
Feb 14, 2019
I'm just in a mood and feel like word vomiting so warning LONG rant ahead from the my suicidal over used benzo mind:

Breif history about me- I had a emotionally distant father growing up and an over smothering mother so I never developed a sense of identity, I endured religion abuse in a christian school, I constantly saw anger and fighting growing up, I was bullied for severe acne and being different from middle school to highschool until magically I looked " attractive" at age 18 (despite my low self esteem. 18-22 were the best years of my life .. good relationship, carefree, worry free, no adult responsibility. At 22 I go into a relationship with man who was physically ill and we were homeless a lot, meds and alcohol caused him to be abuseive,he publicly apologized his faults and I forgave him and wanted to marry him again recently but he tragically died. I met a another narcissist who ruined my life and raped med when I had no birth control. I became pregnant and decided to keep her but she died before birth. He wasn't there to support me as I held my dead child in my arms he was out whoring around. He was mentally, physical and sexual abusive and cheated twice, and stole 2 thousand from me. I cannot get over the death of my child or the death of my beloved dog that soon followed. I have Asperger's, C- ptsd, severe depression, anxiety, apathy, borderline personality, dependant personality, severe insomnia, IBS, tinnitus, chronic fibromyalgia pain. These are not easy fix issues most have no cure and prevent the person from living a decent life. These are just short summary of why I want to ctb...it goes much deeper.

Now my rant or sorts:

Why are my problems, grief, sorrow, and mental physical condition not valid according to society?? I am NOT under any circumstances taking a jab at anyone or downplaying anyone's suffering because all our reasons and pain IS valid...but I truly don't understand why just because my ex fiance died I'm treated as less by society vs someone who's husband/wife died. Again this has Nothing to do with people here and their behavior but society's attitude towards it. If I had a "legal piece of paper" stating I married him then it would be tragic but since he was just a fiance I receive the "get over it, and date again" advice. I would have 100% been married to him if their hadn't been paperwork issues and then it all got put off because of his deteriorating health and our homelessness. Society doesn't seem to grasp that love is love, pain is pain and grief is grief despite having some piece of paper, a title and government benefits married vs unmarried get. I grieve, I hurt, I cannot get past his death or the death of my child...but yet I get treated as if my pain isn't as valid because we weren't "technically" married. Let me stress again this is society I'm mad at no one on ss has expressed this to me. Everyone grieves differently..just because one person can "get over" something doesn't mean another can. I cannot get over his death or my child's death ..it's just as real, painful, and heartbreaking and valid as a widowers pain... BOTH our pain is valid. I simply cannot accept having to find someone else and date again when my mind wants one person only. Plus no one would want someone with severe emotional baggage like I have. I don't understand why people talk about loving your self first or self love when I want only one person and I cannot just extract myself from these feelings. I bonded with him and I could care less about starting over.

Now moving on to the next issue. My age. Just because I am 28 doesn't mean I can recover, get better or lead a tolerable life. I have been suicidal since about 14. I have been stuck trying desperately to improve my life for years now with the past 6 years being unbearable hell. My situation isn't a temporary problem it's life long. I'm like a square trying to fit in a round hole. I'm not suited to live in this socially driven world. Now back to my original point of my age...society seems to think that my age is too young and there is always options or ways out...well if you live in a red state in the US there is literally no options vs what blue state people have available. Red state people like me can't get medicaid which would at least lessen my burden...but nope... red state people get faced with debt, suffering or death if they get a serious condition that requires treatment (also no I cant move) Also Take the pph people for example...they require the person to be at least 50 before joining, it's as if someones problems in the 20s or 30s aren't valid. Many of us have had life long suffering, mental problems and yet be are denied assisted euthanasia because of age and mental issues. I don't get it why my age determines the amount of suffering I must go thru before my pain is valid. Severe abuse and trauma doesn't discriminate and effects the young equally as the old. It's so disheartening to realize society will prevent me at every turn based off my age alone....sure it *could* get better but my life has gotten exponentially worse due to failing miserably at being an adult with responsibility and social pressures to have good stable job, a relationship and or be married all because of my age I get dismissed like my abuse, pain, trauma and condition can somehow magically be over come.

Next topic is exestinal nihilism and general boredom of life. To me life is a wholly pointless endeavor...a means to and end. We work, we live, we die. Working my life away just to pay bills, insurance, healthcare costs and home costs just isn't enough to keep me alive. My would be husband died ..my child died before birth so I have no reasons to keep going. Yes I was supposed to have a daughter but it happend due to someone forcing themselves on me and No I do not want to "try again" I'm antinatalist now. I cannot conceive of bringing life into this world now with ALL my issues just so I have a purpose and not lonely. Quite frankly I'm bored with life...I take no enjoyment in anything I used to, I have no ambition, goals or dreams. It's a just pointless to me...in a few year no one will ever know I existed. I cannot work due to my long list of various conditions but working bring me nothing but added stress and heartache...to me working is pointless and I rather die than be a wage slave mindlessly toiling away because "that just what you have to do, what society say you have to do". For me it's pointless...a life of a wage slave is not one I want to sign up for.

My next topic is mental "illness" stigma. From my personal observation mental illness is dismissed and not taken as seriously by drs. Mental patients are dismissed, it's all in our head, here is an ssri. If we could Freely talk about our feelings with out fear of being put in psychiatric prison, have a guaranteed job, free healthcare, a livable wage, and safe affordable housing where a rent cap is set then that would be steps in the right direction for suicide prevention...sure it won't solve everything but it's a start better than what we have now.

Next topic the "conventionally attractive" I'm just going to come out and say it..being conventionally attractive spares no one from suicide. I was called beautiful but my beauty has gotten me nothing but, used, abused and lied to. Where I become miserable brainwashed into the line of thinking that my purpose is just to serve someone else with my looks and sexual favors. Looks don't fix mental/physical issues. Some argue that good looks help but I guess I'm just personally jaded. All my cousins are less conventionally attractive yet they are married, leading good stable lives and are able to live. By the way I have horrible self esteem about my looks due to past drug use, and weight concerns...I look worn down and tired now..not pretty and full of life.

Next topic...my inability to work due to various things... Asperger's, c- ptsd, anxiety, chronic pain...so therefore money becomes the rootof my issues at the end of the day. If I had money I would postpone ctb until it felt right vs being forced into it. Society just sees a young woman who can walk and talk so therefore I magically must be able to hold a steady job and take care of myself.

These things were weighting I my mind...the rantings of a suicidal mind I'm too afraid to share else where. If I may make a special request I don't want to argue semantics here...this is just a personal vent and anyone can feel free to vent away and share their story...I should just make this a thread in offtopic I guess.
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F*ck this sh!t I'm out
Dec 30, 2019
So I challenged Person C to refute my arguments on why I should have love.

"I don't get why people need love to live"
"I don't understand how a romantic relationship is better than a friendship"
"What are 'dates'?"
"What's so great about being married? Living together does not require a romantic relationship"

Anyways, my arguments were too shitty and they were weak against his. Like what the hell should I say, "Love prevents suicide"? Maybe, maybe not. Wwwwwell I mean I wouldn't be suicidal if I had the love that I wanted right????????? Fuck why can't I think of a good reason?

-Not lonely on Valentine's Day
-Sweet stuff
-Someone to help you go through the shit in life
-Love=best predictor of happiness and quality of life

Ok.....ok I think that's better.
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fat cringey shut-in
Jun 19, 2019
Cosmetic surgery, cosmetic surgery, cosmetic surgery, cosmetic surgery, cosmetic surgery, cosmetic surgery, if I can't be happy or successful could I at least be pretty
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Aug 5, 2018
I don't have any real friends. Nobody wants to talk to me :((((((
I can't even move on in life or death.
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Sockeye Salmon

Sockeye Salmon

Mar 28, 2018
Goddamn this FUCKING quarantine, making me stuck at home with family who is annoying and abusive, with the dirtiest bathrooms and terrible food, and it looks like I'll be stuck here for a few more weeks. I'm losing my sanity.

You guys will see me soon in the news, when I eventually lose my sanity, throw a fit, and burn down my fucking house.
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Reactions: Woodnote, BabyYoda, mediocre and 1 other person


F*ck this sh!t I'm out
Dec 30, 2019
I slept the whole day today. This lockdown really fucked up my "sleeping schedule"
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You saucy boy!
Feb 12, 2020
I'm back on SS after my couple day break. I've learned now that I can't kill myself even though I want to do bad. I care too much t destroy him by destroying myself. I hope everyone here is doing alright <3
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Photography by Haris Nukem.
Jan 19, 2020
Why why why why why why whyyyyy???? That is all I have to say. Even on a site where we are free to express ourselves, I don't be trusting y'all. I'm constantly asking "Why?" Why does it have to be this painful and my reality?
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Apr 5, 2018
6(Cosmetic surgery)
Lul, I read this as cosmic surgery first... Now I'm thinking about a cosmic surge. Cosmetic purge.

Why why why why why why whyyyyy???? That is all I have to say. Even on a site where we are free to express ourselves, I don't be trusting y'all. I'm constantly asking "Why?" Why does it have to be this painful and my reality?
Are you curious about the cause or the cause? Ha! Get it? the purpose of whatever you're asking why, or the underlying causes of it?
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Reactions: Woodnote and Lorntroubles


F*ck this sh!t I'm out
Dec 30, 2019
I watched The Platform last night
Good movie

Fuck this stupid life where the world is based on inequality
People are so selfish
Even with other things such as LOVE it's a fucking privilege......................
No one can truly be control of their lives BECAUSE OF THIS FUCKING INEQUALITY SYSTEM .............
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Aug 5, 2018
I can't do this anymore. I'm tired of it. The good guys never win. We always lose. How do people expect to endure this crap. I don't want to lose anymore. I just can't. whatever we do none of it matters. All we're doing is striving for an ideal that'll never happen. And what is it all for. We die out eventually. There are no rules in this world. No god. Nothing. If you don't control life it will control you.
I did everything I could. I always tried doing the right thing and it never ever worked out. Look where I am now. what is it all for. So some god can say oh look at my creation. Still believing in me a piece of dipshit god who doesn't give enough of a fuck about his creation to actually do something about the pointless suffering thats going on.

We don't even have a fighting chance. Evil can do whatever it wants and the good people have to go by the rules. There is no way to win in this world. Whatever god there is..is a sadist. It doesn't matter how far you go back in history. For every head that the Hydra loses a dozen more come back. Evil always triumphs. and people behave like sheep for what? So you'll get to go to your imaginary heaven? This. This is the life. This is what matters. This is what is real. This life isn't in your head and pretending like everythings fine with your zen like spiritual bullshit ignoring attitude isn't going to change shit!

My advice for anyone stumbling upon this: Stop believing in playing by the rules. Stop. Just Stop. Nobody does and if you do you'll get fucked up. Every bone in your body and every piece of your soul will be shattered into a million pieces and splintered into the winds only to be never seen again. You'll never see them again and you'll be forever broken. Don't try and play the hero. Heros die young for a reason. They'll be forgotten and they'll do nothing but delay the inevitable if they succeed at all.
live your life to the best of your ability.
Nothing else matters. Don't buy into that religious crap or any other of that philosophical bullshit. Look at history.
I'm done with this life. I'm tired of losing.
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F*ck this sh!t I'm out
Dec 30, 2019
I can't forget the things that Person B said to me. I just watched a pro-life video that has been marked as inappropriate and it reminded me of him.

*referring to some daily activity I do* "At least you have something to look forward to"
"Favorite persons don't last long"
"Suicidal people are only looking for relief"
"If your appearance isn't good then there must be something to compensate that. Like for example I'm good at blah blah blah"
"College relationships don't last long"
"You don't owe anyone empathy"
"How pathetic and stupid"
"You're self-pitying now"
"Do you want your life to end like this?"
"Do you want me to walk away from you?"
"I've been nothing but patient towards you, so if I can't help you then there is nothing else I can do"
"Don't squander those who want to help you"
"Get over yourself"
"List whatever you're grateful for"
"The world sucks, but so what"
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silent staring void

Jan 22, 2020
Lol today I managed to act so weird in public that some random stranger asked me if I was fine awdsfzdhfgcf
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Sep 3, 2018
I don't know how to describe this but I feel so incompatible and getting more sensitive with both daylight and nighttime now like I'm an alien inside a human body especially since summer is coming which I absolutely hate. Daylight reminds me of lost potential where no matter how hard I try to forget and pretend it's a new day I always sink back into the bottomless pits of grief, loneliness, depression, boredom, etc. anyway. No matter how beautiful it looks outside I'm always depressed. No matter how bright it is I always feel and see darkness. No matter how peaceful it is I'm always battling something within myself. Atleast with nighttime I can feel somewhat okay, but at the same time no matter how hard I try to accept it into my life I feel troubled by the darkness somehow with it's unnerving silence and sense of decay.
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Aug 5, 2018
I don't even really have a choice anymore. this crap life. It was doomed from the beginning. It is fucked up.
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Reactions: Woodnote, Weeping Garbage Can and RaphtaliaTwoAnimals


# 978
Jun 28, 2018
Somebody somewhere on planet Earth just ended their suffering(s)
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Dec 7, 2018
Pretty bored.
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Jun 8, 2019
And the darkness comes crashing back in, no rhyme or reason. I had two good weeks.
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Dec 28, 2019
Listening to David Bowie's Life on Mars? thinking life is "a god-awful small affair".
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Life is a tiring loop. I think everyone on the planet should know about the meaningless loop right now.
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Jun 8, 2019
I'm glad I'm so easy to forget, it will make this all so much easier.
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
I'd like to find a big fat 4th grade bully and just beat the fucking shit out of him.
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You saucy boy!
Feb 12, 2020
Three days clean. Baby steps I guess
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ill / failure
Mar 20, 2020
Everyday is pure pain - and no one even knows how much of it I have to experience everyday. No one.
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Aug 5, 2018
Three days clean. Baby steps I guess
Good luck man. Going cold turkey like that is not easy. Been trying for a while too. Best I did was two weeks. Never give up.
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F*ck this sh!t I'm out
Dec 30, 2019
I don't want to care about love and relationships anymore. Who needs that shit anyway.
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Jun 8, 2019
Please don't let me wake up tomorrow.
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Sack of Meat
Sep 3, 2018
It's 4:30 pm and I'm already falling apart.
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Feb 14, 2019
I have made up my mind there is no way in hell I'm turning 30 unless things have improved to be tolerable. I have rest of this year and next left. And if I feel courageous enough I will just go soon. I have my method...it's just a matter of time now. this damn covid thing really messed up any chances I had.
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Reactions: Arvinneedstodie, lululoo, mediocre and 3 others


Sack of Meat
Sep 3, 2018
The old blunt box cutter in my room failed to get through my skin. Am I still clean?
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