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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Everyone is vegan/vegetarian so no animals suffering. If people like meat they can eat meat grown with stem cells (tastes the same).
Everything else sounded alright but this alone would be enough to make me definitely want to CTB. Meat just tastes better knowing it came from something that it was once alive and had to be killed. There's something about the potential suffering that makes food seem more delicious and satisfying, to me at least.

Now if life was a paradise for me and me alone, then that's a pretty good way to make everyone else want to CTB.
  • Hmph!
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Reactions: crazy world and 4am


Jun 12, 2023
No no I mean mental exhaustion, like just philosophically finding life tiring. The brain can't be busy forever, it needs rest. I have caffeine for physical exhaustion lol
Meditation can help


Apr 2, 2024
bro for real? if 99% of diseases have been cured then that means depression, pssd, benzo withdrawal, insomnia have cure.

so that means... I will live, of course. I actually want to live. but the pain is excruciating. so... I want to live a good life, not a life filled with pain and more pain and more and more and more pain (of all types, of course)
No I don't think the world makes any difference to people who want to CTB.

Wanting to CTB is caused by depression which makes us see negative, sadness, hate and hopelessness.

To thrive in this world I'd need to be cured of depression, external influences don't have that much of an impact. They are of course a factor but not everything.
your depression can be fixed in this utopia.
I don't want any kind of existence under any circumstances, I just want nothingness, simply just existing causes me to suffer. I simply see nothing desirable about existing as a conscious being and it's all unnecessary anyway, only the eternal absence of existence is perfection to me.
yeah that's depression.


tired of the never ending cycle
Apr 4, 2024
I think if it was my own personal paradise then maybe not, a lot of my thoughts and feelings come from the way the world is. But, they also come from people, and a paradise isn't going to change how humans are fundamentally.


Mar 22, 2024
Lol @ people saying CTB is just mental. I never had any remote inclination to CTB until the last 6 months and it's purely circumstantial. I always said when I was younger "I would never consider CTB ever unless this absurd shit took place". Now here it is every which way. I would have never predicted 10 - 15 years ago things would get disasterous in the world and my personal life, but here it is. Pass me a glass of N please and thank you.

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