

Oct 28, 2019
https://njya.nfshost.com6.74 MB (7,074,647 bytes)
website (individual chapters): MB (7,194,592 bytes)
source files: / .zip file6.04 MB (6,334,496 bytes)
OCRed (i.e. searchable) pdf: / .zip file29 MB (30,467,660 bytes)

not sure if they're of any use, they're out of date, and they're not pretty, but i've been bedridden this past week and needed something mind-numbing to do to pass the festive-season time. merry fucking xma$.
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Jan 5, 2019
Wow this is quite amazing and very easy to navigate!

Maybe one of the Mods (@SinisterKid maybe?) can update the list of resources for this amazing addition.

Either way thanks mate, appreciate the effort.

What's keeping you bedridden if I may ask? Sorry you're in this position at this supposedly joyous time of year


Oct 28, 2019
What's keeping you bedridden if I may ask? Sorry you're in this position at this supposedly joyous time of year
just a flu. quite the flu though. i'm sure it's partially psychosomatic, what with all the $2 single-use plastic christmas trinkets for sale, cars with antlers attached to their windows, comparisons to other families highlighting how fractured mine is, homeless folk wearing santa hats in a desperate attempt to boost their panhandling efficacy, guilt at being unable to reply to my one friend's text message wishing me a happy christmas, using more opiates than i can afford, my brother being missing, having had a christmas lunch with my mother and her making plans to take a pilgrimage and being all life-affirming while i've just received my SN from the polish ebay seller.

i don't get it, there's this miasma of christmas cheer but EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. i speak to about xmas can't wait for it to be over! who are these xmasphiles? cyborgs planted by corporations that manufacture christmas goods? aliens? simply deranged? santa gets gored by his enslaved reindeer -- i want that on a hallmark card. only giving kids to presents if they're "nice" -- what an arsehole.

did i mention i dislike christmas? thanks for asking. i hope your xmas was tolerable at least.


Oct 28, 2019
okay... i've collated the complete (483-page) version of the 2019.03.24 PPeH from the images here (linked from the official Resources thread) and recreated various versions of the PDF/website with the previously missing pages included. the previous version had 17 pages missing: 147, 215-221, 223, 225-227, and 229-233. the new PDFs aren't chaptered (too lazy), and i couldn't figure out a way to embed videos in them either.

anyway, the new website also includes all the videos from here, but since the [nn] prefix (chapters?) of the videos don't match the PDF chapters, i've placed them wherever i felt appropriate. they're hosted at my server (youtube laughed at my attempt to host them there). one of the videos is actually included twice, so i removed the duplicate. the fastest/smoothest way to browse the website would be to download the complete & chaptered zips (links 3 and 4) and browse them locally on your device.

let's see how long (m)any of these links last...

1. PPeH website - complete: MB + vids
2. PPeH website - chaptered: MB + vids
3. complete & chaptered PPeH website w/o vids (zip):
zippyshare / mega6.1 MB
4. complete & chaptered PPeH website with vids (zip):
zippyshare / mega396.82 MB
5. PPeH website individual vids:
6. all PPeH website vids (zip):
zippyshare / mega / anonfiles399.08 MB
7. OCRed pdf with most background images removed (pdf):
zippyshare / mega / anonfiles30.36 MB
8. OCRed pdf with all background images included (pdf):
zippyshare / mega / anonfiles67.38 MB
9. non-OCRed PDF of 483 official images combined (pdf):
zippyshare / mega / anonfiles304.53 MB

re scammer emails in the incomplete (466-page) PPeH PDF i previously converted: one of the three emails has an address ending in "s" that, in the new 483-page version, ends in a "z". the full version still contains the sentence "This supplier has a hit and miss record of delivering", which a member indicated is the sign of a scammer... but i've included the nembutal sellers' email addresses because surely there aren't scammers' email addresses in the official Resources thread?

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