

Apr 22, 2019
Today is the day i make the decision take back my abusive ex who i broke up with three months ago, lose any freedom i may have but have him here with me and kids, or continue on alone in hope of a better happier life and make sacrifices and really live for me and kids and block the ex out of my head. Get over him or trust he has changed? Im so confused....

Been called a whore for days at a time....i do ask myself why am i even consider taking back someone who does not respect me or love me the way i need to be loved ... He has broken me i am weak...

Decisions decisions .......
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Apr 5, 2018
I call it social masturbation, and I like it! A bunch of members put their content on forum and anyone is able to masturbate (like, love, hug) on it. There is no need for reciprocity at all, I can like your comment/follow you, but you don't necessarily have to like mine/follow me. As with sexy pictures, we can like some of them and discard the others, report illicit content and ignore gross content. One picture can be liked by multiple members, there is no hard limit for the quantity of likes. (Technically there might be; I'm not in good terms with programming. Don't mind me, I'm just taking my pedant for a walk.)

We don't leave behind those who aren't liked because everyone is free to like whomever he or she wants. And if you don't like anyone, then you can try your luck someplace else. Books and movies and videogames represent the specialized content made by a person or a group. You know, credits section that you rarely even read. Some of it is even of a good quality. I think it makes sense to submerse into good quality content at one's leisure, because we have only 24 hours in a day, and it's unwise to devote personal free time trying to fit into some social group when you have better things to do and to get.

The word "antisocial" amuses me when I think of it. Because it describes someone or something that opposes/conflicts a particular social group. What if there are two social groups opposing each other? Would that mean that everyone is antisocial? If we call someone or something antisocial, don't we have to complete the meaning by also naming a specific society or kind of it that is being opposed? And it is usually said like being antisocial is the problem of individual, not a society. As if it's not society that is predisposed (I used this word intuitively, like most of them; no idea what does it mean or whether it's applicable in this instance) against a certain kind of individuals.
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Oct 21, 2018
Music has been my best friend lately.. I have been feeling so empty and lonely. Got roped into this holiday from hell which has only made me sicker
I cannot leave for another week.
My grandad also died today. Rip to my grandad. X always in my heart forever and ever

I miss my bf n I wanna go home
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Jun 16, 2019
Ah the reciprocation principle... I'm never sure if it's appropriate. For example, I surprisingly got a birthday present from a classmate whose birthday was a week before mine even though I didn't get her anything for her birthday. So at that moment I wanted to give her something as well to let her know that I appreciate the effort, but at the same time she'd think that I'm only reciprocating which would be awkward so I did nothing.
I didn't follow you back for the same reason lol, even though I like reading your content now. But I'm also too awkward to be the first to follow someone.

As for
Because it describes someone or something that opposes/conflicts a particular social group.
Yeah, I wouldn't neccessarily consider such a person to be antisocial.
There are probably some properties that are shared between all social groups(that their members don't mind each other's company and follow some implicit rules perhaps), which allows you to use the term anti-social or asocial(they're actually different) without referring to any particular group.
Take a person who dislikes the company of all people, no matter their individual characteristics, such a person dislikes socialazation itself, or someone who opposes any restrictions imposed upon them by an external source and refuses to obey them. I think that that person is a true candidate for the asocial/antisocial award.
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Apr 5, 2018
@irrelevant_string (Did you get a quotation alert from this message? I never used that strange symbol in tandem with user nicknames.)

reciprocation principle
Thanks of the reference, I'll look into it more... Unlike giving away things, 'following' cost me the minimum time and effort. I did this because I like your way of expression. Even though I don't always (far from it) understand what are you saying, I feel like I get it anyway, if that makes sense. On some unconscious pattern-thinking level. Or maybe I'm just delusionally filling unknown details of the picture with desirable content... It may happen all the time now when I think of it, and the more I think of it, the more befuddling the whole situation becomes, so I guess I'll stick to the surface for the time being.

Are you saying that it would be inappropriate to follow someone back as a form of appreciation, or because it would look like one, although you do it for another reason? I don't think I got it, and it's better to ask first than to make guesses. And maybe I felt it too by following someone who made the first move; I felt like it would seem as if I'm just returning the favor. Awkward, but not enough to avert my mouse from clicking 'Follow' button. Feel free to practice on me.

Yes, yes... makes sense. "Social" not in terms of a concrete group, but... things that all groups have in common. I'm quite sure there are two scientific terms that give name to both descriptions but I don't know them. Like a red car could mean a specific red car or a set of all red cars, or things that all red cars are sharing but not with cars in general.


Jun 7, 2019
More than anything I want to cry in the arms of someone who loves me
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Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018
Having a heart of gold has turned my mind into stone. T'is one of the worst traits a human being can have in this society.
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Jun 8, 2019
Note to self: don't skip your heart meds for multiple days. You'll feel like shit. Counterpoint: do skip your heart meds for multiple days. Maybe you'll kick the bucket naturally.
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Alive and unwell
Sep 9, 2018
I wish there was a suicide bus flying to all the suicidal people around the world and you can just hop on (catch the bus), take a seat and fall asleep forever
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Jun 1, 2019
Peroni, £5 a pint, I fuckin ask ya. My first ever pint was 22p and I thought that was steep. Could get well pissed on a fiver and still have change for a bag of chips on the way home. I sound like my friggin grandpa.
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Jun 7, 2019
I've been finding myself crying a lot lately I just know my end is near
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Jun 27, 2019
I wish there was an easy way to forget all about my stupid fucking daydreams.

Also wish my mom would stop asking for money and that I would stop giving it to her.


Jun 9, 2019
So at the resort. there is a single mum with 8 kids.. you know how i wished i had kids.. their presents here is kind of making me glad i never had children :-) they are simply horrible to her. the abusive language is just horrible.. so i brought the poor women a drink. and she is 29 with 8 kids talk about being turned into a baby factory.

also i got to play my cello and violin in front of a small audience last night at the resort.. kind of enjoyed doing that. but was nervous as hell and was sweating in places where it is very unconformable to sweat.
Last edited:
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Jun 16, 2019
@irrelevant_string (Did you get a quotation alert from this message?
Yep, it's a very neat tool. I'd use it whenever mentioning a forum member without quoting them, it's good manners.

Thanks of the reference, I'll look into it more...
Yeah, so will I. I wasn't referring to any psychological/game theorist/behaviorist term or anything fancy, just used the term intuitively to mean - the societal expectation of reciprocity and our inclination towards it(or something like that).
Even though I don't always (far from it) understand what are you saying
Don't worry, you're not the only one, there are people on this forum who've told me the same. I conclude from that that there's something wrong with the way I express my thoughts. It's probably my inability to put myself in someone else's perspective and understand what's implicit in my thinking because my brain made an association that yours didn't since there wasn't the same flow of thoughts.
Or I'm just trying to sound smart when I'm really just a potato.

I felt like it would seem as if I'm just returning the favor
That's it.
I'm probably just projecting what my reaction wiuld be if it happened to me. But what do I know, maybe it's customary behavior on the internet. I'm not really a social media expert, I'm still a novice here.

Feel free to practice on me
I just did.


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Jun 27, 2019
I feel immense compassion for all beings, living and dead. I don't love everyone but I don't hate anyone either. If you are reading this, I just want you to know that you are loved. It may not be much but it is all I have to offer.
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Oct 21, 2018
Thank you so much
That made me teary

Love you to
I feel immense compassion for all beings, living and dead. I don't love everyone but I don't hate anyone either. If you are reading this, I just want you to know that you are loved. It may not be much but it is all I have to offer.
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Alive and unwell
Sep 9, 2018
I feel immense compassion for all beings, living and dead. I don't love everyone but I don't hate anyone either. If you are reading this, I just want you to know that you are loved. It may not be much but it is all I have to offer.
Thank you so much
That made me teary

Love you to
Aww ❤
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Apr 5, 2018
Don't worry, you're not the only one, there are people on this forum who've told me the same. I conclude from that that there's something wrong with the way I express my thoughts. It's probably my inability to put myself in someone else's perspective and understand what's implicit in my thinking because my brain made an association that yours didn't since there wasn't the same flow of thoughts.

Maybe it's a wishful thinking, but you show an outstanding language finesse. I've had a pen pal who felt misunderstood among peers because they were, to put it bluntly, too dumb, and elders thought he was too young to talk about serious things... I'll take more spontaneous approach for now, because it's too much. It may be poorly constructed expression but understanding works both ways. It may also be inadequate comprehension, or maybe expression is constructed in very efficient way, and has too high comprehension difficulty floor. I'm saying it doesn't necessary mean that something is wrong with your ways. Not the opposite but not necessarily. I think people often discard any potential inabilities and it may seem as they (we) understand each other. The more you think of it, the more abysmal the gap of understanding seems to be. Maybe that's how things actually are, or it's just another cognitive trap. I'm saying it's probably okay to not understand and embrace the chaos. If something isn't clear we (in general) can communicate...

That made me thinking: is it correct to write else's or else'. It ends on "s" phonetically, bot not morphologically (is that the right word?); I'm confused.

Sorry for repeating words, I suck at being concise. If I am being concise then I'm likely not telling everything. Is it correct to use the word "reiteration" when "iteration" already means the process of repeating? Like repeat the process maybe?

Or I'm just trying to sound smart when I'm really just a potato.

I too sometimes trying to sound smart, to maintain self-image of a smart person. But I think it's better to just write down what you have. Its like trying to squeeze blue toothpaste out of the tube containing green toothpaste -- waste of time and effort, and nerves and maybe even talent. And by practicing genuine expression and improving it you can become smart-sounding without putting much effort into it.

I just did.

Maybe you could also get experience points form unfollowing someone who doesn't serve your interests anymore. Anytime you want.
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Jun 16, 2019
I think I know what you're trying to say. I've always had trouble putting it into words. The lack of one-to-one correspondence between thoughts/ideas and speech/language and the limits of spoken language as a means of transmitting ideas between seperate minds. It really bothers me when I can see that what I had in my mind is not completely contained in my message and trying to improve it only leads to more confusion on the recipient's side and just ends up being counter-productive.

That made me thinking: is it correct to write else's or else'. It ends on "s" phonetically, bot not morphologically (is that the right word?); I'm confused.
So am I. I'm not very proficient in linguistics but perhaps the word you are looking for is orthography, perhaps... Though if we are to be meticulous, the genus proximum in the definition of orthography would be "a study or a science", which makes it inaplicable as a property of a word. In other words, I'm not sure if it's valid to say "the orthography of a word", even though it sounds alright to me. Maybe "the orthographic represantion" would be more appropriate? Actually, I often hear "the phonology of a language" so it must be that it has other definitions, that do not include "study" or "science" as genus proximum, but something that a language or a word can posess. Well, it's probably just an accepted manner of speech and I'm just looking for patterns where none are needed.
I'm really not qualified to give explanations for anything related to English language.
Somebody else's seems correct to me. I wouldn't know how to pronounce somebody else'. Maybe it's an exception, or perhaps it is indeed the spelling that matters and not the pronounciation in the case of building possesives.
This really makes me appreciate the phonetic writing system of my native language.
Is it correct to use the word "reiteration" when "iteration" already means the process of repeating?
Sure, in the case of repeating an iteration. That's an interesting observation actually, I never thought about it.
There are many pleonasms and inconsistences in spoken languages though and we have to remember that their speakers are imperfect meat bags who should not be expected to be unconditionally logical and consistent. It's natural to have a word whose meaning contains something like "repetition" contain the prefix -re and since it's so common in everyday speech we're free to redefine it to have the same meaning as iteration. People are after all the ones who invented the language, we're free to modify it as well and create exceptions, especially if it serves a useful purpose of not feeling obliged to correct every person who uses the wrong form(and that'a probably the majority of English speakers).

As for unfollowing people... no, that feature is still locked until I reach some higher level. You'd be surprised what I'm willing to tolerate in other people just because I'm too socially inept to confront anyone about something that bothers me without making too big of a deal about it or sounding rude. The fancy term is agreeableness.
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I surrender... I SURRENDER!
Apr 26, 2019
Anybody know what happened to the user @IronTusk ? He didn't post any good-bye post, yet his account is deleted.
I am 99% sure he made a goodbye topic saying he was going to use the ami cocktail, if I remember right his post was deleted because he was offering people the details of his ami supplier but the mods couldn't allow it.
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I surrender... I SURRENDER!
Apr 26, 2019
There is balance, it just isn't apparent on the smaller scale. Doesn't matter to us.


Gene pool mistake
Oct 21, 2018
Today I woke up with slight heart-ache, but the fun thing is I did not felt any pulse. This is the second time I experience that. I can explain how is something like that even possible. Yesterday right before going to sleep I was reading some kind of mantra to die peacefully during my sleep and was thinking of my own funeral (doing this for about a year every day). I know this is irrational but I hope some day I won't even wake up.
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Apr 5, 2018
The lack of one-to-one correspondence between thoughts/ideas and speech/language and the limits of spoken language as a means of transmitting ideas between seperate minds. It really bothers me when I can see that what I had in my mind is not completely contained in my message and trying to improve it only leads to more confusion on the recipient's side and just ends up being counter-productive.

Yeah, well said. It's like a corrupted phone, but don't worry about my side. Confusion and me get along nicely... and I appreciate your brilliant text even if I'm not fully get it. And its not even written on your native language?

genus proximum

Wow, what a godsend! I was searching for this word/phrase for quite some time, and it's fancy too -- double as good.

I think I caught myself into another trap of trying to squeeze a toothpaste of a specific color. Common sense says that I shouldn't do things that do not serve me. I wanted to pronounce the sentence with "meat bags" in stylish HK-47 voice but it doesn't contain the sufficient amount of rapacious bloodlust.
I think I caught the big picture, or at least it's motion, and will definitely return here to discover some of it's hidden passages. I still feel the urge to correct myself and others (even if I have no idea how) to avoid misunderstanding, or even hostility.
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Jun 16, 2019
and I appreciate your brilliant text even if I'm not fully get it
Why thank you, that gave me a small confidence boost. Hopefully I don't start obsessing too much over that blue toothpaste as a result.

I wanted to pronounce the sentence with "meat bags" in stylish HK-47 voice
Commentary: That's exactly how I intended it to be.
Observation: You show good observational skills for a meatbag.

I had a similar reaction when I first heard of genus proximum, that magnigicent term. God bless Aristotle.
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Apr 5, 2018
Hopefully I don't start obsessing too much over that blue toothpaste as a result.
Balance is important, I guess? The opposite would probably be... I don't know, something incomprehensive like free writing.

Observation: You show good observational skills for a meatbag.
I think that came from a strong association between the term "meatbag" and assassin droid, and your way of writing things precisely. It either fires enough to notice or doesn't fire enough. It's almost as if decision is being made behind the curtain, like "dice throwing" in oldschool CRPGs, and we are getting the results, like army general gets report from lower-ranked officers.
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Jun 16, 2019
Balance is important, I guess?
Yeah. [Insert Thanos meme]
like "dice throwing" in oldschool CRPGs, and we are getting the results, like army general gets report from lower-ranked officers.
Huh that's a very nice way of putting it. And decision probably Is being made behind the curtain. There are actually scientific experiments that support this claim.

But it's hard enough thinking about it, it eventually leads to the problem of consciousness - the hard problem, mind-body problems, free will etc. and it's all so mind-boggling to me that thinking about such problems usually leads to my giving up on philosophy and science and proclaiming full-blown agnosticism as the only intellectually honest stance possible.

But even if it is in fact the case that we are just deluded about our free will, the illusion seems to be strong enough to allow us to call all this arguing simply a futile philosophical game and go about our day undisturbed, deciding what our next meal should be and whether or not we should help that beggar since Kreia is going to disapprove anyway.
Okay, I'll stop myself here, before something weird happens in my brain, like stack overflow due to so many recursive calls - mind thinking about itself thinking about itself...
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Jun 1, 2019
Had the little one today. By 4pm I was wanting to scream at her to just STFU. She never stops for a breath and its exhausting. Needless to say now, I fuckin hate myself for even thinking that way. C'est la fuckin vie
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Oblivion Lover

Oblivion Lover

No life, no suffering
May 30, 2019
2 days away from SS. 30 notifications. I'm shook.


Apr 5, 2018
But even if it is in fact the case that we are just deluded about our free will, the illusion seems to be strong enough to allow us to call all this arguing simply a futile philosophical game and go about our day undisturbed, deciding what our next meal should be and whether or not we should help that beggar since Kreia is going to disapprove anyway.

Oh god, I wanted to leave the response for tomorrow but now that you're mentioned Kreia I'm urged to make a hot one today. I was thinking if it was worth mentioning in my last response that she's my fav character from The Sith Lords, even though HK is fun, and wanted to say literally "you give beggar five credits -- she gives you a lecture". Can't wait to replay this game in original language to see her lines! And I used to like it purely for comb at perspective because I was only 12 or some sort. But then I was reviewing some content from Telos base on YouTube... Such deep and profound dialogues for a videogame... it blew my mind, such a gem! Uncut but still beautiful. I don't remember her disapproving though. I think she wanted to point out that small whispers create powerful echoes or stuff like that, and showed disapproval if Exile had to say "but this poor beggar in suffering...". Kreia acknowledged using people for personal gain, including herself herself, I think. God I love that old manipulative hag. Ok, I call it a night... for now.
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