Everyone has different tolerance to a painful or traumatic experience. I feel identified with OP as I have been to many medical event, surgeries, in ICU, where people could not believe why I am not in more pain, or not in crisis mode. I tend to chill in these experiences also and just get amusement about things on how things happen. One time I received 4 metal screws in my spine and sacroiliac, and since everyone is in sucj tremendous pain after this surgery and cannot walk, the hospital wanted to force morphene on me and they would not believe that I really don't need it as I am perfectly fine. I also think this also have to do with personality, pain tolerance, etc. Some people are more relaxed about things and don't experience physical discomfort in such vivid manner as others. I also have this ability to find perfect peace in the middle of the storm.
I had so many surgeries, been to ICU, had eye surgery without sedation (Eastern Europe for you), had 5MEO experience that made my heart beat out of my chest, beating so fast as if I am doing high intensity sprint… and my thought process … "oh, how interesting". I am not planning to do SN, but I could totally imagine having similar "downplayed" experience because I never really had anything that was not downplayed. And this is after about 15 eye surgeries, 10 other surgeries, transplant, ICU, metal screws in spine/sacroiliac, living in a hospital with chronic kidney disease as a child. It just doesn't affect me as much as the same procedure or same surgery affect others. The only unbearable thing that ever happened to me was chronic 24/7 pain during 5 years prior to my spinal surgery. That was extremely difficult as it was chronic, years on, no end in sight, constant, permanent and unrelenting. With acute pain and physical suffering, I am extremely chill. I can tune it out and find inner balance and peace very easily. So just wanted to say that not everyone experience things the same way. I have a chill personality and that is how I experience physical suffering ,I automatically downplay it and ignore it