A poem
It's about that one dangerous person who haunts your soul that you know you have to say no to or else get pulled back into their cruelty.
Saying No To Ghosts
Sometimes, you enter me, an arrow
In an instant, you've pierced my heart, I'm floored
Like, where did *that* come from?
Nowhere….just nowhere
Tears start flowing
From somewhere…..
As if they've been storing up in a secret cove
Ready to engulf me in a random sneak wave.
And I realise, you still have a hold.
I mean, I'm going about my day
You pull up
Scarlet dream in a stolen car.
Urging me to get inside
"Go on"
You say
Come for a ride with me around the block, we can talk about old times"
But I know I won't want to get back out again.
I'll wanna ride that block like a it's a scalextric track, looping, reckless and giddy til the moon tires of her own silver and the early hours lust for dew.
First waltzer at a warm June fair!
And so, I'm very sensible
I appreciate the offer, but I'll make my own way back. I know you are a ghost of someone I never really knew. An illusion."
I say, swallowing all my precocious horses.
And sometimes, it takes me days to get home.
Back to that place I can finally exhale you.
Doing so, is like vomiting up a hard 'NO' of black coal
How denying your song bruises my throat!
Violet, magenta, the grey of cold ground.
I act human again,
Wearing normal like jeans
'Cause people say you're supposed to be comfy in jeans, but they always left me stiff and awkward.
A fraud.
Some of us were never meant for normal.
You saw me faking ordinary
Easy as Dumbo in kitten heels
And maybe you're laughing
From your fast car as you race your own dark night
Driving women off cliffs they didn't see coming.
But the more I practise,
The better I get.
At saying 'no' to ghosts.