

Dec 8, 2020

Fuck it
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Sometimes there are songs I use when I'm very tense or nervous, like this:
Katie Melua - I Will Be There - Full Concert Version

And other times I use them to lift my spirits when I'm very depressed but not sad, like this:

Other times, I'm just looking for happy songs because I'm sad:
Black Kids - I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance with You

And others because I ... I don't know, hehehe (do I have to say anything?):
Wagakki Bandō (和楽器バンド) -Tsuioku(追憶) - LIVE Acoustic



"...scarred underneath, and I'm falling..."
Oct 29, 2018
"I can see them coming,
Coming to end my life"
"I try to catch my breath,
But every ounce of strength is gone
"I see the finish line,
But I don't think I can make it

'Cause every step that I'm taking
Feels farther away
Now I'm out of time
This moment may be the end
I guess that peace is something
That I'll never find
"Where is there to run?
This is the end of the road"
"Can't stop the visions that I see
This is the end of all things"

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Dysgenic Pup

Dysgenic Pup

A canine that’s not so heavenly.
Sep 18, 2021

King Kendrick returns.
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Mar 23, 2018
Shaggy-It Wasn't Me :devil::pfff::hihi::heart:

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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
What I like most about this song (despite dealing with the issue of domestic abuse) is the expression on the girl's face, as she gestures with the lyrics that are sounding.

The first time I didn't notice it and then I didn't understand because it seemed like I was smiling when I shouldn't .. but after playing it several times it can be said that the narrative resource of the gestures during the song goes much further, because it shows the restrained rage, the good face, the submission to the life that has touched you and finally the freedom that lets you know that it will never happen to you again.

I translated it into English so you can follow it if you like.

Potser recordes quan // Maybe you remember when
ens enfonsaves el cap dins el mar. // you plunged our heads into the sea.
Potser recordes quan // Maybe you remember when
triaves la pedra que feia més mal. // you chose the stone that hurt the most.
I escopies paraules plenes de fang, // And you spit mud-filled words,
i entraves als somnis que fan tremolar. // and you get into dreams that make you tremble.

Potser recordes quan // Maybe you remember when
amb un tros de fusta ens picaves les mans. // with a piece of wood you pricked our hands.
Potser recordes quan // Maybe you remember when
ens despullaves amb els ulls sagnant. // you stripped us with bloody eyes.
I escopies paraules plenes de fang, // And you spit mud-filled words,
I entraves als somnis que fan tremolar. // and you get into dreams that make you tremble.

Però ara som gegants // But now we are giants
Ara som gegants // Now we are giants
Ara som gegants // Now we are giants
Ara som gegants // Now we are giants

Potser recordes quan // Maybe you remember when
t'apropaves i abaixàvem el cap. // you approached and we lowered our heads.
Potser recordes quan // Maybe you remember when
et suplicàvem un tros de pa. // we begged you for a piece of bread.
I empassàvem paraules plenes de sang, // And we swallowed bloody words,
i el so de la pluja ens feia tremolar. // and the sound of the rain made us tremble.

Però ara som gegants // But now we are giants
Ara som gegants // Now we are giants
Ara som gegants // Now we are giants
Ara som gegants // Now we are giants

Ara som gegants // Now we are giants
Ara som gegants // Now we are giants
Ara som gegants // Now we are giants

I vist des d'aquí dalt, // And seen from up here,
ets un satèl·lit que es va allunyant. // you are a satellite moving away.
Ets una nota que s'apaga, // You're a fading note,
ets un record que ja no fa mal... // you are a memory that no longer hurts ...

I vist des d'aquí dalt, // And seen from up here,
ets un satèl·lit que es va allunyant. // you are a satellite moving away.
Ets una nota que s'apaga, // You're a fading note,
ets un record que ja no fa mal... // you are a memory that no longer hurts ...

I vist des d'aquí dalt, // And seen from up here,
ets un satèl·lit que es va allunyant. // you are a satellite moving away.
Ets una nota que s'apaga, // You're a fading note,
ets un record que ja no fa mal.. // you are a memory that no longer hurts ..

I vist des d'aquí dalt, // And seen from up here,
ets un satèl·lit que es va allunyant. // you are a satellite moving away.
Ets una nota que s'apaga, // You're a fading note,
ets un record que ja no fa mal.. // you are a memory that no longer hurts ..

I vist des d'aquí dalt, // And seen from up here,
ets un satèl·lit que es va allunyant. // you are a satellite moving away.
Ets una nota que s'apaga, // You're a fading note,
ets un record que ja no fa.. mal. // you are a memory that no longer.. hurts.

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Mar 23, 2018
Metallica-One :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Today I woke up a little crushed and that's what he gave me to listen to (although translating the lyrics has already made me anxious again, what a mind I have!).

Rius de gent, // Rivers of people,
malferida corren sols, // badly run alone,
escopint el seu fracàs. // spitting out his failure.

Ja vençuts, // Already defeated,
esperaràn com sempre han fet, // they will wait as they have always done,
l'aventura d'una nit. // the adventure of one night.

Mentre ploren, // While they cry
de ràbia i per amor, // of rage and love,
a un nom inexistent. // to a non-existent name.

Mentre riuen, // While laughing
dins núvols passatgers, // inside passenger clouds,
cada dia més distants. // more and more distant.

Corren sols, // They run alone,
seguint pistes per trobar, // following clues to find,
el refugi de l'acció. // the refuge of action.

Un amic // A friend
que no estigui massa vist, // that is not too seen,
o una ofrena de la carn. // or an offering of the flesh.

Que a vegades, // That sometimes
quan s'apaga el primer foc, // when the first fire goes out,
pot fer encara més mal. // it can hurt even more.

I així acaben, // And so they end,
quan ja tot ha passat, // when it's all over
cremats per la veritat i cridant. // burned by the truth and shouting.

Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan estigui massa lluny. // when it is too far away.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan no sigui massa tard. // when it is not too late.

Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan estigui massa lluny. // when it is too far away.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan no sigui massa tard. // when it is not too late.

Són germans // They are brothers
d'un camí que no ha tingut // of a path he has not had
mai sortida ni final. // never exit or end.

Saben bé // They taste good
que el futur és la foscor // that the future is darkness
i que el negre és el color. // and that black is the color.

D'una bandera, // Of a flag,
bruta i plena de sang, // dirty and full of blood,
que els hi han possat a les mans. // that they have put in their hands.

Però no es rendeixen, // But they do not give up,
somien il.lusions fent imnes de cançons // they dream illusions making hymns of songs
i criden. // they shout.

Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan estigui massa lluny. // when it is too far away.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan no sigui massa tard. // when it is not too late.

Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan estigui massa lluny. // when it is too far away.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan no sigui massa tard. // when it is not too late.

Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan estigui massa lluny. // when it is too far away.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan no sigui massa tard. // when it is not too late.

Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan estigui massa lluny. // when it is too far away.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan no sigui massa tard. // when it is not too late.

*The translation may be inaccurate as I do not know the equivalent English expressions and I let the translator do as he sees fit.

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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Saben bé // They taste good they know well
que el futur és la foscor // that the future is darkness
i que el negre és el color. // and that black is the color.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
No lettering, so I'll save myself some trouble.

Jimi Hendrix ~ Blues Tribute - Ray Vaughn

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Mar 23, 2018
Gwar-Mother Fucking Liar :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Mar 23, 2018
And now for something completely different. :wink:

For my fellow S.S.ers

Eva Cassidy-Over The Rainbow :heart::hug::heart::hug::heart:

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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Softcult - BWBB [official video]

~ Farewell ~
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beast monster thing
May 11, 2022

great album if you like 90s emo/post-hardcore/screamo. :)
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Fleurie - Hurts Like Hell

~ Farewell ~
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I'd like to fly but my wings have been so denied
Jan 7, 2020
Wishing an ambiguous, melancholic, whimsical and mysterious birthday to Erik Satie.

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Earth is not my home
Oct 25, 2021
I first listened to this song in 2015. It brings me memories.

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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
DEPT - No em despertaré

Avui he sortit amb forces // I came out strong today
la terra té un color estrany // the earth has a strange color
el món avui es recupera // the world is recovering today
aquesta nit l'hem pogut salvar // we were able to save him tonight

He vist encendre // I saw it light up
la flama del seu cos // the flame of his body
i com em somreia... // and how he smiled at me ...

Tancaré els meus ulls // I will close my eyes
obriré el meu pas // I will open my way
per no distingir // not to distinguish
el real del meu somni, // the real thing of my dream

No despertaré // I will not wake up
no despertaré... // I won't wake up ...

M'he creuat amb una esfera // I came across a sphere
maltractada per humans // mistreated by humans
no semblava pas tan forta // it didn't look that strong
com podríem imaginar. // as we might imagine.

No he pogut entendre // I couldn't understand
quin mal ha pogut crear // what harm he has been able to create
i per què s'ofega. // and why he drowns.

Tancaré els meus ulls // I will close my eyes
obriré el meu pas // I will open my way
per no distingir // not to distinguish
el real del meu somni, // the real thing of my dream

No despertaré // I will not wake up
no despertaré... // I won't wake up ...

L'evasió només m'ajuda // Evasion only helps me
a poder imaginar // to be able to imagine
que la meva fantasia // than my fantasy
podria ser potser realitat // it might be a reality
l'il·lusió de creure // the illusion of believing
que hi ha temps per reaccionar // that there is time to react
ha de ser la cura. // it must be the cure.

Tancaré els meus ulls // I will close my eyes
obriré el meu pas // I will open my way
per no distingir // not to distinguish
el real del meu somni, // the real thing of my dream

No despertaré // I will not wake up
no despertaré... // I won't wake up ...

~ Farewell ~
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Apr 26, 2022
A little something different. Hopefully someone digs these.

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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Parra For Cuva - Paspatou (Official Video)

~ Farewell ~
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Mar 23, 2018
Time for some fun.... Big Fun :blarg: I am so nerdy. :ahhha:

Big Fun-Blame It On The Boogie :heart:

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Mar 9, 2022
I try not to listen to Radiohead when I'm already down, but they're always there for me.

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"...scarred underneath, and I'm falling..."
Oct 29, 2018
"I fear nothing
For I feel nothing at all"
"Staring off the edge, but I'll tell you I'm fine"
"Nowhere feels safe
The hallways, they scream
Nothing stops the pain
I can't stand it inside of my brain

Eat me alive"
"Held captive by my breath, but I'll tell you I'm fine
My head's so deranged, there's no way to hide"
"I've looked into the abyss,
And I've seen death face to face"
"And in the lifeless air he asked me
Why there was no fear left behind my sunken eyes
He spoke of how he had visited me many times,
Watching over each waking nightmare,
I smiled,
Peering into his dead yellow eyes
There's nothing the end can bring
That could haunt me more than this life

And there are no devils in hell
They live in my mind
Awake I am caged
In dreams I survive

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Apr 22, 2019

I'm just waiting to die and it feels like it's forever 🥺
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Oct 30, 2020
RIP vangelis

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