Just wanting some peace
- Sep 24, 2020
- 40,925
I find existence itself to be the ultimate problem.
It truly will always be the ultimate problem to me as after all it's the cause and ultimate source of all suffering, if I never existed at all I wouldn't be able to suffer in any way with nothing able to harm and concern me but of course I was forced into this existence of pointless suffering and it's something I never would have wished for and never would have chosen. For me simply just being conscious in this existence is an undesirable burden, personally I see no benefit to being enslaved in this reality just hoping and waiting to die anyway rather I just want non-existence instead, simply being aware of existence is enough to make me wish for death and as long as I exist I'll only hope to never suffer ever again.
I see nothing desirable about existing at all rather I see existence itself as a problem and it's one that only ceasing to exist can bring me relief from, as long as I exist I truly will only hope for death, I just wish for no more pain, no more suffering and I suffer from being conscious and enslaved in this existence. Simply just existing is tiring to me personally and I just find it dreadful how this existence had to be imposed even know there was never a need for it at all and there were never any disadvantages to never suffering at all, to suffer in this existence will always be a cruel, unnecessary burden to me that just causes so much suffering. I'd always prefer to die and forget about it all, as long as I exist I'll only ever hope for the peace of never suffering ever again, I wish for non-existence to solve everything for me, only ceasing to exist can solve what I ultimately see as the true problem.
It truly will always be the ultimate problem to me as after all it's the cause and ultimate source of all suffering, if I never existed at all I wouldn't be able to suffer in any way with nothing able to harm and concern me but of course I was forced into this existence of pointless suffering and it's something I never would have wished for and never would have chosen. For me simply just being conscious in this existence is an undesirable burden, personally I see no benefit to being enslaved in this reality just hoping and waiting to die anyway rather I just want non-existence instead, simply being aware of existence is enough to make me wish for death and as long as I exist I'll only hope to never suffer ever again.
I see nothing desirable about existing at all rather I see existence itself as a problem and it's one that only ceasing to exist can bring me relief from, as long as I exist I truly will only hope for death, I just wish for no more pain, no more suffering and I suffer from being conscious and enslaved in this existence. Simply just existing is tiring to me personally and I just find it dreadful how this existence had to be imposed even know there was never a need for it at all and there were never any disadvantages to never suffering at all, to suffer in this existence will always be a cruel, unnecessary burden to me that just causes so much suffering. I'd always prefer to die and forget about it all, as long as I exist I'll only ever hope for the peace of never suffering ever again, I wish for non-existence to solve everything for me, only ceasing to exist can solve what I ultimately see as the true problem.