You don't "deal with a foreskin."... There is nothing negative about the fore skin. It is only GOOD. The penis is made by Allah to be all PERFECT and so my logic says it should not be mutilated. It should also not be called a medical treatment - it is not - it is a tradition on boys and girls. It was advised an act against "sinful" masturbation. Against sexuality and life. The cut penis is not intact and not like nature wanted it to be... I thought about it ... and research... am so into it and sexuality my speciality. Better we say, the brain needs to adjust and learn again... and find a way after the trauma of loosing a very sensitive body part.
And after reading the suicide notes, I am really so sorry for the young men being mislead by the doctor. This doctor should see justice. The young man could have good results with giving the testo hormone cream more time but he waited only a few weeks for the skin to grow. It is proven to work but he should have give it more time and the doctor should have guided him and take responsibility. It is not fair.
Penis is a god's miracle. And I know for sure, as I am a girl with a penis, transgender, shemale.