The trick is not to vomit, right? My body is a huge fan of barfing. So, how about reducing? You don't always have the luxury of time. But, Methadone & 24 hours slowly taking taking a few to feel sleepy... I read that 200mg is lethal even if you're tolerant. Now, that can't be true. Some people take that everyday. But, It's predicated upon the fact your supposed to be cut off at 120mg. I have taken my dose down to 1.5 per day for almost a month. The more you take, that your body can't handle, the more likely you are to barf. I know I can take 6 tablets at once, but then I get very nauseas. I was falling asleep sitting up & I cannot sleep at all without amitriptyline. I love being tired. I treat myself to a few extras when I can. I don't get high but the pain is gone and I can't stay awake. It is lovely! So, what do you think about lowering the dose, actually? Take only
30 × 10mg (of the 60 I'll have). Valium 6 or so. Zofran 8mg. Amitriptyline 5 or 6. Clonidine a couple. Plavix- thinning the blood like alcohol. I gave a trial run last night. My breathing slowed so much, I would take huge breathes and was awakened by them. So, less maybe...with time to let your body adjust over 4 hours (or whatever time you've got, 6, 12 or 24). Set your alarm for a few hours in, and take all the rest crushed or even liquefied with alcohol. & maybe add antacid. Less is more?