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Mea culpa.
Dec 14, 2021
Not that fucked up. And most of us are here because we feel there is no help for us. We are beyond help, we're looking to ctb. Well that's fine if you are only considering ctb yourself, but for someone who says they have fantasies about murdering others or abusing children to be beyond help, that's a very different thing. That suggests they may try to harm someone, besides themselves.

This person cannot possibly get the help they need here, unless that is help to find a suitable method to end their own life. That is what this forum is. We are not a support group for aspiring mass shooters.
You're just pointless to talk to.
Okay, you are way better, be happy with yourself.
I agree, if you can't help someone, just do the opposite.
Everyone here said FUCK NO, the label op put was "help".

@myopybyproxy Well they've said that they think about shooting anyone they see so it was clear to me that they have generalised hatred for people, I gathered that they must have had a shitty life.
Edit:sorry, thought you quoted me
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Living but not really, just surviving
May 1, 2020
I am seriously thinking about going to school with a weapon and injuring as many people as I can and then (hopefully) ctb or be killed by police when they come.

It's fucked up I know.

I've been so infatuated by violence and the people who commit these types of crimes that it's all I can think about. Unlike most, I have nothing/no one I see worth living for. The life I have is financially stable, but emotionally barren - void of anything but my own dark desires.

I don't think I can keep living without ending up harming myself and/or others. It's a scary place to be mentally; nobody likes a murderer after all.

I have tried and tried to get help to prevent damage. I WILLINGLY attended therapy and WILLINGLY took my meds. I've spent time an inpatient facility and continued to see doctors to figure out what the hell is wrong. Ultimately, no meaningful change has come.

My irl friends don't care about hearing my issues so I just stop informing them. My family has given up on me and left me to fend for myself. I have to "grow up" eventually I guess. My mom straight up said, no joke, that if I get bullied, there's no need to tell her cause she won't give a shit and that it was probably my fault.

I am forced to endure most of my awake time in school. In school where students either treat me like an inanimate object or like a sub-human and teachers and admin not only tolerate it, but frequently join in with the teasing. The gaslighting, the slander, the hatred, it's never ending. And I can't connect with these awful people.

I may go ahead and ctb so I won't go through with it.

You can hurt yourself but not others. You find peace, it's a tough world we live in, the haves and have nots but things do change, some don't. Don't let others put you down, find ways to lift yourself back up, set tasks, set goals, do self defence classes, say no one will harm you. Build yourself and others will notice, you'll attract but do it for yourself only. Sending you good wishes


One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
I feel you, I thought this too before, before ctbing(failed attempts).
Specially because fuck it, there's some people wrong out there who I judge not being good...
Never about just blasting away on anyone... But there's a similarity, and specially not being able to a say a word about it before people start saying, "please don't do it"...

One or two woman were seriously mean, from my point of view back then, and some adults, and couple guys... Saying goodbye on a good ye day.....

Seriously, when attempting ctbing I did not hurt anyone, those feelings of getting off were there, I was younger though, much younger back then... Had some imagination on it...

I'm glad I never did hurt someone cause I'm okay know, kinda of... Cause I have regrets I have to still get over... But kinda ok, I'm glad I still have N in the fridge, makes me kinda of happy 😁 I don't use it though cause I'm kinda of ok

What medicines hace you tried? I wanna see please tell me.... SSRs? antiPsychotics? Schezofrenic? Others?

Have... Highschool you said? Even while in university I was ... Well not so bad cause of a special girl for few years that dealt with me and we got it off kinda cool, but on the inside I was still hurt trying to be better...

It's hell trying to be better and not finding any path,I felt like that...

You could still get better, I did when I was 37 on my 3rd or 4th attempt with N at hand... A person here helped me a Ton when he asked if I had ever had a hormone check-up, I did the next day and I'm so much better now

Even being off my depression hate life issues symptoms I still have something against couple of people out there... But I've behaved cool, acknowledge and still trying to get even better...

I can laugh now and have fun, even sex! Which I never did, even a partner, a woman who seems to understand me so cool, and she's funny, loving and sexy.

Can you go take a hormone check-up?

Could you rather just keep on writing here? People will answer , and read, and fuck it , I know it's so hard man... I have probably never read you here before, would you take that hormone check-up?

Would you write some messages here more often?

What's exactly wrong with you? So people if ore you?
Get some boxing lessons , get mad with a punching bag first, I know the hardest thing is getting into action and doing stuff you don't want to do...

Man I'm sorry for what life brought up to you... I have a father who treated me like if all I needed was strong will while I was really killing myself.... Yup, stupid dad, I hugged him last. Weekend, he's got a tumor now, so he might not, will not make it , damn...

I'll be 40 soon , 20 year of I'll feelings cause some hormone inbalance fuckup...

Keep on writing, get a hormone check-up, get N, or SN(dunno about that one but seems to work), having it is cool just in case....

What else can you do? Highschool you said? You are young, and even if not... Anyway i have to attend other issues now... Venting is cool, tell us more about what would make you feel better, would you?
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Dec 6, 2021
That you are not more shocked by the people saying they have sexual thoughts about children, or thoughts of mass murder, and you are taking issue with my comments, says much more about you than it ever could about me.

Person A: Has an urge to do something horrible, they realize it and fight their urge.

Person B: Has an urge to insult and condemn person A for their mere thoughts which they have no control over and go ahead with it without hesitation.

One harmful action is infintely worse than 1000 bad thoughts however horrible they are as long as they are no more than thoughts and thus a person who hasn't done evil, recognizes evil and fights it's own inner demon deserves some decency and benefit of doubt, some compassion and understanding.

Whereas I have little sympathy for someone coming here to insult people who are so agonized over their urges that they would rather die.
Maybe you should start with a reasonable post such as this:
If this person knows it's fucked up, they don't need to be coddled.

They need serious help that is outside the scope of this forum.

If they are an imminent danger to anyone, they need to turn themselves in, tell their psychiatrist, and get put into a safe place where they can't hurt anyone. Not posting about it on this forum.

This topic is putting the whole forum at risk.

Gets your view across, tells OP to seek help, warns of risks to the forum, perfectly fucking reasonable instead of starting with "you are a fucking moron psycho killer that will commit harm no matter what and who deserves to be forgotten"
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Mar 19, 2022
You mean like being victims of a mass shooting, or child sexual abuse?

Sorry to enlighten you, but most of us do not experience violent fantasies of hurting a lot of people.
My god, you really have no perspective here but your own. Good luck with that and may your throne of gold never topple!
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Red Scare

Red Scare

Mar 1, 2022
I'll post it again @Niko66 in case you missed it above:

Most of us are here because we feel there is no help for us. We are beyond help, we're looking to ctb. Well that's fine if you are only considering ctb yourself, but for someone who says they have fantasies about murdering others, that's a very different thing. That suggests they may try to harm someone, besides themselves.

This person cannot possibly get the help they need here, unless that is help to find a suitable method to end their own life. That is what this forum is. We are not a support group for aspiring mass shooters.

If they need another kind of help, such as help not hurting others, they need to tell authorities or their doctor that they are an Imminent danger to others, and get put somewhere safe where they can't hurt anyone.
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Mar 27, 2022
OP I hope you talk with those who have offered you the dms and they understand where you are coming from and want to be there for you.
I really think this back and forth should stop. I think this thread maybe doing more harm than good now.
Idk, just want everyone to cool off a little because I just see repetition and escalation.
I'm sorry to butt in like this.
But please, for the person who asked for help and those who do not know how to deal with the subject - maybe we should step back.
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Dec 6, 2021
I'll post it again @Niko66 in case you missed it above:

Most of us are here because we feel there is no help for us. We are beyond help, we're looking to ctb. Well that's fine if you are only considering ctb yourself, but for someone who says they have fantasies about murdering others or abusing children to be beyond help, that's a very different thing. That suggests they may try to harm someone, besides themselves.

This person cannot possibly get the help they need here, unless that is help to find a suitable method to end their own life. That is what this forum is. We are not a support group for aspiring mass shooters.

If they need another kind of help, such as help not hurting others, they need to tell authorities or their doctor that they are an Imminent danger to others, and get put somewhere safe where they can't hurt anyone.

Yeah this is another great example of a way to express your opnion in a reasonable manner! All I am saying is someone in SUCH suffering who hasn't even done anything wrong yet AND acknowledges their thoughts are wrong AND fights their urges AND seeks avenues of help for themselves such as what OP described on the FIRST POST deserves the fucking courtesy of not being insulted and condemned for their mere fucking thoughts when they are asking for help.

Just don't start by calling people insults and that they are remorseless psychos maybe? Ok so OP can't be helped, fine that is your opinion and in the quote above me you express that perfectly reasonably (ok maybe except where you call someone who expressed would rather die than murder an "aspiring mass shooter" that bit is honestly fucking disgusting.)
I have tried and tried to get help to prevent damage. I WILLINGLY attended therapy and WILLINGLY took my meds. I've spent time an inpatient facility and continued to see doctors to figure out what the hell is wrong. Ultimately, no meaningful change has come.

I may go ahead and ctb so I won't go through with it.

Aspiring? are you fucking kidding me? This person is FIGHTING this huge challenge they have been dealt with in life we don't even know for how long and how hard and you have the FUCKING AUDACITY to say they ASPIRE to be a mass shooter.
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Mar 19, 2022
Who in the fuck would volunteer for that shit? You admitted to harboring thoughts like the OP, thought you'd get a little practice in on some animals? That's sickening.

That you are not more shocked by the people saying they have sexual thoughts about children, or thoughts of mass murder, and you are taking issue with my comments, says much more about you than it ever could about me.
Good lord, now you're going back and editing comments that I've already responded to? Bless you.

I'd love to get all defensive here and try to help you understand what you're talking about but it's clear you have no intentions of understanding anything—just of attacking people for what they're going through. Your ignorance in this realm is comically absurd, though less comical than it could be because you are actively damaging people who are fighting to do the right thing in the face of horrible urges. You feel good about that, it's very strange.


Mar 18, 2022
I don't think I've seen the entirety of the conversation but from what I've seen so far I will say this: "if we were on trial for our thoughts we would all be hung".
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Red Scare

Red Scare

Mar 1, 2022
Yeah this is another great example of a way to express your opnion in a reasonable manner! All I am saying is someone in SUCH suffering who hasn't even done anything wrong yet AND acknowledges their thoughts are wrong AND fights their urges AND seeks avenues of help for themselves such as what OP described on the FIRST POST deserves the fucking courtesy of not being insulted and condemned for their mere fucking thoughts when they are asking for help.

Just don't start by calling people insults and that they are remorseless psychos maybe? Ok so OP can't be helped, fine that is your opinion and in the quote above me you express that perfectly reasonably (ok maybe except where you call someone who expressed would rather die than murder an "aspiring mass shooter" that bit is honestly fucking disgusting.)

Aspiring? are you fucking kidding me? This person is FIGHTING this huge challenge they have been dealt with in life we don't even know for how long and how hard and you have the FUCKING AUDACITY to say they ASPIRE to be a mass shooter.
I didn't call them an aspiring mass shooter. I said this is not a support group for aspiring shooters. Nobody is dealt the hand in life of being a mass shooter. That is self elected. All of us here have had a rough go of life. Most of us here probably haven't thought about going on a mass shooting spree.

I also didn't say they can't be helped. However if they are a sociopath, then that's not a condition that has any known treatment. The help in this case would be preventative, keeping them away from where they can harm others.

The op said they have done therapy, medication, etc. they said it hasn't helped. That's concerning, because it suggest that they might actually hurt someone in the future if they aren't stopped.


I'm a loose cannon - I bang all the time.
Aug 15, 2021
I don't think I've seen the entirety of the conversation but from what I've seen so far I will say this: "if we were on trial for our thoughts we would all be hung".

At least we are together in it?

We must all hang together, or most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
Benjamin Franklin
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Dysgenic Pup

Dysgenic Pup

A canine that’s not so heavenly.
Sep 18, 2021
I think it's good for people to share thoughts like this and not be belittled. I don't relate with this impulse at all and it's obviously a very terrible thought to have but the OP knows this just as well as the rest of us. I feel sorry for you OP.
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𝔄 𝔲 𝔱 𝔦 𝔰 𝔪
May 21, 2021
I am seriously thinking about going to school with a weapon and injuring as many people as I can and then (hopefully) ctb or be killed by police when they come.

It's fucked up I know.

I've been so infatuated by violence and the people who commit these types of crimes that it's all I can think about. Unlike most, I have nothing/no one I see worth living for. The life I have is financially stable, but emotionally barren - void of anything but my own dark desires.

I don't think I can keep living without ending up harming myself and/or others. It's a scary place to be mentally; nobody likes a murderer after all.

I have tried and tried to get help to prevent damage. I WILLINGLY attended therapy and WILLINGLY took my meds. I've spent time an inpatient facility and continued to see doctors to figure out what the hell is wrong. Ultimately, no meaningful change has come.

My irl friends don't care about hearing my issues so I just stop informing them. My family has given up on me and left me to fend for myself. I have to "grow up" eventually I guess. My mom straight up said, no joke, that if I get bullied, there's no need to tell her cause she won't give a shit and that it was probably my fault.

I am forced to endure most of my awake time in school. In school where students either treat me like an inanimate object or like a sub-human and teachers and admin not only tolerate it, but frequently join in with the teasing. The gaslighting, the slander, the hatred, it's never ending. And I can't connect with these awful people.

I may go ahead and ctb so I won't go through with it.
It's very brave of you to open up here about these feelings and intentions.

Please don't do it. You have nothing to gain from it. Idk what else to say. You must be In a lot pain to even thing of murder.

But don't go down that path brother.
If these feelings get out of control, open up to a therapist.
The people here trying to appeal to this persons sense of decency, you do realize that has never stopped a psychopathic killer before? Do you think those mass shooters don't know that they are taking away lives from people who wanted to live?

This should be met with condemnation, and no understanding whatsoever. If this dumbass thinks that being shot by cops is a good way to die, they obviously have watched too many movies where the bad guy gets shot and then is dead in the next frame. Instead of thinking how much it would hurt to sit there and bleed to death from multiple gunshot wounds. As if suicide by cop would be instant or painless. Fucking moron.

I want it to be said that no one will remember this loser. They don't even say the names of mass shooters on the news anymore. They'll receive no notoriety, no fame, no one will care to remember their name, and even if they did, no one would remember even 2 years from now, because who the fuck remembers any news story from two years ago? This person will be forgotten about, like they deserve to be.
You're honestly the dumbass here. You're fueling his rage while we're trying to appease it. Seriously shut up if you have nothing to say. You're only worsening his state of mind and that's very dangerous.
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Dec 6, 2021
I didn't call them an aspiring mass shooter. I said this is not a support group for aspiring shooters.

Yes, I am judgmental about people who openly admit to being pedophiles and aspiring mass shooters. Sue me.

Um, maybe you should get checked for dementia?
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Red Scare

Red Scare

Mar 1, 2022
Um, maybe you should get checked for dementia?
Are you unfamiliar with sarcasm? I just figured I would ask, considering that was quite clearly a sarcastic reply to someone who isn't even the op.
You're honestly the dumbass here. You're fueling his rage while we're trying to appease it. Seriously shut up if you have nothing to say. You're only worsening his state of mind and that's very dangerous.
What's dangerous is that you would try to appease anyone like this.

If they are so fragile that they cannot handle anything said here, they need to turn themselves in to authorities and explain that they are an imminent danger to someone else.
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Mea culpa.
Dec 14, 2021
Are you unfamiliar with sarcasm? I just figured I would ask, considering that was quite clearly a sarcastic reply to someone who isn't even the op.

What's dangerous is that you would try to appease anyone like this.

If they are so fragile that they cannot handle anything said here, they need to turn themselves in to authorities and explain that they are an imminent danger to someone else.

Just stfu already. Surely yelling at someone: YOU PSYCHOPATIC PIECE OF SHIT would do a much better job, thank you for showing us. Honestly, if I was them, I would turn myself right in after that.
You got your point across, you've no empathy for people going through these sorts of things. It's noted.
Let's just let people who might actually have helpful advice comment, as that's what op was looking for.
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Nobody gets out alive
Sep 10, 2020
Whether or not you believe in karma it doesn't change the fact there's a real possibility it exists.. you really want that burdened on your soul for eternity? Its kind of a long time.
and just cuz you ctb afterwords doesn't necessarily mean it's over. I pray for you buddy, and wish you the best..

just imagine having that same intensity of joy and peace in your soul instead of anger and darkness when it's over.. you can be free from all this pain with no lingering hangups.. you have to believe it's possible

I pray you stop torturing yourself .. it's only going to lead to a cycle of hardship now and beyond
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I'm a failure. An absolute waste. A LOSEr.
Apr 6, 2021
This is sickening. Not, per se, what @erdbeeren posted, but that the replies have turned @erdbeeren's genuine turmoil into a thread about themselves. It's relieving to see, amidst the insults, the calls for shunning, and disgust, that there are people who may not fully understand what @erdbeeren may be going through, but are extending an olive branch - something that you'd expect from a suicide forum.
I've been so infatuated by violence and the people who commit these types of crimes that it's all I can think about. Unlike most, I have nothing/no one I see worth living for. The life I have is financially stable, but emotionally barren - void of anything but my own dark desires.

I know how this feels. I know how it feels to exist around people, indulging in the colours of life whilst your own is noir. How this creates a deep chasm that causes you to see no one as worthwhile to you. How, maybe, you hate expressions of empathy and love because you have never experienced it yourself. How you can't even look at another person with this dark shit-head of a voice, making you envision you killing them.
I don't think I can keep living without ending up harming myself and/or others. It's a scary place to be mentally; nobody likes a murderer after all.

It's not just scary; it's absolutely terrifying. I'll assume, from the nature of the post, that you and I are alike - you don't want to hurt someone, but it's not something that you can decide. You don't like the idea of becoming the bearer of grief. This feeling is exasperated when you realise even mentioning something like this to anyone else, would make your feeling of loneliness, and misanthropy ten-fold worse. People will assume you're crazy, that you're psychopathic, and.. then you'll become one, because that's what they already see you as.

I'll use this to raise a question - of all serial killers and psychopaths you may know of, I can assure you a good handful of them never mentioned any of their thoughts to anyone, for this exact reason. When medication, and therapy doesn't help - as if that could, when these alternatives don't even help disorders like depression - they're fucked. Locked in mental asylums, imprisoned, be-what-say-you. People with these thoughts see from a distance that keeping it to themselves is a much better alternative. Though, we know what happens when they keep to themselves.

My irl friends don't care about hearing my issues so I just stop informing them. My family has given up on me and left me to fend for myself. I have to "grow up" eventually I guess. My mom straight up said, no joke, that if I get bullied, there's no need to tell her cause she won't give a shit and that it was probably my fault.

I am forced to endure most of my awake time in school. In school where students either treat me like an inanimate object or like a sub-human and teachers and admin not only tolerate it, but frequently join in with the teasing. The gaslighting, the slander, the hatred, it's never ending. And I can't connect with these awful people.

I have no other words than to say that I'm deeply sorry, and you aren't alone in what you're feeling. But like the others said in this thread, no matter how awful people have been to you, killing them won't solve anything. People will villinaise you, and tarnish your grave. By mass culling, you'll have done nothing but prove to them that they were right about you all along.

I'll admit my ignorance on resources to help sociopathy and psychopathy. I'm sure there are resources that can help. But what I've been practicing is trying to build up empathy. One of the best ways to do that is to find someone genuine - a friend, a significant other, you name it - and build a connection. My DMs are open if you want to talk to me, but the person you choose doesn't necessarily have to be on this forum. I'd recommend, actually, you didn't choose someone from this forum, because.. most of us will die. I have a close connection with my professor in college, and learning about them, their marriage, their future prospects, their past experiences and et alia is fascinating, and allows me to be more understanding of humanity. I'd also recommend books discussing humanity. Perhaps this may be quite controversial to suggest, but a book I've read a while ago called No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai is brilliant - he discusses the very same condition were in, in haunting detail. Please, don't go through with your thoughts... I wish you well, friend.
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Aug 19, 2021
Can an admin delete this? This is probably a troll.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Not sure if you want advice or not, but after having neurotypicals get emotional and start calling you names (bruh moment), I think I'm in the clear if I just end up giving bad and unwanted advice. Just skip it if you don't want advice.

Trying to get back at the people bullying you or whatever in a legal way might work. Catch them cheating, thinking of things to say back at them if they bully, pranks, things like that. Basically going with the urges but at a lower, controlled and legal way. Has to be hundreds of options here. I don't think this approach is great, but it might act as a replacement for your current aggression. Best would be to never even really do anything, but just spend time planning revenge in a legal way. Otherwise the conflicts/bullying may escalate if they find out you're pranking them or whatever.

As someone else said, getting the aggression out by exercising could be good. Distractions should work, as well.

Another idea is to try to get better social skills. When I was younger I'd used to watch YT vids about social interactions and it worked out really well when I used all of the tips in school. Meaning, you might be able to be perceived as "high status" or "cool" if you keep at it. If you can also be likeable the bullying should stop, in theory. Likeable + high status shouldn't get bullied, actually likeable might be enough if you can't summon the confidence necessary to be perceived as powerful right away. There's a lot of stuff about body language and vocal tonality, things like that. I'd add mindsets, as well, very important socially. I believe you are also autistic, yes?

The school staff joining in on the bullying I hope is not frequent and I suspect that you might be exaggerating here. If they are, then that's shitty, ofc. Just make sure to not take one or two incidents and then write off any chance of getting help from the school teachers/admin, if that's available in any way.

Sorry about your mother, terrible. Also, I have no idea why anyone thinks medication would help someone from these kinds of social problems. I received meds that made me insane and aggressive, in a similar situation. Much of this could actually be the medication. Giving people pills for not having friends/girlfriend/good future/etc I think is just straight up retarded. They gave me this weird, unnatural energy/drive and I had nothing positive to direct it to, so became more aggressive and had a lower impulse control. Obviously very bad to combine this with alcohol, as well. If I would have ended up in a hostile situation during this time I think I could have acted aggressively against other people (I was always attacking inanimate objects during the rage attacks).

I'm also going to recommend mindfulness meditation. At least try it for five minutes if you've never done it. Many different styles, just look something up online and do the one that you think makes most sense for you. In theory, it'll untangle your thoughts/emotions and help you see things more clearly. Might make things we think we need seem less important and help cope with emotional pain (for me this happens). There are also more relaxed/informal ways of getting similar results without having to do formal meditation. Can be done while doing almost anything, just focusing on sensory experience instead of getting dragged into thought-world, in a nutshell.

Also, finding any way you can to take this all less seriously might help. Joking about it, etc.

Things tend to take some time before producing results, but some stuff can give instant benefits. Anyway, try to not kill anyone. Will just make things worse for yourself, and others (obviously).
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Dysgenic Pup

Dysgenic Pup

A canine that’s not so heavenly.
Sep 18, 2021
I think it's alright for the OP to express his feelings but the people encouraging it are quite the weirdos.
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
I am seriously thinking about going to school with a weapon and injuring as many people as I can and then (hopefully) ctb or be killed by police when they come.

It's fucked up I know. [...]

I don't think I can keep living without ending up harming myself and/or others. It's a scary place to be mentally; nobody likes a murderer after all.

I may go ahead and ctb so I won't go through with it.

Hey, @erdbeeren! I think it is a good thing that you are still able to recognize that these thoughts and ideas are "fucked up" and that it would be wrong to do this horrible thing. It sure looks like you do NOT want to do it. I just want to tell you that you are NOT your thoughts. You're not a horrible person or a psychopath out of having these thoughts. [Actually, acting on these thoughts is different, though.]

PLEASE, ASAP, tell one of your mental health practitioners about this and give them all of the details. It sounds like you need a different treatment plan. As an example, when I take Prozac it causes me to obsess on suicide (not necessarily act on the thoughts, just have the thoughts very persistently, like an ongoing tape loop). Knowing that's true for me, I've no doubt that other drugs can mess up a person's thinking, and I also know that not all of the drugs do this. The right drug(s) for you will NOT do this.

To be clear, what I mean by "ASAP" is that this is urgent. You should call someone, even 911 if you have to. Don't go back to school feeling like this and carrying a weapon. It sounds like you are still young enough to make positive changes and have a good life, but you need to take the first step of telling a mental health practitioner what is going on. Please.
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Dec 6, 2021
Feel free to ignore my posts. If you have a problem with someone telling aspiring mass shooters and pedophiles in no uncertainty terms that they are fucked up, and you dislike my approach, then please, just ignore me.
Forgot about this one too?
Are you unfamiliar with sarcasm? I just figured I would ask, considering that was quite clearly a sarcastic reply to someone who isn't even the op.
Red Scare

Red Scare

Mar 1, 2022
Forgot about this one too?
It wasn't obvious that I was being sarcastic, referencing the thread from the other day? I thought surely you picked up on that since you posted a link to the same thread. Yeesh.
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Dec 6, 2021
It wasn't obvious that I was being sarcastic, referencing the thread from the other day? I thought surely you picked up on that since you posted a link to the same thread. Yeesh.
What a kidder you are! I guess when you first call OP a psycho killer it was for funs too? Or is it just the aspiring part that's sarcastic?
Red Scare

Red Scare

Mar 1, 2022
Except I didn't call the op a psycho killer?


Sep 21, 2020
What on God's green earth have I just read?

I'm not getting involved in this, other than to say - this sort of post can be hugely detrimental to this community.
I'm all for people feeling free to express themselves on here in a way they couldn't elsewhere, but fuck, there's still a boundary.
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