
Jun 2, 2024
Hello everyone.
So I am new here. I have been suicidal for quite some time now, but I can't take that step as it would just destroy my mom, so I am thinking about doing it in a way that looks natural.

I have done much research and I have found many articles where it is discussed that a Potassium Chloride overdose through intravenous injection is almost undetectable post mortem (It could be ruled as suicide if enough circumstantial evidence is found i.e. the syringe is found near the body). Potassium chloride overdose would cause a cardiac arrest, so I am thinking about injecting in a spot which would be difficult to spot and getting rid of the syringe and any other stuff needed along with it before I pass out and then go to sleep as normal, making it look like a natural heart attack (if everything goes as planned). There can still be many complications along the way such as chemical burns on the skin, other side effects of Hyperkalemia ( Potassium overdose), such as diarrhea, headache, nausea, vomiting, etc. which I need to figure out a way to avoid. But up till now, this is how much I have gathered and planned about my way out.

So I just need any information there is on this matter. Feel free to drop a comment.

P.S. I am new here so I apologize in advance for breaking any rules about posting. Feel free to correct me on about any mistakes I have made while posting.
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Jun 12, 2024
Ciao a tutti.
Quindi sono nuovo qui. È da un po' di tempo che ho intenzioni suicide, ma non posso fare questo passo perché distruggerebbe mia madre, quindi sto pensando di farlo in un modo che sembri naturale.

Ho fatto molte ricerche e ho trovato molti articoli in cui si discute del fatto che un'overdose di cloruro di potassio tramite iniezione endovenosa è quasi non rilevabile post mortem (potrebbe essere considerato suicidio se vengono trovate prove circostanziali sufficienti, ad esempio la siringa viene trovata vicino al corpo) . Un sovradosaggio di cloruro di potassio causerebbe un arresto cardiaco, quindi sto pensando di fare l'iniezione in un punto difficile da individuare e di sbarazzarmi della siringa e di qualsiasi altra cosa necessaria prima di svenire e poi andare a dormire normalmente, facendolo sembrare un infarto naturale (se tutto va come previsto). Possono esserci ancora molte complicazioni lungo il percorso, come ustioni chimiche sulla pelle, altri effetti collaterali dell'iperkaliemia (sovradosaggio di potassio), come diarrea, mal di testa, nausea, vomito, ecc. Che devo trovare un modo per evitare. Ma fino ad ora, questo è quanto ho raccolto e pianificato per la mia uscita.

Quindi ho solo bisogno di tutte le informazioni che ci sono su questo argomento. Sentiti libero di lasciare un commento.

PS Sono nuovo qui quindi mi scuso in anticipo per aver infranto qualsiasi regola sulla pubblicazione. Sentiti libero di correggermi su eventuali errori che ho fatto durante la pubblicazione.
Everything should be fine except that you will most likely have blemishes left on your skin. be careful
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Sunset Limited

Sunset Limited

I believe in Sunset Limited
Jul 29, 2019
Once KCL starts biting your veins, you can't keep pushing the syringe's plunger. It's a salt.
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Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

Adrenaline junkie
May 9, 2024
I've been through EMT training and also have gotten potassium IVs a decent number of times because of an eating disorder, so I guess I know a bit about electrolytes.

Potassium chloride hurts like hell to inject. Even when it's diluted in an IV drip, it burns like fire. By what you're saying, it sounds like you plan to do an IV bolus or IV push. If you don't know how to start an IV or inject yourself properly, you'll end up with potassium chloride in your skin or muscle, which also hurts like hell and can lead to tissue damage or even necrosis. The amount of pain medications or sedatives needed for injecting a lot of potassium at once without excruciating pain would knock you out or at least make you unable to get the needle in properly. Tldr: I really don't recommend using potassium chloride.
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Jun 2, 2024
I've been through EMT training and also have gotten potassium IVs a decent number of times because of an eating disorder, so I guess I know a bit about electrolytes.

Potassium chloride hurts like hell to inject. Even when it's diluted in an IV drip, it burns like fire. By what you're saying, it sounds like you plan to do an IV bolus or IV push. If you don't know how to start an IV or inject yourself properly, you'll end up with potassium chloride in your skin or muscle, which also hurts like hell and can lead to tissue damage or even necrosis. The amount of pain medications or sedatives needed for injecting a lot of potassium at once without excruciating pain would knock you out or at least make you unable to get the needle in properly. Tldr: I really don't recommend using potassium chloride.
Well......back to square one then....I guess 😥😓😞
Thanks for the information.


Death is new departure and beggining of a journey.
May 27, 2024
If you have injection marks when they do autopsy, it's not going to be ruled natural.


Feb 24, 2024
If you have injection marks when they do autopsy, it's not going to be ruled natural.
A heart attack at a young age alone would be enough to alert medical professionals that something went wrong. Theyd do labs and find the high potassium levels. And with them not having any kidney disease, itd set some alarms off
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Jul 18, 2023
I've been through EMT training and also have gotten potassium IVs a decent number of times because of an eating disorder, so I guess I know a bit about electrolytes.

Potassium chloride hurts like hell to inject. Even when it's diluted in an IV drip, it burns like fire. By what you're saying, it sounds like you plan to do an IV bolus or IV push. If you don't know how to start an IV or inject yourself properly, you'll end up with potassium chloride in your skin or muscle, which also hurts like hell and can lead to tissue damage or even necrosis. The amount of pain medications or sedatives needed for injecting a lot of potassium at once without excruciating pain would knock you out or at least make you unable to get the needle in properly. Tldr: I really don't recommend using potassium chloride.
I second that!
Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

Adrenaline junkie
May 9, 2024
A heart attack at a young age alone would be enough to alert medical professionals that something went wrong. Theyd do labs and find the high potassium levels. And with them not having any kidney disease, itd set some alarms off
Post mortem potassium levels are actually meaningless because after death, electrolytes leak out of your cells


Jun 2, 2024
@Lady Laudanum Can dissolving potassium supplement tablets in water and drinking it work?
Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

Adrenaline junkie
May 9, 2024
@Lady Laudanum Can dissolving potassium supplement tablets in water and drinking it work?
Very unlikely, unless you have a pre-existing potassium sparing kidney disease that causes too much potassium to accumulate in your blood. You would puke before you're able to drink enough to cause high potassium levels.


Jul 2, 2024
It can't be natural because once you inject it your heart stops fast (dose dependant) so you will have the IV line found with your body. Also it burns a lot, I have this plan, but before that I will inject 15g of sodium Thiopentone to be in coma so it does not hurt, I need to use a line pump.


Jun 2, 2024
It can't be natural because once you inject it your heart stops fast (dose dependant) so you will have the IV line found with your body. Also it burns a lot, I have this plan, but before that I will inject 15g of sodium Thiopentone to be in coma so it does not hurt, I need to use a line pump.
Poor uneducated me was thinking about using a syringe directly, not an IV line. But as you can read in the comments above, this method has been pretty much dismantled and all the flaws in it are discussed. I'm not going to use this method if I ever decide to ctb. I am looking for other methods wherein I can get away with making it look natural.
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