no matter how immature it is, this is about knowing if a person is sufficiently aware of the situation in which he finds himself and is able to assess what suicide implies (and although the baby can tell you that if he wants to die because he cannot stand the pain of teething, adults know that in most cases it will be a temporary situation).

And I go back to the beginning, adults don't have an easy time understanding if there is anything beyond the typical teenage nightmare that most of us go through, so they try to support young people until it all passes on its own...and if it doesn't happen that's when they then realize it wasn't what they thought it was. That's why I insist that it should be assessed by a judge when the time comes.


El problema és que s'ha de generalitzar per no equivocarse, a risc de excloure joves que realment tenen la decisión ben fonamentada.
Vull dir que no s'està invalidant el patiment en cap cas, simplement es té en compte el fet que l'adolescència és una etapa duríssima per molta gent, es a dir que moltes persones comencen un auténtic infern a partir dels 12-13 anys, que ves a saber d'on surt, i per art de mágia desapareix com si no hagués existit mai, i tot fós un molt mal record, cap als 23 o 24 anys.

Això ho recordem moltes persones ja ben entrades a la etapa adulta.. que has de fer llavors quan saps que per molta gent si és realment una situació temporal? A mi l'única sol·lució que trobo realista és que un jutge valori la maduresa d'una persona a partir dels 14 anys (es fa sovint en d'altres casos que no tenen relació amb l'eutanàsia), de forma individual... a partir d'aquí no en tinc pas ni idea.

Si m'agafo jo com exemple, ja ho vaig escriure en un fil una vegada, a mi no m'haurien d'haver permés prendre una decisió com aquesta fins els 30 anys, perquè he sigut i sóc una persona molt immadura.

El que és clar és que la gent no madura de cop i que cadascú ho fa al seu ritme, així que quan més jove sigui una persona més provable és que el seu nivell de maduresa sigui més baix i quants més anys tingui sigui més alt. Però cadascú és un món, perquè jo mateix fa pocs mesos vaig haver de demanar un informe médic, amb 45 anys, que demostrés que estava capacitat mentalment per poder renunciar a una herència.

Però això no va de menysprear el patiment de ningú, perquè un nadó pateix força quan li surten les dents per molt immadur que sigui, això va de saber si una persona es prou conscient de la situació en la que es troba i és capaç de valorar que implica el suïcidi (i encara que el nadó et pogues dir que si és vol morir per no suportar el mal de dents, els adults saben que en la majoría dels casos serà una situació temporal).

I torno al principi, els adults no ho tenen gens fàcil per comprendre si hi ha res més enllà del típic malsón de l'adolescència per el que pasem la majoría, així que miren de donart suport a la gent jove fins que passi per si sol tot plegat... i si no passa és quan llavors se n'adonen de que no era pas el que creien. Per això insisteixo que ho ha de valorar un jutge arribat el cas.
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
However, most of the people wanting to restrict suicide to certain ages just look down on people younger than them and use fancy words like "prefrontal cortex" to sound smart. All in all, it's just another way that people are cruel to others.
Agree 💯. Threads like that are full of older people announcing they're more rational than others. Looks like a modern version of how racists measured brains. Pseudoscience

Time to start banning people over 30. Their brains degenerate, they're simply not rational enough to make big decisions like suicide

And they're seeing from the perspective of the state, like a social manager who decides for everyone based on some database metric
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Can’t catch a break no matter what I do.
Apr 12, 2023
I'm 20. I have been suicidal since I think age 8 or younger, I have a lot of suppressed memories so idk the exact age. I am constantly belittled about my issues, my stress, my life. I'm told I haven't experienced the "real world" yet even though I've been experiencing bullshit the moment I was born, quite literally. I've had an awful year every single year of my life. I tried to CTB in February 2022 & the people who know belittle me about it, my mother hates me for it & says if I try again near my siblings (same house) that if I live I will be homeless. I have never had my feelings validated, I have never been shown compassion by older people or my parents. I am only told to "try harder" "it'll get better!" "You're too young to be stuck on the past & your issues, you'll be fine!" "You can control your happiness, just stop being sad" "depression & anxiety are just excuses, stop being a lazy piece of shit" & I have so many more examples but it angers me just thinking about it all. I'm ready to die. I hope the stress gives me a heart attack, my blood pressure was 150/113, a few points off from being high-risk of heart attack/other issues, maybe the stress gets so bad I'll finally die. I have tried & tried & tried to explain to older people that my life has been nothing but hell, but they just say to get over it & that life goes on. I don't fucking want it to go on, I want it to fucking end.
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Always sleepy
Apr 29, 2023
We only exist as a tragic consequence of evolution in the first place and that is all, any meaning to existence beyond this is a delusion. Existing in this world truly is dreadful to me and I've always preferred the sound of not existing, and all of this is why I cannot stand it when people go on about people being too young for suicide, and that young people always have "temporary" problems
FuneralCry, You have very, very strong beliefs that change the way you see the world, but not everybody sees the same way. That doesn't mean they're bad people or delusional, it just means that how we interpret life is subjective. Just because suicide seems like a reasonable option for you no matter what, doesn't mean this should be applied to everyone. Many people do see meaning and light in the world, even those suffering with depression and other mental health issues. It seems that you've had a lot of bad luck and I'm sorry that you've met ignorant people who have dismissed the problems of young people as temporary, but not everyone who argues that there should be a minimum age are children hating, ignorant, pro-life assholes, some of us just genuinely care about others. Nobody should invalidate what others are going through, and that's not what we're trying to do.

However, most of the people wanting to restrict suicide to certain ages just look down on people younger than them and use fancy words like "prefrontal cortex" to sound smart
Nobody should invalidate the suffering of young people, and I honestly think you and many people here are mis-interpreting the words of many who argue that there should be a minimum age - we're not saying that what people are going through isn't terrible, or that it's temporary, or even that suicide is wrong for those people. We do not look down on people younger than us, their suffering is just as valid and WE HAVE BEEN IN THEIR SHOES.
But there are solid facts to support the fact that teenagers tend to be more impulsive and struggle with stronger emotions. Personality disorders generally can't be diagnosed under the age of 18 because it's possible that once they've gone through certain changes and aged enough their symptoms will subside - that's how crazy puberty can be for some people. Also, not even talking about brain development, younger people will also have had less chance to experience treatment - are you really arguing that an 8 year old who has recently been through a traumatic experience and isn't getting support will have the same perspective and coping techniques as an 18 year old who has been in therapy for 3 years, tried medication, and still feels that despite the treatment they're not getting better? It's just not the same, and there's a big chance that with proper treatment they could show significant experiences. The issue is that often this treatment is hard to access or not available, but that's a separate problem from the one we're talking about today. CTB should be the absolute last resort and for children there are still many many possibilities. Again, to emphasise that, CTB should always be the last resort. There are even more reasons why children and teenagers are different from adults, such as the fact that life can change massively once you hit 18 and gain freedom, but I'm not going to go through them all.

It's easy to spend time on this forum and forget that for many, many people things do get better. Many people recover from their mental illness. Many people still suffer from symptoms but still see the light and joy in life. We are the outliers, not them. I know it's really hard to see outside this dark pit that we're in, but it's important to consider every point of view when talking about something as serious as suicide, especially when children are involved.
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Apr 3, 2023
This is just one of the things I commonly see and it's just so ignorant to me when people use age as an excuse to invalidate people's suffering and want to force them to stay here as a result. The reality is that suicide is a valid option no matter what as nobody is obligated to delay the inevitable and anyway all human beings have the potential to suffer so extremely, experiencing suffering and torment isn't limited to old people. There are people way younger than me who have experienced way more unbearable suffering in their existence and suicide could never need a reason in the first place, so I think that people should just respect suicide as being a personal decision rather than being insensitive because of views about young people, that they invented themselves. And not everyone wants to exist anyway.

In my case I really wish that I left this world at a younger age, I know that my existence is incredibly unnecessary and for me 22 years here is far too long, it's unbearable the thought of potentially existing here for many more decades. And I just think that for me suicide is always the most rational decision regardless of the circumstances as this world is such a harmful place to exist in, with the risk of even worse suffering being there at any moment and existing can get much more unbearable beyond how we even can imagine and that is the case for all humans trapped in this decaying flesh prison.

We only exist as a tragic consequence of evolution in the first place and that is all, any meaning to existence beyond this is a delusion. Existing in this world truly is dreadful to me and I've always preferred the sound of not existing, and all of this is why I cannot stand it when people go on about people being too young for suicide, and that young people always have "temporary" problems. But what about when the problem is life itself, I know that I've had awareness of the true harmful nature of existence for such a long time.
People who see their own wish to die as being valid yet dismiss other people are hypocrites, but I'm not even surprised that people act such a way in this anti suicide society.
As long as someone has tried to reach out for help, and everything's failed
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Apr 12, 2023
Peaceful ctb is not an elderly thing.
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Apr 11, 2023
Agree 💯. Threads like that are full of older people announcing they're more rational than others. Looks like a modern version of how racists measured brains. Pseudoscience

Time to start banning people over 30. Their brains degenerate, they're simply not rational enough to make big decisions like suicide

And they're seeing from the perspective of the state, like a social manager who decides for everyone based on some database metric
Hang on.. are you serious? I'm hoping you're joking by saying this?

If you are joking.. then fine.. but if not, then why would you say something as weird and mean as older peoples' brains have degenerated so much that they can't make big decisions? That's literally a horrible thing to say. Why be like that??
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Saltier than SN
Apr 10, 2023
Older people? I'm younger than 25, so by my own mouth, I wouldn't have the lawful right to die yet. This thread by nature is disgusting and I'm sick of it, sick of people saying literal fucking children should be able to kill themselves on a fucking whim just because some people want to eradicate the human race.

Im all for the right to die for ANYONE who is suffering a serious disease, but unless that's the case, children should be protected and not slaughtered.
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Apr 11, 2023
Older people? I'm 21, so by my own mouth, I wouldn't have the lawful right to die yet. This thread by nature is disgusting and I'm sick of it, sick of people saying literal fucking children should be able to kill themselves on a fucking whim just because some people want to eradicate the human race.

Im all for the right to die for ANYONE who is suffering a serious disease, but unless that's the case, children should be protected and not slaughtered.
I do think people need to bear in mind how watched this forum is.. every single thread is pored over by people intent on finding ways to close down SS. Children and suicide is the MOST EMOTIVE issue and the one used by anti-SS activists in attempting to blacken this site's name. So I do think anyone promoting theories around under 18s and suicide EVEN if it's just part of their own anti-natalism, needs to be careful. Do your part in protecting this site..
Minors are not allowed on here, children and suicide should not be something continually referred to on here.
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Apr 20, 2023
It's really about maturity and life experience, not age. If someone is sure of themselves, self aware and aware of the world, then their wishes are less likely to change in a couple of years. Everything felt at an age of immaturity generally doesn't factor in how dramatically things in life change. I respect the wishes of anybody, so long as they know their own mind.

It must be understood that so many of these young people are likely to be lying about being 18 also. Nothing in this world is always a valid option no matter what. Valid options are always based on circumstances. I support pro-choice, I don't support pro-death. Your circumstances are not the same as everyone else.
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Apr 11, 2023
I don't want ANYONE over the age of 18 to be discriminated against for being too old or two young. No one will ever know someone's feelings or experiences and how they ended up on SS. Jesus don't we have more to worry about than slagging each other off for being under or over 30 it's just fucking DUMB!!!!!
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life is evil
Nov 6, 2020
this disgusting society is full of slave psychology (eg: "you need to earn your freedom/rest!11!"), envious ppl, delusions like "life is a gift", "life is a desirable state", "life is good", "you must do your best to stay alive" blah blah blah. some pro-lifers secretly envy us, that's just the truth. i think some ppl want to deprive younger ppl of the right to die cause they feel it's "so unfair!11!" to them that these young ppl could just leave life without having to work, endure all this crap that they've endured etc. it's really a stupid, disgusting motive. ofc these ppl view the right to die (peacefully) as their "privilege". peaceful death should be a human right since being born, 100%. prohibiting/gatekeeping/stigmatizing suicide is not a solution. who want to deprive young people of the right to die? parents in the first place, natalists, politicians, deluded/deceived ppl who think that "life can be a desirable state", jealous toxic old people etc, ie cruel/delusional ppl. my successful suicide is my best answer to this fucked up pro-enslavement pro-torture world anyway
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Apr 16, 2023
Heck I've seen old people in their senior years being denied the right to die by their own adult children and get locked up in a psych ward after a failed attempt, so keep in mind that anyone of all ages can be invalidated by others.. Everyone has different opinions, and that's okay. (Obviously anyone below 18 shouldn't be allowed on this site. But after turning 18 and reaching adulthood you can choose to do whatever you want with your body..)
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sing me to sleep
Mar 23, 2023
I don't agree that anyone under 18 should just impulsively die but this post made me think. I follow a mother and her son on tiktok. the boy have a rare illness that leave him unable to talk, walk and even move his own hands. he basically sits in a wheelchair chair and drools all day. where is the quality of life? he will forever be there just existing, his brain will develop, he would have thoughts like all of us but he would be powerless. too powerless to even CTB. I find this really painful to watch. people have the right to die. this boy should have the right to die when he reaches 18 IF HE WANTS TO, but he will be too powerless to even attempt to die. he have no control over anything. It just break my heart, because he is just a functioning brain trapped in a broken body that he can't even use. he can't give consent to anything. how is that a good life?

I strongly believe people should have the right to die. you have the power to drink, have sex, get a job, buy a house but not to die? you can choose to bring a living person into this world but apparently choosing to die is too big of a decision that you shouldn't have? bullshit.

I'm mute (disability) most of the time I feel like I'm trapped in my own my brain and can't express myself IRL with people. most people refuse to even read what I write or even hear it when I use text to speech. if I'm in a dangerous situation.. I can't even scream for help. my life is better than the boy I mentioned above but still it's not an easy good life. we all deserve the right to die.
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Apr 2, 2023
This is just one of the things I commonly see and it's just so ignorant to me when people use age as an excuse to invalidate people's suffering and want to force them to stay here as a result. The reality is that suicide is a valid option no matter what as nobody is obligated to delay the inevitable and anyway all human beings have the potential to suffer so extremely, experiencing suffering and torment isn't limited to old people. There are people way younger than me who have experienced way more unbearable suffering in their existence and suicide could never need a reason in the first place, so I think that people should just respect suicide as being a personal decision rather than being insensitive because of views about young people, that they invented themselves. And not everyone wants to exist anyway.

In my case I really wish that I left this world at a younger age, I know that my existence is incredibly unnecessary and for me 22 years here is far too long, it's unbearable the thought of potentially existing here for many more decades. And I just think that for me suicide is always the most rational decision regardless of the circumstances as this world is such a harmful place to exist in, with the risk of even worse suffering being there at any moment and existing can get much more unbearable beyond how we even can imagine and that is the case for all humans trapped in this decaying flesh prison.

We only exist as a tragic consequence of evolution in the first place and that is all, any meaning to existence beyond this is a delusion. Existing in this world truly is dreadful to me and I've always preferred the sound of not existing, and all of this is why I cannot stand it when people go on about people being too young for suicide, and that young people always have "temporary" problems. But what about when the problem is life itself, I know that I've had awareness of the true harmful nature of existence for such a long time.
People who see their own wish to die as being valid yet dismiss other people are hypocrites, but I'm not even surprised that people act such a way in this anti suicide society.

This is such a weird thread. I would like to highlight that it depends by what you mean by "younger" and what you mean by "invalidate"?

Emotions are emotions, sufferings are sufferings. Reality-based stressors no matter how old or young we are, we don't all experience the same things just on the basis of our age; I tend to agree. I don't think anyone empathetic here would invalidate that.

What most people would not like is for MINORS and REALLY young people to be allowed access here. Children and kids, completely out of the question.
Teenagers and adolescence, below 18, like it or not, are at the age when they're still going through puberty and hormonal changes, and that makes a lot of difference.

The age of adulthood and when someone has matured enough is still up for debate, but I'm almost certain kids below 18 would not have been afforded the chance for that to occur, to be able to concretely form their own opinion on an independent basis, and certainly not to make a definite decision literally about life and DEATH

We. who are a little bit older, have all experienced that, we tend to be more impulsive, more impressionable due to lack of real life experience; and would more likely cave into what we're feeling in the heat of the moment. Peer pressure (that's open for interpretation) when we're REALLY young, plays a role too. This is a serious forum with really heavy and intense topics being discussed openly.

And adults would have mostly, or at least, more likely, to have explored other avenues and tried other ways and/or treatment(s). But most likely, by their age itself, REALLY young people would not have had the chance to do this (even going by their age and thus, the time they have spent on this earth, let alone time to see if their life could improve), if they have exhausted all available means to recover. They are digital natives, the messaging would be a lot different if this forum is the first thing they were to come across while trying to look for help or trying to understand suicidal ideation/intent etc.

Sorry to say, I would contend that this post of yours is hypocritical in and of itself.
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May 4, 2023
Agree 💯. Threads like that are full of older people announcing they're more rational than others. Looks like a modern version of how racists measured brains. Pseudoscience

Time to start banning people over 30. Their brains degenerate, they're simply not rational enough to make big decisions like suicide

And they're seeing from the perspective of the state, like a social manager who decides for everyone based on some database metric
Found this quote from your linked post entertaining: "They're too immature. Mature people coordinate different perspectives. But older people notoriously resist new ideas" - hm...


🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
Hang on.. are you serious? I'm hoping you're joking by saying this?

If you are joking.. then fine.. but if not, then why would you say something as weird and mean as older peoples' brains have degenerated so much that they can't make big decisions? That's literally a horrible thing to say. Why be like that??
Oops, yes I was joking! Sorry if I wasn't clear 😬. Not my finest hour, I admit. Maybe I was busy or illiterate or something, dunno

Yeah you're right, it's insulting to say people lack basic rationality and agency. Whether they're 25-and-under or 30-and-over

Guess that happens when we imagine ourselves as lawmakers, going around trying to make mechanical rules for millions/billions people to follow. Throwing them into cages when they don't. This leads to many cruelties, forcing people into mechanical schemas

Let's take this example:
So you think a four year should be allowed to kill themselves?
Well, holy fuck! This isn't a rhetorical question, but rather an important case study. Do we know any seriously suicidal 4 year olds? Let's analyze details then. Is there any way to intervene?

Does this 4 year old incurably feel like their skin's constantly on fire? Were they horrifically abused? Do they just have a weird psychological quirk? This would drive our real-world intervention

Whatever the case is, if an organism wishes to die, it's worth studying

Found this quote from your linked post entertaining: "They're too immature. Mature people coordinate different perspectives. But older people notoriously resist new ideas" - hm...
Glad you like it! I'm sure you're sarcastic. So was I, when saying that older people should be banned


May 4, 2023
@absurdtimeline - you have been referring to people as "adults," e.g., "adults hate curiosity" - are you an adult? Your weird hatred for anyone over the age of 30 is making me believe you aren't, alongside the consistent use of "adults."
Correct me if I am wrong, though!
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Apr 11, 2023
Oops, yes I was joking! Sorry if I wasn't clear 😬. Not my finest hour, I admit. Maybe I was busy or illiterate or something, dunno

Yeah you're right, it's insulting to say people lack basic rationality and agency. Whether they're 25-and-under or 30-and-over

Guess that happens when we imagine ourselves as lawmakers, going around trying to make mechanical rules for millions/billions people to follow. Throwing them into cages when they don't. This leads to many cruelties, people going around acting mechanically

Let's take this example:

Well, holy fuck! This isn't a rhetorical question, but rather an important case study. Do we know any seriously suicidal 4 year olds? Let's analyze details then. Is there any way to intervene?

Does this 4 year old incurably feel like their skin's constantly on fire? Were they horrifically abused? Do they just have a weird psychological quirk? This would drive our real-world intervention

Whatever the case is, if an organism wishes to die, it's worth studying

Glad you like it! I'm sure you're sarcastic. So was I, when saying that older people should be banned
My bad. I'm sorry I got it wrong. I did wonder if you were joking but then I just got angry just in case you weren't. I honestly do apologise.
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
My bad. I'm sorry I got it wrong. I did wonder if you were joking but then I just got angry just in case you weren't. I honestly do apologise.
No problem! I should've been clearer. Anyone reading can be distracted, or neuroatypical, or just having a bad day. tbh I was annoyed re-reading my own post, hehe

you have been referring to people as "adults," e.g., "adults hate curiosity" - are you an adult? Your weird hatred for anyone over the age of 30 is making me believe you aren't, alongside the consistent use of "adults."
Correct me if I am wrong, though!
Well, children are notoriously curious. Unfortunately, in many societies, schools beat the imagination out of them. Stamping them like beef: Grade A, Grade F

A well-known academic said that in grad school, they put back half of the curiosity/imagination they sucked out

Maybe adult is the polite word for normie. Thanks for making me think about this. I should forever refuse to be an adult
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Oct 29, 2021
so I think that people should just respect suicide as being a personal decision rather than being insensitive because of views about young people, that they invented themselves. And not everyone wants to exist anyway.
I don't think children are in the right mind to commit suicide. You seem to be very passionate about the idea of children taking their own lives, and you are entitled to your own opinion. However, I strongly believe you must have a sound mind and a clear understanding of what you are doing with regards to suicide.
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Mar 12, 2023
I disagree with your points, but I recognize and respect the sarcasm. Just wanted you to know that. I think maybe sarcasm does not get its time in the sun on this forum...
Oops, yes I was joking! Sorry if I wasn't clear 😬. Not my finest hour, I admit. Maybe I was busy or illiterate or something, dunno

Yeah you're right, it's insulting to say people lack basic rationality and agency. Whether they're 25-and-under or 30-and-over

Guess that happens when we imagine ourselves as lawmakers, going around trying to make mechanical rules for millions/billions people to follow. Throwing them into cages when they don't. This leads to many cruelties, forcing people into mechanical schemas

Let's take this example:

Well, holy fuck! This isn't a rhetorical question, but rather an important case study. Do we know any seriously suicidal 4 year olds? Let's analyze details then. Is there any way to intervene?

Does this 4 year old incurably feel like their skin's constantly on fire? Were they horrifically abused? Do they just have a weird psychological quirk? This would drive our real-world intervention

Whatever the case is, if an organism wishes to die, it's worth studying

Glad you like it! I'm sure you're sarcastic. So was I, when saying that older people should be banned
This is just one of the things I commonly see and it's just so ignorant to me when people use age as an excuse to invalidate people's suffering and want to force them to stay here as a result. The reality is that suicide is a valid option no matter what as nobody is obligated to delay the inevitable and anyway all human beings have the potential to suffer so extremely, experiencing suffering and torment isn't limited to old people. There are people way younger than me who have experienced way more unbearable suffering in their existence and suicide could never need a reason in the first place, so I think that people should just respect suicide as being a personal decision rather than being insensitive because of views about young people, that they invented themselves. And not everyone wants to exist anyway.

In my case I really wish that I left this world at a younger age, I know that my existence is incredibly unnecessary and for me 22 years here is far too long, it's unbearable the thought of potentially existing here for many more decades. And I just think that for me suicide is always the most rational decision regardless of the circumstances as this world is such a harmful place to exist in, with the risk of even worse suffering being there at any moment and existing can get much more unbearable beyond how we even can imagine and that is the case for all humans trapped in this decaying flesh prison.

We only exist as a tragic consequence of evolution in the first place and that is all, any meaning to existence beyond this is a delusion. Existing in this world truly is dreadful to me and I've always preferred the sound of not existing, and all of this is why I cannot stand it when people go on about people being too young for suicide, and that young people always have "temporary" problems. But what about when the problem is life itself, I know that I've had awareness of the true harmful nature of existence for such a long time.
People who see their own wish to die as being valid yet dismiss other people are hypocrites, but I'm not even surprised that people act such a way in this anti suicide society.
It's impossible to come at this premise- you've already declared death, or rather, non existence, as the ultimate good. And I find it impossible to come at that, it's co clean. So I'll skirt by it, and conclude that this makes murderers the good guys, right? As long as they're quick about it. I mean, anything that brings about quick death is a solution?
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Apr 12, 2023
I don't agree that anyone under 18 should just impulsively die but this post made me think.
What're you gonna do to make it better then? Since you and others alike want so badly for it to not happen.
Better give them what they need otherwise and even then, they could absolutely still want to die.


A day in the life
Jan 8, 2021
FuneralCry, you are only 22 years old and you have already managed to contribute 22,000 messages to this forum..?! Holy shit. And you preach such negative views of existence at such a young age... I'm so sorry that in such a short time of living you've already been pushed to see the world in such a dark light. I cannot imagine you have had many beautiful/joyful moments in life if you already believe the world is purely suffering and nothing more. :aw:
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May 9, 2023
Little kids running around talking about wanting to die says more about existence than the kids. Children are pure and rely more on instincts than common sense. Make of that what you will...
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flesh object

flesh object

Feb 15, 2023
Everybody has their own thoughts and feelings. Those who have suicidal tendencies may not be fully understood by another individual, and the same can be said for that individual as they may not fully understand the one that is suicidal.

I believe it's unfair for another person to invalidate someone else.

Us humans never agreed to be brought into this world, especially those who did not have the greatest of childhoods such as myself. The fault lies in the parents who failed to secure a exceptional life, and so those experiences while we were younger shape our mind today. Parents who know full well that our lives will be hell or not exceptional and still chose to bring us into this world are extremely selfish, to satisfy their needs of having children.

When I was younger I was constantly invalidated, so much so that conversations would always turn into arguments with my family. I've had experiences where they would try to deny how I am because "I wasn't the main one being abused" or that "I shouldn't remember anything". People will never truly understand what it's like to be you, people that are not suicidal.

Life being good is subjective, and those who do not have good lives shouldn't be controlled by strangers or those who call themselves family.

This may seem cold or messed up, however I have the belief that people who do not know the individual, shouldn't have right to be upset. I've had experiences where a complete random stranger went up to a friend of mine and screamed at them or ran their mouths about me because of my mental state, but they would never fully understand.

There needs to be an understanding on this topic, the severity of what the person has went through to desire CTB, I definitely agree that randoms kids who have one small issue shouldn't be able to, however what about those who have went through literal hell?

The age to CTB could be very controversial, but what I am trying to share is, people may never truly understand eachother.
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A day in the life
Jan 8, 2021
Little kids running around talking about wanting to die says more about existence than the kids. Children are pure and rely more on instincts than common sense. Make of that what you will...

Kids are unbelievably impressionable. They are like a hybrid of a sponge and a parrot where they absorb what they hear/see around them, and then naively repeat the behavior to other kids.

I've worked quite a bit with children, and it wasn't unusual to hear 8 year olds literally talking politics (specifically Trump). When I would eavesdrop, they very clearly didn't understand any of the words/phrases they were saying, and it was incredibly apparent that they were just repeating the stuff they heard their parents say at dinner the night before. Same thing goes for kids that admire their older siblings. They often mimic what their "cool" older sibling does.

Also I don't know which kids you hangout with, but it is not normal (nor common) behavior for kids to go "running around talking about wanting to die". Whichever kids you are referring to that do this are outliers and not a good example to start making generalizations. And even if that was hypothetically the case, it'd be more of a reflection on our culture (aka the kids environment) rather than anything "instinct" as you put it.
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