Thank you. I don't know why it says private ?? Shouldn't be. God I'm so stuffed. I really need to die. I'm going to be tortured alive
it says 'This member limits who may view their full profile.'
How long and what meds you took?? I see you're 5 months in thise severe state but don't give up too soon. People heal after time. Don't give up. But i understand the distress about that shitty psych ward. It has to be prevented. Don't ever take an antipsychotic pls!! it is horrific stuff and the main cause of Akathesia. So it will make things worse. They will kill you if they give you that.
The only thing on the withdrawal forums that helped (some) of the people with akathesia were 'benztropine' or 'propranolol'
So if they have to force drugs on you and you can't avoid then ask for 1 of these 2 first to try out. I don't have Akathesia, but i have severe other nervous system trouble from an SSRI. I research Akathesia because it got my attention. The only 'pharma' things that helped people that i read were these 2 meds.
The only natural stuff that helped people with Akathesia that i found was 'Dad's Elixir'. Check out there website and i would advice to check it out if you think it is possible with the sensitivities....
Dad's Elixir creates Artisanal Infused Treats compliant in all 50 United States plus Puerto Rico.
And ask in the message bar which one works for akathesia, i think they know about the condition because i saw someone on youtube who got it from them to try and it worked wonders.
So far my info about the condition
On the surivingantidepressants forum they say, the body comes back in balance but can take a long long time and only of no meds are added. I saw people with the food and chemical sensitivities that cleared up eventually. But only time is the healer, timetimetime. It's not what we want to hear when every second is torture.
But eventually it can clear up and the CNS can repair itself even if it doesn't feel like it at ALL!
You have to find out what you can eat and drink. Just eat that and nothing else to prevent stressing the system. Can't you eat oatmeal? Or i saw some people that ate baby foods. Your loved ones are right you have to eat something but it's easier said then done when the system is so haywire and push off the foods. So you have to find out what you can eat/drink. Maybe protein shakes? To keep some muscle mass.
I hope you can prevent the psych ward, it will make things worse and worse. They don't understand this shit. Only David Healy does and that's a shame that only he does.
Let your parents resourch Rxisk or survivingantidepressants website. Or let them make an account on survivingantidepressants and let them tell them your story so they can see what the moderators will say, They will say NO psych ward or medications, so maybe they understand after that
Print out things about akathesia show it to them and to your parents. Let them check the Akathesia aliance FB page. I know it's not easy to let parents read into this stuff, my parents won't either. If they wanted to read into it then they maybe understand
I guess the best bet is explaining to David Healey, send him some money and let him make a report, diagnosis and treatment plan. So you can show these idiots from the psych ward. David Healey is a psychiatrist that understands these conditions and is fighting for the truth. The only good psychiatrist i know.
Akathisia is an emotional state caused by over 100 different drugs, primarily antidepressants and antipsychotics, but also antibiotics and others.
Very good channel also from the video i sent. This guy is in withdrawal and can explain perfectly how bad it is. I hope you can show your parents so they can understand how it works.
I pray that you will make it buddy,
You sound too young to leave... Don't let pharma win. Healing is possible