Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I been contemplating this subject for a very long time and based on alot of introspection, I kind of reached to the conclusion that I am not really what my personality is. Personality as I define it is the imprint that is brought out when we interact with the world around us. It is largely affected by our mental disorders and moods to some degree. What I want to say is that when I say that I hate myself it is not necessarily that I believe that my hate is directed to my own purist self. The self that I conceptualized based on my personality is not really who I am. It is a result of autism, traumas and so on. Thats not to say what I mean by that is a soul. I mean I think we are not really what our biology and environment make us if these two have things wrong with them in the first place
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Dec 8, 2020
I think we all have a temperament that we're born with which helps shape our personality as we age.
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I think we all have a temperament that we're born with which helps shape our personality as we age.
Thats totally true. I meant to say in the case for people with mental or neurological disorders, our personality is malfunctioning as a result. It is not in its true form
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Fussy exister. Living in the epilogue
Mar 11, 2020
I can't say that I agree with the view that our mental disorders are something separate from ourselves. I think drawing any such lines is completely arbitrary. I don't think you can pick and choose which parts of you are the "real" you. It's a whole where everything affects everything else and nothing stands by itself.

I view my so-called mental disorders as integral parts of myself. I am everything that I feel and think.
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Dec 8, 2020
Thats totally true. I meant to say in the case for people with mental or neurological disorders, our personality is malfunctioning as a result. It is not in its true form
I think I understand what you mean now. Thank you
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I think there's some truth to this. My personality changes all the time, to some degree. Even hour by hour sometimes. I'm able to be sociable and warm and that feels like me. But I can really self isolate, be misanthropic, and feel miserable. That's me too.

On the whole I try not to identify too closely with my mental health issues. I know they're part of me but they're not all of me.
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Jun 10, 2020
I started exploring earlier this year whether I might have dissociative identity disorder. A lot of things about that resonate with me. Although I don't resonate with people that have full-blown DID. I think that I have traits of it at most. But from my experience identity feels completely arbitrary. Yet there are times when I wholeheartedly believe in the importance of identity. You see, I can't even agree within myself. And there are a lot of issues I can't agree with myself about. There are a few things I am unified on. Still, even if identity were shifting and arbitrary, it does appear that some sort of consciousness underlies it. Now whether this consciousness is an individual consciousness or a universal consciousness or somehow both, or whether the consciousness is continuous or if it ceases when the body stops, now those to me are the big questions about identity. Consciousness rather than more transient things like traits, preferences etc. Even the values I hold dearly are limited by the activity of my brain. For example I had an elderly friend with dementia and he no longer knew what the values were he had once so strongly lived by. But his consciousness was still there. To me, that counted for something. His consciousness was still there even when parts of the former him was gone. So was it a new him or an old him broken up and punctuated by bouts of plain consciousness. No I swear I am not high, I was just letting my thoughts on this topic flow.
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Aug 30, 2021
I think we are shaped in large part by our experiences. I hate it when people say be more confident or be more open like it is something you choose and charlatans that claim that just by repeating cliche phrases inside your head you can change who you are. Confidence isn't something that comes out of thin air, it comes from experience. When you had so many experiences that you are unwanted and not respected that is going to have an effect on you. Make you reserved and distrustful. Having different experiences would have obviously changed the way I interact with the world.
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Jan 17, 2021
You're thinking of a what-if scenario, an alternate reality where you get to be the ideal you. What if dragons and unicorns were real, too? It's a fantasy.
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
You're thinking of a what-if scenario, an alternate reality where you get to be the ideal you. What if dragons and unicorns were real, too? It's a fantasy.
Yes you are absolutely right about that. My ideal self that is from free clutches of autism and other mental disorders is a fantasy but I refuse to accept my real self as my true self
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I can't say that I agree with the view that our mental disorders are something separate from ourselves. I think drawing any such lines is completely arbitrary. I don't think you can pick and choose which parts of you are the "real" you. It's a whole where everything affects everything else and nothing stands by itself.
I view my so-called mental disorders as integral parts of myself.

I am everything that I feel and think.

I couldn't agree more. It's even impossible to try & separate our thoughts from our feelings, it's all one big complicated mess / boiling mind soup.

How can I separate my "true self" from my C-PTSD & hypersexuality? I can't sleep without having nightmares & I spend most of my day trying to distract myself from my traumas by unconsciously & consciously engaging in escapism, drugging myself with sexual thoughts, masturbation & sex. That is who I am, constantly on the run. I wish I were someone else with every fiber of my being, I wish I could stop & relax, but I can't...
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Just a boring guy.
Oct 21, 2021
I think we are shaped in large part by our experiences. I hate it when people say be more confident or be more open like it is something you choose and charlatans that claim that just by repeating cliche phrases inside your head you can change who you are. Confidence isn't something that comes out of thin air, it comes from experience. When you had so many experiences that you are unwanted and not respected that is going to have an effect on you. Make you reserved and distrustful. Having different experiences would have obviously changed the way I interact with the world.
I agree 100%


Average life non-enjoyer
Sep 11, 2021
I pretty much agree with @deflationary, @Makko and @hotelbeneathground; saying you are not your personality is like saying 'Myself is not myself.' But OP redefined the word 'personality' so if you play that game you can make pretty much anything true:

'My personality is red and rusty?'
'Oh 'personality' to me means my car.'
'Oh that is a helpful way to use language.'

That said, some psychoanalysts do talk about true and false selves; true selves being hidden by false selves used to shield from traumas. But they would say your personality consists of both.
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Dec 4, 2020
I don't know if it's make believe, wishful thinking or cognitive bias but below every superficial manifestation of my personality, I feel an essence untouched by wordly affairs. What is seen is a river breaking over obstructions, meandering around obstacles, being polluted by contaminants. I understand that what is done is done, that there's no way to clear and straighten the path, but I can't deny the sense of a permanent and stable source, concealed in the womb of pure potential, being born and undone every day.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I don't know if it's make believe, wishful thinking or cognitive bias but below every superficial manifestation of my personality, I feel an essence untouched by wordly affairs. What is seen is a river breaking over obstructions, meandering around obstacles, being polluted by contaminants. I understand that what is done is done, that there's no way to clear and straighten the path, but I can't deny the sense of a permanent and stable source, concealed in the womb of pure potential, being born and undone every day.

I've only experienced something similar to that on acid, & each time the beautiful trip was over, I felt suicidal beyond belief because it was painfully clear to me that this world had robbed me of my soul/innocence. I can't help but see my bf as someone who has retained this purity you speak of, though. I've always prided myself on being cynical & now I find myself idealizing a man everyone else thinks is just a dumb, self-destructive doormat.

He is dumb, he has to be dumb. How could anyone with his life experiences be as kind as him without being a total moron? I don't understand what's going on - I'm fully aware I'm idealizing him like a fool, but I still can't stop doing it. I don't even see him primarily as a sex object anymore. His dumb ass is successfully fucking with a clever sinful swine like me original Jesus-style, by not judging me one bit. Fuck that shit! Fuck him, fuck you,@UseItOrLoseIt, & your kind poetic soul too! :)):hug:
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Dec 4, 2020
I've only experienced something similar to that on acid, & each time the beautiful trip was over, I felt suicidal beyond belief because it was painfully clear to me that this world had robbed me of my soul/innocence. I can't help but see my bf as someone who has retained this purity you speak of, though. I've always prided myself on being cynical & now I find myself idealizing a man everyone else thinks is just a dumb, self-destructive doormat.

He is dumb, he has to be dumb. How could anyone with his life experiences be as kind as him without being a total moron? I don't understand what's going on - I'm fully aware I'm idealizing him like a fool, but I still can't stop doing it. I don't even see him primarily as a sex object anymore. His dumb ass is successfully fucking with a clever sinful swine like me original Jesus-style, by not judging me one bit. Fuck that shit! Fuck him, fuck you,@UseItOrLoseIt, & your kind poetic soul too! :)):hug:
Hey man, fuck you too :pfff::pfff::pfff:
So, you wish to be judged. Well, here we go...

I don't like cynical people. Ridiculing every mention of something that transcends our selfish gene is way dumber than admitting there is something below the surface that we all have in common. You are the one who's dumb. Why are you here after all, communicating with us? Why are you with him? Are you trying to boost your ego by getting compliments and praises for how funny and smart you are, or are you desperately trying to regain a portion of your lost soul/innocence by connecting to a stream of souls searching for the same thing? Are you looking for a perfect reflection or a perfect camouflage?
I should explain that... I'm not saying you should sacrifice your individuality, I'm not saying that at all. In fact, you should keep it. I'm saying - the ultimate goal is not to make a mirror out of everybody, but to bring all the mirrors down so that the only reflection left is other people, as they are, form and substance. Perfect camouflage.
Why do you want to be judged so much? Why do you keep that mirror always in front of you? You don't have to answer that. I get it. But your bf is not dumb. Don't ever call people dumb with such ease. Particulary if you don't even bother to hear them because you are too infatuated by your own reflection. That's not quality cynicism. It's a pathetic attempt to make you less ugly in your own eyes, an uninspired cop-out.
He doesn't judge you. Hold your mirror as long and as close as you want, but don't call a man dumb because he's open-minded and open-hearted. There's not much overlap there.

Did I do good? :tongue: Here, I also have a favorite gif that I can't stop posting:
Tumblr na4wouHZ5K1t3uqero7 400
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Why are you here after all, communicating with us? Why are you with him? Are you trying to boost your ego by getting compliments and praises for how funny and smart you are, or are you desperately trying to regain a portion of your lost soul/innocence by connecting to a stream of souls searching for the same thing?

Both :haha:

He doesn't judge you. Hold your mirror as long and as close as you want, but don't call a man dumb because he's open-minded and open-hearted. There's not much overlap there.

I'm afraid I'm in love with an idealized version of him, with someone who doesn't really exist. I don't trust my judgement anymore. I don't understand him, I've never met anyone like him. Why is he still so kind & patient? Why isn't he afraid? Is it possible that he's actually wise & shit? How could someone so bad at life, a shy, unemployable alcoholic, know something that I don't? He seems to have access to something I don't. He's not supposed to be stronger & more reliable than me, he's a drunk ffs!

Funny you should mention open-heartedness; the other day I showed him Madonna's "Frozen" video & I said that everything about that song & vid was perfect except the predictable & slightly dumb lyrics. I've always been embarrassed by the fact that I love most of her "Ray of Light" album because a lot of her output is boring crap & her public persona is fake & obnoxious af. I made sure to emphasize that the album's producer was a genius 20 years ago & that "Ray of Light" is her best song because it's a cover!

He read the lyrics to "Frozen" & said they were beautiful & true, that the best thing about the song was Madonna's sincere vocal delivery & that her mother died when she was a kid.

You're frozen when your heart's not open
You're broken when your heart's not open

If I could melt your heart, we'd never be apart
Give yourself to me, you hold the key
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Dec 4, 2020
Fair enough. Me too. There is a third need though, which is just a bizzaro version of getting praises - wanting to be judged and criticized, as in, first getting the acknowledgment that all of your bad parts are very much real, as they are. But then you step it up a notch and seek confirmation that they should be frowned upon just like you think they should.
I'm afraid I'm in love with an idealized version of him, with someone who doesn't really exist.
"To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god."
- Jorge Luis Borges

This is invariable. He's doing the same thing with you. You are doing the same thing with yourself, although sometimes what you most love/hate (love and hate are the same in that effect) about yourself is your own suffering.
I don't trust my judgement anymore.
Good. Self-doubt is deterimental if you are chasing something, but it's beneficial if the chase leads you in circles.
I don't understand him, I've never met anyone like him. Why is he still so kind & patient? Why isn't he afraid? Is it possible that he's actually wise & shit? How could someone so bad at life, a shy, unemployable alcoholic, know something that I don't? He seems to have access to something I don't. He's not supposed to be stronger & more reliable than me, he's a drunk ffs!
I'm sure he is afraid. He must be self-destructive for a reason. He just has different ways of coping. It doesn't matter why. The why is hidden behind everything that he knows and you don't - only his whole life. Everybody knows something that you don't (I didn't need J. Peterson to tell me that lol), be it a fact, an insight, a memory or a feeling. It must be so.

Wisdom comes in many forms. It's wise to be a realist, even a nihilist - life is objectively painful, treatcherous, tragic and sensless, without exception. But being an idealist, being kind, even naively so, can be wise too. Maybe your bf is so afraid, so traumatized that he chose, deliberately or not (based on all the things he knows that you don't) to keep his misery to himself and do the best he can not to induce that same feeling in anybody else. The way I function in that regard, for example, is I'm so revolted by this death force that brews inside me that my natural instincts to be kind reinforced as a form of protest. On one level I know that life is a painful ordeal and I'm doing my best/worst to numb that awful feeling, but on another I know that good breeds good. Resluts do vary and are not guaranteed, my willpower varies too, but the fact remains - there is no other way to make things better, not one that I can directly affect (except ctb ofc). Sometimes I get this feeling that the biggest middle finger one can give this crooked life is playing it clean and fair. I may be working very hard to destroy myself. The only, only thing I can do about that, as far as I can see, is to make it easier for other people. I don't ever want for anybody to feel the way I do. In fact, I want them to feel the opposite. But that's just me...
Funny you should mention open-heartedness; the other day I showed him Madonna's "Frozen" video & I said that everything about that song & vid was perfect except the predictable & slightly dumb lyrics. I've always been embarrassed by the fact that I love most of her "Ray of Light" album because a lot of her output is boring crap & her public persona is fake & obnoxious af. I made sure to emphasize that the album's producer was a genius 20 years ago & that "Ray of Light" is her best song because it's a cover!

He read the lyrics to "Frozen" & said they were beautiful & true, that the best thing about the song was Madonna's sincere vocal delivery & that her mother died when she was a kid.

You're frozen when your heart's not open
You're broken when your heart's not open

If I could melt your heart, we'd never be apart
Give yourself to me, you hold the key
"Frozen" is hands down my favorite Madonna song, along with "American Pie" (because it's a cover :pfff: ). What's your opinion on his opinion btw?
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Jan 18, 2021
Wym i don't get you? It is who you are just not who you was supposed to be maybe

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