Dear Blackjack
We both know that we have had some private conversations and you did your best with a huge crowbar to try and extract what I would do in this situation. I write this hopefully without passion or emotion, but to give you a potential of what is going to happen to you, and god knows, you will probably able to tell me more and worse. I was going to send this privately but thought I'd go 'all in' and go public with the hope it gives some balance to the situation. The way you positioned it, nobody could read anything other than your son, I think for a lot of people they forgot you in the equation or haven't looked up ALS and what the future is for you.
You decide to cancel cbt for the sake of your son and what he is going through. He will still be in a mood and mooch around because he has broken up with his first love, which happened not to be a girl but basketball. You do your best in your current condition to rally him around but its not going to work and get the "you don't understand Mum, nobody does" which is the main-staple of all teenagers comes to front. You can't chase him around the house as he storms away as you are in a wheelchair or bed bound. You wait a period of time hoping he calms down so you can give motherly advice. Time moves on and ALS continues its march. In the meantime, you forget that he knows the inevitable regarding you and that's way bigger in his mind than the basketball. Just sheer shit timing that the two coincided. You eventually lose the ability to communicate so there is no soothing him now. Your skin becomes a monument of what you once were, however, new memories are being made by all those around you as you deteriorate which are night and day to what you once were.
When you are fully taken by ALS you are going to be trapped in your body, the dignity of doing all the personal things for yourself are gone. You can't make decisions for yourself on what can entertain your mind because you would have lost all capability of even telling people to change the channel on the TV that will be plonked in front of you. Boredom and frustration are your hourly companions. When the door opens to your room when you get a visit from your immediate family. you will notice that the door handle does not turn quickly. Its because the person on the other side of that door is mustering courage to come and see you the way you are now. So being a martyr may have given you a minutes/hours/days bit of peace, but actually its possible you have done more damage in other areas, such as his image of you as his strong and caring mother being masked by what you have become. The woman who kissed his knee better when he was small becomes a husk that he talks at and not to.
You came here for a reason, and many would do what you are planning with your condition if they had the easy choice or was given by an option through a doctor. I can't think that were wouldn't be many here who would love to take the disease from you so you could continue, but we can't.
So here is my question to you Blackjack as you posed a pretty damn significant one to the forum (and I say that with all the respect I have for you). Do you go out as Blackjack knowing that only you can do the mother stuff but you leave him in the good hands of his father, brother and whatever else is a support mechanism, or do you stay for the duration with limited to no capacity to help? Or do you stay the course a live the nightmare you know is coming without actually succeeding in helping your son?
I know that when I think of my mother now, its actually the bad bits that come to mind first relating to her illness, I need to go through them for any of the good stuff. Because it is shocking to watch, it gets to the very core of you, leaves a stain and it doesn't wash away.
I write this with angst in my heart for as a parent I can appreciate leaving, especially when an event is going on is hard. I have to write this in a cold way to get my point across and I can't apologise for that. If I put ribbons and tinsel on it I think I would have diluted my message.
I hope you know I write this with all the respect I have for you Blackjack. You are an amazing woman, mother, wife and friend. Whatever you do, we are here as long as you have us.