I’ll be watching...
- Aug 6, 2019
- 777
Hi Blackjack. I admire you taking control of your own situation; having an exit plan is the only reasonable option with ALS. I'm so sorry it has come to this for you.
I understand ALS, and I have an 18 yr-old son.
You need to remain with your son until your condition won't allow you to function in a meaningful way anymore. He needs you. If you leave him now, during this critical time, it will irrevocably alter the course of his life. He may even internalize it and blame himself for causing you stress.
Meanwhile... he knows your condition is deteriorating, and that your death is imminent. You need to have a heart-to-heart with him about what's going to happen, mostly about the plan you have in place for him after you're gone. Tell him you would be there for him until the end of time if you could, but unfortunately this disease has robbed you of that... robbed you both, really. I think the best you can do is have a detailed plan in place that he's aware of. An explanation of what will happen, how things will change, who will take the place of things you do for him, counseling services you've set up, the support network that's in place, etc.
He fears losing you, and the unknown of what his life will be like without you. Fear of the unknown is terrifying; maybe you can allay some of that anxiety if he knows exactly what's going to happen when you're gone. I would even buy and put aside some gifts for him that his father or someone else can give him for his graduation, birthday, etc, from you, even though you can't be here... it'll be like you're still looking out for him from beyond.
Stay with him as long as you can, Blackjack. When the time comes that you just can't do it anymore, he will understand.
As an aside, I think it's complete shit that your kid played his heart out for 2 years to get cut from a team. That coach should be fucking ashamed of himself.
Thank you for your thoughtful response. I have been/am doing many of the things you suggested. And I agree with your thoughts about him being cut after working so hard in the basketball program the past 2 years. I think his coaches could have had some compassion to look at the bigger picture and how suddenly being an outsider is going to affect him. But that's the protective Mama bear in me. And life is unfair and cruel, and I can't protect him anymore.