Welcome to the forum! I see you are relatively new, and obviously didn't mean to be insensitive.
Whether you knew Moon or not, this is the goodbye thread of a member of this forum.
We are all part of the misfit CTBER family here. Whether you know the individual or not.
The family here, is NOT like the family irl. Yes. Many, such as myself, do not have a family who cares like you described. That is precisely one of the reasons I am here.
We respect all who choose to spend their final moments with us. It's an honor to do so, and maybe if they had that respect in the outside world, there would be no goodbye threads.
I try to get to know everyone here. Obviously, it's impossible. However, I will be there for a stranger on this forum. Why? To show the individual they mattered. That their final moments will be filled with love and they know they actually did matter.
No. You didn't know Moon. However, many did and she mattered. By default, as she is here just like you and is part of the family here she should matter to you.
Unlike the outside world where nobody gives a crap, we have basic normal decency here.
I don't know you. If you ever want to talk, I am here for you. Why? You are here. You are part of my family here and I will always be here for you should you need me, and you matter.