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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I have been through every account of failed SN attempts. Vomiting has never been reported as a cause of SN failure.

There are only two accounts that could conceivably have been due to vomiting:

@Silasruin on 4/25/20, took 75% of 60g SN in 150 ml water, reported rapid onset vomiting and also fasted 4 days. Cause of failure was not determined.

@SomeCities on 7/4/20, rapid onset vomiting, followed Stan's Guide, had diabetes and multiple sclerosis, no hospitalization, and was banned within days after making the thread (his only thread) for having an alt account. Because of the sketchiness, the account was never added to the SN successes/failures thread, but I remembered the account and mention it here to show good faith in not seeking confirmation bias.

Out of 23 cases of reported failures, here is the breakdown of reasons for failure (70% caused by involuntary or voluntary medical intervention):

Interrupted/saved: 12
Asked for help/called emergency services: 4
Not enough SN (aborted attempt, approx. 3g and too much water): 1
Took with orange juice (no other details given except for one symptom): 1
Unknown reason: 4
Speculated reasons for each unknown:​
  • Too little SN, drunk on beer
  • 20g SN with 1.5L water, made own SN from sodium nitrate
  • Too little SN, 10g
  • @Silasruin, explained above

My source was the google document on the SN successes and failures thread, plus all of the failures reported on that thread afterward, which @Living sucks kept up with until mid-July. There have been no reported failures since, with one exception that had almost no information, reported symptoms but not vomiting, the member refused to answer questions and self-banned.

In the spoiler you'll see my analysis of all the reported SN failures. If you know of any that have been reported and were not included, please comment on this thread with the member name and a link. If there have been any failed attempts reported in chat with vomiting as the cause, please explain in comments and include the member name, date, and exact quotes with screenshots of what they said in chat. (Could that be what started the trend in the past couple months of saying that vomiting has been reported to be a main cause of SN failure?)

"None" means no or not reported. For AEs and Antacids, NO means the member specifically said they didn't take any.

Date: 2/12/18
Member: @Eden2k
Fasting: Yes, didn't say how long
SN & water amount prepared: 15 g, unknown amount of water
SN & water amount taken: Same
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
Antacid: None
Other meds: None
Vomiting: YES
Symptoms: Drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, passed out
Other info: Vomited, passed out, woke up and had vomited while unconscious
Reason for failure: In hotel, next door heard things crashing (found on floor), staff entered and called ES
Speculated reason for failure: N/A

Date: 9/24/18
Member: @axorz
Fasting: 8 hrs
SN & water amount prepared: 17 g
SN & water amount taken: Unknown
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
AE: Meto 30mg, 30 min prior
Antacid: Tagamet
Other meds: 10 benzos
Vomiting: YES
Symptoms: Loss of consciousness, vomiting
Other info: Started to vomit immediately (2x), then lost consciousness about 10 seconds after taking SN
Reason for failure: Interrupted
Speculated reason for failure: N/A

Date: 2/20/19
Member: @VoloFataliDoce
Fasting: Didn't report
SN & water amount prepared: A little over 15 g, DMSO didn't measure, no water
SN & water amount taken: Same
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
AE: None
Antacid: None
Other meds: None
Vomiting: NO
Symptoms: Nausea, headache, drowsiness, dizziness, passed out
Other info: None
Reason for failure: Neigbor looked in window 90 minutes after ingesting, called emergency services
Speculated reason for failure: N/A

Member: @Minudah
Fasting: Not reported
SN & water amount prepared: 5 teaspoons (25-28 g) SN, 100 ml DMSO, no water, applied to skin not ingested
SN & water amount taken: 1/2 of mix
Extra doses prepared: See symptoms
Extra doses taken: See symptoms
Antacid: None
Other meds: None
Vomiting: NO
Symptoms: Burned skin, dizziness, nausea, tachycardia, blurry vision, lethargy, weak vision starting to go black, headache, cold, tight chest, pressure in head. Mixed more SN in DMSO (amounts not stated), put 3/4 of mix on skin, abdominal pain, light-headed, pressure in head, muscle paine, headache, shaking, blue, nausea, chest pain
Other info: Went to ER, only said DMSO, was sent home. Returned to ER, had blue skin, did not admit to SN, was sent home.
Reason for failure: N/A
Speculated reason for failure: Mixed with DMSO, applied to skin and not ingested

Date: 3/3/19
Member: @Mich517
Fasting: Ate a lot of crisps a few hours before
SN & water amount prepared: 20 g, 100 ml DMSO, no water
SN & water amount taken: Same
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
AE: None
Antacid: None
Other meds: None
Vomiting: YES
Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, vision wanting to turn black, noise, feeling like going to pass out, confusion, convulsing, tingling, tachycardia, deep breathing, vision right to left
Other info: No pain, a lot of vomiting after 40 minutes (also vomited earlier) no hospital, recovered
Reason for failure: Unknown
Speculated reason for failure: DMSO instead of water, didn't fast

Member: @Dartz
SN & water amount prepared:
SN & water amount taken:
Extra doses prepared:
Extra doses taken:
Other meds:
Other info: Not enough info in the account
Reason for failure:
Speculated reason for failure:

Date: 3/25/19
Member: Kaluk
Fasting: 11 hours, drank a few beers before SN
SN & water amount prepared: 20 g, 100 ml
SN & water amount taken: Same
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
Antacid: None
Other meds: None
Vomiting: NO
Symptoms: Nausea, dizziness, passed out (after 20-40 min)
Other info: No unpleasant side effects except for nausea and diziness
Reason for failure: Slumped onto remote, noise complaint, police 1 hour after ingestion, resuscitated in ambulance
Speculated reason for failure: N/A

Date: 4/30/19
Member: @drakewantstogo
Fasting: 8 or more hours
SN & water amount prepared: 17 g, amount of water not stated
SN & water amount taken: Same
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
AE: 30 mg meto 1 hour before
Antacid: 225 mg Zantac
Other meds: None
Vomiting: YES
Symptoms: Anxiety, blindness, dark blood, nausea, vomiting, stomach noises.
Other info: 5 minutes after ingesting had nausea, salivated, "finally puked" 3x. No drowsiness. No stomach or head pain. 6/10 peacefulness.
Reason for failure: Called emergency services
Speculated reason for failure: N/A

Date: 7/10/19
Member: @L0ne1ygh0st
Fasting: No regimen details
SN & water amount prepared: No regimen details
SN & water amount taken: No regimen details
Extra doses prepared: No regimen details
Extra doses taken: No regimen details
AE: No regimen details
Antacid: No regimen details
Other meds: No regimen details
Vomiting: YES
Symptoms: Vomiting, tachycardia, headache, sore throat from vomiting, lost consciousness
Other info: N/A
Reason for failure: Found by boyfriend, emergency services called
Speculated reason for failure: N/A

Date: 7/27/19
Member: @Suicidal4Ever
Fasting: Beer, got drunk, didn't report food fasting
SN & water amount prepared: 1 tablespoon (15-17g if measuring spoon), 100 ml, mixed in Tobasco for nausea
SN & water amount taken: Uncertain, said he hoped he drank enough, put in unspecified number of shot glasses, took 1 shot and sipped some of a second
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
Antacid: None
Other meds: None
Vomiting: YES (hours later)
Symptoms: Slept a few hours, head ringing, eyeballs pulsing, vomited 3 times, tachycardia, blue, headache, slept 1/2 a day, puked about 20 times
Other info: No emergency services
Reason for failure: Unkown
Speculated reason for failure: Too little SN, beer,

Date: 8/17/19
Member: @Funkygibbon
Fasting: None
SN & water amount prepared: 8-9 capsules, didn't measure, no water
SN & water amount taken: Same
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
AE: Chlorpromazine
Antacid: None
Other meds: None
Vomiting: NO
Symptoms: Blue, pale, massive headache
Other info: No nausea, breathing problems or pain. In ER given methylene blue, sats 60%, died and revived with paddles.
Reason for failure: Interrupted - went outside for a cigarette, within 10 minutes after ingesting a neighbor walked past while smoke and noticed he was pale and his lips were blue, called emergency services.
Speculated reason for failure: N/A

Date: 8/20/19
Member: @21Neberg
Fasting: 24 hours
SN & water amount prepared: 20g 150 ml
SN & water amount taken: 10g
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
AE: None
Antacid: None
Other meds: None
Vomiting?: NO
Symptoms: Fainting, dizziness, blue
Other info: Fainted after 10 minutes, still drinking bit by bit when found
Reason for failure: Interrupted
Speculated reason for failure: N/A

Date: 9/16/19
Member: @Jen0804
Fasting: Not reported
SN & water amount prepared: Not reported
SN & water amount taken: Not reported
Extra doses prepared: Not reported
Extra doses taken: Not reported
AE: Not reported
Antacid: Not reported
Other meds: Not reported
Vomiting: Not reported
Symptoms: Not reported
Other info: "Became very ill"
Reason for failure: Said reason was for taking with orange juice
Speculated reason for failure: N/A

Date: 10/4/19
Member: @Ifisieyoung
Fasting: None
SN & water amount prepared: Not stated
SN & water amount taken: A couple gulps
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
Antacid: None
Other meds: None
Vomiting: YES
Symptoms: Tired, hot, vomiting, lost consciousness
Other info: None
Reason for failure: Found by boyfriend a few hours after, not breathing, CPR and breathing tube by emergency services
Speculated reason for failure: N/A

Date: 9/28/19
Member: @zajebistakaczka
Fasting: Didn't report
SN & water amount prepared: 24 000 (large) size capsules, didn't state how much water
SN & water amount taken: Same
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
AE: Antipsychotic
Antacid: None
Other meds: None
Vomiting: NO
Symptoms: Ringing in ears, anxiety, confusion
Other info: None
Reason for failure: Interrupted
Speculated reason for failure: N/A

Date: 11/6/19
Member: @Notf1xable
Fasting: Not reported
SN & water amount prepared: 25 g, 100 ml
SN & water amount taken: Unknown
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
Antacid: Zolfran
Other meds: None
Vomiting: YES
Symptoms: Burned going down, vomited while drinking and did not finish, sweatiness, hot, dizziness, floaters in vision, body aches
Other info: None
Reason for failure: Called 911
Speculated reason for failure: N/A

Member: @X-Kid
SN & water amount prepared:
SN & water amount taken:
Extra doses prepared:
Extra doses taken:
Other meds:
Other info:
Reason for failure:
Speculated reason for failure:

Date: 1/10/20
Member: @clover___
Fasting: Not mentioned
SN & water amount prepared: Guessed 50 g, water not mentioned
SN & water amount taken: Same
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
AE: None
Antacid: Baking soda
Other meds: None
Vomiting: Self-induced
Symptoms: Weakness, collapsed, nausea, fainting, blue/gray, seizures while unconscious
Other info:
Reason for failure: Found, emergency services called
Speculated reason for failure: N/A

Date: 1/11/20
Member: @Lotus
Fasting: All day
SN & water amount prepared: "According to Stan's guide"
SN & water amount taken: Same
Extra doses prepared: 1 extra
Extra doses taken: None
AE: None
Antacid: None
Other meds: None
Vomiting: YES
Symptoms: Vomiting, passed out, blurry vision, couldn't move or talk, methem level 68, extremely cyanotic
Other info: No pain, no breathing problems, vomiting after 20 minutes
Reason for failure: Police came in hotel room immediately after last sip, didn't know she'd been put on suicide watch
Speculated reason for failure: N/A

Member: @Divine Trinity
SN & water amount prepared:
SN & water amount taken:
Extra doses prepared:
Extra doses taken:
Other meds:
Other info: No info in the account
Reason for failure:
Speculated reason for failure:

Date: 1/11/20
Member: @Querry1
Fasting: 6 hours
SN & water amount prepared: 15 g, 60 ml
SN & water amount taken: Same
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
Antacid: None
Other meds: Apap Night (sold in Poland, mix of paracetamol and antinausea med, not an AE or dopamine blocker)
Vomiting: YES
Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting after 20 min, unbearable pain mainly in stomach, lost consciousness after 1 hour
Other info: None
Reason for failure: Asked sister to call emergency services
Speculated reason for failure:

Member: @Divine Trinity
Fasting: No info
SN & water amount prepared: No info
SN & water amount taken: No info
Extra doses prepared: No info
Extra doses taken: No info
AE: None
Antacid: No info
Other meds: No info
Vomiting: NO
Symptoms: Burning like acid reflux in esophagus and stomach
Other info: None
Reason for failure: No info
Speculated reason for failure: N/A

Member: @seventeenangels444
SN & water amount prepared:
SN & water amount taken:
Extra doses prepared:
Extra doses taken:
Other meds:
Other info:
Reason for failure:
Speculated reason for failure:

Date: 2/4/20
Member: @calavera
Fasting: Not mentioned
SN & water amount prepared: 20g 1.5 liters
SN & water amount taken: Same
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
AE: 50 mg quetiapine, liquid veterinary meto
Antacid: None
Other meds: None
Vomiting: YES
Symptoms: Went to sleep, woke after 1 hour and vomited, then took sodium nitrAte with no symptoms
Other info: Made own SN out of sodium nitrate
Reason for failure: Unknown
Speculated reason for failure: 1.5 liters to 20 g of SN, made own SN

Date: 2/6/20
Member: @Johnrio
Fasting: NO
SN & water amount prepared: 25 g, approx. 250 ml
SN & water amount taken: 3 sips, approx. 3 g, stopped because of taste
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
Antacid: None
Other meds: 500 mg ibuprofen
Vomiting: NO
Symptoms: Gagging, tachycardia, sweatiness, confusion, dizziness
Other info: Slept 5 hours, diarrhea, drank 4 oz of water and vomited, slept 8 hours, no hospital
Reason for failure: Not enough SN
Speculated reason for failure: Also too much water

Date: 2/19/20
Member: @Justrying
Fasting: 5 hours
SN & water amount prepared: 10 g, 50 ml
SN & water amount taken: Same
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
AE: No
Antacid: None
Other meds: None
Vomiting: NO
Symptoms: Diarrhea, cold, nausea, noise, dizziness, blue/gray
Other info: Slept, no medical attention
Reason for failure: Unknown
Speculated reason for failure: Too little SN

Date: 2/24/20
Member: @bpdandme
Fasting: 12 hrs
SN & water amount prepared: "Stan's regimen"
SN & water amount taken: 3 out of 5 sips
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
AE: None
Antacid: None
Other meds: None
Vomiting: NO
Symptoms: Tachycardia, light-headedness, nausea, anxiety, pale, blue, blood was dark
Other info: Reported no pain
Reason for failure: Asked someone for help, emergency services called
Speculated reason for failure: N/A
Date: 2/4/20
Member: @MysticPerception
Fasting: 7 hours
SN & water amount prepared: 1 tablespoon, 50 ml
SN & water amount taken: Same
Extra doses prepared: 2x 1 tablespoon, 50 ml
Extra doses taken: NO
Antacid: 1 Tums
Other meds: 2 Tylenol
Vomiting: NO
Symptoms: Stomach pain like a hot coal, dizziness, passed out, feeling like burning in intestines
Other info: N/A
Reason for failure: Called 911
Speculated reason for failure: N/A

Date: 4/25/20
Member: @Silasruin
Fasting: 4 days
SN & water amount prepared: 60 g, 150 ml
SN & water amount taken: 75%
Extra doses prepared: 20 g, 100 ml
Extra doses taken: None
AE: Domperidone and mirtaziapine
Antacid: None
Other meds: None
Vomiting: YES
Symptoms: Reflux, cold sweats, noise in head, fainted, gagging, vomiting, blue, headache, breathing difficulty/wheezing
Other info: Drank 1/2, gagged on ingestion, vomited. Drank other 1/2, violent vomiting within 1 minute. "Body rejects it immediately." Went to sleep, after waking blue skin inside lip, headache. Tested SN prior, blood turned chocolate brown. Did not seek medical attention.
Reason for failure: Unknown
Speculated reason for failure: Too much SN, four days of fasting, rapid onset vomiting

Date: 4/28/20
Member: @GoneGoneGone
Fasting: 6 hours
SN & water amount prepared: 25 g, 50-100 ml
SN & water amount taken: Same
Extra doses prepared: None
Extra doses taken: None
AE: Olanzapine
Other meds: Diazepam, xanax, zolpidem, ibuprofen
Vomiting: YES - in AE/ER
Symptoms: Tachycardia, collapsed, allergy shock, dark blood, gray, lost consciousness 20-30 min after ingestion, dizziness
Other info: N/A
Reason for failure: Interrupted
Speculated reason for failure: N/A


List of reported symptoms, how many members reported each symptom, and the percentage of occurrence out of 23 reports:

52% Loss of consciousness - 12
52% Vomiting - 12
39% Blue or gray discoloration of skin - 9
34% Dizziness - 8
34% Nausea - 8
26% Tachycardia/rapid heart rate - 6
22% Headache - 5
17% Drowsiness/tiredness - 4
17% Noises (in head or ears) - 4
17% Vision issues (blurriness, eyes going back and forth, going dark, floaters, etc.) - 4
13% Anxiety - 3
13% Confusion - 3
9% Breathing difficulty or changes - 2
9% Collapsing (not loss of consciousness) - 2
9% Gagging on ingestion - 2
9% Pain - 2
9% Pale skin - 2
9% Sweatiness - 2
4% Allergy shock - 1
4% Blindness (recovered) - 1
4% Body aches - 1
4% Burning in throat - 1
4% Burning in intestines - 1
4% Cold - 1
4% Cold sweat - 1
4% Convulsions - 1
4% Couldn't move or talk - 1
4% Diarrhea - 1
4% Hot - 1
4% Light-headedness - 1
4% Reflux - 1
4% Seizures - 1
4% Stomach noises - 1
4% Tingling - 1
4% Weakness - 1


7 of the 23 members reported taking an AE.

4 vomited
1 vomited and reported nausea
2 experienced neither vomiting nor nausea
0 reported nausea but no vomiting

If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them.

(Thank you, @checkouttime, for helpling me by gathering the links to the accounts on the google document!)
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
Bravissima! Thank you!
And just to make sure I understand: Out of 23 reported failures, 7 had taken an AntiEmetic? That's around 34%?

And do you happen to have a total number of reported SN attempts, just for perspective? Thanks again.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Bravissima! Thank you!
And just to make sure I understand: Out of 23 reported failures, 7 had taken an AntiEmetic? That's around 34%?

And do you happen to have a total number of reported SN attempts, just for perspective? Thanks again.

That's correct about the AEs.

No, I don't have that number.
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Aug 17, 2020
A valuable amount of work and time spent for our community. Thank you so much!
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
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Apr 26, 2020
That looks like it is some good information.
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Aug 23, 2020
A second dose seems to be the ticket to CTB
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Aug 12, 2020
Dayumn that's so awesome now I'm too pussy to SN lmao
First went all out Drop hang, then partial, got the rope, pussied out after 10 time trying, now ordered SN, too pussy with vomitting. wtf do i do
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
A second dose seems to be the ticket to CTB

That's one of the claims that's been going around the forum the past couple months, and exactly why I put in all this effort. The ticket to CTB is to fast, use 25g of SN in 50 ml of water, and don't get interrupted or call emergency services.
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Apr 8, 2020
Thank you for consistently taking the time to help people understand SN. :hug:

(at least I think it's usually you lol)
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Aug 12, 2020
That's really detailed by the way, Thank you for the efforts..!!
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Apr 26, 2020
Why would you NOT redose? Did the one potential failure from vomiting re-dose? I completely agree that the other items are optional, but why wouldn't one re-dose? Even if it is not necessary for success in the large majority of cases, it will almost definitely speed up incapacitation and will certainly not slow it down.
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Aug 8, 2020
A little correction:
1% should be 9% (or 8.7%)
.04% should be 4%.

Otherwise, very helpful and detailed, thank you! A nice and important insight into the role of AE.
The ticket to CTB is to fast, use 25g of SN in 50 ml of water
So you advise 25g instead of 20g? Wouldn't it increase the chance of vomiting?
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feast or famine

feast or famine

Tell Patient Zero he can have his rib back.
Jun 15, 2020
Thank you for putting this together.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
So you advise 25g instead of 20g? Wouldn't it increase the chance of vomiting?
I'm curious as well tbh

Sorry I meant 20g!

But folks have taken up to 30g, as some take more if they weigh more. The reasoning behind that is in other threads.

@Silasruin is the only member who took a high amount and failed, and also is the only account in which vomiting is implicated as the potential cause of failure. So I think that's another bit of misinformation on the forum, that too much SN possibly increases the chance of immediate vomiting and failure. I've made that statement in the past as well, I won't anymore. I'd advise reading that account and coming to one's own conclusions; for me, there was nothing clear in that thread about why it failed.

In fact, the more I think about it, the more unclear it is. He didn't drink all of the 60g in 150ml, he drank it in two parts, and immediately vomited after the second part, therefore he should have had enough absorbed in his system to merit needing to go to the hospital if not actually dying. I can't see 4 days of fasting having anything to do with it failing. He also said there was blue on his gums, but then the next day he said he saw it in low lighting and if could have been his imagination. So my personal conclusion is that the account is too much of an outlier to take any helpful information from; there would need to be other similar accounts for it to really have any weight.

A little correction:
1% should be 9% (or 8.7%)
.04% should be 4%.

You're right about the math! I'll see if the mods will edit it.
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Aug 2, 2020
Soo one should still re-dose if they vomit, right?
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Soo one should still re-dose if they vomit, right?

I suggest reading through the successes and determining for yourself. The thread is linked in the OP.

I've only seen reports of a couple of members who were able to manage taking a second dose after vomiting. Everyone else seems to have succeeded regardless. And there is no reliable evidence at all that vomiting causes failure. So I don't see this as something to stress about.

Personally, I plan on making a second dose, but I'm confident that if I do the method right (fasting, correct amounts of SN and water), if will work even if I vomit. Knowing my own body and how it is when I vomit, I can't imagine being able to make myself drink more. I'd rather ride out the process as comfortably as I can without trying to force more while I'm suffering.
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feast or famine

feast or famine

Tell Patient Zero he can have his rib back.
Jun 15, 2020
I suggest reading through the successes and determining for yourself. The thread is linked in the OP.

I've only seen reports of a couple of members who were able to manage taking a second dose after vomiting. Everyone else seems to have succeeded regardless. And there is no reliable evidence at all that vomiting causes failure. So I don't see this as something to stress about.

Personally, I plan on making a second dose, but I'm confident that if I do the method right (fasting, correct amounts of SN and water), if will work even if I vomit. Knowing my own body and how it is when I vomit, I can't imagine being able to make myself drink more. I'd rather ride out the process as comfortably as I can without trying to force more while I'm suffering.
Also, I learned from some reading I did that as long as you try holding down the SN for 10 minutes, your body will have absorbed enough to be fatal. I would suppose that even if vomiting occurred within 10 minutes, you'd still have enough left in your system. But I don't know that for certain. I suppose redosing maybe isn't necessary, unless you want to have a backup as a safety net.
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Aug 2, 2020
Also, I learned from some reading I did that as long as you try holding down the SN for 10 minutes, your body will have absorbed enough to be fatal. I would suppose that even if vomiting occurred within 10 minutes, you'd still have enough left in your system. But I don't know that for certain. I supposed redosing maybe isn't necessary, unless you want to have a backup as a safety net.

So if I vomit let's say 2 minutes after ingesting, would re-dose be necessary? I'm thinking yes?
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feast or famine

feast or famine

Tell Patient Zero he can have his rib back.
Jun 15, 2020
So if I vomit let's say 2 minutes after ingesting, would re-dose be necessary? I'm thinking yes?
See, I'm not entirely sure because there's no way to know how much you would lose if vomitting. There's no way to measure it. And I'd assume enough would still be left in your system without having to redose since technically I think the fatal dose starts as low as 5g, but I could be wrong. Someone can correct me if I am.
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Aug 2, 2020
If I vomit I'm gonna try and slam the second dose. Got nothing to really lose at that point.
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Aug 12, 2020
A medical Person told me Anti ematics won't do shit for Sodium Nitrite. it would be nothing else than a placebo there..she said
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I learned from some reading I did that as long as you try holding down the SN for 10 minutes, your body will have absorbed enough to be fatal

I'm curious what reading you did. On the forum? Elsewhere?

So if I vomit let's say 2 minutes after ingesting, would re-dose be necessary? I'm thinking yes?

This is why I recommended you do the research of anecdotal accounts and come to your own conclusion. No one has a definite answer to this

Ultimately, and rationally, it's your suicide, so it's your responsibility as to how informed you are and how you make assessments and decisions.

(Not saying that in a cold way at all, btw. It's something I feel strongly about, but not in a mean way. I just don't know how to say it in a soft way in writing as I would irl, I can't add tone or facial expressions.)

A medical Person told me Anti ematics won't do shit for Sodium Nitrite. it would be nothing else than a placebo there..she said

The point of meto is actually to facilitate the stomach contents passing more quickly into the small intestine. I have another thread going right now about whether or not AEs are a requirement, and in researching, I found threads by Stan that explained this, and I quoted them in a comment on that thread. Therefore meto is not a big deal, and in fact the right antacid would be more of a potentiator for the method. But the method itself is enough.
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feast or famine

feast or famine

Tell Patient Zero he can have his rib back.
Jun 15, 2020
I'm curious what reading you did. On the forum? Elsewhere?

It's unfounded claims for sure, so I wouldn't place bets on it. But it's an interesting thought and I think there could be truth to it? I'm not sure either way.
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Jan 20, 2020
Thank you for taking the time to compile all this. I'm sure it will help decrease fear of vomiting or failing.
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Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
Thank you for taking the time to compile all this. I'm sure it will help decrease fear of vomiting or failing.
Definitely. It's a relief reading this. Thanks to everyone who contributed their time!! :heart:
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Apr 26, 2020
You are likely incorrect. On a fasted stomach, what percentage of liquid will typically pass through the stomach to small intestine after 10 minutes? Is this enough to cause death? You bet.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
It's unfounded claims for sure, so I wouldn't place bets on it. But it's an interesting thought.

Sorry if I sound like an ass, I don't mean to, it's just that the point of this thread is to stop misinformation, not replace it with more, and I'm frustrated by comments like yours that I followed up on when they're made in this particular thread.

To be direct and honest, I've been a little disturbed by how some of the comments here, not just yours, seem to be piling on the misinformation, and I may ask the mods to lock the thread because it's derailing and clouds the very clear point made in the OP.
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