

A little less lonley together
Dec 4, 2018
I'm on acid reducer/met regime for the second time. I have my SN. I also did afew weeks back but when it came to the day I didn't go ahead. I was hoping Friday would be the day. Last night I was in a very bad way so felt like I could go head. I think about CBT every second of everyday even when I'm busy and the last few days even dream about it. I was just wondering if anyone else on here has children? Right now I'm feeling the most awful sense of guilt for my son. How could I bring him into the world and just leave him. He's 16, he has a boyfriend now and I don't feel like I'm needed anymore at all from anyone. Even by him. I just want to go the guilt for him and what my father would feel is killing me. But living in this hell in mind is absolutely killing me. I don't know what I even want anyone to say. Just ranting really :ehh: I love my son more than anything but I feel so bad for the fact I brought him in to this awful world that I can't even bare to stay in myself :eh: I've reached out for help from the drs, I'm currently on Venlalic 75mg and amertipline but I still feel like absolutely shit. I just don't know what to do anymore FML :'(
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Jan 7, 2019
I'm on acid reducer/met regime for the second time. I have my SN. I also did afew weeks back but when it came to the day I didn't go ahead. I was hoping Friday would be the day. Last night I was in a very bad way so felt like I could go head. I think about CBT every second of everyday even when I'm busy and the last few days even dream about it. I was just wondering if anyone else on here has children? Right now I'm feeling the most awful sense of guilt for my son. How could I bring him into the world and just leave him. He's 16, he has a boyfriend now and I don't feel like I'm needed anymore at all from anyone. Even by him. I just want to go the guilt for him and what my father would feel is killing me. But living in this hell in mind is absolutely killing me. I don't know what I even want anyone to say. Just ranting really :ehh: I love my son more than anything but I feel so bad for the fact I brought him in to this awful world that I can't even bare to stay in myself :eh: I've reached out for help from the drs, I'm currently on Venlalic 75mg and amertipline but I still feel like absolutely shit. I just don't know what to do anymore FML :'(
My son is also 16 but, throw a wrench in the works now, he's disabled. He has cerebral palsy, he's legally blind and has the mind of a toddler. He's dependent on me and his father for everything, so I feel guilty even thinking about ctb, but the guilt is one of the things that's killing me, crushing me really. So I totally understand your feelings of guilt about all this. I'm here if you wanna talk. Take care honey!
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A little less lonley together
Dec 4, 2018
My son is also 16 but, throw a wrench in the works now, he's disabled. He has cerebral palsy, he's legally blind and has the mind of a toddler. He's dependent on me and his father for everything, so I feel guilty even thinking about ctb, but the guilt is one of the things that's killing me, crushing me really. So I totally understand your feelings of guilt about all this. I'm here if you wanna talk. Take care honey!

Thank you for sharing your story. I'm so sorry your going through this. Likewise I'm here if you need to talk. I just wish I knew the answer, end it all and finally have peace or live in absolute hell for them but then pass on a different hell to them :(
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Nov 5, 2018
I'm on acid reducer/met regime for the second time. I have my SN. I also did afew weeks back but when it came to the day I didn't go ahead. I was hoping Friday would be the day. Last night I was in a very bad way so felt like I could go head. I think about CBT every second of everyday even when I'm busy and the last few days even dream about it. I was just wondering if anyone else on here has children? Right now I'm feeling the most awful sense of guilt for my son. How could I bring him into the world and just leave him. He's 16, he has a boyfriend now and I don't feel like I'm needed anymore at all from anyone. Even by him. I just want to go the guilt for him and what my father would feel is killing me. But living in this hell in mind is absolutely killing me. I don't know what I even want anyone to say. Just ranting really :ehh: I love my son more than anything but I feel so bad for the fact I brought him in to this awful world that I can't even bare to stay in myself :eh: I've reached out for help from the drs, I'm currently on Venlalic 75mg and amertipline but I still feel like absolutely shit. I just don't know what to do anymore FML :'(

Have you ever inquired about ECT? It really, really is a miracle for some people. I feel like as long as part of you wants to hang on for your son, you owe it to him and yourself to exhaust every available option.

I'm so sorry you're feeling so lost and miserable. I hope you can reach a place where you're ok with your decision, either way.
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Nov 5, 2018
My son is also 16 but, throw a wrench in the works now, he's disabled. He has cerebral palsy, he's legally blind and has the mind of a toddler. He's dependent on me and his father for everything, so I feel guilty even thinking about ctb, but the guilt is one of the things that's killing me, crushing me really. So I totally understand your feelings of guilt about all this. I'm here if you wanna talk. Take care honey!

This just guts me to hear. Life really is randomly cruel and unfair; it breaks my heart your son has such profound impairments. I'm sure you love him that much more because of it, but I can't imagine the difficulty and heartbreak you've faced.

Being a mom is never easy, but moms like you really do represent the very best among us.
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A little less lonley together
Dec 4, 2018
Have you ever inquired about ECT? It really, really is a miracle for some people. I feel like as long as part of you wants to hang on for your son, you owe it to him and yourself to exhaust every available option.

I'm so sorry you're feeling so lost and miserable. I hope you can reach a place where you're ok with your decision, either way.

ECT isn't something I would consider I actually didn't know they still did that. I thought was around in the Sylvia Plath The jel Jar days. My depression stems from childhood sexual abuse, mental abuse from mother, having a baby in my teens and years in the sex industry so I guess it's more a PTSD a situation rather than just feeling low. My current relationship is a heart wrenching one also. To this day I believe I have bipolar 2 because I'm literally up and down like a yo-yo and I feel more like I relate to that rather then depression but I've been dismissed by drs and Just past back to my gp which can only offer anti depressants rather than mood stabilisers. Thank you so much for your reply @gingerplum i always appreciate you guys for completely understanding the hell we call life! X
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Born To Die
Jan 13, 2019
I'm on acid reducer/met regime for the second time. I have my SN. I also did afew weeks back but when it came to the day I didn't go ahead. I was hoping Friday would be the day. Last night I was in a very bad way so felt like I could go head. I think about CBT every second of everyday even when I'm busy and the last few days even dream about it. I was just wondering if anyone else on here has children? Right now I'm feeling the most awful sense of guilt for my son. How could I bring him into the world and just leave him. He's 16, he has a boyfriend now and I don't feel like I'm needed anymore at all from anyone. Even by him. I just want to go the guilt for him and what my father would feel is killing me. But living in this hell in mind is absolutely killing me. I don't know what I even want anyone to say. Just ranting really :ehh: I love my son more than anything but I feel so bad for the fact I brought him in to this awful world that I can't even bare to stay in myself :eh: I've reached out for help from the drs, I'm currently on Venlalic 75mg and amertipline but I still feel like absolutely shit. I just don't know what to do anymore FML :'(
I just wanted to let you know you aren't alone. I have a daughter who is 8 and I feel so bad about feeling like I have to go. I also feel like she doesn't need me as much anymore. Today though, she broke down crying saying she didn't want to leave me to go to school, she misses me all the time. I know there's quite an age difference, but I believe truly they need us more than our minds will allow us to believe. *hugs*
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Born To Die
Jan 13, 2019
ECT isn't something I would consider I actually didn't know they still did that. I thought was around in the Sylvia Plath The jel Jar days. My depression stems from childhood sexual abuse, mental abuse from mother, having a baby in my teens and years in the sex industry so I guess it's more a PTSD a situation rather than just feeling low. My current relationship is a heart wrenching one also. To this day I believe I have bipolar 2 because I'm literally up and down like a yo-yo and I feel more like I relate to that rather then depression but I've been dismissed by drs and Just past back to my gp which can only offer anti depressants rather than mood stabilisers. Thank you so much for your reply @gingerplum i always appreciate you guys for completely understanding the hell we call life! X
Also, try asking your doctor about vraylar. It's approved for the manic side of bipolar but is also in the works of being approved for bipolar depression. It was a miracle drug for me, but my insurance is shit. Also, have you tried EMDR therapy? I am pro choice but I agree with gingerplum that for our kids, we should exhaust all options if we possibly can.
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A little less lonley together
Dec 4, 2018
I just wanted to let you know you aren't alone. I have a daughter who is 8 and I feel so bad about feeling like I have to go. I also feel like she doesn't need me as much anymore. Today though, she broke down crying saying she didn't want to leave me to go to school, she misses me all the time. I know there's quite an age difference, but I believe truly they need us more than our minds will allow us to believe. *hugs*

Thank you for your message. That's actually so sweet that she cried for you. Cherish these precious years they literally fly so quickly you want to do anything to get them back.

I promised myself I would end it all tomorrow. Today I've just spent hours looking at old pictures when I was happier even Just afew years ago. Trying to make myself see there is better moments it's just so hard to remember them when you feel like shit. Thank you I will ask my dr about Vraylar. Have you been diagnosed with bipolar?
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Miss clefable

Aug 23, 2018
I can't be a mother :(
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Born To Die
Jan 13, 2019
Thank you for your message. That's actually so sweet that she cried for you. Cherish these precious years they literally fly so quickly you want to do anything to get them back.

I promised myself I would end it all tomorrow. Today I've just spent hours looking at old pictures when I was happier even Just afew years ago. Trying to make myself see there is better moments it's just so hard to remember them when you feel like shit. Thank you I will ask my dr about Vraylar. Have you been diagnosed with bipolar?
Yes, they suspect type 2 because my "manic" episodes are mild and the depressive episodes are like a horrific hole I can't crawl out of. Vraylar makes me restless at night but literally, I am my best self. Ctb doesn't even cross my mind, no self harm, it's a game changer for me. But other reviews have said it doesn't do anything at all so I guess it's all a flip of the coin.

That being said, I hope you find your peace however you need to.
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Oct 23, 2018
@Whatiwantiswhatiwas What doctors dismissed you? Were they psychiatrists doing an evaluation of some sort?
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Nov 5, 2018
ECT isn't something I would consider I actually didn't know they still did that. I thought was around in the Sylvia Plath The jel Jar days. My depression stems from childhood sexual abuse, mental abuse from mother, having a baby in my teens and years in the sex industry so I guess it's more a PTSD a situation rather than just feeling low. My current relationship is a heart wrenching one also. To this day I believe I have bipolar 2 because I'm literally up and down like a yo-yo and I feel more like I relate to that rather then depression but I've been dismissed by drs and Just past back to my gp which can only offer anti depressants rather than mood stabilisers. Thank you so much for your reply @gingerplum i always appreciate you guys for completely understanding the hell we call life! X

Will you do something for me? Research ECT. Yes, it sounds like a barbaric holdover from the 1950's, but it has made a major resurgence in recent years, for depression resistant to other therapies and PTSD. http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2017/can-erase-painful-memories-electroconvulsive-therapy/
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A little less lonley together
Dec 4, 2018
Yes, they suspect type 2 because my "manic" episodes are mild and the depressive episodes are like a horrific hole I can't crawl out of. Vraylar makes me restless at night but literally, I am my best self. Ctb doesn't even cross my mind, no self harm, it's a game changer for me. But other reviews have said it doesn't do anything at all so I guess it's all a flip of the coin.

That being said, I hope you find your peace however you need to.

That's exactly how I feel. The hole is absolutely awful. I literally can't move or get out of bed and constantly think the only way out is to end everything, other times I spend 3 hours training in the gym. But this could even be in the same day. I started writing it down how my moods change and I can go from being positive in the morning to absolutely at rock bottom come 5pm. Or vs Versa. I'm most definitely going to look into Vraylar. I'm so glad you have found something that makes you feel better for the most part. :)
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A little less lonley together
Dec 4, 2018
@Whatiwantiswhatiwas What doctors dismissed you? Were they psychiatrists doing an evaluation of some sort?

Ive been on and off antidepressants since I was very young. Last year things started to become progessvily worse. I thought about CTB constantly and it became difficult to do anything other than stay in bed.

I asked my dr to refer me to the psychiatrists because I started to read up on biploar 2. I had to speak to a nurse for 90 min on the phone she asked me I think about CTB if so how would I do it. I said yes constantly and I yes I have thought of different methods. At the end of the convo she said she believed I wasn't at risk to myself. Can you believe that. I went absolutely mental on the phone crying my eyes out. She did refer me in the end. I saw the psychiatrist, she said within 10 minutes I can't diagnose you because I've only met you once. She said it doesn't sound like BPD because you are not manic but obviously there are different types. So yes of course I don't have BP1 but there is BP2. She said she will consider putting me on quetiapine I said no because i know it's one to make you gain weight. I'm on the heavy side as it is. Anyway she said she will be touch. Next thing I know she had to told my Gp to give me Quetiapine 25mg and they refered me back to my GP. I took it for a week gained 3lbs and so was moned out. I almost crashed my car 3 times. So I stopped obviously the GP said it was ridiculous to refer me back and they are stuck just doing trail and error on antidepressants rather than mood stabilises which I probably need. Sorry for the very long post.
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A little less lonley together
Dec 4, 2018
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Jan 7, 2019
This just guts me to hear. Life really is randomly cruel and unfair; it breaks my heart your son has such profound impairments. I'm sure you love him that much more because of it, but I can't imagine the difficulty and heartbreak you've faced.

Being a mom is never easy, but moms like you really do represent the very best among us.
But how good of a mom could I possibly be if I wanna ctb? I just don't know what to do anymore......I spend a lot of time sobbing, and the rest feeling guilty for all the shit that's gone wrong in my life....
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Jan 7, 2019
Have you ever inquired about ECT? It really, really is a miracle for some people. I feel like as long as part of you wants to hang on for your son, you owe it to him and yourself to exhaust every available option.

I'm so sorry you're feeling so lost and miserable. I hope you can reach a place where you're ok with your decision, either way.
I've had ECT and it caused me severe short-term memory loss. Over the years I've gotten some of those memories back, but I think if I could go back, I wouldn't do it. But each person's got to make that choice for themselves.
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A little less lonley together
Dec 4, 2018
But how good of a mom could I possibly be if I wanna ctb? I just don't know what to do anymore......I spend a lot of time sobbing, and the rest feeling guilty for all the shit that's gone wrong in my life....
But how good of a mom could I possibly be if I wanna ctb? I just don't know what to do anymore......I spend a lot of time sobbing, and the rest feeling guilty for all the shit that's gone wrong in my life....

Being a parent is extremely difficult as it is, being a mom of a son with major health difficulties is even harder. I absolutely praise you for everything you have gone through with him. Because most of us couldn't have even got this far having to care for you child in this way. The fact that you have even gone this far you have done your best. But fuck me life is hard, it's like sometimes we are trying our best and keep getting stones thrown at us, one thing after another. It's horrible and I think how could we not want to CTB when life is this hard.
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Jan 7, 2019
Being a parent is extremely difficult as it is, being a mom of a son with major health difficulties is even harder. I absolutely praise you for everything you have gone through with him. Because most of us couldn't have even got this far having to care for you child in this way. The fact that you have even gone this far you have done your best. But fuck me life is hard, it's like sometimes we are trying our best and keep getting stones thrown at us, one thing after another. It's horrible and I think how could we not want to CTB when life is this hard.
I totally agree. And I think that you should have the option to ctb if you want, easily and painlessly with the help of a doctor. People have a choice about everything else, why not whether they want to live or die?
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Oct 23, 2018
Ive been on and off antidepressants since I was very young. Last year things started to become progessvily worse. I thought about CTB constantly and it became difficult to do anything other than stay in bed.

I asked my dr to refer me to the psychiatrists because I started to read up on biploar 2. I had to speak to a nurse for 90 min on the phone she asked me I think about CTB if so how would I do it. I said yes constantly and I yes I have thought of different methods. At the end of the convo she said she believed I wasn't at risk to myself. Can you believe that. I went absolutely mental on the phone crying my eyes out. She did refer me in the end. I saw the psychiatrist, she said within 10 minutes I can't diagnose you because I've only met you once. She said it doesn't sound like BPD because you are not manic but obviously there are different types. So yes of course I don't have BP1 but there is BP2. She said she will consider putting me on quetiapine I said no because i know it's one to make you gain weight. I'm on the heavy side as it is. Anyway she said she will be touch. Next thing I know she had to told my Gp to give me Quetiapine 25mg and they refered me back to my GP. I took it for a week gained 3lbs and so was moned out. I almost crashed my car 3 times. So I stopped obviously the GP said it was ridiculous to refer me back and they are stuck just doing trail and error on antidepressants rather than mood stabilises which I probably need. Sorry for the very long post.

Sorry I am feeling pretty sick all of a sudden, but it is my intent to present you some practical options, because you have pretty much been fobbed off and that irritates me to hear. Please bare with me.
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Nov 5, 2018
I've had ECT and it caused me severe short-term memory loss. Over the years I've gotten some of those memories back, but I think if I could go back, I wouldn't do it. But each person's got to make that choice for themselves.

Memory loss is a huge drawback, I absolutely agree. Keep in mind, however, in a case of PTSD, memory loss would actually be a desirable effect.

I'm not necessarily advocating for ECT, I just would like everyone to have information about all of their options, especially before deciding to ctb.

I support whether or not they choose to access them, but everyone deserves to be armed with all of the information.
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Jan 7, 2019
Memory loss is a huge drawback, I absolutely agree. Keep in mind, however, in a case of PTSD, memory loss would actually be a desirable effect.

I'm not necessarily advocating for ECT, I just would like everyone to have information about all of their options, especially before deciding to ctb.

I support whether or not they choose to access them, but everyone deserves to be armed with all of the information.
I totally agree. You have to be your own advocate and arm yourself with information, especially when it comes to medical decisions. If I were to choose the path to recovery, I'd definitely consider ECT again. It kept me from taking my own life before and it very well may again.
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Nov 5, 2018
I totally agree. You have to be your own advocate and arm yourself with information, especially when it comes to medical decisions. If I were to choose the path to recovery, I'd definitely consider ECT again. It kept me from taking my own life before and it very well may again.

It's really hard. It's ironic that we would gladly sacrifice our lives for our children, but just trying to want to stay alive for them is so very challenging.
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A little less lonley together
Dec 4, 2018
It's really hard. It's ironic that we would gladly sacrifice our lives for our children, but just trying to want to stay alive for them is so very challenging.

I believe there was a subject thread already "can you live for other people" Even living for your own children as you said is very challenging. I live in tourment with this question everyday. Torn between wanting my own peace and thinking of his. I'm carrying on my regime for SN today but for me a spare of the moment CTB would be much easier but this damn regime makes that impossible. I guess will just see how it feel tomorrow and the weekend. I just want this black cloud, the awful memories the hell i call life over...
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Nov 5, 2018
I believe there was a subject thread already "can you live for other people" Even living for your own children as you said is very challenging. I live in tourment with this question everyday. Torn between wanting my own peace and thinking of his. I'm carrying on my regime for SN today but for me a spare of the moment CTB would be much easier but this damn regime makes that impossible. I guess will just see how it feel tomorrow and the weekend. I just want this black cloud, the awful memories the hell i call life over...

Well, that would actually make for an interesting thread: are we obligated to live for our children? Is having (and keeping, of course) a child a kind of implied contract that states you will make any and every sacrifice for them, even a life of mental and/or physical pain?

Sigh. I don't know, but I do feel morally bound to try for them. Even when they're adults, I know the loss of a parent by their own hand would affect them forever.
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Oct 23, 2018
Ive been on and off antidepressants since I was very young. Last year things started to become progessvily worse. I thought about CTB constantly and it became difficult to do anything other than stay in bed.

I asked my dr to refer me to the psychiatrists because I started to read up on biploar 2. I had to speak to a nurse for 90 min on the phone she asked me I think about CTB if so how would I do it. I said yes constantly and I yes I have thought of different methods. At the end of the convo she said she believed I wasn't at risk to myself. Can you believe that. I went absolutely mental on the phone crying my eyes out. She did refer me in the end. I saw the psychiatrist, she said within 10 minutes I can't diagnose you because I've only met you once. She said it doesn't sound like BPD because you are not manic but obviously there are different types. So yes of course I don't have BP1 but there is BP2. She said she will consider putting me on quetiapine I said no because i know it's one to make you gain weight. I'm on the heavy side as it is. Anyway she said she will be touch. Next thing I know she had to told my Gp to give me Quetiapine 25mg and they refered me back to my GP. I took it for a week gained 3lbs and so was moned out. I almost crashed my car 3 times. So I stopped obviously the GP said it was ridiculous to refer me back and they are stuck just doing trail and error on antidepressants rather than mood stabilises which I probably need. Sorry for the very long post.

Hi there. You should never apologies for writing anything long, people who can't read anything long in a contract based society are in for trouble further down the line. :P I have also written you something long so long infact I had to break it in two.

You have basically been fobbed off that much is obvious. It is also entirely wrong to have been put on a drug you expressly rejected. You have every right to reject medications on the grounds of weight gain. Are obesity or diabetes in your family? If so and you ever need to reject medication due to weight gain, mention those facts. It will make them less prone to viewing you as not wanting to help yourself. An unfortunately common mentality these days.

Sadly the NHS has been bastardised into becoming target driven and is in the process of being destroyed for ideological reasons. It may as well be a hospital built in a Hollywood lot. The facade is there but there is very little beyond it. It is why accessing anything is now at the worst state it has ever been throughout my entire career. It is a flawed system in what it offers, seeming to favour intervening when the person is past broken. Instead of providing preventative supports outside of a hospital environment in the first place. It operates more like triage these days; than any kind of comprehensive help. It for the most part offers a short amount of CBT and since that has become a cult of sorts in how amazing it is! (And cheap.) If it does not help you it is common for them to simply turn round and blame you for not wanting to get better. It is utterly absurd.

It was pretty common to have suicidal clients who desperately wanted help. However, there is a warped catch 22 at work. That if you are asking for help you are actually viewed as at lower risk. So less likely to get that help. After being dismissed so long those same people unsurprisingly give up. Up the ante or make attempts on their lives and if they survive, now get the help they no longer want and are rightly hostile and combative towards. This scenario played out so often it was honestly depressing. We even had a morbid name for it born out of gallows humour. I won't repeat it though because it is very crass.

This is not a route I would like you to go down personally, so let's tackle this sideways and exploit existing systems in your favour.

What follows are suggestions only. So please view them as such and not me telling you what you absolutely 'should' do.

My First suggestion would be to look into your local mind.


Mainly because they will know in detail what is in your local area. That may well be supportive. Unfortunately how comprehensive your mind is in your local area is sheer chance. Some mind centres offer their own internal therapies and have advocates available others are just a sign posting service. The only way to find out is to contact your local one.

The other method of going sideways is to get yourself a counselor and press them into helping you get a diagnosis. They basically can write you a supporting letter eventually. Because, sad to say if you are alone your easy pickings to be fobbed off so you don't wind up on the books. But if you have an advocate and written words of a counselor you begin to be viewed more seriously. Probably because advocates and counseling firms have some legal clout. It is ridiculous it is this way but sadly that is the truth of it.

Should you in future get another assessment I would advise against going too deep into suicidality and using words that sound like you want to die. I know that is odd. Instead keep it focused on the disruptive aspects of hypomania. If you do need to talk about how suicidal you are, try and employ language that implies suicide is some sort of stalking monster that you don't want to be eaten by. Instead of telling them I want to die, as if that is what you want. Because in their mind if you are sat in front of them telling them that, they may well be thinking, well why are you sat here then? Its ugly but it is what has become these days. If you explain it more as a threat that you don't want to succumb to, use how you are a mother and don't want to leave your kid behind, it takes on a different feel then and they may be more accommodating and less judgemental. It irritating you have to exploit language and psychology this way but it is what I have seen that works. Basically getting them on your side instead of dismissing you.
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Oct 23, 2018
I wrote something else for someone here and it may help you in the meantime while you go get people in your corner. Again it is merely suggestion I can't account for what you may or may not have tried so it is generalised suggestions. Disregard what does not serve your personal situation.


I don't know what your exact situation is either so the suggestions that follow may well have already been tried. Obviously disregard them. None of what I say is magical cure for anything either, and is not meant that way. It is more like suggested weapons in an arsenal.

The problem with inpatient care is it is mostly a triage system, get em in, medicate them into being 'stabilized' then discharge them. It has little in the way of long term value. A private stay will likely cost you a lot in the end.

If you are willing to subject yourself to a hospital experience in pursuit of wellness you may as well subject yourself to other things that have better long term prospects and save hospitalisation as a last resort.

My first suggestion is to simply get a physical screening. Rule out any potential biological issues that may be impacting on your mood. Things like onset diabetes and thyroid issues, lack of various vitamins can also be pretty damaging to mood especially if you stay indoors most the time and eat crap because you are too depressed to do otherwise. All of it can manifest this way.

My other suggestion is to maybe look into a life coach. The reason I suggest this as it is a pretty unregulated field. There is less red tape to contend with. They are not in any formal position to medicate you either. They also have a tendency to focus on the whole of a person and are more proactive and practical about it. Being the motivation you may well not have and helping you get things done. It is also just beneficial to have someone in your corner you can build rapport with that is not driven by target culture. Sure you are paying for the privilege but that is just life.

The next thing I suggest will probably have you rolling your eyes and wanting to punch me in the face. Try and add some form of exercise if you can. Maybe using the life coach to push you to keep at it or maybe even your friend? Stow that fist a moment and let me explain. We live a very sedentary lifestyle these days, it is wholly unnatural to be shut away from sunlight living vicariously through screens. It is extremely damaging to us both mentally and physically. Provoking all sorts of causal links of depression and stroke and other illnesses. The mounting evidence on these connections is hard to ignore. If you want the studies on it I can dig them out.

This is just a personal anecdote, but I did take up swimming as a means to reduce the severity of depression and found it beneficial. At first it was unbelievably hard to motivate myself to do it. I had to break everything down into tiny tasks and just focus on each step one by one until eventually my swimming gear was packed and I was in the car. At first I just floated around wishing I was back in bed. By time I got out though I felt oddly refreshed. I got a friend involved to help me push to go even when I couldn't be bothered and to his credit he did that for me. As time wore on I was doing laps and at the end there was this great feeling that is hard to quantify. I can see why people can get addicted to exercise. I went from it being a brutal ordeal to make myself move enough to something I was excited for, it became a bit of a highlight to spend time with my friend and swim around and then feel good for it.

There are also studies on how that after effect is more effective at reducing depression than many pharmaceuticals with better long term outcomes that don't result in diabetes and liver issues.... Unlike pharmaceuticals there are no real side effects beyond possibly various aches or doing yourself some sort of injury. I understand it is an exceptionally hard thing to do when you can't even be bothered to get out of bed, but the gains can be worth it.

Finally it may be worth getting a therapist of some sort. You can get therapies within a psychiatric setting but they are often limited in scope and take on a group format. Meaning you can be crowded out by more demanding patients. Since hospital stays are not usually all that long you may not get much benefit from a short term approach. If you get your own you are setting the agenda. Not at the mercy of arbitrary limits of how many sessions you can have. If cost is an issue a lot of the larger providers train up students and you could request one of those. Further getting the price lowered by seeing if they accept a sliding scale.

This is my opinion only, but you are likely better served by a therapist that has some sort of evidence based approach. Instead of a therapist you just talk to as a cathartic release. Sure it is nice but it does not arm you with more specific tools that may better serve you in the long run.

I can only really wish you all the best in your journey in whatever form it takes. I wish people did not have to suffer this much in the first place. Death as a choice though is not going anywhere, so it is only logical to exhaust what is out there before ending all avenues of potential in this life for good.

(Sorry my brain is not with it enough to deal with comma placement, nor did I bother to directly cite sources but if you are interested in them I will provide them for you at a later date. Try and be gentle with yourself if you can, peace.)
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A little less lonley together
Dec 4, 2018
Hi there. You should never apologies for writing anything long, people who can't read anything long in a contract based society are in for trouble further down the line. :P I have also written you something long so long infact I had to break it in two.

You have basically been fobbed off that much is obvious. It is also entirely wrong to have been put on a drug you expressly rejected. You have every right to reject medications on the grounds of weight gain. Are obesity or diabetes in your family? If so and you ever need to reject medication due to weight gain, mention those facts. It will make them less prone to viewing you as not wanting to help yourself. An unfortunately common mentality these days.

Sadly the NHS has been bastardised into becoming target driven and is in the process of being destroyed for ideological reasons. It may as well be a hospital built in a Hollywood lot. The facade is there but there is very little beyond it. It is why accessing anything is now at the worst state it has ever been throughout my entire career. It is a flawed system in what it offers, seeming to favour intervening when the person is past broken. Instead of providing preventative supports outside of a hospital environment in the first place. It operates more like triage these days; than any kind of comprehensive help. It for the most part offers a short amount of CBT and since that has become a cult of sorts in how amazing it is! (And cheap.) If it does not help you it is common for them to simply turn round and blame you for not wanting to get better. It is utterly absurd.

It was pretty common to have suicidal clients who desperately wanted help. However, there is a warped catch 22 at work. That if you are asking for help you are actually viewed as at lower risk. So less likely to get that help. After being dismissed so long those same people unsurprisingly give up. Up the ante or make attempts on their lives and if they survive, now get the help they no longer want and are rightly hostile and combative towards. This scenario played out so often it was honestly depressing. We even had a morbid name for it born out of gallows humour. I won't repeat it though because it is very crass.

This is not a route I would like you to go down personally, so let's tackle this sideways and exploit existing systems in your favour.

What follows are suggestions only. So please view them as such and not me telling you what you absolutely 'should' do.

My First suggestion would be to look into your local mind.


Mainly because they will know in detail what is in your local area. That may well be supportive. Unfortunately how comprehensive your mind is in your local area is sheer chance. Some mind centres offer their own internal therapies and have advocates available others are just a sign posting service. The only way to find out is to contact your local one.

The other method of going sideways is to get yourself a counselor and press them into helping you get a diagnosis. They basically can write you a supporting letter eventually. Because, sad to say if you are alone your easy pickings to be fobbed off so you don't wind up on the books. But if you have an advocate and written words of a counselor you begin to be viewed more seriously. Probably because advocates and counseling firms have some legal clout. It is ridiculous it is this way but sadly that is the truth of it.

Should you in future get another assessment I would advise against going too deep into suicidality and using words that sound like you want to die. I know that is odd. Instead keep it focused on the disruptive aspects of hypomania. If you do need to talk about how suicidal you are, try and employ language that implies suicide is some sort of stalking monster that you don't want to be eaten by. Instead of telling them I want to die, as if that is what you want. Because in their mind if you are sat in front of them telling them that, they may well be thinking, well why are you sat here then? Its ugly but it is what has become these days. If you explain it more as a threat that you don't want to succumb to, use how you are a mother and don't want to leave your kid behind, it takes on a different feel then and they may be more accommodating and less judgemental. It irritating you have to exploit language and psychology this way but it is what I have seen that works. Basically getting them on your side instead of dismissing you.

Thank you for taking the time to write my options/suggestions down. I wish their were more people like yourself working in the NHS.

Firstly yes I actually do have diabetes and obesity in my family. I have polycystic ovary syndrome also known as "the curse" which has made me pile on the lbs, have terrible acne even in my mid 30s even tho I've tried over the years £10,000 of treatments/dermatologists.
I know that with my past would have a huge factor in depression. I train in the gym 5-6 times a week usually unless I'm In a complete black hole. Even while being in one I can still oddly go to the gym because I gain weight so easily it's always a driving force for me to go. It's quite fucked up that when while I'm training or in yoga I think of ending my life every minute lately for example I can be trying to force myself to do another few reps and I think why bother your going to bed dead soon. The last few times I went to to yoga I couldn't get CTB out of my mind.

I will most definitely look up/contact my local mind centre It's a shame that the NHS works in such a way. I'm hugely grateful to have some insistent on how they think.

In December 2017 I actually asked for CBT therapy I spoke to lady on the phone she said I most likely have PTSD so it wouldn't make a difference and advised me against it. A year later when I asked to be referred to psych team and I had to phone conversation the only where she said I wasn't at risk to myself she suggested CBT therapy that's when I went mental on the phone. A joke isn't it really.

I did seek a local therapist myself and I gave it a go for 4 months. It was a process that I hated and I didn't feel l was benefiting from. She used to stare at the clock constantly. But I hadn't thought about getting her to write a letter. So that purpose I could go down the therapy route again.

I have been taking my SN regimen and today is the day if I'm going to I could CTB. I've woken up, very calm not upset there is quite a lot of comfort knowing that I could drink my SN and this be over with. I'm unsure right now do I try and exhaust so more options as exhausting as it is or just finally get some peace after over 25 years of being up and down like a yo-yo. It's weird isn't it the day you actually can CTB you feel as moods go not in a hole but rather ok. I know if I stop taking my regime and let the day pass I will facing the dilemma again next week as I did exactly the same thing last week.

Thanks again for all your advice. I really do appreciate it.
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