

Jul 18, 2018
Fluoride is a neurotoxin. I haven't been able to drink the tap water since I was a young child and would gag every time I tried to. Google is in cahoots with Monsanto, which is probably why somewhere on there it says fluoride is good for oral health. I also have fluoride damage on my teeth from using fluoride toothpaste, similar to that of bone damage. The government also doesn't actually care about you, shocking, I know!
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Jun 18, 2018
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Aug 14, 2018
Well there's really no way here. You just choose to. Choose to never take even a slightest offence no matter how something or someone acts against you. You accept it and you handle it by whatever means necessary but without taking offence.

What a load of horseshit...

being raped...
being bullied mercilessly at a vulnerable age ...
being abandoned by one's family ...
being attacked and beaten with permanent injuries...

these are just a few examples where the victims don't need third rate US style "you can handle that, it's all inside you " BS,
but sympathy, help and above all understanding.

Why don't you use your brain ( if functional ) before posting ?
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Aug 17, 2018
Fluoride is a neurotoxin. I haven't been able to drink the tap water since I was a young child and would gag every time I tried to. Google is in cahoots with Monsanto, which is probably why somewhere on there it says fluoride is good for oral health. I also have fluoride damage on my teeth from using fluoride toothpaste, similar to that of bone damage. The government also doesn't actually care about you, shocking, I know!
Mainly why i believe that its a neurotoxin like you said. I hated tap water as a kid and preffered to be dehydrated or get bottled water and i do observe changes where im somewhere without much access to bottled water and drink from the tap and the changes like being more apathetic only make my belief stronger.
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No pasaran
Aug 13, 2018
What a load of horseshit...

being raped...
being bullied mercilessly at a vulnerable age ...
being abandoned by one's family ...
being attacked and beaten with permanent injuries...

these are just a few examples where the victims don't need third rate US style "you can handle that, it's all inside you " BS,
but sympathy, help and above all understanding.

Why don't you use your brain ( if functional ) before posting ?

I suggest you start using yours and note that the guy asked 'is there any way to stop being victim'? So I answered him. If you strongly believe in feeling like a victim in abovementioned cases (and I persume in many others too) - be my guest keep being victim, I don't care. Also I never said you should never help those who were attacked, raped etc. That's just some good old schizophrenia on your part, buddy.


No pasaran
Aug 13, 2018
And a funny thing is I see OP himself liked Wezel's rant so the question then should have been - 'is there any way to stop being a victim all while remaining a strong believer in being a victim?". Nah OP there really is no way )


Cosmic panic
May 18, 2018
i think it's too ingrained.

I've suffered from "victim mentality" since I can remember. Always feeling like things were happening to me.

I've just come to the conclusion that I am a victim. Life happened to me.
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Aug 14, 2018
I suggest you start using yours and note that the guy asked 'is there any way to stop being victim'? So I answered him. If you strongly believe in feeling like a victim in abovementioned cases (and I persume in many others too) - be my guest keep being victim, I don't care. Also I never said you should never help those who were attacked, raped etc. That's just some good old schizophrenia on your part, buddy.

Leave the buddy out, please.
The "aforementioned cases" were examples where one is of course "a victim" due to the horrendous nature of the circumstances. To assume e.g. that somebody who has been raped just decides " I am not going to be victim " is lacking even the most basic understanding of what devastating effect such traumata have, regardless of one's mindset.
For example lots of war veterans are severely traumatised for having witnessed unspeakable things, a friend of mine happens to treat them. It is a very,very difficult and slow process and quite a number of these people never can find back to a normal life.
You lack insight and understanding, I have no interest discussing this any further, case closed for me.
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No pasaran
Aug 13, 2018
Leave the buddy out, please.

As you wish, son. If you wanted a respectful conversation I'm pretty sure you would left out the 'horseshit' and 'brain' part, so please.

The "aforementioned cases" were examples where one is of course "a victim" due to the horrendous nature of the circumstances. To assume e.g. that somebody who has been raped just decides " I am not going to be victim " is lacking even the most basic understanding of what devastating effect such traumata have, regardless of one's mindset.
For example lots of war veterans are severely traumatised for having witnessed unspeakable things, a friend of mine happens to treat them. It is a very,very difficult and slow process and quite a number of these people never can find back to a normal life.
You lack insight and understanding, I have no interest discussing this any further, case closed f

No. The abovementioned cases cannot be examples of where "people are victims because of horrendous nature of circumstances" because being a 'victim' is always a choice. And to view these circumstances as 'horrendous' is a choice either. Regardless of whether it's a man who caused your misery or animal or accident. I never said you can recover from victim mindset in a flash. But the first step is to recognise it's a choice and stop being a strong believer in making it.

I personally WAS under 'abovementioned circumstances'. I WAS mercilessly bullied at vulnerable age, primarily by my so-called 'father', so I know a thing or two about it. But even if I didn't that still wouldn't invalidate anything I'm saying. So my insight is just fine, thank you for asking )
Last edited:


Jul 2, 2018
Learned helplessness is a fucking bitch. That, and I take comfort in knowing that I have the power to resign myself from this experience.
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Jul 2, 2018
First of all you need to gain some confidence. If you feel "strong", people will notice. I started training boxing, as a hobby. It's really satisfying to punch, and good for both physical and mental health.

-Walk like you own the world
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Jun 18, 2018
First of all you need to gain some confidence. If you feel "strong", people will notice. I started training boxing, as a hobby. It's really satisfying to punch, and good for both physical and mental health.

-Walk like you own the world
I used to be like that but then I developed some health issues and ended up losing a lot of weight and my muscular figure :(
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Jul 2, 2018
I used to be like that but then I developed some health issues and ended up losing a lot of weight and my muscular figure :(
I gained weight and lost muscles. I have to use painkillers to handle training (don't tell my doctors ) now. It's easier for training- people to rebuild the body back to "normal" than newbies.
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Too p*ssy to end it, too suicidal to leave
Aug 17, 2018
Cutting off toxic people helps. Recently I got back in touch with an older "friend" who I knew was toxic, but I was feeling so low and disconnected (I cut off all other people and I started thinking "what if I get sick?" etc.. I thought it would be good to keep some ties). And it's like she smells any sign of weakness. I tried to address with her my existential problems (not because I felt like she would understand, but because I needed to vent) and she started using "affectionate" words like "my little child etc" (she is twice my age, but still..). I felt disgusted. It's like I felt her testing the limits of this humiliation camouflaged in affection. It made me sick. Sometimes I feel like people are programmed to test the "master-slave" dynamic in such a perverted way and to inch in their filth with a desire to break and to dominate.
I cut her off as well. I am ready to rot in the street with no friends and no help.
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Jul 2, 2018
Cutting off toxic people helps. Recently I got back in touch with an older "friend" who I knew was toxic, but I was feeling so low and disconnected (I cut off all other people and I started thinking "what if I get sick?" etc.. I thought it would be good to keep some ties). And it's like she smells any sign of weakness. I tried to address with her my existential problems (not because I felt like she would understand, but because I needed to vent) and she started using "affectionate" words like "my little child etc" (she is twice my age, but still..). I felt disgusted. It's like I felt her testing the limits of this humiliation camouflaged in affection. It made me sick. Sometimes I feel like people are programmed to test the "master-slave" dynamic in such a perverted way and to inch in their filth with a desire to break and to dominate.
I cut her off as well. I am ready to rot in the street with no friends and no help.
Wow, women always amaze me in a negative way. Especially their need to dominate when possible. It's normal to catch up with toxic relations when life is bad. Done it several times, almost like a selfpunishment. Guess nobody really bare being lonely alone. After all, people need human touch, love (real or fake).


El revisionismo en castillano
Jul 16, 2018
that's probably a good method

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