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Jan 16, 2019
i'm 40. but never wanted to be. :( I have been dealing with this since I was 12. 79-19 would be a great number on my gravestone. if only I had the courage and know how that I need. there isn't exactly much time left of this year.
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I’ll be watching...
Aug 6, 2019
I'm 53 and would also appreciate chatting with people in my age range. Please reach out anytime.
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Feb 2, 2019
No offense to younger people, but I find it difficult to relate as I have fought this for decades. I also, plain and simple, do not feel comfortable discussing this topic with much younger people due to the fact that I was a teacher for years; it just doesn't feel right. I want them to live and to explore.
Please contact me if you are an "older" person who has also battled this for years. Thank you. Peace.
That makes sense.

Plus it might be better to also be chatting with someone around your age who is also a woman (I'm assuming you are a woman based on your profile name) because whereas there are similar issues with men and women of each age group, there are also meta-issues that are specific to men that are better discussed among men, likewise meta-issues specific to women that are better discussed among women.


Jun 9, 2019
Another 40+ female checking in here. i'm feel old and well. i'm just old :-) if you want to chat. just send me a private message on here.
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Old and tired. Ready for this to be over !
Nov 8, 2018
I'm 57 and I know exactly how you feel !
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Jul 27, 2019
No offense to younger people, but I find it difficult to relate as I have fought this for decades. I also, plain and simple, do not feel comfortable discussing this topic with much younger people due to the fact that I was a teacher for years; it just doesn't feel right. I want them to live and to explore.
Please contact me if you are an "older" person who has also battled this for years. Thank you. Peace.

I can see that you are a good teacher and trying to do some right thing, that's admirable.

Actually, it's a tough mission to inspire kids or teenagers to a higher level, because their socialization is almost done and their personality is fixed.
IMHO, you can try to teach them to think and to question (to ask a right question) at first, help them to build a stronger "consciousness".
(yeah, Freud stuff, consciousness-preconscious -subconsciousnes)

Many subjects can be used, such as:
> what Thanos did make any sense?
> why do you need FB or IG?
> What does "Thanksgiving Day" mean? for Native Americans especially.

Those are not easy questions for kids, even for some adults actually.

And being a teacher as a spark of students' consciousness, you might need to get very much studies and teaching plans done, such as "applied ethics".

Classroom Scene - The Life of David Gale

Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do? Episode 01 "THE MORAL SIDE OF MURDER"


Sep 24, 2019
I am 46 and I understand. Thank you for starting this thread, if only to feel like I am not alone.
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Sep 22, 2019
No offense to younger people, but I find it difficult to relate as I have fought this for decades. I also, plain and simple, do not feel comfortable discussing this topic with much younger people due to the fact that I was a teacher for years; it just doesn't feel right. I want them to live and to explore.
Please contact me if you are an "older" person who has also battled this for years. Thank you. Peace.
I'm 63 and been considering/planning for 4 years. I'm here if you want and feel comfortable.
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Always thirsty for summer rain x
May 18, 2019
Looking at this from a purely scientific perspective, the current human lifespan is freakishly long compared to where it was historically yet I suspect that many humans aren't psychologically ready to be around for long. My hypothesis is that the evolution of the human brain hasn't caught up with the change in expected lifespan. It's quite possible it never will. Meanwhile, it may take several hundred years or so for society to figure out that just because someone can be kept alive until they're about 120, it doesn't mean that's what people actually want.

Classic slacktivism. Right up there with those stupid wristbands and pointless ribbons. :meh:
Thank goodness!! Thought it was just me that hated those ribbons and wristbands x
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Jul 22, 2018
I'm in my mid 40s and have suffered from depression for most of my adult life
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This world is totally fugazi
Sep 19, 2018
I just turned 50 and depressed for over 20 years. Always welcome to chat
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Sep 27, 2019
I am 52 years old and male, new here, and interested in an exchange of ideas. Many topics here express the thesis of how bad life is etc. Many posts here have a "life sucks" attitude. Understandable in such a forum, but really not my cup of tea.
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"Insert profound quote here."
Oct 28, 2019
I'm 21 so I don't fit in the requested age category, but I just wanted to say that it's nice to see that there's also a place here for the "older" people who often think they are too old for these types of websites - which is quite the contrary. I am not going to deny that I have and have had a very hard time in my 21 year old existence, but I also know that in some cases, it's nothing compared to what others (especially older people who therefore have much more experiences and memories and such) experience and/or have experienced. I've read messages here from people who say they've had to live with depression for over twenty years - that's about how long I've been around. It is logical that our thinking patterns and visions of the world differ from each other and that is why it gives a comfortable feeling knowing that you have each other. Nevertheless, feel free to send me a PM if my age doesn't bother you and if I'm making any sense to you (English is my second language) but for now I just wanted to say that I hope you can all find some kind of support and: you are never too old for these types of websites, these thoughts or the need for support (one way or another).
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Nov 11, 2019
Male Turning 45 Tomorrow... But I feel young at heart. Pm me anytime...❤️
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Aug 10, 2019
46 year old here. If I look back honestly now, I've probably struggled with anxiety and depression since my teenage years. Have wanted to ctb only recently though.
I agree. As we approach middle age and above, the issues we face are different.
Here to lend an ear!
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Jul 2, 2019
I'm 40, happy to chat.
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May 31, 2018
Same here. Not only do I not always "get" youngsters, they don't "get" me. Ageism is a real thing. I recently had a Millennial doctor lecture me...."A person your age should know better..." Barf.

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May 14, 2018
41 year old checking in.
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Apr 30, 2018
Hi. Just saw this thread come up. I'm in my early 50's, and I used to be a teacher. To be honest, I haven't read through all the replies; I'm just too tired to make the effort today. So, I'm probably coming into this a little blind, but I'm going to put in my two cents regardless.

I get Bea's position. As a teacher, my role, more than the teaching of content, was to inspire young people to explore the world and to make their mark. It's difficult, then, to 'listen to so many young people desperately looking for a way to end their lives and not try to convince them otherwise. To do so would make me a hypocrite since I'm now also looking to do the same. But I do still have mixed feelings about questions of time, age, and opportunity.

The last thing I want to do is upset anyone; we're all, to one extent or another, free agents, and the last thing I want to do is undermine anyone's particular situation. Having said that, if older member's are engaging in a dialogue, I'd like to be a participant in that discussion.
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Sep 9, 2019
Same i
46 year old here. If I look back honestly now, I've probably struggled with anxiety and depression since my teenage years. Have wanted to ctb only recently though.
I agree. As we approach middle age and above, the issues we face are different.
Here to lend an ear!
Same kind of thing for me-I'm late 30s and have never seriously contemplated ctb before but now I ive had a huge breakdown and also time to reflect (not in a good healthy way) I'm realising how anxious I've been for my whole life & really just existing on some kind adrenaline/ survival mode. I've had many moments of fleeting happiness & fun times in my 30s but never real peace of mind, calm, contentment, security or fufillment/ meaning- and you really need these things at least for half of your days to counteract the shitty, stressful difficult and/ or mundane ones- now the only kind of peace I want is ....well you know what...
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Oct 6, 2019
i'm 40. but never wanted to be. :( I have been dealing with this since I was 12. 79-19 would be a great number on my gravestone. if only I had the courage and know how that I need. there isn't exactly much time left of this year.

I'm not sure if you're still on here or not, but I kind of feel the way you do. Except, I have 10 years on you so my gravestone would read 1969-2019. However, I do agree with you that it's kind of getting late in the year now to be able to do it that way. I don't want to ruin the holidays for the few people that I have left, so I'll probably end up having to wait until next year.
i've also been dealing with this since I was 12. That's actually the age at which I started having my first break down and I started feeling like I was about 80 years old back then. Now I kind of feel like I've lived for thousands and thousands of years. Life just seems never ending. I can't believe I've lived this long. My husband passed away two years ago, and in those two years, I feel like I've aged at least another 20 years.
I've been dealing with depression ever since I can remember, but now that I'm getting older, I'm starting to have physical issues as well.

Phyllis Diller said, "Getting old is not for sissies" and boy was she right. Every week almost, I feel like I have a new physical ailment to add to the list.

I don't have any family around to take care of me because they pretty much all passed on ahead of me, and I'm not really good at letting other people do things for me anyway. If I can't do it, then it usually doesn't get done. That means that less and less of the stuff I need to get done is getting done because I can't do it myself anymore. I'm not very good at letting other people control my life either. I'd rather be dead than have other people be in control of any aspect of my life, even if they were just trying to take care of me. I'd rather go out on my own terms. I don't really trust people that much anyway. I would expect that they would either mistreat me or abuse me or steal from me.

Anyway, this should be an interesting discussion. Older people probably have some unique challenges that perhaps younger people don't have, and vice versa. Thanks to the OP for starting the discussion. :heart:
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Apr 30, 2018
Except, I have 10 years on you so my gravestone would read 1969-2019
Mine would read 1967-2019. If you ever feel like chatting, please look me up.
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Aug 18, 2019
I'm 21 so I don't fit in the requested age category, but I just wanted to say that it's nice to see that there's also a place here for the "older" people who often think they are too old for these types of websites - which is quite the contrary. I am not going to deny that I have and have had a very hard time in my 21 year old existence, but I also know that in some cases, it's nothing compared to what others (especially older people who therefore have much more experiences and memories and such) experience and/or have experienced. I've read messages here from people who say they've had to live with depression for over twenty years - that's about how long I've been around. It is logical that our thinking patterns and visions of the world differ from each other and that is why it gives a comfortable feeling knowing that you have each other. Nevertheless, feel free to send me a PM if my age doesn't bother you and if I'm making any sense to you (English is my second language) but for now I just wanted to say that I hope you can all find some kind of support and: you are never too old for these types of websites, these thoughts or the need for support (one way or another).
Your age does not matter here, Ratherbeskinny, more like the circumstance which brought you here.
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In my beginning is my end.
Aug 25, 2019
48 year old checking in.
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Aug 18, 2019
It seems to me there are a lot of members 40 to mid 50 ?
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Aug 18, 2019
Yeah, me too. I though I was the sole old timers here, heheh :hihi:
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