6-8 this weekend
With my ex BF reastablshing contact and finally getting the gender dysphoria diagnosis I have been waiting for for 30 years, I should be hopeful and looking forward to the future, ....... but I don't feel that way. I have been on DIY hormones for 27 months with good blood values and I still look completely masculine, my dysphoria is as bad as ever. An endocrinologist isn't going to make a differance. And as my dysphoria isn;t getting lesser, it will just chase my BF away again.
In most ways I have been regressing in the last year for no apparent reason. I have no T or DHT in my body, so it shouldn;t be possible for me to remasculinize, but still this is what's happening. Makes me feel like it's a higher power that's preventing my transition. It makes me feel cursed
There were only two things that improved in the last 1.5 years. With the help of many hair products I managed to have some progress with my hairline and the overall fullness of my hair. And after 18 sessions of laser i was finally getting some actual improvemnet, when it came to reducing my beard shadow. In the last few weeks I had worst hairloss I ever had and I'm now more bald than I have ever been. Also my beard shadow returned with lots of new hairs just popping up.
Now that vaginoplasty might be an actual possibilty in a few more years, I feel forced to try and keep myself goign till then, but at the same time...life is just so unbearably painful and I don;t see any hope that it will get less.
This weekend I have been trying to distract myself somewhat, but not really succesfull. I isolated myself again, because I;m ashamed how masculine I look, but i know hat tomorrow I have to go back to office again and it makes me very afraid. I have been trying out meditation and mindfulness, but it isn;t really working for me.