
Sep 22, 2018
I found some CIA paper on OOBE. I guess it's from the star gate project or something similar. When I'll learn to induce an oobe at will I might make some experiments myself and post the results here if you're interested (of course you'll have to take what I say on faith).

I also found this

You can find many credible resources on ESP online if you do your research. If you take this into account with many unexplainable NDE cases like Pam Reynolds, research on children remembering past lives etc. it's very unlikely that all of those stories and experiments are frauds. It's not hard verified science but it's not fairies either.

I found this video, but I can't find the paper for the experiment

Also this

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Sep 22, 2018
If this shit is real It might help many members here struggling with survival instinct.
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Sep 22, 2018
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dancing in the sunshower, baby
Mar 20, 2018
As a former catholic I still deeply inside await hell once I finally reach the end of my life, even though I think death and what comes after death is no difference from losing consciousness and the empty blackness afterwards. It's interesting how I still view it as black in my mind, even though I don't remember seeing any black. Just nothing. Like no time had passed. If I have managed to die that time, I wouldn't know and I wouldn't mind. Many people have told me they have experienced some kind of otherworld encounter, light at the end of the tunnel, screams, hell, angels or even God; leaving their bodies and similar things. This made me think a lot about it all, but true is those experiences are all just brain chemistry fucking around. I am not good at explaining these things, but I got smarter people than me explain it to me and it made sense perfectly. Reminds me of sleep paralysis and similar shit.
And even if there is hell, what could it be. Look at depictions of hell. Torturing, sorrow, absence of love - those are all things that are already present in this world. So what could it be. Who came up with the idea of dividing world into black and white? Like, if you follow in your life the white path, you go to the white world? How is that possible, if even for making such a path you have to kill other living creatures, if even life itself is black from the beginning?
Was it the first sin payment, as they claim? Was it just an artificial opinion created to help with constructing society because homo homini lupus and majority of people would kill each other otherwise instead of helping each other to survive?
Gosh, this raises so many questions in my head. Gotta take a break and just think.
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dancing in the sunshower, baby
Mar 20, 2018
Damn it, sorry if I went a little off topic.
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I've figured it out
Sep 20, 2018
I just believe that whatever you truly believe in happens after death actually happens. In that sense it doesn't confirm or deny a higher power.
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Sep 7, 2018
My views on afterlife-related matters is that... There might be something out there, yes, but there also might not. Before you call me out on the extremely boring view on afterlife stuff, let me explain:

I have experienced a bunch of weird stuff in life, and I am sure I am not the only one. It is easy to attribute the weird, unexplainable events to a supernatural cause, but the truth is the weird stuff I experienced only really happened when I was surrounded by religious people and visiting churches, temples, etc... In my, until that point, seemingly endless search for my true self. So, I would hear about this kind of stuff ad nauseum.

These days I don't really "see" or "hear" anything, nor I feel. It makes me wonder if the weird experiences I had weren't stuff from my, at the time, rather vivid imagination. I would listen to people saying that they saw or heard X or Y, and perhaps in an subconscious level, I wanted to be able to experience the same things... And so I did.

I don't really have any reasons to believe in afterlife, though what my heart truly desires would require dying first, so... Well, some sort of life after death would be required for my dreams to be realized. Yet, I can't really say I expect anything other than nothingness, but I might be biased — After all, the nature of my dreams and wishes is... Complicated, to say the least. I know that the odds, at least in theory, are against me, so the second best thing to me would be to just... Disappear. Hence the "I might be biased". It would do no good if afterlife is a thing, but my wishes are still impossible.

My numerous prayers were never answered. I never seen or felt or heard spirits or angels, nor have I felt the touch or the love of God. I never saw demons or whatever. I did, however, see people who were supposedly possessed by entities and I do have to admit they acted nothing like the actual persons being supposedly possessed, but... That is not really enough, now is it? Weird stuff, hard to explain, but far from being proof that there is more after one's death. It is only enough to make me consider the possibility, but I need more to accept it is as a fact.

One thing that I do find interesting is that some religious teachings have very similar teachings, yet I don't think it is a case of copy & pasting beliefs, since they originate from times where worldwide communication was pretty much nonexistent. Of course, the teachings might have changed through the centuries, so there is that, but it is interesting to me, nonetheless. That could mean there is something else out there, and that different people from different times interpret what comes after death in different ways. It could also just mean that humans are significantly less complex than what we are encouraged to believe, and that people having overly similar ideas is just a very common thing.

I could go on for hours and hours. It is a tiring subject for me, though, so I will stop here.
Nice and genuine post, thankyou.
My belief is that this is a cultural thing for the most part. People might have their own physical cultures to subscribe to or cultures they have visited or encountered from foreign cultures, combined with genetic dispositions etc. I can't say i believe in any kind of afterlife with sincerity as this is not how i was educated, but my contact with buddhist and hindu culture in foreign countries has given me some hope, yes hope, that such a thing might be possible, such as that the karma we create in our lives creating subsequent 'life' of some sort. In any case, i'm unwilling to rule it out because i have met so many people who live by this principle who were incredibly sincere and beautiful people. My karma has been pretty mixed and so i'm not sure how it might work out for me. I'm not scared of the nothingness either i don't think and actually believed in it for most of my life. But when you meet so many people from asian culture who have no doubts about this, at the very least one questions the idea.
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Aug 31, 2018
Hopefully it's nothingness. I would hate to reincarnate or have an afterlife.
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Sep 7, 2018
Hopefully it's nothingness. I would hate to reincarnate or have an afterlife.
Even if it might somehow be an improvement? I hope for an afterlife but i don't honestly believe in it, perhaps it doesn't matter what we believe.
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Sep 7, 2018
Have you ever thought about the possibility of reincarnation as an animal (basically we're animals too)? You may laugh at this thought of mine, but it's as possible as no afterlife/reincarnation as a human etc., isn't it? We just don't know.
Imagine being reborn as a mice used in experiments, as a pig in industrial livestock farming etc.
I don't want to end this life just to end up being abused by our cruel species.

It's an disturbing thought, but I'm interested in what you think...
It may sound stupid, but these thoughts do really scare me at the moment.
Quite, an afterlife as a dog might be grim but then i have encountered dogs that seem to have a great life. A lab mouse would be nasty, i grant you. We'll all find out the answers to this question sooner or later.
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Mar 31, 2018
Even if it might somehow be an improvement? I hope for an afterlife but i don't honestly believe in it, perhaps it doesn't matter what we believe.
An afterlife is meaningless to me, even if it is an improvement, which I find unlikely, because why would it be any better? Reincarnation could be interesting, but and only if I can choose my appearance (all of it), where I will be born, and in which family I will be born*. Otherwise, honestly, I would rather never reincarnate. I will take nothingness over another shitty life or an eternity of praising some uncaring God or whatever in an afterlife. That being said, the idea of a personal haven always appealed to me.

*My appearance (not all but most of it), the place I was born and my pseudo family are huge factors on why I want to die (the other being the fact humans are just plain evil and nasty).
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Aug 31, 2018
Even if it might somehow be an improvement? I hope for an afterlife but i don't honestly believe in it, perhaps it doesn't matter what we believe.

Even if it's an improvement, I don't want to exist forever.
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Morto por dentro, quase por fora
Oct 1, 2018
I kind of believe in the afterlife but it's just a way to comfort myself. I think it's very likely that these things don't exist. I've heard stories of people seeing spirits. My mother says she sees demons and dead people but she's super religious and possibly mentally ill.

I wish I could be reincarnated as a better person. I am also trans and I kind of imagine that in a past life I was male. I sort of imagine myself as a samurai lol. Random...

I hope there's an afterlife. I wonder about artists that have died and I wish I could meet them somehow after I go.
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Aug 5, 2018
Some quantum weirdness I was talking about

NDE healing

Terminal lucidity

Born blind seeing in NDE

Pim Van Lommel research

Dr Eben Alexander had a NDE with a destroyed brain after being in coma for a week, also cured from an incurable disease afterwards

I've heard about Pam Reynolds before.
Even though I'd like to deny and debunk it I can't. Noone can know for sure what happens after death.
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Aug 5, 2018
An afterlife is meaningless to me, even if it is an improvement, which I find unlikely, because why would it be any better? Reincarnation could be interesting, but and only if I can choose my appearance (all of it), where I will be born, and in which family I will be born*. Otherwise, honestly, I would rather never reincarnate. I will take nothingness over another shitty life or an eternity of praising some uncaring God or whatever in an afterlife. That being said, the idea of a personal haven always appealed to me.

*My appearance (not all but most of it), the place I was born and my pseudo family are huge factors on why I want to die (the other being the fact humans are just plain evil and nasty).
This could've been written by me. I have the same problems!
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Catching flight soon.....bus is too slow
Sep 28, 2018
I don't believe life after death.
There is no incarnation.
Just like nothingness, before birth.

Before birth = After death
(i.e. nothing)
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Sep 2, 2018
Just gonna leave this right here.. .one of the most fascinating websites I've come across.. near death experience archives..

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Jul 13, 2018
Regarding the afterlife in Abrahamic religions, what if someone's spouse dies and then they remarry? If polygamy isn't allowed, then what happens when all three of them are in Heaven?

What if a couple is religious, but their children aren't? Are they just laughing it up in Heaven while their children burn in hell? That doesn't make sense.

What if my family's idea of paradise involves spending time with me, but my idea of paradise doesn't involve them? How can a paradise that appeases both of us exist?

If sin cannot exist in Heaven, then free will cannot exist either. That doesn't sound like a very nice place to me. We'd probably spend all day every day singing praises to God - forever.

I could go on, but you get the point.
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Sep 7, 2018
It might be the case that what we might like to believe is immaterial and we have no control over what happens. It might be typical of human egocentricity to think about all this a lot and imagine what's going to happen to us, or not. This thread has got more replies than any other by a million miles, so congrats to whoever started it. I have ideas about it all from nihilism to reincarnation, who knows. I have read a million books and visited many cultures, spoken to hindus, christians and buddhists etc. What can you say about a particular truth, it comes down to faith, even if it's faith in utter oblivion. I don't really care about having a fixed idea but i have faith that inevitably what's going to happen will happen, but i have my doubts about being reincarnated as a god...
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Oct 5, 2018
I read a article today about what happens when we ctb. the one that was very popular across many religions was being stuck in limbo.

My definition of limbo: A state you are in after ctb. you have not yet met your fate. you are stuck between 'moving on' and earth

basically you still roam the earth but as a ghost like being and you are waiting for your 'fate' to be decided.

So across many beliefs I seen people say that they believe if induce your death you will spend the negative years in limbo

for example: if I ctb while im 20 and I was meant to die naturally when im 70 then I will spend 50 years in limbo before I either go to heaven/hell or reincarnated etc.

Its like a punishment for ending life to soon and they also say across many religions including christian a person that ctb isnt bound to have a bad ending. Once you serve your time in limbo your 'sin' of ctb is up and no longer decides your fate.

of course this is a controversial topic because it is religion and everyone has their own beliefs but I just thought it was interesting and thought I would share
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Господи помилуй — мир в Україні!
Sep 7, 2018
Regarding the afterlife in Abrahamic religions, what if someone's spouse dies and then they remarry? If polygamy isn't allowed, then what happens when all three of them are in Heaven?

What if a couple is religious, but their children aren't? Are they just laughing it up in Heaven while their children burn in hell? That doesn't make sense.

What if my family's idea of paradise involves spending time with me, but my idea of paradise doesn't involve them? How can a paradise that appeases both of us exist?

If sin cannot exist in Heaven, then free will cannot exist either. That doesn't sound like a very nice place to me. We'd probably spend all day every day singing praises to God - forever.

I could go on, but you get the point.

About spouses in Heaven: read Matthew 22:23-32:


Here is the money quote (Matthew 22:30, ESV)

For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.
As for free will, I suppose that does not exist in the afterlife (whether Heaven or Hell). Free will seems to be something that only living humans can experience. (I have trouble believing in free will, but I am trying to understand where the Church stands on it.) Once a person has died, he or she must experience the consequences, whether positive or negative, of one's choices during life, and is no longer able to exercise free will.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
If you were meant to die at 70 then you can't die at 20 if it's all predestined and if it isn't then you can do what you like. I keep an open mind but am 99% certain it isn't anything like that. Either reincarnation or nothing at all seems most likely
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Oct 5, 2018
If you were meant to die at 70 then you can't die at 20 if it's all predestined and if it isn't then you can do what you like. I keep an open mind but am 99% certain it isn't anything like that. Either reincarnation or nothing at all seems most likely

very good point. I didn't think about it like that. I guess I thought about like if I ctb at 20 that is 'messing with fate' similar to murder, thats how I took it when i read it. Like we arent meant to be playing god or something.
but disclaimer: im not religious and honestly could care less where i go because anything has to be better than this.
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Sep 17, 2018
You're not going to be stuck in limbo. You go over, rejoin God on the other side, have a nice life review, stay there for a while and have fun and then reincarnate if you want.
The afterlife is not to be feared, it is so much better than here.
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Sep 17, 2018
I suggest you read NDEs, especially the life review. In this, we see how our actions affected others during our lives and also the consequences of suicide.
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Sep 16, 2018
It's popular across all religions because all religions are copied from each other. Take Islam for example its just the old testament revised. Religion is just there to keep people in control & have them living in fear. Death which ever way it happens isn't to be feared in my opinion. Hell is here on Earth. This is the hard part.
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Jul 27, 2018
stuck in the hell of limbo rn
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