
May 7, 2020
I'm raging at myself mostly these days for allowing myself to fail so badly at life
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Feb 14, 2019
Since it's the rage mega thread....I hate life so fucking much. I hate every goddamn day I'm here in this shit hole country and this shit hole world. I cant win for losing. Right when something positive happens or could happen life peeks around the corner and says "wait am minute!.. your about to be happy...I'll show you ill fuck you over again" Life is an inherently pointless endeavor..a means to and end. We live to work to die...that's it...there is no meaning or value in life. "Meaning" and "purpose" are artificially derived. Fuck that purpose in life shit. Just fuck it all.

Also I JUST get myself in a situation where I can receive help to get a small home but was out bid on it...so fuck you guys who put down cash. I needed that home to want to live.

And fuck you too covid....why the hell does everyone goddamn person and their mother want to buy a fucking house right now!??? In a pandemic...fuck this multiple offer shit and 40 showings on the measly little houses I could get.

Also Fuck you (insert name of ex bf) fuck you for abusing me mentally, physically and sexually, fuck you for stealing from me just so your bitch ass could buy drugs, fuck you for cheating on me... seriously you hope this bastard rots in hell. Also fuck his mother too because she is a bitch...and his 2 nieces and his brother.

Fuck living, fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!!!!!
Ok I got it out
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Sep 3, 2018
I never thought I'd ever be disappointed of a family member standing me up. This is around the time I would hang out with my brother and smoke, talk, and watch M.A.S.H. but I guess not since having shallow one time sex with a random chick is more important than being with your brother who's already on fucking edge. I'm mad cause it's literally one of the few human interactions I get so god forbid. Fuck I feel clingy. FUCK loneliness.
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Feb 14, 2019
I fucking hate you life......why!?? Why!?? I never wanted to exist... I knew it I knew it I would die by suicide even as a child I just knew it.....
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Photography by Haris Nukem.
Jan 19, 2020
Told my best friend my social media will be deleted for good and I wish her a good life and that resulted in a block. A low-blow but can't say I'm surprised. That will be our last interaction before I ctb but her anger is her problem. I'm going regardless, I said my goodbyes, and although I'm upset life has brought me to this, I'm not too shabby.
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life is pain
Jul 14, 2020
fuck this life!
fuck this society!
fuck these parents!
fuck everyone around me!
fuck this house!
fuck this city!
fuck this country!
fuck this continent!
fuck this planet!
fuck this galaxy!
fuck this universe!
fuck all the other universes!
fuck whoever created this all!
fuck everything and everyone!
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Sep 3, 2018
I hate how some people think there's nothing wrong with being inside the house constantly. A house can feel like a prison and staying this long is mentally fucking with me like I'm getting cabin fever. Humans need nature even if you don't like it. I don't see how staying inside the house all the fucking time is mentally healthy for you. I want to fucking get the fuck out and be free breathe some fucking air, feel the sun and wind and simply be able to walk more than a half a mile without fucking hurting like god fucking dang it. How some people can stand constantly being inside while depressed and never want to be out I'll never understand.
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Aug 21, 2019
I really wished I had learned to filter out all of the horseshit from people/society sooner, it made a great impact on my mental health (before I became suicidal.) I regret ever having cared about the fate of the world. Getting pissed off about things totally out of your control only hurts yourself.
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Jul 19, 2020
There's this one person who ruined my life forever. He's why I have to kill myself. I was going to do it anyway, but I thought I had 15 more years and could accomplish way more, and die with the respect of my peers and admiration of my friends. Now I have no peers and no friends. He took away everything from me. I wish I could hurt him in the same way he hurt me, but that would be impossible. He killed me. All that's left of me is an empty shell. I've written horribly hurtful words to him, but that could never match the pain he's put me through. I hope karma is real so that he suffers eventually. I only wish I could play a part in it.
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I'm useless
Aug 5, 2020
I swear to god I cannot trust anyone why won't the world just shut the fuck up and KILL me already for god's sake I'm not here on purpose and I don't wanna be here anyway so just do it already everyone come and kill me already. PLEASE.
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Reactions: Weeping Garbage Can, Deleted member 4993 and Wisdom3_1-9
Garbage Person

Garbage Person

Eating snowflakes with plastic forks
Jan 17, 2020
Couldn't care less about wearing a face mask, but fuck the fact that my nocturnal shopping habits have been foiled in the name of Covid. I'm sick of having to run with the herd, especially with flu season around the corner and in the midst of a pandemic. For fuck's sake, give me cool, quiet nights with no traffic again.
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it hurts
Aug 27, 2019
Going to vent here to release my thoughts on something which slowly killed me inside.

Unsent letter to a person who will never see it:

That person knows exactly what I want and still proceeds to hurt me. That was the most insincere apology I've ever seen. Saying sorry, then acting all imperious by saying that I shouldn't be angry for my sake and not theirs- that "holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other to die"
haha. Dying would be a blessing. I don't want you to die. I want you to reap what you sow, and death would be a sweet release of all your wrongdoing. I don't know if I'll be around to watch your downfall. It might take years and I don't have the will to live that longer.
This person pushed me to it and tells me not to use them as the reason. Don't invalidate my reasons and hurt feelings. That person, they make me the bad guy so they don't have to feel guilty for what they've done.
You say you take responsibility for your actions? Then why do you say sorry yet offer no compensation? I don't want words. I want actions.
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Reactions: Weeping Garbage Can, Deleted member 4993 and Lost in a Dream


Chronic people pleaser
Mar 13, 2019
Just gonna get straight to it fyi it's part rage part whinge I guess.. Why as no one tried to be there for me,support or comfort me? Or even a insincere fake ru ok text. I'm talking bf and family here. I've just lost my f%^$ing sister! My bf as left me to sit alone crying, I've been sitting right next to him bloody crying and looking at suicide methods. he knows I was already on the edge before this happened. He still continues to put all his problems on me, even though I'm sitting there disassociated. Thinks I care about having sex, I'm f$%#ing grieving. I just want someone sit wiv me, hold me. Pretend to care, anything! Family just as bad not a single f%$#ing phone call or text. I really am a piece of crap.
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Aug 14, 2020
fuck this fucking life
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Jan 6, 2020
Euthanasia is illegal.
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draw a circle

Apr 10, 2020
Why tf are the men in my dad's family kinda fucked up.... they're irresponsible as hell. My grandparents are almost ninety and my uncles are still asking money from them. Like why the fuck are you still bothering them?? Y'all are super lucky they're still alive and healthy but don't you feel ashamed bothering your retired, half deaf, fragile ass parents? Get a job ffs....

I'm mad because 1) I feel bad for my grandparents they can't seem to catch a break even in the few last decades of their lives 2) one of my uncles invested in some shady shit and he already lost a house to it. I could possibly lose the one I'm living in rn due to my other uncle using it as a guarantee for his business. Their actions are affecting the whole family and obviously I don't want to lose my house and "have to be prepared to live in any situation" (I'm a spoiled child ngl I hate being poor) like because they can't do shit with their business I gotta lose MY home??? Get fucked.

And my dad is at fault too he doesn't have a "real" job and even years into having a family he never got us a place to live. And yeah I'm in college and I'm no better because I don't have a job but bro what is this fuckery.... Can't wait to go smh I don't like where this going
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Remember me for me, I need to set my spirit free
Jul 2, 2020
Life keeps giving me shit. It's been weeks of just fucking hell. Everything that can go wrong keeps going wrong and I keep getting bitter and angrier and just so fucking tired. Every week is another week of "If I was dead already I wouldn't have to deal with this."

I'm growing weary of people around me. Getting frustrated and angry over smallest thing. I'm afraid I'm gonna blow up on someone.
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Reactions: Weeping Garbage Can, Lost in a Dream, Deleted member 4993 and 1 other person
Deleted member 17331

Deleted member 17331

The swan sang with a broken neck
Apr 21, 2020
I was talking to my mom about how our dog is sick and in need of help, and she just said irrational bullshit, how she would spend the money to fix the guest toilet as if that was more important than our dog's life.

My father's bastard adopted them when I was a kid, and after he and my mom divorced he just acts like our pet dogs DON'T EXIST.
And he doesn't stop there, he has more than 10 children and doesn't care about any! He doesn't even care about my little brother who has problems.

I'm trying to control myself, but I think my head is going to explode with rage.

Hatred, hatred for adults who ignore the responsibilities they themselves created.

I am so angry that it makes me want ctb impulsively. They are driving me crazy.
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Sep 4, 2020
There's only one main thing for me: Human beings and the fact that I feel an irresistible need to have them in my life. I'd be a misanthropist but that sounds a bit more miserable to me.
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lelouch. any pronouns. pfp is by pixiv id 3217872.
Aug 10, 2020
why can't i catch one fucking break? why do i always have to be responsible for everything ever? does nobody in this fucking house realize i have feelings and emotions too? it'd be great if my older sister stopped acting like a fucking saint because she did the dishes once. it'd be fucking great if she watched my little sister for once. it'd be fucking great if i could have some alone time - not that it wouldn't matter in this shitty fuckiny apartment. they should be paying us to live here, not the other way around. i'm sick and tired of the rats, the dirty ass trash room, the plumbing problems every 2 weeks... i'm sick of everything. i wish i could just fuck off to narnia where nobody would find me, and maybe then i'd be able to be happy.
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Reactions: Lost in a Dream, Weeping Garbage Can, Deleted member 4993 and 1 other person


Aug 21, 2019
I don't get really mad anymore because before I do, I realize that I'm arguing with robots and the rage just melts away :heh:
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Avoiding flashing images, epilepsy.
Apr 26, 2020
I'm pissed off and rageful because all my rights within my flat are refused, and as someone who suffers eith epilepsy the flashing lights that were put up by a neighbor, the housing department refuse to act in line with the law, Equality Act 2010 (england) as when we asked in a letter for Reasonable Adjustments we were told in reply letter "use blackout blinds " which means we will never be able to open the blinds or windows ever again.

The assistant director of housing told us in a letter "the law applies to average people, not those with unusual sensitivities." I swear if this discrimination goes to the top which includes chief executive, a lawyer will be involved. They all stink. Disgusting bastards. Fuck you all, ARSEHOLES.
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Aug 7, 2020
Fuccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccck Everything
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Apr 8, 2020
Fuck healthcare
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
Fuck being alive. I wish I could just be dead already, but I'm too afraid of hurting family members so I feel like I'm forced to be here anyway. It almost makes me hate them, even though it isn't their fault. It's mine for being afraid. Why can't I just get this over with already? I hate myself for this.
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Sep 9, 2020
I hate it when my family tries to check up on me, I just want to be left alone. But I still feel lonely at the same time. Its hard to explain, I think I just want help when I want it and not when its forced on me.
My family keeps saying, "are you ok" when I look even the smallest bit sad. Like, no, go away! Fuck you! Thats just my face!
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Sep 25, 2019
hate it hate it hate it .
I hate you but you are the only one forcing me to stay alive , so I'll smile because I'm not ready to leave yet, I'm not ready to be alone .
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Reactions: _Minsk, Deleted member 17331 and Deleted member 4993
Deleted member 17331

Deleted member 17331

The swan sang with a broken neck
Apr 21, 2020
03:and little in the morning.

I know it's wrong to take a shower at dawn, but needed something to clean up all that mess. I didn't shower yesterday. Yesterday was another one of those days when it didn't make sense to get out of bed, one of those days that didn't make sense to exist.

Turned off the shower faucet, and realized that i didn't just need to wash the dirt off my body, the dirt inside my head also urgently needed to be cleaned.

But would it make a difference to clean it all up if when i opened the door everything would get dirty again by her words?

Mom woke up angry and stomping. She wondered why i was unable to lay my head on the pillow and simply sleep. The light in my room reaches up to room hers, but that would be avoided if she weren't an idiot. She never let me have a door in my room, she was always watching me closely. This gets even more bizarre when she says the bathroom doesn't need a door.

I can tolerate attacks and bites directed at me. But i will bite you back if do the same to him.

He was there, standing in front of bedroom watching you. A brilliant eyes, but filled with dark circles. Why did you never ask what makes him without sleepy?

He's so small and seems to have grown tired of the dirt inside you too.

Tomorrow is your birthday, and i don't know what to congratulate you for.
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Reactions: RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, sufferingalways, _Minsk and 7 others


lelouch. any pronouns. pfp is by pixiv id 3217872.
Aug 10, 2020
it's so fucking cute when people think that they can hurt me with just a punch. do you really think i'm fucking scared of that? that i haven't been beaten before? a punch is nothing. i've been through worse. i've done worse.

the stupid bitch who said that lied about me pushing her, her stupid fucking head bleeding out and blamed me. i wasn't even near you. do you want me to hurt you? i can show you what real pain is, not that pussy shit you boast about all day.

on second thought, you're not even worth the consequences. i would compare you to an ant, but ants have some semblance of intelligence. maybe comparing you to dog shit would be more fitting.
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Sep 25, 2019
I'm not her,I'm not her,I'm not her I'm not her .
How many times do I have to say it , what do I have to do to make you understand .. I'm not her .
It's fine .. everything it's perfectly fine as long as I say it is .. she'll forget about it ..
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