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Fight or flight
Aug 15, 2021
I want to share with you some choice I made just to keep me safe from my self.

- work from home to avoid emotional overload.

- when asked to be in office once a week, deal very hard to have a car park to avoid tube.

- fight against my partner to have an electric oven and induction so we don't have gas in our house.

- refuse any apartment over 3rd floor.

- ask to prescribed only prolonged release formula of meds (alprazolam, lithium) so they doesn't add up if i take a lot. This is someting I REGRET almost every night at 4 am when I just wanna sleep.

I don't know if I'm going to ctb but for sure I want it planned and not for sudden pain and intrusive thougts.

There's somethig you're doing to remain safe that other people doesn't notice? I'll find helpful if you share.
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Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Dec 4, 2020
I just want to say I find your way of managing your suicidal ideation very brave and I too think it is a decision to be made (for me) rather than an impulse to be acted upon (for me).
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Aug 4, 2021
Being on this site on my phone instead doing all my work lol. Any boss tells me to stop and focus harder on work and I'm leaving work for the day. My view is they can either get some work out of me and have a living employee or try to force the issue and get no work from a dead employee. And then lose even more time while they hire and train another person. Possibly also some other co-workers might? need a minute before working full speed after a co-worker killed themself. I see my SS site use as what is currently keeping me from moving forward with active plan making.

In general, in the past, I've fought and pushed back on a lot for things that I know contribute to better mental health for me.
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Feb 13, 2020
I do my best to just be kind to myself and do things that make me happy when I can. If I am having a bad day I tell myself that this will pass and do things that just comfort me. I love to have a clean bed and a bubble bath before bed. That was my self care after a tough week.
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Aug 10, 2021
I try to keep a couple people informed when my moods are in rotation or am just not in a good spot. Other things help as well like biofeedback, diet, etc, but sometimes I can't do any of those things so having a good support system is imperative to survival even if that support system is online.
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Fight or flight
Aug 15, 2021
Being on this site on my phone instead doing all my work lol. Any boss tells me to stop and focus harder on work and I'm leaving work for the day. My view is they can either get some work out of me and have a living employee or try to force the issue and get no work from a dead employee. And then lose even more time while they hire and train another person. Possibly also some other co-workers might? need a minute before working full speed after a co-worker killed themself. I see my SS site use as what is currently keeping me from moving forward with active plan making.

In general, in the past, I've fought and pushed back on a lot for things that I know contribute to better mental health for me.

Being on this site on my phone instead doing all my work lol. Any boss tells me to stop and focus harder on work and I'm leaving work for the day. My view is they can either get some work out of me and have a living employee or try to force the issue and get no work from a dead employee. And then lose even more time while they hire and train another person. Possibly also some other co-workers might? need a minute before working full speed after a co-worker killed themself. I see my SS site use as what is currently keeping me from moving forward with active plan making.

In general, in the past, I've fought and pushed back on a lot for things that I know contribute to better mental health for m
Looks like your work is important for you (for me too!) - it's hard where you live try to find a more "sane" workplace habitat?


Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
Always have an exit plan at the ready
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Nov 30, 2020
Safety Plan. Even after recovery I have one juust in case.
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New Member
Dec 28, 2021
I play or snuggle with my cat because that reminds me that I don't want to abandon him. My family and friends might hurt if I ctb but they'll at least be able to understand what happened and why I'm not around anymore- but my cat wouldn't understand. From his perspective I would just suddenly be gone and wouldn't come home. That thought breaks my heart.
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Dec 29, 2021
I have to have a clean and organised space - made bed, packed clothes, no unecessary items lying around. When I start to feel overwhelmed and feel like I have no control, if my physical environment mirrors those thoughts it makes me feel 100 times worse. My friends think I'm disciplined, no, I'm just trying to not kill myself šŸ˜…
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Dec 27, 2021
I would make trying to ctb as annoying as possible to access. Like wrapping all otc pills in absurd layers of duct tape. And when I want to overdose, I just eventually rage quit.

For me at least, being frustrated stops me from feeling hopeless.
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Nov 5, 2022
Not everyone can do this and I acknowledge that I am very lucky in this regard due to being on ssdi and not having to work but I have found that limiting my exposure to the general public has historically helped with my suicidal thoughts. I perceive it to be that my ptsd, anxiety, and depression spirals out of control despite my best efforts whenever I am out and about a lot and don't have a large abundance of alone time. Considering that the extensive treatment that I have sought has proven ineffective, this is the best thing that I have to work with for the time being. I am open to suggestions but have come up empty handed in regard to finding a way to reintegrate myself into society since my mental health really started to spiral heavily in my teen years, especially after coming out as transgender. Since many treatments haven't worked out for me, I guess it can be said that I am taking the preventative approach in the only way that I feel actually work. It obviously comes with it's own cons but I feel is the lesser of two evils when my immunity to extreme distress and hopelessness is nearing non-existent. Also, when my distress levels are more consistently lower, I have the means to actually find some semblance of meaning through creative projects

Tldr: - Limit exposure to distressing situations (specifically the general public for me) and be grateful that I have the means to live this way
- Focus on what brings me meaning (creative pursuits)
- I am aware that these methods of lowering suicidal thoughts can't be applied to a lot of people but these are the two things that have helped me the most when nothing else ever has
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I stay in my power
Aug 20, 2020
I imagine what it would be like for my children, my mother, my dog if I left.

And as concretely and in as much detail as possible. And above all without a secret exit. My suicide would be their reality forever. No new start.

It is important for me to rewind this concretely and realistically in my mind's eye like a film.

Then I can finish the film and my children come home and I think, what a luck, I have spared you this nightmare today.

The important thing for me is to see that it would be final. What the consequences would be in concrete terms.
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Shame, Avoidance, hopelessness, lonliness, cbt, pm
Nov 9, 2022
Sold my phone(permutation) so I got a new one less powerful but some cash.
My scooter will be ready tomorrow hope the guy is not ripping me off.
Otherwise it was a bad day on.


In Defense of Non-Existence
May 16, 2023
I avoid triggers that can lead me into darker thoughts.

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