Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
So here I am again in a bit of rage. Tired of being deprived of my two beautiful sons. Tired of being pushed down by life. Tired of always struggling to get ahead but finding myself behind, just tired of it all.
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Aleandra Felix

Aleandra Felix

Give me peace or give me death
Jan 2, 2020
Very specific but I'm raging cause I've been trying to get and IUD for years and I fucking can't cause doctors won't do the procedure on me. Also, it's almost literally impossible to get sterilized in this country. And HEAVEN FORBIDS any woman getting an abortion. You're basically obligated to bring more children to suffer in this shithole. I know there are alternatives and I'm currently on birth control. I just hate that I can't choose the method I want and won't have an ounce of help if the pills they're pushing on me fail. Fuck this country. I hate this shit.
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F*ck this sh!t I'm out
Dec 30, 2019

Sorry, I just needed to get this off my chest.

I never deserved love in the first place. If brutal execution was legal no one would have a problem putting me in the guillotine.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019

Sorry, I just needed to get this off my chest.

I never deserved love in the first place. If brutal execution was legal no one would have a problem putting me in the guillotine.

Don't be sorry. It's what threads like this are for. Of course you deserve love, every human does. Love is bittersweet and can definitely be maddening.
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Apr 10, 2018
Fuck my Uncle for being a lieing, ignorat piece of shit. My mom is a bitch for not even concidering my feelings or not seeing if I was ok. That bitch should've aborted me.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Fuck life and biology.
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Dec 28, 2019
Angry at being ill and angry at being depressed because my illness has taken everything from me.

I feel like taking out every plate from the kitchen cupbord and smashing them against the wall... only I don't want to have to clean that up tomorrow...
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Dec 26, 2019
Rage for destroying everything I had finally built. For needing someone and wanting someone's love and attention. For not picking a career I could be more useful in and listening to my dad instead. For wasting my time on people who didn't care for me. For wasting people's time who did care for me. For my mom guilt tripping the hell out of me saying we will be sorry when she's dead and suddenly dying a couple years later. Then being blamed by my aunt for making her life miserable. Angry for not just keeping my mouth shut and not opening up to people. I'm not that important. Angry for not having the courage to just be done with it all.Angry for believing the bullshit that comes out of people's mouths or thinking it means anything when people are "just being nice" or thinking it means you're a priority for them. Angry at myself for opening up to men who were not worth my time or affection. Angry at myself for not treating my heart, body, and mind like a temple. Really need to close myself to people more.

My rage is all internal.I'm not really angry at anyone. Because I'm responsible for me and no one else is.
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I'll put pennies on your eyes and it will go away.
Feb 3, 2020
Rage is not the word i can use. Rage x 100 would be what i feel. I F'd up my life from a stupid mistake which haunts me every day now. Rage x 200 for how my actions will now affect my family and friends. What makes it harder is i can't discuss this with anyone, including members here. I'm trapped til it all comes crumbling down around me and have no way out.
I take full responsibility for what i did and loathe myself each waking moment of the day. I am not looking for sympathy, just venting.

edit - Please do not send hugs, likes etc etc etc to my ranting. As i said i'm not looking for any sympathy or support. This was just to vent something i have never vented before, and most likely never again. Thank you all for listening (so to speak). Sorry if that sounds cold hearted.
No offense meant to you Brick In The Wall
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
I'm pissed off that I can still see to type. I should be face down in a ditch halfway across the state right now. I can't even do it right for my own fucking birthday!


Dec 8, 2019
I'm pissed at how shallow this world is. How easy yet hard it is. You can play the game so well.

I dunno if that made sense but honestly I'm also pissed off the I'm still here. Why the fuck is it so hard to die. Have to do just as much shit to CTB that I would do if I live. It's annoying as hell. But I don't want to live so.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I am reasonable and balanced 99% of the time I think. The 1% is the problem.

'Don't get me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.'

But today I just feel sad.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Yes! Feel the rage! I have resurrected that which has been dormant in us all.
Going Home

Going Home

Sep 21, 2018
I'm angry at the world. Why do people pretend to care about you? Why do people use you? Why do people have to use each other and tear down each other and manipulate each other to survive? Why do people project their feelings onto you?
And on social media, why do people show off so much? It's not like you're getting any prize at the end. Why are people obsessed with that kind of thing? It's as if they're more afraid of reality and death more than anyone else in the world.(more than us on this site)
And why the stigma on mental health?
I also wonder why there's such a stigma on mental illness. That's why people don't ask for help.
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Dead beat dad

Dead beat dad

Mar 5, 2019
Why am I only finding this thread now?
So today is pancake day... Sigh... I'm not even angry, just disappointed. You to be a gey you need to be passionate. I am spiritually and emotionally dead inside...
So yeah 'pancake day...' Go suck a ****
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Jan 21, 2020
This popped up in "What's New..." so, hello everyone.
Here is my rage:
I hate when people, especially those of my own age, compare their pain, "depression," etc. to mine. I don't want to act holier-than-thou, act like I'm the person who has it worst off, that I have terminal uniqueness or grandiosity, but the people who say they're depressed that are my age, don't even know half of the shit I've gone through, that my parents have been broken up my whole life, that I've been to 5 different psych wards, that I've thought of suicide every day for 7 months, that I was bullied and harassed for half of my life, that I used to wish for cancer. They think their lives are SOOOO fucking shitty. Yeah, your life is shitty because you live at home and your parents ask you to take care of things for them, or that you have bullshit relationship issues. No, fuck you. You have no idea how great you have it. Spend one day in my shoes, you'll be grateful for the life you had before.
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Oct 22, 2019
This popped up in "What's New..." so, hello everyone.
Here is my rage:
I hate when people, especially those of my own age, compare their pain, "depression," etc. to mine. I don't want to act holier-than-thou, act like I'm the person who has it worst off, that I have terminal uniqueness or grandiosity, but the people who say they're depressed that are my age, don't even know half of the shit I've gone through, that my parents have been broken up my whole life, that I've been to 5 different psych wards, that I've thought of suicide every day for 7 months, that I was bullied and harassed for half of my life, that I used to wish for cancer. They think their lives are SOOOO fucking shitty. Yeah, your life is shitty because you live at home and your parents ask you to take care of things for them, or that you have bullshit relationship issues. No, fuck you. You have no idea how great you have it. Spend one day in my shoes, you'll be grateful for the life you had before.

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Last hope
Feb 11, 2020
I'm fucking tired of people expecting me to stay quiet about my pain. No I will not stay quiet about what I'm experiencing. If you hurt me don't expect me to keep my mouth shut, I'm not a learning curve and stepping stone for a dysfunctional man's growth.
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Mar 1, 2020
fuck having a body that keeps shutting down and freaking me out every single day
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Aug 29, 2018
Ill probably regret everything im about to post as it's mostly the booze and my head talking, but fuck it.

To my 4 siblings, i hate you guys.
No, ok not hate, but like resent. Strongly.

1, enjoy treating me like shit with your very mature passive aggressive little schemes while you can, because once i kill myself, i garantee you're the next black sheep.
No, you dont already know what its like. Not fucking close yet.

2, I wasn't honest with you
I never forgave you.
You let out your ridiculous teenage angst on me and im supposed to comfort you?
You're 7 years older and i was supposed tp be the mature one?
If i had told you how i really felt that night, we both know you would have ran to the parents, you know they always took your side. That must be nice.

Dont run your mouth with victim blaming when thats exactly what you did to me.

You dont have a shred of the dignity you want to think you have.
You are not special. Being a woman does not make you special and certainly not a good person. You're a coward.

All your activism is not about how unfair it actually is, but just about you being a control freak.
So im manipulative?
Yeah i guess i learned from the best.

Get off your high horse, you dont fool anyone.
You're still an insecure teenage girl.

3, Im so sorry dude.
So sorry im such an embarassment to you.
No i wasn't faking it for attention.
Im legit autistic.

Im so sorry i ruined your normal childhood.
So sorry you had so many friends, so sorry you're successful, sorry you got married and got two beautiful kids.
Sorry you're the only normal one.

So sorry i did not ditch your bachelor party.
I reaally wanted to be there. Thanks for inviting me by the way.
The 'oh fuck, not him' look you had when you saw me was priceless. I wouldnt have missed it for the world. Even your friends saw it. Also for yelling at me for no reason in front of them.
Thank you SO much for that.
For your casual insults in front of your wife and kids too.
Love you, bro.

You re not exactly a breeze either.
Remember that.

4, first i need to pay you my respects, because you really had me going for a long time.
I really thought we were close, but apparently i was just a crutch for you just like the others.

But no, now that you're higher in the social chain, you start treating me like shit too.
Well nice.
No, really that's good.
It means you're normal.

Who the hell do you think you are though?
From where do you picture you can look down on me, pat my head and call me a child when the smallest thought of being judged sends you on crying fits?
What youre projecting it's not confidence. It's condescencion. You can keep telling yourself its not but we both know the only person you're trying to convince is yourself.
Im sincerely sorry to see you heading the same path as me relationship wise.
Im not going to be here for you when it falls apart.

No, i dont share your political views.
But frankly im hurt you could think it means im your enemy.

Im hurt you were seriously 'afraid to ask me' if im one of those pieces of shit.

You need to get off you're high horse too.
You call me a kid and look at me with spite, roll your eyes at me, but im supposed to stay silent because you dont like being confronted with your shitty side?
Isnt that...deflecting the blame on the victim?
Could you be as hypocritical as 90% of other people?

I remember you got ostracized and bullied too.
You know how that feels like, but still you threw me down the road right the second you got better.

Im angry, but mostly disappointed. I thought you were better than that.
But i guess i lie to myself too.

And sure, i know i was really obnoxious, loud and cringy and absolutely still am.
But dont you all dare act like you're so much better.

Im the most pathetic, sure, but the five of us are absolute losers.
The 7 of us are the whole familys losers and Im sick of having you pretend im the only one.
You act like i ruined you all when you did exactly the same to me.

Fuck you. I love you, but fuck you and your attitude.

To my uncles and aunts and grandparents and some cousins who will know who they are, eat dicks.
Arent you supposed to be christians?
I thought you were supposed to be good people, but you blindsided me from the beginning. You didnt leave me a chance.
Fuck you and your attitude.
I know i suck, but you're also major dicks.

When i finally go, i know you will just act as if i never existed.
Well i did, and i feel nothing for you.
You're nothing but strangers i have to put up with.

Fuck this family.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Ill probably regret everything im about to post as it's mostly the booze and my head talking, but fuck it.

To my 4 siblings, i hate you guys.
No, ok not hate, but like resent. Strongly.

A, enjoy treating me like shit because once i kill myself, i garantee you're the next black sheep.
No, you dont already know what its like. Not fucking close yet.

D, I wasn't honest with you
I never forgave you.
You let out your ridiculous teenage angst on me and im supposed to comfort you?
You're 7 years older and i was supposed tp be the mature one?
If i had told you how i really felt that night, we both know you would have ran to the parents, you know they always took your side. That must be nice.

Dont run your mouth with victim blaming when thats exactly what you did to me.

You dont have a shred of the dignity you want to think you have.
You are not special. Being a woman does not make you special and certainly not a good person. You're a coward.

All your activism is not about how unfair it actually is, but just about you being a control freak.
So im manipulative?
Yeah i guess i learned from the best.

Get off your high horse, you dont fool anyone.
You're still an insecure teenage girl.

G, Im so sorry dude.
So sorry im such an embarassment to you.
No i wasn't faking it for attention.
Im legit autistic.

Im so sorry i ruined your normal childhood.
So sorry you had so many friends, so sorry you're successful, sorry you got married and got two beautiful kids.
Sorry you're the only normal one.

So sorry i did not ditch your bachelor party.
I reaally wanted to be there. Thanks for inviting me by the way.
The 'oh fuck, not him' look you had when you saw me was priceless. I wouldnt have missed it for the world. Even your friends saw it. Also for yelling at me for no reason in front of them.
Thank you SO much for that.
For your casual insults in front of your wife and kids too.
Love you, bro.

You werent exactly a breeze either.
Remember that.

I, first i need to pay you my respects, because you really had me going for a long time.
I really thought we were close, but apparently i was just a crutch for you just like the others.

But no, now that you're higher in the social chain, you start treating me like shit too.
Well nice.
No, really that's good.
It means you're normal.

Who the hell do you think you are though?
From where do you picture you can look down on other me, pat my head and call me a child when the smallest thought of being judged sends you on crying fits?
What youre projecting it's not confidence. It's condescencion. You can keep telling yourself its not but we both know the only person you're trying to convince is yourself.
Im sincerely sorry to see you heading the same path as me relationship wise.
Im not going to be here for you when it falls apart.

No, i dont share your political views.
But frankly im hurt you could think it means im your enemy.

Im hurt you were seriously 'afraid to ask me' if im one of those pieces of shit.

You need to get off you're high horse too.
You call me a kid and look at me with spite, roll your eyes at me, but im supposed to stay silent because you dont like being confronted with your shitty side?

I remember you got ostracized and bullied too.
You know how that feels like, but still you threw me down the road right the second you got better.

Im angry, but mostly disappointed. I thought you were better than that.
But i guess i lie to myself too.

And sure, i know i was really obnoxious, loud and cringy and absolutely still am.
But dont you all dare act like you're so much better.

Im the most pathetic, sure, but the five of us are absolute losers.
The 7 of us are the whole familys losers and Im sick of having you pretend im the only one.
You act like i ruined you all when you did exactly the same to me.

Fuck you. I love you, but fuck you and your attitude.

To my uncles and aunts and grandparents and some cousins who will know who they are, eat dicks.
Arent you supposed to be christians?
I thought you were supposed to be good people, but you blindsided me from the beginning. You didnt leave me a chance.
Fuck you and your attitude.
I know i suck, but you're also major dicks.

When i finally go, i know you will just act as if i never existed.
Well i did, and i feel nothing for you.
You're nothing but strangers i have to put up with.

Fuck this family.

I was going to edit this to include all the relevant bits. But it all was too relevant. I feel your fucking pain.
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Mar 1, 2020
Thank you for the thread because this is what I needed now. Today I rage because people are so awful.
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Aug 29, 2018
I was going to edit this to include all the relevant bits. But it all was too relevant. I feel your fucking pain.

Sorry you can relate so much, it really sucks

Thanks for the thread too, it does help really
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get me out of here
Apr 30, 2020
great thread (: perfect for me, since the only emotion i seem to feel is anger.
i hate my mother for giving birth to me, for not aborting me when she had the chance. for conceiving me in the first place - i'm convinced i was the result of a one night stand, since my father has never been in the picture. fuck you for abusing me in every way fucking possible, making a child afraid of any and every adult that looks her way. nice parenting! now i get panic attacks every time i speak to an adult for too long. even if they're being nice. how the fuck does that make sense?
also, fuck everyone that says i'm rude or cruel for hating my mother, just because i won't tell you why. while i am rude and cruel, i am fucking valid for hating her. she ruined my life before it had even begun. she is the reason i don't want to live. i should not have to tell you what she has done to me for you to think i am justified in my hatred.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
great thread (: perfect for me, since the only emotion i seem to feel is anger.
i hate my mother for giving birth to me, for not aborting me when she had the chance. for conceiving me in the first place - i'm convinced i was the result of a one night stand, since my father has never been in the picture. fuck you for abusing me in every way fucking possible, making a child afraid of any and every adult that looks her way. nice parenting! now i get panic attacks every time i speak to an adult for too long. even if they're being nice. how the fuck does that make sense?
also, fuck everyone that says i'm rude or cruel for hating my mother, just because i won't tell you why. while i am rude and cruel, i am fucking valid for hating her. she ruined my life before it had even begun. she is the reason i don't want to live. i should not have to tell you what she has done to me for you to think i am justified in my hatred.
Man you have some motherfucking reasons to justify your behavior. Fuck anyone for calling you out on that! Welcome to the rage, we're here for you!
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ill / failure
Mar 20, 2020
Fuck my family for leaving me out in the cold. For not believing I'm ill after 3 fucking years of continuous suffering, bouts with homelessness, total and complete loss of anything that meant something to me. Fuck their total and complete lack of empathy and siding with the doctors when they wouldn't acknowledge my health problems.
Fuck the neighbor who stole my parcel recently and looks down on me when I'm taking out the trash - can't you mind your own goddamn business?
Fuck the NHS for driving people faster into suicide and turning people away who are at high risk. Then having the gall to say it was inevitable.
That's it for now.
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Apr 28, 2020
I don't know if anyone else can relate but I'm fucking almost 22 years old and I still have to ask permission to go outside.... I can't do basically anything, dating is a problem, sleeping over friends house is a fucking problem... I don't have a fucking life because my mother is dictating it. I don't feel free at all, I just wanna be free.
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Apr 16, 2020


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