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Oct 13, 2020
Any mod reading this thread please can you ban me? SS is like an abusive relationship I haven't been able to get away from for about 3 years now with different accounts. I had disabled my account but would appreciate it a lot if I could just be banned and not see my name live on here anymore. I'm never going to make another account now as coming off for even a few days and having contact with other ex members is making me see the light finally.
SS is not a safe place for women. Still on this site is a guy who has a hanging fetish, messages women begging them to hang with him but quickly turns the chat to body size and asking for photos of them wearing leggings. His user name is female so he tricks people into chatting thinking he's a girl from the start.
The guy with the drowning fetish is still on here with a new name. He will pay your plane fare to meet him and wants to to trap yourself in a car with him so you can drive into a lake and drown. He only wants to do it with women though and apparently he needs details of body type and size for the wet suit he wants you to wear. He often comments on new female members profiles telling them he has a method that will 'definitely work'. But if you agree and go meet him who knows what will happen?

A guy messaged me a few weeks back asking if he could pay to taxi me to his flat in Surrey and then I 'might see his dead body' he pushed me to decide quickly saying he had a method for us both but refused to say what it was. He wouldn't tell me anything about himself.. but I could easily agreed if I'd been desperate and I dread to think what could have happened. Luckily I declined.

I've heard from another member that the guy who wanted to meet me and cut me with blades is still on here. He's already tricked 2 women on here into meeting and thinking he wants to ctb.. he doesn't. He is a manipulative narcissist looking for vulnerable women because he wants slaves who don't mind being abused for his sexual pleasure.

At this point I want to say I engaged with some of these men. SS absorbed me in it's dark world and I couldn't see clearly or rationally. I'm a mentally ill person with bpd which shows itself in extremely self destructive behaviour. I wanted to be harmed. Therefore at that time those men appealed to me. So there is NO POINT anyone saying I should have reported them. At that point I accepted that was a peril of being on ss, that you get weirdo men messaging you wanting to die with you.. and there is probably a sexual element to it in their minds. I think as a lonely mentally ill woman on ss you can also feel any attention as positive. Some of these men are very good at making you feel special and needed. It can be difficult to resist.

Do you not see how dangerous that is? SS will ALWAYS be a dangerous place for women. Many of us hate ourselves, many of us have bpd and the associated risk taking behaviour along with self destructive inclinations. We are like lambs to the slaughter on this site of predators. And there will ALWAYS be dangerous men on here. It can never be any other way.
Maybe some women of ss reading this will say.. oh that's never happened to me. Well.. lucky you.. it happens a lot to many women on here.

Please don't even start saying anything about it being my own fault due to the whole cleavage avatar nonsense recently. These things happened long before that, and the majority happened when I was on here under previous user names including 'Bathsheba'.

Yes the straw that broke the camels back for me was the poison levelled at me from people recently over a PHOTO when I had not harmed anyone. That began a series of events and my engaging with ex members and others and seeing the truth about ss. I am feeling clearer now than ever before. SS pulls you down into its world of pain and depression till you can't see anything rationally any more. I will fight now for others to see the truth.. and in particular for vulnerable women on here to be safe and leave asap.
Obviously this thread will be deleted as free speech doesn't stretch very far in the world of ss.. but maybe other women who have experienced what I have on here will come forward with their stories as a result.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
You can make a ticket or pm a mod asking for a ban not just hope one reads this (although considering the amount of mods one probably will)
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Mar 18, 2021
No doubt you'll now be called a "pro-lifer".
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fred farkle

fred farkle

Dec 17, 2020
good god that is a horrible,bizarre story! ihad no idea shit like that goes on here.
well,you needn't fear me as I am as gentle as the proverbial lamb.
tess,be careful and watch out for yourself!
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Mar 10, 2021
This sounds like propaganda...
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Oct 13, 2020
This sounds like propaganda..
This sounds like propaganda...
This sounds like propaganda...
How do you mean?
No doubt you'll now be called a "pro-lifer".
Well Amy you've literally spoken to me so you know the truth
I've literally outed my true identity on social media so I'm not going to lie at this point am I?
Ok time to disable my account and hopefully I'll be banned soon. I've got screenshots of this thread so delete away mods :kiss:
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Mar 18, 2021
How do you mean?

Well Amy you've literally spoken to me so you know the truth
I've literally outed my true identity on social media so I'm not going to lie at this point am I?
Ok time to disable my account and hopefully I'll be banned soon. I've got screenshots of this thread so delete away mods :kiss:
Perhaps you should call me on WhatsApp, Tess.
It might be a nice surprise for you.
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Mar 10, 2021
How do you mean?

Well Amy you've literally spoken to me so you know the truth
I've literally outed my true identity on social media so I'm not going to lie at this point am I?
1. You could've messaged the mods privately instead of posting "hoping the mods see this." If it's so important for your account to be banned, why post? Why not DM?
2. Your post could have been about "beware of dangerous ppl on here; practice general internet common sense like dont send pics to ppl you don't know, don't meet up with strangers etc" but instead it was about "SS is a very bad place." If you've spent enough time on here understanding the mentality of SS's patrons, you'd know that for most, it's a warm place of solace that actually keeps them alive. It's a place where ppl can talk openly about there feelings without fear of judgment, something rare in the suicidal/depressive/mental illness world.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
2. Your post could have been about "beware of dangerous ppl on here; practice general internet common sense like dont send pics to ppl you don't know, don't meet up with strangers etc" but instead it was about "SS is a very bad place." If you've spent enough time on here understanding the mentality of SS's patrons, you'd know that for most, it's a warm place of solace that actually keeps them alive. It's a place where ppl can talk openly about there feelings without fear of judgment, something rare in the suicidal/depressive/mental illness world.
You've only been here a little over a month, while aside from pics people post I haven't seen much as far as this goes I do feel there are some people that are probably better off not commenting on certain things however decide to anyway. I've actually watched members here chase people away that didn't do anything wrong and was just looking for the same thing that they themselves were looking for when they joined.


Apr 17, 2021
reading this forum post... i'm now unsure if joining this place was a good idea, especially this late
because it feels like this place was in a better shape during its infancy
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Mar 18, 2021
1. You could've messaged the mods privately instead of posting "hoping the mods see this." If it's so important for your account to be banned, why post? Why not DM?
2. Your post could have been about "beware of dangerous ppl on here; practice general internet common sense like dont send pics to ppl you don't know, don't meet up with strangers etc" but instead it was about "SS is a very bad place." If you've spent enough time on here understanding the mentality of SS's patrons, you'd know that for most, it's a warm place of solace that actually keeps them alive. It's a place where ppl can talk openly about there feelings without fear of judgment, something rare in the suicidal/depressive/mental illness world.
The negatives are important to talk about because a a number of women have said that they were unaware of things like this happening on this site.
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Mar 10, 2021
You've only been here a little over a month, while aside from pics people post I haven't seen much as far as this goes I do feel there are some people that are probably better off not commenting on certain things however decide to anyway. I've actually watched members here chase people away that didn't do anything wrong and was just looking for the same thing that they themselves were looking for when they joined.
All I'm doing is pointing out some illogical things in the post. I don't mean to get anyone riled up or anything. I know my account is new, but I've been reading on here for a very long time. Not trying to use that to say I'm experienced on here, just trying to say that it's not exactly like I joined a month ago (even though that's how old my account is).
The negatives are important to talk about because a a number of women have said that they were unaware of things like this happening on this site.
I absolutely think it's important to talk about those things. I have nothing wrong with that. It's just the way that information is used in the initial post to get a certain message across that bothers me.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
All I'm doing is pointing out some illogical things in the post. I don't mean to get anyone riled up or anything. I know my account is new, but I've been reading on here for a very long time. Not trying to use that to say I'm experienced on here, just trying to say that it's not exactly like I joined a month ago (even though that's how old my account is).
Nope, all I'm saying is while its can be a nice place its not all sunshine and rainbows. That's all
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Mar 30, 2021
Weird and dangerous people can be anywhere; on here, on the street or maybe a colleague in the office.

If something sounds weird then address it, report it, don't engage with that person and definitely don't agree to meet them.

I think people are responsible for their own safety, and places like SS can only deal with those situations or those people if individuals have the common sense to report it.
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Jun 16, 2020
Jesus, I didn't realise there were so many predators on this site. It makes sense, though: if someone here ends up dead it's likely to be ruled a suicide.

I hope you stay, TessB. The predators are the ones who don't belong here. If you think this place will influence you to ctb when a promising future awaits you, however, then it's a good idea to leave.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
They'd rather go for some guy that will literally rape and torture them than me. This is a fucking joke and I am a complete dogshit loser. :pfff:
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Mar 18, 2021
They'd rather go for some guy that will literally rape and torture them than me. This is a fucking joke and I am a complete dogshit loser. :pfff:
You should try moving to Glasgow, you might get a bit more luck...
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Reactions: Null Hypothesis and TessB


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
You should try moving to Glasgow, you might get a bit more luck...
If I was in a position to move I would be attractive to at least some women. Since that means that I have a money and/or a job.
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Feb 22, 2021
I suspect I know who the Leggings guy is lol, they messaged me too, except they went straight to mentioning/alluding to us being/getting married (isn't it against the rules to use the partners' thread to look to start a relationship with the members who post there/use it, especially with unconsenting ones?) This is the least creepy event in my interaction with the user, though. They mentioned going into eternity together and being one in eternity together, they seem fixated/obsessed with this and actually seemed like they planned their entire persona and operation before even making an account. Anyway. For all new members or all vulnerable, naive, young, unexperienced etc. members in general, I suggest you check out this thread:

I posted a little guide in there on how you can protect yourself if you still want to stay and benefit from being a member of SS (or the internet in general). It's very informative. You shouldn't miss out on it. I also went a bit more in-depth about the interaction I had with the user I mentioned. Also as a side note, this is why it's so important to voice the events, I was surprised but not really when I read that the user who contacted me also contacted other users. It's good to know. It's good to spread awareness. Thanks for this post, @TessB. Hopefully, the light can continue to shine on the truth and chase away the dark.

I wish their usernames were exposed too, to prevent others from falling into their trap. The user I dealt with/mentioned was Lady Black.
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Apr 16, 2021
Thanks for making all this very very public. You know the predators won't. I'm sorry they preyed on you when you were vulnerable. Abusers are shit.
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Narcissistic gay NEETcel
Apr 4, 2021
Very sad to hear there are people like this on SS. I guess it makes sense since we're vulnerable people. Good luck out there, I wish you the best
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always say never
Sep 14, 2019
I am glad to read that you are looking out for yourself.

On the other hand, I think the statement that "SS is a dangerous place for women" is a subjective one. I understand the appeal of being/acting as vulnerable and fragile. However, not everyone is. Therefore, in my opinion, it is unfair to state it the forum is unsafe for women. Even if women on this forum are most likely to be more psychologically "impressionable", it is still easy to ignore or report pervy users who are trying to abuse that. And I never felt unsafe here myself.

But still, glad you are sharing your negative experiences, which might help the more vulnerable ones feel less alone.
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May 8, 2020
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Feb 5, 2021
This sounds like propaganda...
I highly highly highly doubt it. Pretty much every community has pieces of shit like OP is describing. We should focus our efforts for making a safe place for every individual, and imo the first step to that is to weed out the motherfuckers doing this disgusting shit.
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Mar 30, 2021
I highly highly highly doubt it. Pretty much every community has pieces of shit like OP is describing. We should focus our efforts for making a safe place for every individual, and imo the first step to that is to weed out the motherfuckers doing this disgusting shit.
Never going to happen unless people are named, shamed and reported for their behaviour though. It's all well talking about the issue, but if people are known to be doing such things then why is no one warning others of who they exactly are or reporting them to moderators. Doesn't make sense to me.
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Aug 17, 2020
Jesus, I didn't realise there were so many predators on this site.
They're almost as common as the "I'm so lonely and just want someone/anyone to talk to.... but it has to be a girl/woman" threads that are created on a weekly basis :I

I wish their usernames were exposed too, to prevent others from falling into their trap.
The issue with that (elsewhere on the net) is it can lead to false-accusations for malicious reasons, which is why it's important to report people/threads/private messages, and let the moderators investigate/deal with it
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Feb 22, 2021
The issue with that (elsewhere on the net) is it can lead to false-accusations for malicious reasons, which is why it's important to report people/threads/private messages, and let the moderators investigate/deal with it

Not if the mods are aware that it's true and there's evidence. If it was previously reported, then the mods know it's true. Plus, I made it clear to keep records and evidence and not delete the messages, in my guide, in case they're needed.

I'm an advocate for reporting to the mods and sharing with the community, for extra safety for all, to be honest.

To those who have things to say, please don't be anxious or shy or afraid to share what you have to say or share with the community. We'll do our best to support you. I'll do my best to support you. This is a community that is against censorship. Warning and informing users and people about the reality of what's happening perfectly falls under free-speech and still perfectly respects the rules. Make sure to keep the records and evidence/messages, do not delete them under any circumstances, until (if) you are absolutely sure they won't be needed anymore. Do not be afraid to speak up, report offenses and share them with the community/world. You're not alone.

This whole thing made me realise that offenders may feel encouraged to become mods, yikes.
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Nov 25, 2019
I'm sorry Tess I didn't realise it was this bad. You and all our female members deserve better than this.

SS was supposed to be a safe space and to be here to help you.

I've always hated the 'free speech' angle as this usually gets interpreted as the freedom to abuse other people. I think I've been in denial that SS wouldn't treat women just as badly as Reddit did, if not worse.

We should be able to talk about these things, but us men are trash and ruin it for everyone. :angry:
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Reactions: TessB, Meditation guide and Decidueye

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