I'm from Indonesia (42/M). For me personally, I think it's a lot more complicated. I've tried what's probably considered as 'therapy' for five times or move in the past. I was diagnosed having Major Depression back in 2020 by one of the therapist/counselor/psychologist. I used to also receive meds but only once, and since it had bad effects on me physically (ie: heart problems increasing, can't sleep, nightmares, palpitations, etc2), it kinda left some sort of 'trauma' in me, that I've decided to never use meds anymore (which usually were obtained from psychiatrists). And it got worse ever since when I've read many accounts/stories of people saying how medications/meds have bad side effects, & even literally could destroy some people making things much worse. My close/best friend, who was also a member of this forum/website, committed suicide in 2023, and sadly it was also due to the medications factors/effects.
It's sad & frustrating how 'therapy professional mh care' still failed to really help me all these times. Yes, of course I know that it's not a 'magic pill/wand' that can be guaranteed 100% to cure/heal you, and changed you to become a better person, or even (naively) become a 'successful' person in life. But that just seems to be common narrative people have in their minds, which is just unrealistic.
I don't know, but I honestly feel like I still have a *lot* of the so-called 'mental health' problems/issues, that are unfortunately still remained 'undiagnosed', to name just a few for example: OCD, ADHD, neurodivergent, anxiety (& social anxiety), bipolar, depersonalization, maladaptive daydreaming, existential depression, & even I probably might belong to some 'autistic/aspergers' spectrum. I've usually just researched things by myself (mostly online nowadays on the internet, but I have also read some 'professional' books discussing the mental health aspects). And that's why I think that what I feel should be 'valid' too. Even though I also genuinely admit that I might be wrong (or perhaps even *totally/entirely* wrong!), ie: maybe my (Asian/Chinese-Indonesian/chindo) parents (especially my father/dad) is right/correct, when he *simply* just say that I'm just 'lazy'. That's it. Or another 'close' friend of mine who used to think that I'm not depressed (or I don't have depression), again, even though I've literally been diagnosed with Major Depression back in 2020. Or maybe it's true that I'm basically just a 'fraud', 'fake', faking all these things & simply just 'making excuses' for everything I did (or mostly even haven't really done anything 'good') in my life. Maybe it's true that I'm just a sad, pathetic loser/failure, & lastly, I'm just a waste of space & oxygen (& a 'wasted potential/wasted talents') that should not exist but yet still exist anyway.. this is why I even feel more guilty, & feel more like a useless pathetic sad middle-aged loser that should just stop existing in this world.. if only committing suicide were that easy, simple, accessible, quick, & painless...
This is why I've said in the beginning that things are a lot more complicated in reality, unfortunately. I wish it was easy, & could 'magically' or 'miraculously' just heal/cure away all my problems, & changed me to be a better person, or even 'successful' person (especially in the eyes of my parents). But, we don't live in such a 'perfect' nor 'utopian, heavenly, rainbow & sunshine' world, life, & existence, sadly. This is just the harsh reality.