Today I woke up a little crushed and that's what he gave me to listen to (although translating the lyrics has already made me anxious again, what a mind I have!).
Rius de gent, // Rivers of people,
malferida corren sols, // badly run alone,
escopint el seu fracàs. // spitting out his failure.
Ja vençuts, // Already defeated,
esperaràn com sempre han fet, // they will wait as they have always done,
l'aventura d'una nit. // the adventure of one night.
Mentre ploren, // While they cry
de ràbia i per amor, // of rage and love,
a un nom inexistent. // to a non-existent name.
Mentre riuen, // While laughing
dins núvols passatgers, // inside passenger clouds,
cada dia més distants. // more and more distant.
Corren sols, // They run alone,
seguint pistes per trobar, // following clues to find,
el refugi de l'acció. // the refuge of action.
Un amic // A friend
que no estigui massa vist, // that is not too seen,
o una ofrena de la carn. // or an offering of the flesh.
Que a vegades, // That sometimes
quan s'apaga el primer foc, // when the first fire goes out,
pot fer encara més mal. // it can hurt even more.
I així acaben, // And so they end,
quan ja tot ha passat, // when it's all over
cremats per la veritat i cridant. // burned by the truth and shouting.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan estigui massa lluny. // when it is too far away.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan no sigui massa tard. // when it is not too late.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan estigui massa lluny. // when it is too far away.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan no sigui massa tard. // when it is not too late.
Són germans // They are brothers
d'un camí que no ha tingut // of a path he has not had
mai sortida ni final. // never exit or end.
Saben bé // They taste good
que el futur és la foscor // that the future is darkness
i que el negre és el color. // and that black is the color.
D'una bandera, // Of a flag,
bruta i plena de sang, // dirty and full of blood,
que els hi han possat a les mans. // that they have put in their hands.
Però no es rendeixen, // But they do not give up,
somien il.lusions fent imnes de cançons // they dream illusions making hymns of songs
i criden. // they shout.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan estigui massa lluny. // when it is too far away.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan no sigui massa tard. // when it is not too late.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan estigui massa lluny. // when it is too far away.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan no sigui massa tard. // when it is not too late.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan estigui massa lluny. // when it is too far away.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan no sigui massa tard. // when it is not too late.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan estigui massa lluny. // when it is too far away.
Podré tornar enrera // I can go back
quan no sigui massa tard. // when it is not too late.
*The translation may be inaccurate as I do not know the equivalent English expressions and I let the translator do as he sees fit.