
Dec 5, 2018
Actually anti choice news increase suicides.

All studies show that when media tells about person who died by suicide in certain way it raises suicide rates with same method especially among younger people. Especially so when there is information about the person's positive qualities to which people can relate to.

So the effect is always opposite when all the news write about it. News write about those cases constantly.

So vulnerable people can't avoid that info but then Philip Nietchke almost didn't get to go to UK to speak with terminally ill patients about euthanasia due to National safety issue.

For example Nick Kolonskys death didn't affect other people. News about it did. Since all newspapers wrote about it daily everyone learned to know about the helium hood kit and it became very popular. Now death of Shawn Shatto was in all news paper with links and comments (comments, except most popular one in some, were taken down later) to let people know about SN. I bet it will rise the use of it also.
And even kids can buy legally both.

What's the reasoning?? I just don't get it.
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Jun 30, 2018
I can't believe people actually make and sign petitions in order to keep euthanasia illegal and perpetuate the suffering of others. It makes me sick that some people are so determined to fight against what should be a basic human right and I honestly don't think many things are more evil. Dumbasses, you aren't doing any good by forcing people to shoot themselves or hang themselves or any other shitty method and spend their last moments alive in pain and anxiety.

Yeah, all these fuckers are doing is just making it so people kill themselves the most painful way possible or try to kill themselves, fail and end up as vegetable.
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Jimmy Smith
Jun 9, 2019
One day I really wanted to discuss this with my mom, we were in the car and I just couldn't stop thinking about those "pro-lifers" (we had a huge pro life march in my city and a lot of people from my school were there) So I began to tell her my opinion and she literally callled me a criminal and said I'm "with the freemasons and Illuminati" (she believes in a shit ton of conspiracy theories but doesn't actually know what they mean, it's crazy). All for implying people should be able to end their own life if they wish.
  • Wow
  • Aww..
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Life cares only for itself.
Jun 5, 2019
Maybe she's scared for you. Difficult for parents to deal with their son mentioning ctb. Do you have anyone at college or whatever you can talk to?


Mar 23, 2018
I can't believe people actually make and sign petitions in order to keep euthanasia illegal and perpetuate the suffering of others. It makes me sick that some people are so determined to fight against what should be a basic human right and I honestly don't think many things are more evil. Dumbasses, you aren't doing any good by forcing people to shoot themselves or hang themselves or any other shitty method and spend their last moments alive in pain and anxiety.

I've said this before in other threads … I HOPE they are around long enough to suffer at the end of their life and beg to be put out of their misery. :angry::angry:
I agree with you. Suicide-prevention is shallow and meaningless. It's all about empty platitudes. I just recently talked about this subject with other people and I came to the conclusion that it's wasted tax money. Suicide-prevention doesn't solve problems which cause suicide because they would have to address serious societal issues like mental illness, the psychiatric system, poverty, isolation and bullying - these are though topics. And they can't just be solved in one day. They're not really about solving these problems that turn people suicidal in the first place because doing so would require a lot more effort than empty platitudes on suicide-prevention posters. They only fight the symptoms, that's all they care about. Their goal is preventing suicide at all costs and making the statistics look better, so they can boast about it. They simply don't have the resources to assist people. That's why they always mention the suicide-hotline whenever they spread awareness about suicide, because apparently, a little bit of talking will get rid of serious medical and mental conditions, poverty or lack of health care. I can't take them seriously anymore and whenever I walk past a suicide-prevention poster, I can't do anything but shake my head at their incompetence.

AMEN !!! :smiling: There is no clapping emoji or I would have used that. :wink: Maybe there should be one. :wink:
Agreed. They ramble on about how life is a gift, how it is precious and you shouldn't throw it away. It must be one hell of a bad gift. They don't know how much one is suffering when you're on the verge of suicide. Government wants you alive just so you can be a wageslave and pay taxes.

I've seen this video by a very small YouTuber called "Eye Doubt It" who states that suicide prevention is pro-suffering. Check out his channel, he has some good content.

Life is a "Gift" ??? I have been damaged and broken since they opened the box.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
I agree, Koal. The value of life is debatable, but i think everyone can agree that suffering sucks.

There's a cult in Russia where "suicide is ok". Made me really curious.

There's a girl called Teal Swan in South America with a very Jim Jones vibe, she's pro choice, lots of youtube videos.


Everything's gonna be OK
Aug 28, 2020
There's a girl called Teal Swan in South America with a very Jim Jones vibe, she's pro choice, lots of youtube videos.
Teal Swan is in Utah. I been following her since 2010. Smart lady. Gets a lot of hate.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
To me it is cruel to want to deny others the option of a peaceful exit. An individual should be able to choose when to exit and others should have no say in it. If people want to live then good for them, but they should not try and force others to. Even those who sign the petitions could become suicidal someday and then they would want a peaceful method.

Life could easily get so much worse for anyone and I think that having the option of a way to peacefully exit would make life more bearable for many people. It is horrifying how people have to resort to methods like jumping and hanging. All that pro lifers do is just make suicidal people suffer more. We will all die eventually someday so why make death so unnecessarily awful.
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