- Jun 12, 2018
- 2,144
Well, that's difficult to say, actually. Let's assume 10% of the members actually commit suicide. That would mean we have around 700 dead members already. Is that accurate? I don't know. Maybe it's more like 5%? I think, and that's simply an assumption, that most people in this forum who actually commit suicide don't hesitate. They will just do it. That one member who passed away recently, which resulted in that huge media backlash we all remember, actually only had 8 posts in this forum. So I think, we don't even notice the deaths of most members because they stay in the shadows. They will just look for the method and leave - maybe not even register. I think most of us who are suicidal and don't immediately leave are either stuck with the survival instinct, like me for example, with doubts with their decision to leave or with some kind of hope to actually improve. It's also important to point out that this forum serves a very important support function, which can delay suicides or even motivate for complete recovery. This happens sometimes. I've read posts of people who left this forum because they didn't consider themselves suicidal anymore and basically moved on with their life.
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