

existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
Oh no I was hoping she had come home by now , I have no words :( praying she is just curled up on someone elses sofa and to cozy and lazy to leave!
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Jan 4, 2020
Hi everyone. Thank you for all the kind responses.

Sorry I haven't updated sooner I've either been at work or our searching for my kitty. She still hasn't turned up. I'm gutted.
I feel calmer when I'm actively doing something to try and find her but I just keep randomly bursting into tears.
I've put flyers through every door in a 1 mile radius. Flyers in all the shops and pubs nearby. I've spammed every Facebook group local to me, contacted the council and the pet search charities (who are amazing). I've put an alert via the microchip people, who send it to all the animal based businesses within 30 miles. Her litter tray is out in the garden and there's dirty washing on the line. I've trawled the streets morning, day and night and there's still no sign of her. Going to go out at 2am tonight when it's quieter and perhaps she may venture out.

Is there anything else I can do?

Pet search told me that typically cats go missing for between 3 and 10 days because they get scared and bed down and hide. Eventually they get so hungry and dehydrated that they have to move. I just hope she can find her way back and she is still alive. It's so cold and wet here at the minute.

My phone number is on the posters and I had some prick calling me off a withheld ID meowing down the phone.
So sad that she has not yet returned home, its awful when they go off and you dont know where they have gone. I been sending out positive thoughts and vibrations and have just lit a special spiritual candle soon as seen your update. Please dont get upset about crying, this is normal and actually good that you are crying and releasing your emotions. Its a very difficult time for you. I am not sure what else you can do, you have done all the right things. You say its cold and wet at moment, I wonder if like me your are in the UK. Take heart in knowing we all care about you and kitty. Yes going out again in the dark and when its quieter is a very good idea, cats often like prowling about in the night. Keep us informed. :heart:
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Oct 28, 2019
Hi everyone. Thank you for all the kind responses.

Sorry I haven't updated sooner I've either been at work or our searching for my kitty. She still hasn't turned up. I'm gutted.
I feel calmer when I'm actively doing something to try and find her but I just keep randomly bursting into tears.
I've put flyers through every door in a 1 mile radius. Flyers in all the shops and pubs nearby. I've spammed every Facebook group local to me, contacted the council and the pet search charities (who are amazing). I've put an alert via the microchip people, who send it to all the animal based businesses within 30 miles. Her litter tray is out in the garden and there's dirty washing on the line. I've trawled the streets morning, day and night and there's still no sign of her. Going to go out at 2am tonight when it's quieter and perhaps she may venture out.

Is there anything else I can do?

Pet search told me that typically cats go missing for between 3 and 10 days because they get scared and bed down and hide. Eventually they get so hungry and dehydrated that they have to move. I just hope she can find her way back and she is still alive. It's so cold and wet here at the minute.

My phone number is on the posters and I had some prick calling me off a withheld ID meowing down the phone.
Wow, what an idiot that person is for making a joke like that.
Never mind, karma will repay that person in kind....

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Jun 23, 2019
I'm so sorry. I really hope she turns up soon. Did she have an ID tag on?

Just to ease your mind a little, you probably don't have to worry about the fox. They are not normally a threat to cats. They're really just big babies. They might chase a cat, but if the cat shows any sign of attacking, they get scared and run. I lived in the country for years and we had foxes all over the place. Coyotes are the ones that will eat your animals.

That's a huge relief about the foxes. My neighbour said the same thing and they have 3 cats.

She has a microchip but no collar. I always worried she'd get caught on a tree and strangle herself. But I've now seen you can get collars that break if that happens.

I ordered her a new fancy cat bed that's like a marshmallow and it turned up today. Made me feel so sad.
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Felis Sapien
Jan 5, 2020
I'm sorry she hasn't come home yet :-( It sounds like you've done a lot and I hope that you will be reunited with her very soon! Hope that idiot who phoned will be hit by a piano falling out of the sky! >:-(
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Jul 5, 2019
I'm sorry about your kitty. It seems like you've been working overtime to search. I hope your efforts pay off.
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Jun 23, 2019
Still no sign of her
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Don't you dare go hollow...
Nov 25, 2019
Sorry to hear it, HH. The odds are still in your favour though, apparently more than 75% of cats with a microchip are returned to their owner even after extreme amounts of time. Also discovered that female cats only tend to wander around 230m from their house, so even if she is stuck somewhere she should still be in the vicinity and able to find her way home. Hope everything will be okay soon.
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Felis Sapien
Jan 5, 2020
Hey just checking :-) Any news yet? Still have my fingers crossed and my cat has his paws crossed for you :-)
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Jun 23, 2019
She still hasn't come home. I cannot shake the anxiety and worry. Day 6 now. The not knowing is killing me.

She's so little, she must be so scared. I failed to protect her and I'll never forgive myself for it.
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Exit Strategist
Mar 29, 2019
I am very, very sorry about your baby. The pain is not even manageable when you don't know. I hope you get some solid info about her soon so you can move into the next phase. Best wishes.
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kristallene Bergluft über verfallener Gruft
Aug 20, 2019
Hi everyone. Thank you for all the kind responses.

Sorry I haven't updated sooner I've either been at work or our searching for my kitty. She still hasn't turned up. I'm gutted.
I feel calmer when I'm actively doing something to try and find her but I just keep randomly bursting into tears.
I've put flyers through every door in a 1 mile radius. Flyers in all the shops and pubs nearby. I've spammed every Facebook group local to me, contacted the council and the pet search charities (who are amazing). I've put an alert via the microchip people, who send it to all the animal based businesses within 30 miles. Her litter tray is out in the garden and there's dirty washing on the line. I've trawled the streets morning, day and night and there's still no sign of her. Going to go out at 2am tonight when it's quieter and perhaps she may venture out.

Is there anything else I can do?

Pet search told me that typically cats go missing for between 3 and 10 days because they get scared and bed down and hide. Eventually they get so hungry and dehydrated that they have to move. I just hope she can find her way back and she is still alive. It's so cold and wet here at the minute.

My phone number is on the posters and I had some prick calling me off a withheld ID meowing down the phone.
What a douchebag. Why would you call people that are missing their cat an meow? :hmph:
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Oct 28, 2019
i can understand the pain of not knowing, going through all the possible -- never nice -- scenarios, thinking the worst, it's a nightmare. about 10 years ago i had a kitten disappear ~2 months after i rescued him... disappeared from the backyard one day, never came back. after a few days i started putting up flyers; days turned into weeks, then months. nothing, ever. i'll never know. at least no prank calls though... attached a pic.

there's still some hope at day 6, but after a while hope becomes a double-edged sword. fingers, toes, mandibles still crossed for your baby.


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Sep 15, 2019
So sorry. Must be horrible. Have a hug.:heart:
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Felis Sapien
Jan 5, 2020
I'm really sorry that she hasn't come home yet! :-( It's not your fault, please don't feel like you failed to protect her. You have done everything in your power to protect her. I had a kitten when I was 14, my mother forced me to let him out when he was still too young, he didn't understand danger and of course he went missing :-( I was completely destroyed and so worried about him. I went looking for him for hours after school every day. I made flyers and put them through every door in the neighborhood. Nearly two months later a neighbour knocked on our door, and she had him in her arms. I had completely given up on seeing him ever again. He never went missing after that. I never forgave my mother for causing it to happen in the first place. But I was so happy he came home. So I still think you still have a good chance of being reunited! :-) it's hard to cope with the worry and anticipation particularly if you feel depressed. :-( The only way I coped was to hope for the best but expect the worst. I'm sorry I know it's not a very comforting thing to say, :-( but keep this in mind, my 6-8 month old kitten managed to survive, cats have very good survival instincts. Please don't loose hope yet! :-) I'm keeping my fingers crossed still for you! I will continue to check here for news! :-)
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
It's no way your fault, cats have to have their freedom and roam. I really really hope she's okay. Cats are remarkably good at surviving. Hope she comes home soon bless her.
As for the **** that called to meow down the phone... that would have tipped me over the edge... makes me angry just thinking about it.
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Nov 29, 2019
If you have Animal Control/Municipal Office where you live, phone them or check their website for found cats.In the horrible event that your cat ran afoul of an auto (I hope not) the municipality can direct you to the roadworks people who keep records on this sort of sad part of their work.

Phone vet clinics and place posters—with microchip number at all the vets. Make certain that the microchip company has your current vet, phone numbers and emergency contact info.

Microchips are awesome! In 2016, I was part of a team that cared for rescued animals after a city of 80k people was evacuated from a wildfire. Microchips helped the team reunite so many felines with their families!
Encouraging story
Remember cats are survivors/resourceful:

One feline spent 10 days in the oven (no one knows how it got the door open,) and survived the complete destruction of the home by fire, with only scorched whiskers!

Don't lose hope. Sending hugs. Definitely leave food/litter out while you are at work.
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Jun 23, 2019
So many people have told me stories of them returning after a while. I'm trying to hold on to that but my heart breaks a bit more with every day that passes.

Thank you everyone for your kind words and reassurances.

I've been overwhelmed with how lovely everyone I've encountered has been. Neighbours, local shops, pubs and businesses. Neighbours I've never met have called me to say they will keep an eye out. I've been knocking on people doors and every person has been just so lovely and helpful.

But a woman called me yesterday, being all nice, saying she had my cat and she was beautiful. Then ended the call with 'I need to tell you something, I'm going to eat her' and put the phone down. There were meowing noises in the background. Another withheld number. Horrible troll. My own fault for putting my phone number on the flyers.
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Felis Sapien
Jan 5, 2020
Oh my god that is so absolutely sick and awful! I swear if I ever find out who did that to you I will be very tempted to turn them into cat food! I'm so sorry! I'm having to try hard not to cry right now! >:-( I swear some people would say this website is sick, well the truely sick people are out there doing things like that! :-(
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Mar 23, 2018
Sorry to hear what you are going through … hopefully she will return soon. :hug:
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Jun 23, 2019
Still no sign
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Felis Sapien
Jan 5, 2020
I'm so sorry :-( please don't give up though :-) there's still a chance that she will be found :-) I've still got my fingers crossed for you both :-)
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Jan 4, 2020
I'm so sorry :-( please don't give up though :-) there's still a chance that she will be found :-) I've still got my fingers crossed for you both :-)
I keep checking back to see if she has returned yet. What is her name, so could get her energies out into the atmosphere easier. I am spiritual so could tune in and do some energy work to try and connect with her.
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May 9, 2019
@HitchHiker I've been checking this to see if your cat came home safe. Any news? I'm sorry trolls have called to bother you, that's so cruel. Hoping for the best :hug:
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Jan 4, 2020
@HitchHiker I've been checking this to see if your cat came home safe. Any news? I'm sorry trolls have called to bother you, that's so cruel. Hoping for the best :hug:
No need for trolls and nasty behaviour, just dont understand people.............mind you I do like the little fluffy creature trolls that live in caves:happy:
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Jun 23, 2019
@HitchHiker I've been checking this to see if your cat came home safe. Any news? I'm sorry trolls have called to bother you, that's so cruel. Hoping for the best :hug:

Nothing at all. Everyone in the area has had a flyer, I've knocked so many doors. Advert in the newspaper. I'm losing hope.
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Reactions: not-2-b-the-answer, voyager and Halo13


May 9, 2019
Nothing at all. Everyone in the area has had a flyer, I've knocked so many doors. Advert in the newspaper. I'm losing hope.
I'm so sorry, that's really heartbreaking. I wonder if someone took her in? Often when it's raining here or very cold, I have heard cats outside mewing for my neighbor. I took one in thinking she wasn't owned (no collar), fed her and such but she took off again. It's possible someone may have her safe somewhere other than something awful. Did you try the animal shelter or pound? We have a lot of stray cats in my area, people tend to take care of them and I know some figure if there's no collar, it doesn't belong to anyone because they don't think about the possibility of a chip.
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Jun 23, 2019
Just to give an update. She still hasn't returned. I've done everything I can to find her. She's just vanished and I am so so heartbroken.
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