Is the state of feeling Shy Beneficial or Disadvantageous?

  • Could be beneficial

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Disadvantageous

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • Neither

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Why are you asking so many questions leave us alone ffs, would you?! Jesus christ

    Votes: 6 25.0%

  • Total voters
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
Cats don't like being scared at because it indicates a threat to them. Thwy blink at one another to display vulnerabilty in each others presence. It's an animalistic think but could be perceived a sign of respect. So if you slow blick at a cat you'll often see it blink back unless you're displaying a threat they don't feel comfortable with.
i never read, heard nor experienced cats reacting negatively to being stared at in normal manner. Unless you are talking like long stare maybe in intimidating setting but that has nothing to do with cats consistent need for boundaries. Again cats dont like to be stared at on the toilet and doesnt really seem related to be percoeved as being threat as the same type of stare while on toilet can be done again while they are not there and they will be totally fine with it and this is what I observed with many cats myself. Cats have a distinct sense of boundaries that is not consistent with threat responsive behaviors in domestic cats that is and this is very obvious. Most Cats just like to have their own space while feeling totally safe and vulnerable.
As far as shyness goes., there's always extremes and in those cases it's cripling and far from beneficial but I think its beneficial in moderation. Its a sign of self awareness and many people that don't feel any self awarwness are ignorant ass holes. A healthy amount of self awareness is a desirable trait to me (and I would say many others). I don't like overly confident people or ignorant people. Especially selectively ignorant types. You know, the type that does some shit and then calls you a 'hater' for calling them out on it. I can't stand these over simplified terms that get thrown about these days. Confidence is fine and when it's warranted and displayed humbly then it's perfectly fine. I'll take that but at the same time give me a semi shy type any day. I'll make them feel comfortable and their shyness will usually lift. Either way I respect them for their humility which there is way to little of in this modern world.
I agree with you that shyness is associated with being self aware and humility. Traits that are very underrated nowadays. I like the point you brought and I alluded to something similar above about if men especially straight find shy women as more enticing with all other variable being equal. This an example of a healthy, social and fun aspect of it. But what you and I are bringing to the conversation does not seem like popular outtake in the science circle wether anthropology or psychology does not seem to look into these aspects from an emotional angle. Everything relates to material gain or lose. Very cold and rigid weird ways of studying ourselves if you ask me. (Everything is about survival, there is no other angle to human life but survival, social hierarchies, power dynamics, etc) so old fashioned
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Yeah cats don't like being looked at in the eyes. It's threatening. I suspect they feel vulnerable when using the toilet so that might explain why some find they don't like being watched on the toilet. Most people that study cats will say it's a myth or misconception that cats don't like being watched using the toilet but as they're so varied and have distinct personalities there's the very real possibility that in some cases it true.

Thw blinking thing though... trust me, it's real. Try it on your cats. It has to be a slow blink. The amount of time your eyes stay closed indicated the amount you teust them so id you just blink normally it will have no effect other than indicating you don't trust them lol. The way it works is that closing your eyes leaves you vulnerable to attack in the mind of a cat. So from that you can see why the slow blink is a sign of trust and respect. Its a common phenomenon that's been gaining traction lately.

I notice you changed your name. I like the new avatar.
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
Yeah cats don't like being looked at in the eyes. It's threatening. I suspect they feel vulnerable when using the toilet so that might explain why some find they don't like being watched on the toilet. Most people that study cats will say it's a myth or misconception that cats don't like being watched using the toilet but as they're so varied and have distinct personalities there's the very real possibility that in some cases it true.

Thw blinking thing though... trust me, it's real. Try it on your cats. It has to be a slow blink. The amount of time your eyes stay closed indicated the amount you teust them so id you just blink normally it will have no effect other than indicating you don't trust them lol. The way it works is that closing your eyes leaves you vulnerable to attack in the mind of a cat. So from that you can see why the slow blink is a sign of trust and respect. Its a common phenomenon that's been gaining traction lately.

I notice you changed your name. I like the new avatar.
Thanks 😊. Anyhow i think i made my point clear about cats. I dont want to derail this further because it is not essentially about cats and I know about the blinking thing but thanks for mentioning that
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
@stilldreaming i apologize if I sounded aggressive. I appreciate your input and posts much. I tend to get carried away sometimes in my discussions. No hard feelings eh?

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