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Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
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Jul 15, 2020
I've reuploaded the video to Vimeo because Youtube didn't like educational suicide talk and removed it. This thread remains very important due to recent discussions about the risks of puking and failure of ones attempt after ingesting N.

Thankyou so much for providing this information, I'm sure many members will be alot more at ease now. I hadn't seen this thread and now feel alot more at ease as i know you're a person who can be trusted in what they post, and EXIt are experts in this stuff.
This section from page 77 of Guide to a Humane Self-Chosen Death seems to support that vomiting is not usually a problem with pentobarbital:

"An anti-emetic, metoclopramide, was taken by 39 out of the 60 cases during the 24 hours preceding the planned time for self-deliverance (every 6-8 hours a 10 mg tablet or 20 mg suppository). None of them vomited."

"Vomiting was reported in 2 of the 21 cases without metoclopramide, but in spite of this the patient died."

It also warns against rectal administration:

"Horikx warns that the absorption of barbiturates given by suppository is very unpredictable, especially so in terminal patients. In the recently updated guidelines of the Royal Dutch Pharmaceutical Society (2006), the use of suppositories for assisted suicide is strongly discouraged."

well i guess we have facts back up this information aswell now. I'm so glad someone made this post come to light again.
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Aug 3, 2021
Agreed @checkouttime I thought the risk of puking was high until I read the first post on this thread. it's such a relief to have that information.
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Jul 27, 2021
But what about puking it when you're unconscious? That's what I'm afraid of the most… I can't control that stuff
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Aug 3, 2021
@anaboleyn I'm mostly in the dark and can only go by the video. He seems to be saying that N taken by a healthy person wouldn't make them sick but places like Dignitas insist on anti-emetics because of pre-existing conditions. My condition doesn't make me more prone to vomit so hopefully I can get through it, but I still don't know if I'm going to make two N drinks with my two bottles just in case I need to reload N, or take both at once

He's very good to point out that dwelling on the issue can make what is probably a non-issue into a problem and I'm guessing that to some extent the vomiting issue with SN confuses taking N for people looking at CTB methods.

I wish I had definitive answers, I guess there's always a risk but to have N is still a great comfort, but still a challenge for sure.
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Jul 15, 2020
Agreed @checkouttime I thought the risk of puking was high until I read the first post on this thread. it's such a relief to have that information.

its good to know we have members who can provide facts and statistics rather than hearsay. like was mentioned......" this has also lead to fear mongering about this rather reliable and peaceful method" i guess thats been put to bed . I mean i know who i choose to trust, i'm sure other genuine members will feel the same.
@anaboleyn I'm mostly in the dark and can only go by the video. He seems to be saying that N taken by a healthy person wouldn't make them sick but places like Dignitas insist on anti-emetics because of pre-existing conditions. My condition doesn't make me more prone to vomit so hopefully I can get through it, but I still don't know if I'm going to make two N drinks with my two bottles just in case I need to reload N, or take both at once

I'm guessing if you're sick after passing out it doesn't matter, especially if you're taking two bottles but that's just a guess ?

He's very good to point out that dwelling on the issue can make what is probably a non-issue into a problem and I'm guessing that to some extent the vomiting issue with SN confuses taking N for people looking at CTB methods.

I wish I had definitive answers, I guess there's always a risk but to have N is still a great comfort, but still a challenge for sure.

Yeah i'm going to make sure this thread gets bumped every now and then, keep the info fresh for everyone:wink:

Your right people do confuse the vomiting with SN and N, they usually haven't done there research. You will defo vomit with SN, its a salt after all. i think 1 person has been reported as not vomiting in all the cases that were checked.

philip N and his staff, have watched alot of members of EXIT ctb, so they do have the answers to questions and don't have to speculate, luckily we have access to that info aswell.

i guess the fear mongers' got shot down in one foul swoop in my eyes and i'm sure in alot of genuine members agree
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Aug 3, 2021
@checkouttime There's real compassion in accuracy of information (obviously, I guess !). That people share their personal experience and point to available resources is a life-line, so to speak. But yeah, sometimes people offer opinions as facts, thankfully there's enough information to cross-reference and side-step it and the Mods step in when there's glaring misinformation.


Jul 15, 2020
@checkouttime There's real compassion in accuracy of information (obviously, I guess !). That people share their personal experience and point to available resources is a life-line, so to speak. But yeah, sometimes people offer opinions as facts, thankfully there's enough information to cross-reference and side-step it and the Mods step in when there's glaring misinformation.

yeah its really funny how people try to scaremonger and get easily shot down by trusted members, because these members are more clever and have actual genuine interest in reliable interest. I don't find the need to cross reference when a trusted memberposts information, i know they have no ulterior motive and the information will be reliable and legit. I mean you have to be stupid IMO to just believe what a random person writes with no proof of what there saying.

take the videos of people taking N for instance, people can see exactly what it looks like rather than just some random person writing this or that happen. its actual proof not just words. the videos are always a good source of info. I mean i'm not sure about others, but if i wanted info the 1st place i would goto would be the resources and the threads that are sticky's. oh and the pph. I'm not going to start learning reading the random threads as most of the time people don't even know what there on about. hence why threads like this pop up. its funny really as them threads just increase peoples desire to find the facts and share,(i'm guessing that wasn't the intention of them people:wink:.)It only takes one thread like this to shoot all that BS down.

If people would rather believe the people that don't know what there talking about then good look to them, i know genuine members have enough brains to listen to these type of threads though h rt=ather than the others ...its just simple common sense to most people.
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Aug 7, 2021
Honestly, that's the only reason I didn't do it yet. I'm scared as fuck of vomiting N. And I've came across some thread (not on ss) where a guy was saying that without meto the chance of vomiting is "extremely high". Fuck. I don't know.

i hate myself for not being able to do it.
You can look it up, in the PPH it is mentioned that they administered N to 21 subjects who took antiemetics and to 21 subjects who didn't. Of the latter, the group without preceding antiemetic administration, only two subjects vomited. And if I remember correctly, they died anyway.
So the risk is definitely not "extremely" high, by any means. Please, stop with the fearmongering and the spreading of misinformation.
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The Lonely

The Lonely

Jan 26, 2021
But what about puking it when you're unconscious? That's what I'm afraid of the most… I can't control that stuff

The whole point about vomiting is exactly while unconscious.
The idea is to drink and not lay in bed with the head down in the pillow…

The head needs to be elevated in order to not aspirate the vomiting (case it occurs).

The best example/representation of this kind of Vomiting would be what happened at the Breaking Bad serie with Jesses's girlfriend …

**Spoiler Alert / **Strong Scene:

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Aug 9, 2021
Hello everyone.

In the last 2.5 years there have been constant rumors and claims that drinking N has a high chance of vomiting. It's a wide spread concern and I understand why. Nobody wants to fail an attempt with N due to a simple thing like puking. But this has also lead to fear mongering about this rather reliable and peaceful method, some people decide to go with SN instead and it also resulted in alternative administration methods of N that aren't as safe - such as rectal administration of said substance. I don't recommend that.

But this risk of vomiting after drinking N is extremely overblown and to prove that, I'll link a snippet of a live-stream from Philip Nitzschke, from back in Spring 2018. He already addressed these concerns and explained why they're valid but don't make much sense. The reason why Exit International recommends taking anti-emetics (and I guess that's the reason why everyone is so worried about puking) before drinking N is because there are plenty of people that want to end their life due to old age or terminal illness. That's the main audience of their organization. And there are many diseases where nausea is part of the condition or the treatment, such as chemotherapy (for example as treatment for cancer). That's why they recommend taking anti-emetics prior to drinking N. It's a necessary and logical safety measure if you're in such a circumstance. But if you're young, healthy and don't suffer from such diseases, leaving via N should be rather easy from a technical perspective. The risk that you will vomit is extremely small and I'm not aware of any credible stories that resulted in a failed attempt due to vomiting.

I'm currently taking drugs to treat rheumatoid arthritis, such as methodrexat and this drug has nausea as a side effect, therefore it would make sense for me to take the anti-emetics, despite my young age of 26. The substance itself isn't that gruesome or disgusting that its consumption alone would cause puking. But Exit International generally recommends everyone to take anti-emetics prior to drinking N not because it's absolutely necessary to succeed your attempt but simply as a safety measure. It simply doesn't harm to take some anti-emetics if you're drinking a +600 dollar substance anyway.

That's my interpretation of this live-stream, here is the link. I hope this settles this question once and for all. If you have N, you're in possession of the most reliable, peaceful method that is out there, that's a fact - and if you want to end your life, you should take it the proper way, that means oral. Every single euthanasia organization in this world is doing it this way with a 0% failure rate, as far as I know. Read the resources and follow the instructions according to the PPH and you'll have a peaceful and reliable exit.

Hi, I am new to this site. This is my first post so please forgive me if I am jumping in at the deep end (so to speak). I like the sound of N after an anti-emetic. Can't think of a better way but one thing troubles me. I know it's off-topic (i.e.not about puking) but I saw a YT video several years ago of a guy from the UK who went to Dignitas in Switzerland. His name was Smedley. Some time after he drank the N he pointed at the glass of water and muttered something that to me sounded like 'don't want die' which the carer thought he was saying 'water') which she correctly refused him. But he seemed VERY troubled like he changed his mind.
I realise this can happen but a bit later the video was edited and he was shown wearing a neck brace (why?) whixh also troubled me. What had happened. I apologise for being negative but just maybe not everyone who doesnt puke doesnt have such an easy time. Maybe someone can help me out here about what was going on. If I decide to go it will probably be this method. It does in my opinion appear to be one of the best ways, given my reservations. Maybe the BBC or whoever covered it chose this one to put people off - who knows!
Thanks for reading


Apr 26, 2020
What exactly is your point?
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Dec 31, 2019
Hi, I am new to this site. This is my first post so please forgive me if I am jumping in at the deep end (so to speak). I like the sound of N after an anti-emetic. Can't think of a better way but one thing troubles me. I know it's off-topic (i.e.not about puking) but I saw a YT video several years ago of a guy from the UK who went to Dignitas in Switzerland. His name was Smedley. Some time after he drank the N he pointed at the glass of water and muttered something that to me sounded like 'don't want die' which the carer thought he was saying 'water') which she correctly refused him. But he seemed VERY troubled like he changed his mind.
I realise this can happen but a bit later the video was edited and he was shown wearing a neck brace (why?) whixh also troubled me. What had happened. I apologise for being negative but just maybe not everyone who doesnt puke doesnt have such an easy time. Maybe someone can help me out here about what was going on. If I decide to go it will probably be this method. It does in my opinion appear to be one of the best ways, given my reservations. Maybe the BBC or whoever covered it chose this one to put people off - who knows!
Thanks for reading
Smedley probably just had some throat irritation or a cough. Still a super peaceful death even with that.

The nurse is trained to refuse water and chocolate right before patients fall unconscious because they will likely aspirate it. The cause of death is supposed to be pentobarbital overdose not choking lol. The "neck brace" was one of those circular travel pillows lol. It's there to support the neck and head because as we know reflexes and muscles relax with N. It's for aesthetics and to make any potential respiratory sounds less distressing to the family.
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Jul 15, 2020
What exactly is your point?

I can't find the part where he says don't want to die. he does actually say it tastes nasty but he isn't sick, or even fazed much by it just has some chocolate!!!

Smedley probably just had some throat irritation or a cough. Still a super peaceful death even with that.

The nurse is trained to refuse water and chocolate right before patients fall unconscious because they will likely aspirate it. The cause of death is supposed to be pentobarbital overdose not choking lol. The "neck brace" was one of those circular travel pillows lol. It's there to support the neck and head because as we know reflexes and muscles relax with N. It's for aesthetics and to make any potential respiratory sounds less distressing to the family.

respiratory failure actually, i got this page below how N works from that new version of the PPH that was uploaded :blarg:

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Aug 9, 2021
Smedley probably just had some throat irritation or a cough. Still a super peaceful death even with that.

The nurse is trained to refuse water and chocolate right before patients fall unconscious because they will likely aspirate it. The cause of death is supposed to be pentobarbital overdose not choking lol. The "neck brace" was one of those circular travel pillows lol. It's there to support the neck and head because as we know reflexes and muscles relax with N. It's for aesthetics and to make any potential respiratory sounds less distressing to the family.
Thanks for your take on this. I guess I am naturally skeptical about how videos are or aren't properly edited. Your answer would explain a lot.
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Auto Immunity After

Auto Immunity After

Jul 20, 2021
I just reviewed the video. Mr. Smedley says "Water" and right after that he says"I dont want to die". You can hear it clearly. He fell unconsious seconds later and passed very peacefully. I think his passing is an example of why Nembutal is considered (at this time ) to be the Peaceful Pill as stated in the PPeh March 2021 version.


Jul 15, 2020
Thanks for your take on this. I guess I am naturally skeptical about how videos are or aren't properly edited. Your answer would explain a lot.

I guess you must have the 'edited' version where he says 'don't want to die' .

I think i say the edited version where it shows a travel pillow and not a neck brace lol
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Jul 15, 2020
nope, go grab your hearing aid and listen again

sorry i CAN'T hear what your saying

It must be the voices i'm hearing things again :pfff:

Mean you shouldn't take something if you don't wan to die anyway, as seen in the video its quick and there's no turning back. although i imagine when your off you nut on drugs you can say all sorts anyway!!! your not exactly in a fit state to talk much sense when your spaced out i know that for sure.

I did notice he said it tastes nasty but then wasn't sick though.
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Auto Immunity After

Auto Immunity After

Jul 20, 2021
don't forget about the neck brace that isn't a neck brace , I mean imagine being able to hear someone say something, but not noticing that a sleep pillow isn't a neck brace. baby got skills

sorry i CAN'T hear what your saying

It must be the voices i'm hearing things again :pfff:
I am not the one who commented on the neck brace so WRONG again. Your trying to argue about what is on the video................Hey lets all go watch that video and everyone except you will hear him say I dont want to die.........


Jul 15, 2020
I am not the one who commented on the neck brace so WRONG again. Your trying to argue about what is on the video................Hey lets all go watch that video and everyone except you will hear him say I dont want to die.........

I didn't say you were. when i quoted you the other comment i had made wa still in the comment box. if you look i have edited it now so it isn't in the comment to you

can't hear it ,damn hearing aid batteries, sorry.

People say all sorts of stuff when they are high on drugs anyway, everyone knows that. know one is thinking straight when they are on drugs, thats why they are asked they are sure when they are sober and sign forms to say so.
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Jul 27, 2021
The whole point about vomiting is exactly while unconscious.
The idea is to drink and not lay in bed with the head down in the pillow…

The head needs to be elevated in order to not aspirate the vomiting (case it occurs).

The best example/representation of this kind of Vomiting would be what happened at the Breaking Bad serie with Jesses's girlfriend …

**Spoiler Alert / **Strong Scene:

That scares me even more…
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Aug 7, 2021
That scares me even more…
I don't get your stance, honestly. People have bent over backwards in this thread to explain why the risk of vomiting on N is miniscule. The poster above is merely saying that even in cases of unconscious vomiting you'll die anyway bc you choke on your own vomit, but are unconscious, so you don't even realize. So what exactly is it that you are afraid of? Do you really wanna die? And I don't say this to scold you or whatever, but if you really do, and if your goal really is death, couldn't you care less about rare vomiting that leads to dying, especially if you don't even realize bc as you said yourself, you're unconscious? I know people who overdosed on opiates and vomited while unconscious exactly in the manner of the video, but they didn't feel a thing bc they were... unconscious. And strung out. They felt great and high as fuck while they were vomiting and choking and didn't feel a thing (that's why it is so dangerous! Because you likely die from it. But if your goal is dying, this shouldn't be a problem?).

I've only been on this board for a couple of days and don't know how you guys do it. The sheer amount of people who talk on and on about their fears that have been proven to be unwarranted would be better served by some therapy. People jump from buildings, in front of trains, put a gun in their mouth and people here are like "But what if I vomit and don't feel a thing". Even if N tasted like pure raw honey or the greatest thing you ever tasted or if you had a 100% chance of no averse effects occurring, they'd be like "It tastes like honey?? Oh no, now I'm scared"
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Aug 27, 2020
I don't get your stance, honestly. People have bent over backwards in this thread to explain why the risk of vomiting on N is miniscule. The poster above is merely saying that even in cases of unconscious vomiting you'll die anyway bc you choke on your own vomit, but are unconscious, so you don't even realize. So what exactly is it that you are afraid of? Do you really wanna die? And I don't say this to scold you or whatever, but if you really do, and if your goal really is death, couldn't you care less about rare vomiting that leads to dying, especially if you don't even realize bc as you said yourself, you're unconscious? I know people who overdosed on opiates and vomited while unconscious exactly in the manner of the video, but they didn't feel a thing bc they were... unconscious. And strung out. They felt great and high as fuck while they were vomiting and choking and didn't feel a thing (that's why it is so dangerous! Because you likely die from it. But if your goal is dying, this shouldn't be a problem?).

I've only been on this board for a couple of days and don't know how you guys do it. The sheer amount of people who talk on and on about their fears that have been proven to be unwarranted would be better served by some therapy. People jump from buildings, in front of trains, put a gun in their mouth and people here are like "But what if I vomit and don't feel a thing". Even if N tasted like pure raw honey or the greatest thing you ever tasted or if you had a 100% chance of no averse effects occurring, they'd be like "It tastes like honey?? Oh no, now I'm scared"
Nail on the head. Most of the useful factual information people are looking for on here has been buried in the million and 1 pointless repeated questions. Spend more time reinventing solid methods than actually attempting them.

Why go through the hassle and cost of buying N to receive it and then worry about it. It doesn't get more peaceful. If you can't use N then you don't really have any other better options.
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Jul 27, 2021
I don't get your stance, honestly. People have bent over backwards in this thread to explain why the risk of vomiting on N is miniscule. The poster above is merely saying that even in cases of unconscious vomiting you'll die anyway bc you choke on your own vomit, but are unconscious, so you don't even realize. So what exactly is it that you are afraid of? Do you really wanna die? And I don't say this to scold you or whatever, but if you really do, and if your goal really is death, couldn't you care less about rare vomiting that leads to dying, especially if you don't even realize bc as you said yourself, you're unconscious? I know people who overdosed on opiates and vomited while unconscious exactly in the manner of the video, but they didn't feel a thing bc they were... unconscious. And strung out. They felt great and high as fuck while they were vomiting and choking and didn't feel a thing (that's why it is so dangerous! Because you likely die from it. But if your goal is dying, this shouldn't be a problem?).

I've only been on this board for a couple of days and don't know how you guys do it. The sheer amount of people who talk on and on about their fears that have been proven to be unwarranted would be better served by some therapy. People jump from buildings, in front of trains, put a gun in their mouth and people here are like "But what if I vomit and don't feel a thing". Even if N tasted like pure raw honey or the greatest thing you ever tasted or if you had a 100% chance of no averse effects occurring, they'd be like "It tastes like honey?? Oh no, now I'm scared"
I get you. My fear is nit vomiting on its own, its the fear of waking up or prolonged comatose state


Apr 26, 2020
@gloriatrillo You have to keep in mind that the vast, vast majority of people contemplating suicide have other comorbidities, mental or physical. You have a very large set of people who have anxiety or depression, and this manifests itself in fears, rational or not, about any given method.

For those talking about the video, the patient for whatever reason wanted to die sitting up. The neck pillow was added for the comfort of the loved ones there to reduce the agonal breathing noises. It had absolutely no impact on the individual's comfort.
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Jul 15, 2020
@gloriatrillo You have to keep in mind that the vast, vast majority of people contemplating suicide have other comorbidities, mental or physical. You have a very large set of people who have anxiety or depression, and this manifests itself in fears, rational or not, about any given method.

I always wonder why the people that have these 'worries' seem to post over and over about the same method. I mean if i was worried about a method, i would just choose another. i think people make out like you have gun held to your head a and have to do a method!!!! If you don't like something, don't do it, just common sense i would think.
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Apr 26, 2020
I think there are a few reasons, and I'll ignore people deliberately posting to generate a reaction or attention. The first is setting an impossible goal to avoid CTB. I've seen people talk about building guillotines in their parent's basement. Others are looking for validation for a particular fear and will often post the same idea over and over, looking for that one person who agrees with them. You also have to factor in anxiety/ocd/etc.
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