

Oct 13, 2020
Im so angry about the fact that I was fooled into having hope for the future. Hope sucks
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Feb 14, 2019
I hate everything...fuck life...just fuck it all. Why should I have to die from unbearable suffering yet others live wonderful lives. My last last dream down the goddamn toilet. It has never gotten better..just WORSE
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Rad maker
Jul 30, 2020
03:and little in the morning.

I know it's wrong to take a shower at dawn, but needed something to clean up all that mess. I didn't shower yesterday. Yesterday was another one of those days when it didn't make sense to get out of bed, one of those days that didn't make sense to exist.

Turned off the shower faucet, and realized that i didn't just need to wash the dirt off my body, the dirt inside my head also urgently needed to be cleaned.

But would it make a difference to clean it all up if when i opened the door everything would get dirty again by her words?

Mom woke up angry and stomping. She wondered why i was unable to lay my head on the pillow and simply sleep. The light in my room reaches up to room hers, but that would be avoided if she weren't an idiot. She never let me have a door in my room, she was always watching me closely. This gets even more bizarre when she says the bathroom doesn't need a door.

I can tolerate attacks and bites directed at me. But i will bite you back if do the same to him.

He was there, standing in front of bedroom watching you. A brilliant eyes, but filled with dark circles. Why did you never ask what makes him without sleepy?

He's so small and seems to have grown tired of the dirt inside you too.

Tomorrow is your birthday, and i don't know what to congratulate you for.
I watched you talk on such subjects on your profile. I wanted to react but too late, you had it closed for further participation.
It seems like we really have SIMILAR ill-minded parents somehow ! Although your in-depth story, and some abandonment you've been victim of is really really nasty and sad :( I'm so sorry. Not only the events were enough to open a wound that heals with lots of difficulties, but then people who should have protected you came recklessly to put salt on your reddish flesh... That's fucking awful and disgusting.

My own mother will never cease to collide with me and put me down when at every moment I'm putting out best efforts to make everything work out for the both of us, including her. It never fails. She never fails to notify me that everything in her eyes feels wrong. She never stops to believe there's no other way than to force feed me with her views when we look nothing alike. We are opposite human beings in most every ways. Don't get me wrong, she's not only bad but unfortunately, at the end of the day, fabricated troubles is what I'm under constraint to remember of her. I never end to explain that she must change her behaviour and cool down if she wants improvements of our relationship. At best, when there is a sun eclipse once in a while, she will listen, but it lasts for 1-2 days max and then she's back at being mean and naughty ! The roots are out of her control. Maybe it originates from her own childhood ? I can tell she hurts herself. Maybe I hurt herself too unwillingly pfff. Certainly we cannot find an in-between agreement to evolve inside a peaceful atmosphere. She will repeat displaced remarks at me unlimited times, hammering bad vibes over and over again, shaming me, etc. It's like an eternal harassement which drives my energy down. It's even worse a fatality when she's my only family left. I'm separated to everyone else. She must be the only one IRL who has lost confidence in me and shows it without hesitation. She just can't help it but to pass on her shitty and tensed emotions onto me always ! that's right, since the very first daily encounter often, at any moment or opportunity available ! Like it's normal to attack me on all sides and that I'm supposed to resist. I'm never starting a fight myself. I just react defensively when she really abuses my consent and she does it a lot. Then I hold the exact same reactionnary attitude as you, I bite back fiercefully ! But we hate it right ? It's not a deliberate decision. We never asked to fail at communicating, to fail at understanding love. Trying to cope with an escaping trail bordering madness can't be sane. It's not normal to fail at maintaining an understanding and supportive parent-to-child mutual relationship.

I remember, if I would lock myself inside a room, for privacy and to just hide and rest and literally, protect myself from her assaults, but she would go as far to still use a screwdriver to open the door and be after me... I mean, WHAT THE FUCK.
I absolutely don't consider myself violent but peaceful with people, but I admit that she crossed my boundaries so often, closing her ears, closing her brain in between her ears, closing her heart towards me, that occasionally I begun to become repulsively violent at my turn. I got not escape but to rely on this solution :( So 2-3 times, I ended to throw water (put of bottles) at her, like I would do at a dog who tries to rape another one but won't obey to orders ....except that, in those cases, I was always diplomatoc prior to voice my concerns, I spoke out loud my limits and begged for mercy, but no, it was not sufficient ! I had to push her away physically. I made her cry accordingly. WHAT THE FUCK. Why do we have to arrive there, to these extents ? Why can we not succeed to accommodate both of our needs with intelligence and respect ? It made me cry so many times. It made me want to die so many times :( I feel for you goblins... I really feel for you whole heartedly.

I'm afraid these mothers won't improve. They just lock themselves in wrong directions and will bring you downwards with their fall. They're plainfully toxic, except for some attentions that they deliver correctly, which even messes us up more on our ends because it then sends mixed up signals and causes disturbed torments. In such conditions, it's so easy to get lost and feel the ground disappear under your feet. The back and forth of emotions is irritating and burns the hell out of your soul.
They really can crash your life... I would encourage that you never play the game of your mother. Refuse to play her game always. Run away for your life and do not pretend you can arrange her sliding affairs. Very concretely, first do not reply to her naughty words, it will only escalate. Disengage most possibly. Plus expose yourself the least amount of time among her perimeter... keep yourself a secret haven where you can be safe. Stay out of reach please, please, please. You're worth a lot better than the way she treats you. Neither invert the reality nor believe it's your fault and that you may be a failure, it's certainly far from the truth.

Lastly, hell yeah, dare to mess with the people who are fond to my heart, or just innocent, then I will mess with you. I am totally intolerant to injustice.
If someone dear to you got neglected (brother ?) and you assisted he/anyone was let down by fucking parents, it was damn your duty to stand up against ! It's also damn right to hold some angst that lasts. It's been a long long time that I stopped to celebrate my mother's birthday too. Some bonds broke inside of me forever. I will timidly wish her well but that's pretty what's left I'm capable of.
We're far distanced brothers and sisters who share common grounds, without blood ties but same same. No matter on which continent, lack of fairness can suck the same. Peace (& love)
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Aug 23, 2020
I think of all the opportunities I had when I was young, 18 to 23. To make a career, to get an education, to make friends, to find love, at least to have fun and create amazing memories. I missed almost all of them. Why? 90% of the reason is family.

When it happened I felt it was normal to support your loved ones, but now I'm older and all I can think is "what the F, mom?". My mother had a baby with a married man when I was 17. And since baby daddy obviously didn't do his part, living with his wife and other kid, she basically shoved half of the parental responsibilities on me. I couldn't move to go to college. I could never stay out late - because I needed to help her home with my sister. I had to take on shitty jobs to help her make money for the baby. I had to pretty much sacrifice my youth to cover up for her frankly absolutely moronic life-changing decision and got crap for not trying hard enough on top of it. Even though she had me when she was 17, and ended up not being able to handle it and shoving me off at her mother when I was about 1 year old. Now here's some fcking double standards! I saw the pictures, I heard the stories, she was partying hard while I was being raised by grandma (that she knew were cruel and abusive), and then she would give me crap every time I tried to have a bit of a life when I was a young adult, instead of helping her with yet another baby she shouldn't have had at all.

I'm so stupidly bitter when I realize how many amazing experiences I could've had in my youth and will never have now, just because of this shit. My whole life is one big birth control advertisement.
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Feb 10, 2020
Fuck life, fuck everything. I'm so sick of it all. I'm sick of the anxiety day in and day out. I'm sick of being expected to act like nothing is wrong and push myself beyond my limits. I can't do it anymore. I'm done.
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Oct 15, 2020
I wrote this several months ago when I was abroad. These events will be a source of rage for me until I'm done. Just the tip of the iceberg of course, but what a terrible splendour to crown off the pile of shit that is my life.

Dear wife,

These past few years have been a whirlwind for me. We met on Reddit and after a brief time, I knew that you were it. It was easy and it made sense. I can't remember how long it took me to book flights to the US, but I'm fairly certain it was within a week or at most within the month. I was ready and this is what we had been waiting for. My life up until that point had been a junkyard of failed starts, chaotic relationships and tremendous uncertainty. My home life had, for want of a better word, sucked, and this had echoed and seeped through to pretty much everything I tried to do with myself. So, there I was at the edge of the world looking behind me for a little sign that maybe my journey hadn't all been a heap of suffering for nothing and then you arrived. Fucking finally. I suppose the funny thing that breaks the cliche is that I wasn't even elated or ecstatic, just relieved. It just made sense and I was overcome with a kind of deep tranquility knowing that I had found you. I sat that summer with some beers, my windows wide open and my blinds pulled back and watched the sunset feeling like a real pig in shit with a smile from ear to ear.

Come Christmas, and despite getting grilled by the zealots at the US border control, my visit was mostly perfect. Actually, I guess it was perfect. I asked you who was texting and it was that guy. We had a little heated debate about the nature of that guy, but ultimately I trusted you to deal with it. So, it was perfect because we had the opportunity to experience and deal with a little strife and we came out looking pretty good. Perhaps more importantly, I very easily slid into trusting you to take care of it in the better interest of us, as a team. That's significant because up until then, I would rarely trust anyone to do anything. If you want it done correctly, you have to do it yourself, right? That's what I believe anyway.

The airport was tough. I don't think I've ever cried in public as a man, but god damn I came close. It felt all a bit surreal. I went back home and immediately set in motion to pack up my life to come live with you. It was a long year and I didn't really enjoy London very much, but it was worth it. My nan cried and I hadn't seen her as such a mess. My grandad was happy for me and I don't think it sunk in for Mum yet. Here I go, finally, doing something and going somewhere.

I arrived and we got married. Adjusting was tough. It's a different country and people prioritize different things than I'm used to. We were happy. We had our little cat and each other. We had a little routine and I had started working on my artwork again, with the eventual goal of making money out of it, developing a career and ultimately making you proud of me.

You left your phone at home that day. I had been dragging my heels about getting a second phone subscription, because that's all the rage over here in the land of consumerism. I can't remember if you just forgot it or if you were concerned about emergencies, but it was there all the same. I looked through your text messages out of curiosity while I was waiting for the kettle to boil. There he was. That guy. Not only were you still texting with that guy, but you had invited that guy into our bed a couple of months after we had decided we were going to be together. I didn't read further, but I had felt that kind of pain before. Heartache is pretty unique. It's the only type of pain that I can't think properly with. I just sort of stop functioning properly. I think I paced the apartment with our little cat until you came home -- 5 hours or so later. Your reaction was less than ideal. You were more livid that I looked at your phone. Sometimes I wonder what else is/was on there.

The fallout wasn't great. A part of me felt like I was in the wrong. I'll blame that on your intelligence. I know I wasn't wrong, though. You told me that it didn't mean what I thought it meant, but it's pretty damning all the same. I mean he was and is in love with you, so I mean the conclusions are limited, you know? If someone is in love with you, someone that you have been involved with romantically in the past, someone that you have lived with in the past, and you are using language like "I'm taking you to bed with me", what the fuck actual conclusion would you like me to draw from that? You're the professor. You're the rhetorician. Tell me exactly where I'm incorrect here? I think that there is only one conclusion and I think that conclusion subsequently means that I don't matter.

Ultimately, it doesn't actually matter what it is and what it isn't. My reaction was the same and it makes me feel what it makes me feel. The truth is what we make it, and I made it as I saw it. It broke my heart. You broke my heart. We can debate the nature of anything until the cows come home, but I think there are only so many things that it suggests. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and I tried to move past it, but I can't. We're 2 years in now and we haven't really repaired. I sleep on the floor now, in the other room. You seem okay with this. I'm okay with it too. The problem is that when I go to sleep everyday, I figure how convenient it would be if I didn't wake up. The problem is that despite making great leaps and bounds with my artwork in the past year, I've stopped all together now and I just want to drink and smoke. I am becoming poisonous again and I fear that I won't be able to stop it.

I don't trust you. This was supposed to be ours. This was supposed to mine. This was my reward for putting up with so much garbage throughout my life. Now, I just feel like I am a 2.0 or a 3.0 version of this archetype that you're attracted to. Now I feel like I am walking in another mans shoes. You won't touch me and you won't experiment with me. You won't do anything for me. I cook for you and I try to make your stressful life as easy as possible. All you've done is rip my heart out and scramble my brains. I gave up my life and my country to be with you, and you do this to me and then don't feel the least bit apologetic for it.

It all feels like purgatory to me. Everything is upside down these days. I've told you -- I'm convinced that I died years ago and this isn't real. You think I'm talking about politics. I'm not. I'm talking about us. It feels like my entire purpose to being here is to make your life easier. Our small cat died this year and it was really hard. It was as hard as such a thing can be, medically speaking. You grieved and you grieved for a long time and you are still grieving and that's okay. I helped you through it and I am still helping you through it to the best of my ability. I wasn't perfect, but I'm not perfect. The problem is you didn't let me grieve either. But I don't matter, so that's okay.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of course. There are many micro-battles that just poison you to me on a day to day basis. I know you have secret Reddit accounts because you left yourself logged in when I was browsing before we sat down to have dinner together. I don't know what the orange letter contained and honestly it could be entirely mundane, but it's just a good example of how little I trust you now. I'm sort of rapidly losing my interest in our marriage and I wonder why I am still here at all. This Christmas we're going to your family's and honestly, I couldn't give a flying fuck. I don't actually want to go. I'm not interested in your family politics and I'm not interested in keeping up appearances. I just want to sit here with my cat and drink myself into a stupor. I'm fairly certain I can get a refund on my seat, but I will have to do it soon. That means I have to engage you in that, which will be a head fuck. What makes it all worse is that I love you so deeply that even writing this tears me in half. What hurts so much is that I love you so much and absolutely adore the fucking ground you walk on so much that even this, my only way of releasing some of this toxic buildup in my chest, feels like betrayal.

I guess I'm sorry I'm not these men that you're holding onto. We have never shared our relationship history in great detail, but from what I can gather you have an attraction to broken men that are a little nonconformist and dysfunctional. I seem to be the latest in a line of those. I am approaching the point now that I feel as if you are using me. Don't get me wrong, we get on very well and in any other circumstances it wouldn't be an issue -- but we're married, y'know. We're supposed to be monogamous and intimate. We're supposed to fuck. Like animals. I want to be narrated by David Attenborough, not a character on Friends. But we can't do that now. You fucked it up. My only question is, why don't you get something going with that guy instead of holding onto me? Are you so sadistic? It feels that way. You have had plenty of opportunity to reaffirm your supposed feelings to me. That was kind of the purpose of me sticking around this whole time. I think the issue with that is that you concluded that I am not worth the effort. I think that you realized that you made a mistake and you didn't know how to confront that. What frustrates me now, is that I'm still available for you to do that. What does that say about me as a man?

I don't know what the future holds. I know that I'm tired of this country and the people in it. I know that I'm tired of your continued denial and neglect. I know that I'm tired of my artwork and its fruitless gains. I just want to walk away and keep on walking until I can't walk anymore. You broke my heart and ruined something that I thought was pure and ours. You may think I'm stupid for letting such a "small" thing ruin what we had, but I'm not, you are. You fucked it up and then you refused to accept responsibility for your actions further solidifying how little I actually mean to you. So, you lost me that day, more or less. Thanks for that, you fucking cold cunt.

Yours faithfully,

Your husband.
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Avoiding flashing images, epilepsy.
Apr 26, 2020
03:and little in the morning.

I know it's wrong to take a shower at dawn, but needed something to clean up all that mess. I didn't shower yesterday. Yesterday was another one of those days when it didn't make sense to get out of bed, one of those days that didn't make sense to exist.

Turned off the shower faucet, and realized that i didn't just need to wash the dirt off my body, the dirt inside my head also urgently needed to be cleaned.

But would it make a difference to clean it all up if when i opened the door everything would get dirty again by her words?

Mom woke up angry and stomping. She wondered why i was unable to lay my head on the pillow and simply sleep. The light in my room reaches up to room hers, but that would be avoided if she weren't an idiot. She never let me have a door in my room, she was always watching me closely. This gets even more bizarre when she says the bathroom doesn't need a door.

I can tolerate attacks and bites directed at me. But i will bite you back if do the same to him.

He was there, standing in front of bedroom watching you. A brilliant eyes, but filled with dark circles. Why did you never ask what makes him without sleepy?

He's so small and seems to have grown tired of the dirt inside you too.

Tomorrow is your birthday, and i don't know what to congratulate you for.
03:and little in the morning.

I know it's wrong to take a shower at dawn, but needed something to clean up all that mess. I didn't shower yesterday. Yesterday was another one of those days when it didn't make sense to get out of bed, one of those days that didn't make sense to exist.

Turned off the shower faucet, and realized that i didn't just need to wash the dirt off my body, the dirt inside my head also urgently needed to be cleaned.

But would it make a difference to clean it all up if when i opened the door everything would get dirty again by her words?

Mom woke up angry and stomping. She wondered why i was unable to lay my head on the pillow and simply sleep. The light in my room reaches up to room hers, but that would be avoided if she weren't an idiot. She never let me have a door in my room, she was always watching me closely. This gets even more bizarre when she says the bathroom doesn't need a door.

I can tolerate attacks and bites directed at me. But i will bite you back if do the same to him.

He was there, standing in front of bedroom watching you. A brilliant eyes, but filled with dark circles. Why did you never ask what makes him without sleepy?

He's so small and seems to have grown tired of the dirt inside you too.

Tomorrow is your birthday, and i don't know what to congratulate you for.

Hi, I'm sorry for the pains caused by your mother. Without the missing door wishes, my father was almost identical as he watched me too closely as well (sexual abuse too since I was 4.. ) lots of mess in my head now .. life can't be happy with all that mess so I empathise with your pain.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
I'm so pissed and emotional, that I'm listening to the same music on repeat! Don't mind me, my whole life was just a joke... but I'm still not laughing.

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Deleted member 22624

Deleted member 22624

One foot in the grave
Oct 7, 2020
Fuck me sideways I'm so depressed and so fed up. Tired of facing sleep to face the same crap again, surely it's just time until I snap. Then I'll probably do something stupid that I will live to regret. If I succeed then at least I won't suffer any more, but how long will my mess I leave for others take them to heal from? Fuck life. Fuck other people, fuck myself. Fuck my birth, fuck my parents for having me. Fuck society for making safe methods illegal. Fuck people for not giving a shit. Fuck the system for not giving reasonable help. FUCK life, FUCK consciousness, FUCK suffering, FUCK biological needs. Fuck existence. Fuck scammers. Fuck governments and law makers. Fuck technology, fuck stupid shitty pharmaceuticals and useless doctors, fuck the elite, fuck capitalism, fuck this fucking HOLE I find myself in. Fuck dependence. FUCK LIFE, what deluded automatons actually enjoy life.
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Deleted member 17331

Deleted member 17331

The swan sang with a broken neck
Apr 21, 2020
Mom almost broke my neck today. But with that I realized that I am no longer afraid to admit that she is a bitch.
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Rad maker
Jul 30, 2020
Hope you're okay goblins. Your situation drives me mad


I continue to fail to reverse almost all my administrative situation in France. Because I'm relying on the help of a friend who doesn't have his own documents sorted out principally, but also since the many services I run into are completely disorganised and walking on their hands with non-sense. Yesterday I gave up and admitted that if they wanted a circle, I needed to give them a circle and not a fucking oval, that they couldn't accommodate with flexibility
It has been almost 4 months that I'm trying. It's like the 10th time I'm turned down to open a local bank account (which is mandatory to unlock many further moves) whereas I managed to open almost 5 such accounts abroad within the rest of Europe without problem. It's also the 3rd time that my application to pass new driving exams is rejected due to idiotic paperwork. My friend finally understood the freezing point I'm in (he is a lazy bum when it comes to resolve his affairs and keeps many outdated documents, thus invalid) and will help to unlock me within a month of time.
Against my will, I realised that it's so awkward to be dependent to rely on someone else for resolution. Never again will I let my personal situation slip.
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Feb 14, 2019
I go to type something and I have it all typed out then I just say "fuck it" and delete it....I could care less about getting into some internet argument who cares about my stupid opinion anyway...I'm so sick of defending myself.

Fuck life, fuck it all. It's just so absurd and unfair. It is disgusting...why the fuck did I deserve ANOTHER crisis!!??
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Sep 25, 2019
I wanna scream on top of my lungs till my voice gives in , I want to ugly cry till my eyes dry .I wanna trash everything around me .
But Im tired , Im so fucking tired I can't even express myself .
why the fuck am I so dumb? why can't I just enjoy this pathetic thing called life ?
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Aug 23, 2020
Now that we have Internet, we've all read about narcissists and sociopaths and what not. And ironically, the absolute worst manipulative assholes are now relentlessly point fingers at everyone and everything and scream "manipulation!", "gaslighting!", "narcissistic behavior!", "aboose!!!" whenever anyone says anything they don't like, including calling them out on being manipulative assholes. It really fcking sucks, because yes, sometimes a certain type of people ends up repeatedly attracting abusers, but the kind of people that claim everyone around them are narcissists, manipulators, liars, abusers etc. and uses it as a justification to be disproportionately cruel to others make me suspicious of everyone. And no, I am not angry because I was told I'm a manipulative psychopath, I simply observed some very shitty behavior.
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Jun 29, 2020
I'm still angry two years after the whole thing transpired. I think I'm going to hold a grudge for a while. I kept telling myself it's understandable how my ex and my friend handled the situation, but it deeply hurt me. And to not give me any closure, to refuse to talk about it after and just shut me off like he had nothing to do with it. It ruined my life. Even if I don't want to admit it, even if I am doing better now, it doesn't erase those two years.

Also I'm angry at the oxyfuel cutting torch. No matter what I do - it just doesn't cut. I've tried everything - changing the angle, the pressure, tne distance, the speed, the torch tip, etc... And when I asked the instructor to watch me to tell me what I'm doing wrong - I just happened to make the perfect cut. Then she leaves and my torch stops cutting. Wtf??? The torch doesn't like me. I'd say it hates me, and I'm starting to hate it back. The torch and I, we just don't get along. And everybody else is making cuts no problem while I'm lucky to get one full cut within the hour. I googled it for multiple hours and haven't found anything that I haven't already tried. It's just so frustrating when your hands grow out of your ass and you happen to have absolutely zero aptitude for what you think you want to do with your life. I just can't give up anymore, not after all of those past failures. But to spend so much time being so useless while seeing no improvement kills the spirit as much as giving up would. I don't know, man.
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Jan 20, 2020
Ex is being a hypocritical little child because he lost the game, and the kids are being mean to me since I'm the stable parent and he's the one going away. Ass even said to an 8 year old child "I'm moving out because mommy doesn't love me anymore". You're never supposed to demonize the other parent to a child, and quite frankly he deserves to not be loved anymore.
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I'd like to fly but my wings have been so denied
Jan 7, 2020
I hate myself so much. Can't even do simple things right. Currently breaking my record of smoking cigarettes ā€“ this is the fifth one today.

Edit: not even the right thread, since I don't really rage. Just self-loathing. But whatever.
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Apr 8, 2020
I'm so tired of people not fucking communicating. Not anyone here, just people irl. I feel angry but I know deep down I'm just really scared.
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Apr 1, 2020
I'm so angry because a door doesn't ever open for me. Not even a window. I have to break and enter and still be the felon. I just want one good thing to happen to me, one. Not having to weather storm after storm, I'm at the end of the rope here.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019

I knew I made this thread for a reason...
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Mar 17, 2018
I hate the fact I'm expected to live a life that is basically nothing more than a free trial, with little privilege... all because of factors I can't controll such as genetics, especially at work. I've dealt with this long enough of missing out on the crucial things. And society expects me to be grateful and settle for the things I have? Fuck you! I don't care if I sound entitled. Why the fuck should I settle when you expect everything great to come endlessly, while you take it all for granted?

All I want is to have meaningful friendships and relationships, and to be treated like a human being like the rest of the people. Is it that too much to ask for? If so, then at least admit it. Admit that this world isn't just, that everything is based on luck, admit that you are fucking shallow, rather than just leaving me in the dark. That way I'll finally stop wasting my time serving you people and just go!
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the only thing humans are equal in is death
Aug 30, 2020
fucking tired of pseudo-intelectual individuals. they can shove their so called enlightenment up their asses.

not sorry for saying.
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the only thing humans are equal in is death
Aug 30, 2020
I'm angry. Lol not specific. But I'm fucking angry.

I take personal offense bro. I'm just trying to sort shit out through my mind fog and doing a piss poor job of it, but it's not like I'm not aware of that fact. Why should I be punished for vagueries before they can become something that's actually meaningful if that prevents that very thing from happening?
So I'll retort by saying that I'm fucking tired of people who are fucking tired of pseuds, which in this case means you, lol, because they themselves are also a fucking tired stereotype and they can take their own version of "enlightenment", though they might call it by a different name, and also shove it up their asses. Bitch.

You're probably more of a pseud than you think anyway.
well, ok. i don't know you, or anything but ok.

just to clear it up, my rage has very specific targets and it's due to specifics circumstances you are sure not aware off because they do not include you. there is a difference between trying to sort things out for yourself and just generally being an asshole trying to pose as an intellectual to diminish other people. more even specifically, if what you are doing constitutes mansplanning, which is my case. and honestly, no matter what your background is, if you do that you are an asshole anyway.
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Sep 5, 2020
well, ok. i don't know you, or anything but ok.

just to clear it up, my rage has very specific targets and it's due to specifics circumstances you are sure not aware off because they do not include you. there is a difference between trying to sort things out for yourself and just generally being an asshole trying to pose as an intellectual to diminish other people. more even specifically, if what you are doing constitutes mansplanning, which is my case. and honestly, no matter what your background is, if you do that you are an asshole anyway.
Yeah sure but how do you know that they're trying to diminish other people over knowing that they're trying to sort things out for themselves? You're right, I don't know your circumstances, and I apologize for calling you a bitch, but this is a fucking rage thread and you made a generalized statement that I could generally get angry about.
I'll fight anyone here FYI I am so fucking mad (not at you, it's just how I am right now).
EDIT: And of course you'll use that last sentence to discredit me not only in terms of what I actually said but as an individual. It's cool bro don't worry I feel the same way about you too. And you're going to pretend like you don't but I'm too good at this to know that that's not true. Dishonesty is king here as everywhere else. Sneaky sneaky excuse to worm your way out.
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the only thing humans are equal in is death
Aug 30, 2020
Yeah sure but how do you know that they're trying to diminish other people over knowing that they're trying to sort things out for themselves? You're right, I don't know your circumstances, and I apologize for calling you a bitch, but this is the fucking rage thread and you made a generalized statement that I could generally get angry about.
I'll fight anyone here FYI I am so fucking mad (not at you, it's just how I am right now).
well, I'm sorry but not everything is about you. i didn't feel obligated to expose my whole experience in this thread.

the particular circumstances the conversation i am referring to made it very clear that was the case.

i might be wrong but you can't just go around, picking on random people comment. i mean, i don't even know you, as far as you know I could totally be talking about someone i know out of here, and not that I own you this but that's the case.

well, anyway. don't even know what you say. hope you get better? idk. I'm just gonna pretend this didn't happen cause i don't even know what to think.
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Sep 5, 2020
well, I'm sorry but not everything is about you. i didn't feel obligated to expose my whole experience in this thread.

the particular circumstances the conversation i am referring to made it very clear that was the case.

i might be wrong but you can't just go around, picking on random people comment. i mean, i don't even know you, as far as you know I could totally be talking about someone i know out of here, and not that I own you this but that's the case.

well, anyway. don't even know what you say. hope you get better? idk. I'm just gonna pretend this didn't happen cause i don't even know what to think.
Lol. Veil of ignorance. Best defense. Next time you want to pick someone out don't make generalizations about other people that share similar qualities. I can't believe you thought this was unexpected.


the only thing humans are equal in is death
Aug 30, 2020
Lol. Veil of ignorance. Best defense. Next time you want to pick someone out don't make generalizations about other people that share similar qualities. I can't believe you thought this was unexpected.
maybe i am indeed ignorant, but honestly i am not understanding you.

anyway, sorry if I offended you. that was absolutely not the intention.
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Sep 5, 2020
maybe i am indeed ignorant, but honestly i am not understanding you.

anyway, sorry if I offended you. that was absolutely not the intention.
This is a fucking rage thread. It was absolutely the intention. Own it. Don't lie for once lmao.
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the only thing humans are equal in is death
Aug 30, 2020
This is a fucking rage thread. It was absolutely the intention. Own it.
the thing is this was not made for you. as you said this is a rage thread. not a rage thread towards you.

if I follow your line of thought i don't have the right to be mad at anyone for anything because I might be offending someone who does the same. i don't think that makes any sense.

unlike my post, yours was specifically against me.
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Sep 5, 2020
the thing is this was not made for you. as you said this is a rage thread. not a rage thread towards you.

if I follow your line of thought i don't have the right to be mad at anyone for anything because I might be offending someone who does the same. i don't think that makes any sense.

unlike my post, yours was specifically against me.
But it was because instead of targeting the person you actually hate you chose instead to attack a large swath of individuals without knowing what the consequences of that may be. My line of reasoning is that you can be mad, of course you can! But I'll fuck you up in the meantime if you cast your net over me.

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