Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
I live in the UK and would like to say it won't affect me but when they elected Trump, the Worldwide sale of Fentanyl was banned I can't even find it on the darkweb that's because of the war with China, he ordered his security teams to search and track Fentanyl suppliers and close them down.

Then we had the import/export war, China lost billions the cuddly panda nation turned into a sleeping tiger and trump kept poking it and then we experenced,

Closest I could get to a Tiger, lol
Covid 19

Well would they risk millions of lives and financial ruin, China bounced back fast with minimal deaths and financial markets bounced back and would it make DT look bad, well it did well it made us all look bad and death and financial ruin which we will be paying higher taxes for at least 10 years.

It will never lead to nuclear war as the rich and powerful will lose there hold on society look at iran to save face after the assingation of Qasem Soleimani they bombed an empty base and that was it, game over. China are now teaching the children China is the best way, look at how we handled Covid-19 and look at the Western approach and elections, do you want to be like them.

If Biden wins he is more China friendly so will it mean Fentanyl supplies resume or will Covid-19 suddenly disapear, a vacine will be released and we can leave it in the history books.

For the UK Trump would be better for getting a trade deal, Biden didn't like the UK leaving the EU so will be harder to trade with but I think Hilary should have had another bash she would have won.

Well that's my two bobs worth, lol

Good luck America


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Here Lies My Hopes And Dreams
Sep 4, 2019
Biden apparently is on track to win since Michigan flipped
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Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
If Trump looses where will I get all our memes from?
On a broader scale I don't think it will make much difference if Biden wins.
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Nov 5, 2018
If Trump looses where will I get all our memes from?

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Aug 26, 2020
You know that tacky starfish story where there are a bunch of starfish on a beach and some guy walks along the shore and tosses a few back in the ocean and says "I made all the difference in the world for that one?"

Even if there wouldn't be a significant national difference between a Trump and Biden presidency—and I think there will be—think of the victims of hate crimes (hate crimes having spiked since Trump took office, practically as a direct result of his rhetoric and, I'd argue, deployment of the National Guard to quell peaceful protests).

Not to mention the dozens of thousands who will die of COVID absenting policies and plans—and all the people who will die of other causes for lack of access to affordable healthcare.

And who knows what new war/s he might launch. His 'powers' of diplomacy are nonexistent, and even if he doesn't send us to another war, he's certainly responsible for an incalculable loss of human life having sold weapons to Saudi Arabia and the UAE at the height of the civil war in Yemen back in 2017.
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Kinda surprised this still isn't in Offtopic. Maybe just wanting Trump to win really is a suicidal thing to admit.

Still kinda hoping he does because at least Biden would accept a loss more gracefully.
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
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Jun 12, 2018
Trump is done. It's over. Good.
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Aug 26, 2020
Kinda surprised this still isn't in Offtopic. Maybe just wanting Trump to win really is a suicidal thing to admit.

Still kinda hoping he does because at least Biden would accept a loss more gracefully.
the logic here...:mmm:

Trump's followers are going to throw pogroms whether he wins or loses, and whatever civil unrest we'd see in the coming weeks following a Trump victory would be small potatoes compared to the overall violence that would come from a second Trump term.
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
If they start that shit, game on. Any playlist suggestions ?

House Results graphic's a little clipped AP
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
the logic here...:mmm:

Trump's followers are going to throw pogroms whether he wins or loses, and whatever civil unrest we'd see in the coming weeks following a Trump victory would be small potatoes compared to the overall violence that would come from a second Trump term.
I think violence is gonna happen anyway but not to the extent the media is hyping it up to be. There will probably a lot of violence in a Biden term as well but it will get glossed over so he doesn't look bad. It's the Joker movie all over again.
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Nobody gets out alive
Sep 10, 2020
first - i guess i was pretty clear it was a joke.

second - you don't even need to be manipulated by mass media - just listen to his press conferences and speeches. it says it all.
even the fact that he announces victory before the counting has finished.

third - i guess our views of the world are so different, that a conversation seems pretty pointless and tiring.
but as a famous quote says "I might disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

He never announced his victory.. he said we were up big and then asked why they stop counting? .and he said stop counting, basically he wanted his lawyers to witness the rest of the tally

And then sure enough like a thief in the night Huge leads evaporated.. in wi for example I watched 100k trump lead vanish when they resumed 4 hours later.. there's screenshots of biden Picking up 200k votes and trump 0 in Michigan.. and then u have Az where they said 95 percent reporting and declared Biden the winner when. It was actually 85 percent reporting and hundreds of thousands yet to be counted in Trump friendly districts.. and he was only down by 20k or so..
Then u have vids of people complaining that they were giving republicans sharpies and Dems pens.. the computer doesn't count sharpie ink.. it ignores it. There is so much bullshit going on it's disgusting.. and then look at hunters laptop.. 30k pics, corroborated emails an ex business partner coming forward with receipts of the corruption and china, Ukraine payoffs.. and the media, big tech do a 100 percent blackout? Everything they accused trump of doing for YEARS there's actual evidence it was them

If there was one email like this on trump it would be front page news for months.. if Biden wins you'll see a banana republic to the likes youve never seen before.. it's absolutely insane..

Go to gnews.org if u want to see the hunter laptop .. these a shitton of evidence.. this is the deep state.. swamp.. new world order whatever u want to call it .

And btw If you want an unbiased , liberal journalists list of Trump's accomplishments check out ..

Nobody has worked so hard for this country.. sure, not all of it was perfect . But he did alot most everyone could agree helped alot of people from all races and walks of life

the media never gave any of this attention.. it's all been ckickbait , ragebait fake news..

And I respect you to buddy.. trust me.. I've been following politics since the 70s as a boy.. and I've been in internet Search since the 90s.. I've worked with Google, yahoo..I know the founders personally..we used to have weekly call meeting with Larry page one of the google owners before Google search was even finished.. i know what's going on and it's dark.. trump is not the enemy of this country. it is exactly the opposite
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
House Tally AP


Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed and permanently set.
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Oct 8, 2020
Maybe Trump will CTB if he loses
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
Maybe he'll be hung for treason.
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Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
OR, {inhales} punched, stab, shot, kicked, poked, ridiculed, deported, extradited, kicked again, thrown off a bridge, launched from a cannon into a bridge, hit with a bridge, hung from a bridge, bridges seems signif for some reason, stabbed again, or better than all of that imprisoned in the white house for the rest of his life. no phones no twitter, boarded windows and all the literal shit he can eat. then stabbed again. and kicked.

And in spite of all of than, i'm still holding to my prediction.


Jun 6, 2020
I cannot imagine tump CTB'ing. I mean it could happen as I do think his mental state is unhealthy, but I think he'd just try and fight


Oct 8, 2020
"Every Democrat: Just put the razor blades and Ambien back in the medicine cabinet — we're going to be fine. We're going to be fine."—James Carville

Deleted member 23374

Nov 1, 2020
"Every Democrat: Just put the razor blades and Ambien back in the medicine cabinet — we're going to be fine. We're going to be fine."—James Carville
Not really though, the enormity of the damage that's been done poses serious existential problems.


Here Lies My Hopes And Dreams
Sep 4, 2019
I cannot imagine tump CTB'ing. I mean it could happen as I do think his mental state is unhealthy, but I think he'd just try and fight
I'm 99% sure now that we're gonna win :) 6 more votes and Nevada is leaning towards him. It's in the bag.
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Aug 26, 2020
Do many people here believe Qanon?

Who won by the way? When will we know for sure I'm useless with stats?
It's safe to say Biden won but it remains to be seen how big of a fuss Trump will put up to stay in office. Anything could happen.
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Jul 14, 2020
It's safe to say Biden won but it remains to be seen how big of a fuss Trump will put up to stay in office. Anything could happen.
He didn't win, the election was stolen. Surely that many Americans can't want indefinite lockdown, more businesses destroyed, chicom taking over, woke identity politics etc, with a corrupt career politician with dementia as leader?
If you go by Trump's rallies, he clearly won.

The whole thing stinks of fraud and cheating, especially how it played out where they stopped counting when Trump was winning, then all of a sudden hundreds of thousands of votes tally up for Biden.
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Jul 6, 2020
He didn't win, the election was stolen. Surely that many Americans can't want indefinite lockdown, more businesses destroyed, chicom taking over, woke identity politics etc, with a corrupt career politician with dementia as leader?
If you go by Trump's rallies, he clearly won.

The whole thing stinks of fraud and cheating, especially how it played out where they stopped counting when Trump was winning, then all of a sudden hundreds of thousands of votes tally up for Biden.
Just curious, why do you want the racist, sexist, anti-trans, incompetent bigot, who's inaction and blatant lying has directly led to the deaths of over 200,000 Americans this year, to win the election?
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