
"to be overly conscious is a sickness"
Mar 13, 2020
It hurts to have the much deserved empathy for the innocent child I once was that was hurt abused and humiliated on a daily basis and now carrying the guilt from my actions since I became what most people do who goes through my life experiences.
Like everything in existence it's probably dual mostly, I hope it's 50/50 for everyone. Although it does seem the rich sadistic elite don't suffer. I subconsciouly hate myself for constantly racking my brain with this bulkshit ill never get answers to. I didn't show enough effort to stop thinking.
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Dec 31, 2022
5. I don't like myself, but I think I hate the world and society even more.
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
6. I get very frustrated with myself. Just not good at much. My social anxiety makes things very difficult too. I hate not having friends, but SA is such a barrier. Plus my temper kind of sucks. Once my dad dies in going to be really upset with myself for all the times I've snapped at him. I picked that up from my mum. She has always had a nasty temper. I wish I'd had a kind, compassionate mother. I'd have turned out differently.
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Dec 21, 2022
Depends on the day, 5-10 usually. Say about 7 right now.


Love is a toothache in the heart. H.Heine
Dec 12, 2020
I don't hate myself but situations where my personality is not understood.
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
1. I don't hate me. I have my flaws like anybody, but overall I think I'm pretty cool. Life has just been overwhelmingly an experience of suffering for me for a collection of reasons unrelated to my worth as a person.

It would be nice to imagine that everyone deserves what happens to them in life. Crime doesn't pay, goodness is always rewarded, etc., but unfortunately, it ain't so. I suppose the best you can make of that is not to take shit luck personally.
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Dec 13, 2022
9 on a good day
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
1 is very low self-hatred. 10 is extremely much. I think many depressed people have a negative view on themselves. People on the outside can tell you you had a too negative perception of yourself. But it is extremely difficult to accept that. Sometimes it literally feels impossible.

For me personally it depends on the context. There are situation often related to my obsessive behavior I extremely despise myself. I extremely pressure myself to be perfect, to achieve my goals and I am extremely strict on myself. Often this is kind of damaging. It makes me suicidal. But it a real dilemma if I don't live up to these expectations I hate myself even more.

But on the other hand: if I reach my goals and I can relax for a short time I feel kind proud about myself. Due to the fact I spend an extreme amount of energy to achieve my goals I sometimes reach them. They don't really solve my main issues with life. But it can satisgy my OCD brain for a while. Which feels very good. In this time period my self-hatred is reduced.

Compared with an healthy person. I had myself very much. But if I compare myself to some peole in this forum I hate myself less. Some are in another extreme dimension. My problems also have to do with financials and other daily problems. The self-hatred is not my main issue. Though maybe if I could solve my main problwms I had more time to ruminate about my self-hatred.
I think some people blame themselves for their pain. I think this is often not very healthy. But I also experienced it. It can be extremely cruel and tormenting. Especially after may psychosis. Nothing could stop my self-hatred. But I rather blame my parents and the child abuse. Moreover I don't really want to hurt myself instead I want that it stops to hurt me. (similar quote in sa book). I don't think I deserve this treatment. I am innocent. But I am punished for being abused.

I think my self-hatred is a 5. If we compare with other people with depression. Not with the average Joe and Jane.
I think a 8 out of 10.


Lost in a delusion
Sep 5, 2022
I like my personality, my skills are alright, sometimes I hate myself for being incompetent, I would say 3/10 on that part. However I hate my body down to its core, 10/10. It's the wrong sex, it's shitty, it's dysfunctional, it's weak, and 50% of my cause to suicide.


the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I don't hate myself and when I've been misinterpreted as hating myself, it really pisses me off.
It's exhausting how often that narrative is also used to blame the victim.

"Who" I am is not the problem.
My circumstances, how I've been treated or devalued, the ways of the world and how I ended up on the wrong side of them..that's the problem, and so on.
I don't exactly enjoy my own coping mechanisms or the other consequences and losses that resulted from my predicament either.
However I guess I don't consider those to be "me".

Also, sometimes people should hate themselves, there's a lot of people on this planet who should be more critical of who they have become, their values, what they put out into the world and unto other people.
And even those of us who have good reasons for liking who we are, should realize that we are still capable of wrongdoing and making mistakes.
There is always more to learn.
Even being prone to self critique, is not the same as hating yourself.
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Sep 2, 2022
Definitely a 10
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019

There's not one single person or thing in this world that I hate more than myself. I hate the way I look, I hate the way I sound, I hate how I think, how I act, hate my views, hate my intelligence (or lack of), hate how I'm viewed/seen, I hate my decisions, I hate my thought process, hate my past, hate my present, and I guarantee that I'll hate my future. I don't even have a single atom that I like about myself.
Some of those things are out of your control and I wouldn't say that they are "you".
But I do understand that society tends to conflate certain aspects of us with our identity regardless of whether or not we had a say in them or have any opportunity to change them.
Varies. Ive stepped into the social standard of eyelashes, tan, filler. The usual shit. I suppose this makes me think that im "beautiful". Once im getting validation from an outside source. Then im up at a 10. Like im gods gift.

When im looking in the mirror at myself if its not the picture of what I think I should look like. Then 2/3. Again the fakeness ive added to myself adds to these numbers.

If my stomachs sticks out a little aka I've actually been eating that day. Then I hate myself again. My eyelashes are thinning out and im due an appointment. My tan is fading because ive been too drained to do a sunbed.

And when I look at myself crying. 0. Ugly and pathetic. Doesnt even deserve to walk around on this earth.
What about your internal self?

If I agreed with the common sentiment of physical appearance being "who" I am, then I'd probably loathe myself.
I had to get away from the perception of others in order to gain the capacity to appreciate what they were missing and what was forced to be filtered through my flesh.
Disassociating from my face and body actually helped me to both know myself and value myself, even if nobody else manages to do the same.
It does become exhausting though and not as sustainable when forced to go out.
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Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
0. I like myself. I hate the malicious bullies who make life hell. I hate the competition from everything, from a partner and jobs to the very space you occupy. I hate the way ppl talk to one another, how they love to criticize to make themselves look better in comparison, how loyalty is an extinct thing, how ugly inside most people are. No, I don't hate myself. I wish everyone was like me. I hate feeling out of place, like an alien, aloof and misunderstood.
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Dec 31, 2022
Enough that I wish I was dead I literally hate everything about myself


biggest clown
Jan 24, 2023
ranges from a 7-10, mostly about looks/physical things, but on bad days i hate my core being
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Empty Husk
Feb 1, 2023
8. The only thing I like about myself is my physique.
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Broken to 1000 pcs
Nov 23, 2023
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only you can stop the evil
Sep 18, 2020
1000000000000000000000 I M FUCKING HATE MY SELF
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Dec 30, 2023
A number much, much, MUCH higher than 10. Always. Every day. I've hated myself and my physical body and looks and life since I was a small child. I blame that intense self-hatred for a large part of my MDD and anxiety.
I'm exactly the same. It's a special kind of hell that doesn't relent from anything external, like seeing friends or anything. I just compare myself to them and am reminded even more. 😔
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023

I don't hate myself at all despite the fact that I'm failure and I failed in life.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
It ranges really. Just normally, I don't have a great deal of safe hatred- maybe only 2-3 but- when I mess up around other people, it shoots up to an 8-9 hence- I prefer being alone. When I mess stuff up alone, I'll maybe only hate myself 5-6.
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Dec 28, 2023
3/4 - I wouldn't consider feeling towards myself a hatred but more of an on-going constant self-criticism, sometimes its pretty reasonable but sometimes it just cuts my wings making it more difficult for me to do anything
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