As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
I totally understand. Most of us here are hanging on by only a thin thread because there is someone we deeply wish to not hurt. So, ya, it really tears us apart. Wish you well! Hope you can find the strength to find your peace.
Final Escape, RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, Roberto and 5 others
I really have no reason to ctb or not to ctb, so I'll leave whenever I decide to. I'm just sick of living. So unless I find something to live for, I'll ctb before July.
therhydler, RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, Dead Meat and 6 others
I keep bouncing from "life is hopeless and nothing can stop me from killing myself" to "maybe life does have a point and i can make it to college and get a cool job", i tried to kill myself a couple weeks ago but chickened out. If i get super apathetic i might try again, but i really am playing it by ear, and if my life feels unbearable I'll probably jump ship regardless of how it affects those around me, as shitty as it sounds
Redt2go, RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, color_me_gone and 5 others
Max ehrmann tells me that i should not distress myself "with dark imaginings" for "many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness" . i want to listen to him but i keep waking up wanting to be dead. How do i get rid of the sadness?
Dead Meat, Cromulus, RaphtaliaTwoAnimals and 3 others
I keep bouncing from "life is hopeless and nothing can stop me from killing myself" to "maybe life does have a point and i can make it to college and get a cool job", i tried to kill myself a couple weeks ago but chickened out. If i get super apathetic i might try again, but i really am playing it by ear, and if my life feels unbearable I'll probably jump ship regardless of how it affects those around me, as shitty as it sounds
I keep bouncing from "life is hopeless and nothing can stop me from killing myself" to "maybe life does have a point and i can make it to college and get a cool job", i tried to kill myself a couple weeks ago but chickened out. If i get super apathetic i might try again, but i really am playing it by ear, and if my life feels unbearable I'll probably jump ship regardless of how it affects those around me, as shitty as it sounds
This is probably how I'll end up going too. I really want to ctb as soon as possible but things keep cropping up to make me think that maybe there's a point in me being here after all, then as soon as I start to think like that something happens a day or two later to remind me there isn't. I'll probably take a few more blows before one pushes me over the edge and ends up with me actually ctb.
Lil_Intro_Vert, HelensNepenthe, RaphtaliaTwoAnimals and 5 others
I remember when I was young and thought everything was hopeless. Then I fought the depression, graduated from a top school, fell in love, made money, traveled the world, and thought that I had defeated depression and hopelessness. Now I am in a severe depression and know ctb is my only answer out. Life is so strange. We are programmed to want to live but for me I now know that I can't live. I loved life. Some part of me still loves life but there is so much more pain and chaos for me. It's different for everyone I think. Some of us can survive. I seem to be one of those who cannot. Of course, I am a bit drunk right now as I am nearing my time to ctb and sobriety for me has been a real bitch.
RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, Hank, lemmeeleev and 3 others
Hopefully by the end of this month for me. Even a 4 hour shift at work burns me out. I can't function like a normal person. It's definitely not as severe as a lot of people on here have it, but I just can't go on like this.
Mylifeispointless, lemmeeleev, RaphtaliaTwoAnimals and 2 others
I am going to do it before the end of 2019. I do not know when excactly but I do know that it will be spontaneous. I honestly don't know when it will be. The past couple of days have been pretty rough and at this point it could be any day now.
15dec, RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, color_me_gone and 1 other person
Playing it by ear. First is securing finances and then I'll contact A. Alternatively, if that doesn't work, I'll do it when I secure a gun. Which will be sometime this year.
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RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, color_me_gone and lemmeeleev
I plan to do it next week as soon as possible. My suicide supplies have arrived however my household is off today, Friday and the weekend so I can't exactly sneak out without arousing suspicion. This last weekend will probably be meh but there's nothing I can do about it.
i dont know why but every time i listen to 'scared to love' (Juice WRLD) i hear "I been hurt but I aint beyond yet". Google tells me its "I been hurt but I'm beyond that"
I plan to do it next week as soon as possible. My suicide supplies have arrived however my household is off today, Friday and the weekend so I can't exactly sneak out without arousing suspicion. This last weekend will probably be meh but there's nothing I can do about it.
If its your last weekend then you gotta let go of everyone around you, everything going on around you and remember they cant do anything to you anymore. Go out and do whatever you want cos if theres nothing after this then you've lived through all you will ever be given.
I hope you find peace, alive or dead. Peace x
I plan to ctb when I've burnt all my bridges, have no where left to run/hide from the depressing reality that is life, and at the end of my rope (figuratively speaking). Therefore, I don't really have a set date or time as it heavily depends on my circumstances (e.g. if things suddenly goes to shit in months, and I'm facing a long term crisis and with no real chance to recover (such as barely getting back on my feet), then I would ctb.)
I had a bit of a resurgence throughout January. It all went to shit, so now I'm back on the bus stop again. There's an early Feb birthday I want to avoid, but jfc., I just really want to die now.
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