Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Whenever I come across threads with guys with very misogynistic views. Even guys (usually self proclaimed incels) who say how worried they are they might have to 'settle' for someone (flattery gets you everywhere,) I can't help but feel this swell of pitty for the woman that might fall for them.

Is that unfair? Do you suppose they treat their actual partners well? Plus- ultimately- it's that woman's choice. Should any of us be pittied for our choices? That's kind of patronising.

Not to make this all man hating though by any means. I quite often look at real relationships and feel sorry for the guy- thinking- how can you bear to be that much under the thumb?!! It's not to say women can't be abusive or controlling.

I think I'm just weird though maybe. I don't like the look of even good relationships a lot of the time!
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
But I thought that incels are incels because of their personality? You mean to tell me that men can still be awful to women and manage to attract them at the same time? In 2024? Color me surprised. Not even being sarcastic here.

That said, feel pity for whoever you deem fit. Feeling bad for people's choice is still possible when you take into consideration why they may have made those choices.
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
From what I have seen in general personality matters the least in partners. I am only sorry for kids who are born in wrecked homes.

I think it is also arguable what is mysogynistic/misandrist. For me if someone hates the other gender and wants to hurt/eradicate them, that is good enough for the label. But, I am of the belief that men and women differ and we can't be equal in every measure. A bit conservative point of view that will sure make some angry here, so maybe I shouldn't have said it. I don't think anyone is "superior" to another tho all things considered, I just think humans differ based on certain things.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
But I thought that incels are incels because of their personality? You mean to tell me that men can still be awful to women and manage to attract them at the same time? In 2024? Color me surprised. Not even being sarcastic here.

That said, feel pity for whoever you deem fit. Feeling bad for people's choice is still possible when you take into consideration why they may have made those choices.

Definitely they can. Domestic violence is rife. In both directions too. I think the balance is still that more women are abused by men but, it works in reverse too.

But- definitely- good point. I think we make harmful decisions for ourselves quite often because we are already experiencing trauma from something.
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If I can't be my own, I'd feel better dead
Feb 24, 2024
I've been friends with misogynists, which really didn't help with my already shitty self esteem. I tried really hard to get their approval because I never had a father figure, so I was compensating quite a bit by being desperate for male approval.

So because of that, I do empathize with women who fall for misogynistic men.
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
I think a huge problem is not seriously caring about what one's partner values. There's 2 recent examples: a woman & a man. In both situations, it seems they ultimately failed to provide what the other person valued. They wanted to be loved — but not to love. One of them completely lacked all sense of her ex's interiority

That said, I think a poster's job is generally to help OPs. (So I didn't critique those 2 unless asked.) If their partner/ex needs support, sure they can come here & post too. My pity's irrelevant; only effective action matters

Regarding "settling"... eh, yeah obviously doesn't inspire confidence. BUT! Ironically, women often punish the men they strongly desire. Wonder if it works the other way, if guys punish gals they most desire 🤔
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
It goes both ways. There are difficult men and women out there. And damaged people everywhere.

The problem with things like hurt and pain, is that they can make people revert to some of their basest instincts. So whereas someone might rationally be "normal" and not misogynistic or bigoted, their life experiences can turn them into someone they're not, at their core. They may also consume (online) media that lends itself to divisive rhetoric.

I can't help but feel we've kind of taken the easy route by proclaiming everything to be inceldom or whatever too. The fact is, when people bandy that about, it's often just a knee jerk reaction, and invalidating to the person. It's not really telling the whole story and is frequently a lazy assessment of the situation. But then why would women, already hurt by men in their lives, bother to dig deeper and sort through the mess? They're not incentivized to.

Let's not forget that people are incredibly multi-layered. Someone might seem awful on the outside, but it could just be a front. Someone else might be very congenial outwardly, but passive aggressive or otherwise hard to deal with when you know them a little better.

I've been in many relationships, and on the receiving end of all types of negative behavior. From neglect to abuse and everything inbetween. You see ultimately that there isn't too much difference between men and women, I think. We simply have different sets of problems, and different groupings of experiences that make us behave certain ways.
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Tiny storm
Nov 7, 2023
It's not "bad" to have empathy for those who are suffering, imo.
Whether or not they can be helped... Well, that's another story.
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Oct 8, 2023
Perhaps, a perspective from a man who self-identifies as a misogynist might help. Mind you, I don't go around sharing this and this is the first time I have. This is probably going to be one of the dumbest posts I've ever made on this site but here we go.

Guess we may first need to start at what degree of misogynist I am without going into a massive essay which will be hard. Most people would never be able to tell. I am generally respectful to everyone, man or woman. I don't make posts on the internet disparaging women. I feel a sense of mistrust towards them due to past bad experiences which repeated, which I should add are not related to dating in any way, as I've never been in a relationship. Some people say the past shouldn't define a group. I would agree, doesn't mean I can't shake those feelings.

I'm not exactly the frothing-at-the-mouth angry stereotypical incel that would be able to provide better insight. I'm simply where they started before becoming like that, the first stage if you want to think of it like that. I'm trying to say in a really roundabout way that I will be friends with women and treat them nicely despite having negative attitudes that I try not to share. Never saw a point in doing so because the reaction would be harsh. My feelings don't matter in this context, everybody else's are what's important.

Whether this makes me inherently a bad person is up to you. I think it gives me bad aspects but doesn't make me into a complete ass if you ask me. Generally, my conduct is to try to be as nice and respectful as possible, and simply keep my thoughts to myself. Everybody has hateful thoughts, doesn't mean you should share them.

who say how worried they are they might have to 'settle' for someone (flattery gets you everywhere,)
In my mind, when I think of "settle" I think of myself as so pathetic that only someone more pathetic than me would ever want me, but women who are more pathetic than me can still do better.
Do you suppose they treat their actual partners well?
Probably. Probably not. Neither are the correct nor incorrect answer. My philosophy is that if you treat even the most bitter person with compassion they'll eventually show themselves to be decent human beings. Perhaps these people, once they're shown love become good people. Perhaps they are shit. Who's to say? Some people's problems aren't actually with women but they need some kind of outlet. Men are generally not allowed to show any negative emotion except anger. So perhaps their problem isn't with women, but it's other stuff in their life and they're just using misogyny as an outlet for it. This last part, well I doubt my own logic on it but it's a thought I guess?
it's that woman's choice. Should any of us be pittied for our choices? That's kind of patronising.
I quite often look at real relationships and feel sorry for the guy
I'll just point out that there's some mixed messaging going on between these two quotes, but I'm getting the sense that you feel patronized when feeling pity, but still feel pity for others. That sounds perfectly natural and reasonable to me. Unless I'm wrong, in which case correct me. I don't think pity is bad, simply that some people don't like being pitied. Some people like you might find it patronizing. Others want to be pitied. Being patronized when receiving pity but also giving pity at the same time is also not bad. Again, this is wholly dependent on the person involved, but I don't think black-and-white thinking gets anywhere here. I think it's their intent that's what matters.

The way you fix the incel/misogyny/anything hateful problem is by drilling down to why someone has those thoughts. And again, this doesn't mean trying to shut down their arguments and prove them wrong. That will just get a hostile reaction. They're already hostile in the first place because they're waiting for you to do just that. This is going to sound absolutely insane but allowing them a voice and not invalidating them until they feel comfortable and start revealing their more normal side is, what I think anyway, the solution is. Once you get to the human side you'll realize that they don't actually fully believe in that crap and will point out that they are indeed flawed. They are doing it for a reason, it gives them something. Once you figure out that something you can work on it from there, and when I say you I mean the incel/misogynist, not everybody else.

How am I so sure? Because it worked on me through introspection though I'm not all the way there. And it's worked on people I've talked to. But I'm just some rando on the internet. I've had a 100% success rate for like, 4 people. Doubtful it's gonna work on a large scale.

Those are just my thoughts from the perspective of "the other side" if you will. I'm honestly not sure if I'm being a complete idiot right now or not, so I'm welcome to criticism.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Perhaps, a perspective from a man who self-identifies as a misogynist might help. Mind you, I don't go around sharing this and this is the first time I have. This is probably going to be one of the dumbest posts I've ever made on this site but here we go.

Guess we may first need to start at what degree of misogynist I am without going into a massive essay which will be hard. Most people would never be able to tell. I am generally respectful to everyone, man or woman. I don't make posts on the internet disparaging women. I feel a sense of mistrust towards them due to past bad experiences which repeated, which I should add are not related to dating in any way, as I've never been in a relationship. Some people say the past shouldn't define a group. I would agree, doesn't mean I can't shake those feelings.

I'm not exactly the frothing-at-the-mouth angry stereotypical incel that would be able to provide better insight. I'm simply where they started before becoming like that, the first stage if you want to think of it like that. I'm trying to say in a really roundabout way that I will be friends with women and treat them nicely despite having negative attitudes that I try not to share. Never saw a point in doing so because the reaction would be harsh. My feelings don't matter in this context, everybody else's are what's important.

Whether this makes me inherently a bad person is up to you. I think it gives me bad aspects but doesn't make me into a complete ass if you ask me. Generally, my conduct is to try to be as nice and respectful as possible, and simply keep my thoughts to myself. Everybody has hateful thoughts, doesn't mean you should share them.


In my mind, when I think of "settle" I think of myself as so pathetic that only someone more pathetic than me would ever want me, but women who are more pathetic than me can still do better.

Probably. Probably not. Neither are the correct nor incorrect answer. My philosophy is that if you treat even the most bitter person with compassion they'll eventually show themselves to be decent human beings. Perhaps these people, once they're shown love become good people. Perhaps they are shit. Who's to say? Some people's problems aren't actually with women but they need some kind of outlet. Men are generally not allowed to show any negative emotion except anger. So perhaps their problem isn't with women, but it's other stuff in their life and they're just using misogyny as an outlet for it. This last part, well I doubt my own logic on it but it's a thought I guess?

I'll just point out that there's some mixed messaging going on between these two quotes, but I'm getting the sense that you feel patronized when feeling pity, but still feel pity for others. That sounds perfectly natural and reasonable to me. Unless I'm wrong, in which case correct me. I don't think pity is bad, simply that some people don't like being pitied. Some people like you might find it patronizing. Others want to be pitied. Being patronized when receiving pity but also giving pity at the same time is also not bad. Again, this is wholly dependent on the person involved, but I don't think black-and-white thinking gets anywhere here. I think it's their intent that's what matters.

The way you fix the incel/misogyny/anything hateful problem is by drilling down to why someone has those thoughts. And again, this doesn't mean trying to shut down their arguments and prove them wrong. That will just get a hostile reaction. They're already hostile in the first place because they're waiting for you to do just that. This is going to sound absolutely insane but allowing them a voice and not invalidating them until they feel comfortable and start revealing their more normal side is, what I think anyway, the solution is. Once you get to the human side you'll realize that they don't actually fully believe in that crap and will point out that they are indeed flawed. They are doing it for a reason, it gives them something. Once you figure out that something you can work on it from there, and when I say you I mean the incel/misogynist, not everybody else.

How am I so sure? Because it worked on me through introspection though I'm not all the way there. And it's worked on people I've talked to. But I'm just some rando on the internet. I've had a 100% success rate for like, 4 people. Doubtful it's gonna work on a large scale.

Those are just my thoughts from the perspective of "the other side" if you will. I'm honestly not sure if I'm being a complete idiot right now or not, so I'm welcome to criticism.

Thank you for being so honest. I don't think you sound like an inheritantly bad person at all and, I don't think it was 'idiotic' to have responded to the post in an honest way.

I'll be honest in return. I think I'm probably like you but the opposite. I have a distrust of men. Partly because of steroptypes. Partly because those stereotypes have turned out to be true in some cases. That's not to fault men either. It's just the way it is. So- one example would be that men do tend to go for young, thin, attractive women. Which is fine- I know there's the argument that it's biologically natural they would do so. But- it would have saved me heartache not to have crushes on people who never would have looked at me twice. I wish I'd learnt that lesson sooner!

I'd say- both of us have developed this mistrust of the opposite sex as a coping mechanism. But- seeing as neither of us are openly hostile with it, I doubt we do anyone any harm. Maybe ourselves more than anyone else because we've perhaps lost that willingness or capacity to trust them at all. Of course- we could be saving ourself harm also.

I suppose we all develop our attitudes through our upbringing, how we witness other people behaving to one another and then, our own experiences in life. I've known daughters of wife beating fathers hook up with wife beating spouses- that whole argument that we go for a 'love' we feel familiar with. But yeah- maybe none of us are exactly to 'blame' as to what opinions we hold. Especially if we have very bad experiences. That's bound to make us distrustful and resentful.

I think like you though- it's so important to be aware of what we're feeling and contain it if it has the potential to escalate to violence. (Obviously not in self defence to physical violence from them though.) I also agree with you- that it's so important to talk about these things.

Yes- you completely picked up on my mixed messaging. Like- I do feel sorry for people in abusive relationships but then, I wonder if that is undermining and belittling their capacity for themselves. There must be reasons they stay. Maybe because they're suffering from some kind of trauma- which also deserves pity. But, maybe they're aware of that too. And yes- I suppose it is because I would kind of find it patronizing if people view me as a perpetual victim- I guess. Not in terms of relationships. Maybe in terms of life and suicide I guess. I'm sure many people would view my life and decision to CTB as kind of tragic and pathetic. I suppose, to some extent, it is but also- I'm fully aware of what I'm doing, what I want, what I choose to reject and, why. I wouldn't want to be viewed as stupid or, not in control of my decisions- if/when I make that particular decision.
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
Perhaps, a perspective from a man who self-identifies as a misogynist might help. Mind you, I don't go around sharing this and this is the first time I have. This is probably going to be one of the dumbest posts I've ever made on this site but here we go.
Makes total sense! It's called "redpill rage". It's when you realize the disneyfied view's wrong. The redpill's bitter — some choke on it, for a lifetime. Even ctb

Women have this phenomenon too — when they do everything "right" & yet failed to obtain whatever male approval they seeked — in humiliating fashion

Demolish someone's dignity & respect — good way to birth a lifelong enemy
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May 19, 2018
I just pity all genders deeply, I think they each suffer incredibly in their own way. We each have our biases though, and I think that's what you're getting at here-- you relate more to women and some of their struggles, which is normal. I probably relate to men slightly more with their struggles. Again, normal, but, part of our 'buggy' nature, which is more of a feature than it is a bug. (You'd think more pro-social = better survival. You often have to think backwards to understand the values of nature, which is not about what's good for people themselves)

I pity everyone though, even people who think they're happy but fail to understand what's going on. I pity both the cannibal, and the guy who put up the internet ad looking for someone psycho-sexually like-minded to eat them, and everyone in between. Rich or poor, whatever gender, whatever sexuality, conventionally beautiful/ugly-- all tragic to me.
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Aug 18, 2020
Whenever I come across threads with guys with very misogynistic views. Even guys (usually self proclaimed incels) who say how worried they are they might have to 'settle' for someone (flattery gets you everywhere,) I can't help but feel this swell of pitty for the woman that might fall for them.

Is that unfair? Do you suppose they treat their actual partners well? Plus- ultimately- it's that woman's choice. Should any of us be pittied for our choices? That's kind of patronising.

Not to make this all man hating though by any means. I quite often look at real relationships and feel sorry for the guy- thinking- how can you bear to be that much under the thumb?!! It's not to say women can't be abusive or controlling.

I think I'm just weird though maybe. I don't like the look of even good relationships a lot of the time!
I think you might remember this story with the extremely attractive woman I met I had the feeling she rejected me because I am not enough experienced. (and I was paranoid while interacting with her) I had the feeling she will probably fall for an asshole eventually. However this could only have been a cliche or a response to the rejection.

There is the stereotype that woman don't like these good guys (like me or most of my friends.)
There are a lot of right-wing influencers and a German comedian made a show about one of them recently. The right-wing politician gave advices for men how to get a girlfriend. Real men have to be right-wingers. They don't watch porn and act self-confident. And certainly are not good guys or soft.

I had one acquaintance who was very successful with women who exactly had such attitudes and fit that description. However I don't want to change myself or pretend to be someone else for success with women. I also don't really believe that it works. And the women who get attracted by such behavior usually are not my personal preferences.

I don't really pity such women. But I also would not say they get what they deserve. People who experienced abuse are sometimes attracted to people who abuse them. Personally I search for a kind, honest, empathetic and understanding woman. I am pretty ill and I need a lot of acceptance. I cannot really relate to the desire for a misogynist as a partner.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
I feel bad for anyone whose partner feels like they've settled.
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Freedom seeker
Nov 8, 2023
I know a chick that goes from one physically abusive guy to the next.I tried having a relationship with her. I was nice to her never lay an abusive hand on her. It lasted 6 months tops,she flipped out over nothing. Harassed and stalked me until I was forced to get a restraining order. She then moved on to another physically abusive monster. She'll cry and complain, ask me to fuck him up/kill him. Two days later she's right back with him. All I can figure is she must like getting fuckin hit. What other reason could it be?
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
I feel bad for anyone whose partner feels like they've settled.
That must be rough. When I look at divorce numbers it probably happens more than we think.

And even without divorce it must be miserable being stuck with someone like that.
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
Humiliation changes people. For example, a worker can take a lot of shit from the boss: wage theft, etc. But when he rubs it in & humiliates them — uh-oh! That's when he makes enemies. Workplace organizers know this — that's when people turn on bosses

Same with people in a peaceful protest. Everytime the cops beat a squishy liberal — they birth a crunchy militant

Humiliated men can hate women; humiliated women can hate men. If they feel entitled to decent treatment. Unfortunately, there's barriers keeping humiliated people from working together... from seeing the common underlying structure of humiliation
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Humiliation changes people. For example, a worker can take a lot of shit from the boss: wage theft, etc. But when he rubs it in & humiliates them — uh-oh! That's when he makes enemies. Workplace organizers know this — that's when people turn on bosses

Same with people in a peaceful protest. Everytime the cops beat a squishy liberal — they birth a crunchy militant

Humiliated men can hate women; humiliated women can hate men. If they feel entitled to decent treatment. Unfortunately, there's barriers keeping humiliated people from working together... from seeing the common underlying structure of humiliation
Wdym "humiliated men"? How would a woman humiliate a man? Maybe that's why my crush stopped talking to me, because I inadvertently humiliated him somehow?
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
Hmm, I don't find that likely, but you know better than me. Did you ever do anything that can be construed as disrespect? Even something so small as a criticism, or contemptuous eyeroll, or admiring another guy's virtues?

This is a good video on the topic, of what gals should NEVER do, omfg never do it unless you wanna nuke your relationship :)
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Hmm, I don't find that likely, but you know better than me. Did you ever do anything that can be construed as disrespect? Even something so small as a criticism, or contemptuous eyeroll, or admiring another guy's virtues?

This is a good video on the topic, of what gals should NEVER do, omfg never go there unless you wanna nuke your relationship :)
I don't think so? I'm not well-versed in the opposite sex though, so even if I did something considered disrespectful to him, I wouldn't know…
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