
Jun 16, 2024
I'm estranged with my brother. I know he will not care. My sister will, though. Her daughter, my niece, will be devastated.


Puella Aeternus
Sep 6, 2024
Yes. My older siblings would get over it, but my younger brother, who is 10, would be crushed.
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Aug 24, 2024
I have 1 sister that would be devastated. She's probably the main reason I am still here.


Aug 1, 2024
Nope. Only one who would care is in the ICU dying as I type this. Talk about irony.
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Jun 2, 2024
My sibling fucking hates me, she lied so much to my family it got me on the streets at a young age. Honestly I think she'd be happy that there's less competition for love and approval from my parents with me gone.
My brother doesn't hate me but he doesn't really care much about me either and our relationship is as minimal as it gets with a rare phone call 3-4 times a year for 15 minutes or-so. Honestly, the feeling is mutual as we've never had much in common and neither of us have been there for the other during trying times in our lives.

If anything he would be happy to have less competition for love and approval as well and maybe our parents and him could have a better relationship with me gone because I tend to screw up constantly as I care too much.

It's funny though how I was always the better looking, more intelligent, and better talker than my brother and yet his life has been at least ten times more successful than mine. He lives in a mansion and drives a sports car and I'm living in a small 2-bedroom rental with a spare room filled with cobwebs and dust and driving a worn out truck.

The only reason my parents tend to favor me in some ways is because I live closer to them and they honestly... pity me. They know I've failed at everything I've ever set out to do despite having the necessary tools and that I wallow in misery these days. They are likely extremely aware that I'm going to CTB eventually but they probably don't expect me to do so within the month.

I can see them being EXTREMELY angry at first (especially my father as he bailed me out a lot in the past) but they'll get over it because they are so accustomed to this life that they are absorbed in it.

I guess there is my ex-wife as well and my ex prior to her who would care to an extent as well but my ex-wife and I will never get back together and will never even be friends and my prior ex somewhat close but despite her still being madly in love with me I couldn't ruin her marriage and she knows I've been through some heavy trauma so would understand.

Funnily, if I had never met my wife and just given my ex a second chance instead after a stupid fight (in hindsight) I wouldn't be at this point.

I'm at the point where I'm over things though and I've come to terms with how things are going to end. I understand that some won't be happy with it but in the end it's my life to do with as I please and pleasing others is all I've done so if CTB is "selfish" so be it.
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Even the stars make room for new stars
Sep 3, 2024
I think they will be traumatized. But they will die eventually too. And I don't want to prolong my suffering for them. Plus they will inherit all my money which should make their life quite comfortable.


Nov 20, 2018
Yeah. My siblings and I went through a lot together. I love them and I know they care about me. They've experienced so much loss and it's one of the reasons I'm still here. I don't want to hurt them.
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Sep 11, 2024
im in a similar situation as you Ariii, my brother never talks to me, i even forgot the sound of his voice tbh
but im sure hed feel guilty and miserable if i ctb, i like to think that he cares about me even tho he doesnt show it


Apr 30, 2024
My sister found me here and actively catfished me. But not to help me - I think maybe nothing has ever made her happier in her life than knowing mine is ending. Not being dramatic, it's the reality I live in. Some people have too many feelings, some people don't have any, some have the wrong ones where the right ones should be. I've spent my life thinking other people were like me, that they hurt when others hurt, that the immediate reaction is to want to take that hurt away. It took me far too long to realise that some people are cats, toying with people like mice. I'm the dumb mouse, my sister is the sociopathic cat, incapable of love, having never been loved herself - the only relationship she was ever in, she physically & emotionally tortured her partner for years. Years of violence. The ex is still deeply traumatised. I had no idea at the time & am ashamed about that. My sister isn't at all ashamed of the abuse, would do it again if anyone would ever have her. I debated whether to write on this thread or not, fearing the consequences, because I am genuinely afraid of her - multiple people in my family have died mysteriously without witnesses or suddenly when they had been fine or of an overdose of something they weren't known to be taking so I'm guessing she's capable of buying my bus ticket out of here without me having to do it. I really don't know. But because of who or what she is, this will probably actually inflate her ego even more. I know I shouldn't post this…
EDIT: after reading a later post, I realised I'd completely left out the bit where she stole my life savings from me too. I guess because it doesn't really matter in the end - for me, I mean, not other people - I'm terminally ill, CTB'ing is just speeding up the process & cutting down the pain. Once I knew I couldn't live with or without money, (& I had enough money for SN) it didn't matter that she took everything else. Who knew some of us have siblings we love more than life & are terrified of leaving behind & that some of us know our siblings never loved us, not even a little bit???? I'm pretty confident I'll delete this later, when the real fear kicks in….
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Jun 18, 2024
I have a brother who is 6 years younger than me. We hated each other up until I went to college and then we started building a relationship. We live together with our dad now and make each other laugh all the time. But I just can't imagine him being too broken up about me catching the bus. I mean, he might care SOME, but I don't think it would scar him for life or anything


Betrayed and Broken
Apr 30, 2024
No, my sister won't care at all. She'll actually be very happy that I'm dead. I loved her so much even though she has hurt me many times in life. I really believed we had become close but then she stole my life savings and broke me to the core. She is the sole reason I need to CTB.

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