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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I would press the button. I don't care about others. I only care about me and pressing the button would end my suffering hence I wouldn't hesitate to press it
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I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
Apr 22, 2024
Hey. I think you might've dropped your fedora.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
Shame...but yes
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I hope I made some +ve difference in pplā€™s lives
Jun 24, 2023
nothing evil about its a switch to the simulation, i would end my suffering but how do i know the universe won't bring me alive again
Two minutes ago or was it yesterday you wrote

"Procreation is ethically worse than murder

Both involve the same highly unethical act of deciding over life or death for someone else without their consent, deciding for someone else whether they should exist or not, whether they should be an existing consciousness in this world or not"

you seemed very upset about this concept 2 min ago and now u seem very happy with the concept 2min later in wanting to mass murder / genocide every life form in the entire universe apparently, without their consent. So apparently it only applies to other people, but you have no problem deciding for everyone else whether they should exist or not, everyone and everything in the entire universe, apparently.

This is exhausting.
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Apr 15, 2022
No, I WOULDN'T push a button to destroy the universe. First, doing so would put "god-like" power into my hands, and I don't believe in ANY god, existing now, or by extension, which would be what I would become, should I have the power to end all life through the press of a button. Secondly, albeit connectedly, it's far above my "pay grade" to make such a decision of life and death for all living things. The ONLY living being that I have the right to decide on life and death matters is myself.
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trying to find peace by whatever means possible :)
Jan 23, 2023
I've tried to empathize with you, and I still do, but you make it very difficult! You sound like an incel who hates the world because he can't get laid (not to say this is your situation, but you sound equally as pathetic). Many people live happy lives, and just because you can't, you fantasize about situations in which you could end everything for everyone. Suicidal people in general are not selfish, but you, my friend, are.

Do you think hating all humans somehow makes you better than humanity? Do you think seeing absolutely no good in a race that created the concept of goodness itself is somehow moral or righteous? Do you truly believe that others who can see that goodness are idiots? Do you truly believe that bringing life into this world is worse than a hypothetical extinction of all living beings? I do not understand your train of thought whatsoever, but I am trying very hard to understand.
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Oct 3, 2023
i tell you whats evil is taken away people choice to die and leaving them to wallow in shit
pushing a button to destroy the whole world and universe would also take away people's choice to die. it's a dick move. there are many people in the world who actually want to live. or, to project myself a bit here, have goals they want to and need to do before CTB.
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Sep 15, 2023
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An angel who wants to go home..
May 29, 2024
No.. no human should be responsible for the downfall of the whole universe. Mankind didn't create it and shouldn't given the power to destroy it.

If you give me a button to erase all humanity though.. I would press it.
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trapped & scared
Jul 4, 2023
The universe? No. Earth? Absolutely
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Jun 27, 2020
So if I were to pretend there was such a button that exists and were given to me for whatever reason. Would I use it for my selfish desires? The fact that I just want to disappear so easily and hastily. No of course not. There is the whole universe going down with me so I'd consider everything before pushing it.

I'd think of all this vileness, baseness and the obscenity of the world, cruelty of humansā€¦ it'd all end with just the push of a button. You are going to say that'd mean all the kindness, grace, mercy in people's hearts meant nothing if I were to push the button. True, it's such a pity yet the truth is if all of the goodness and evil on this whole world were seperately added together into two different containers. The goodness container would be left so small compared to the evil and it'd accept to be destroyed if it meant destroying the evil along with it too.
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Dec 4, 2023
Yes, I would press it twice if I could. That's the ideal and perfect solution: all life and everything must cease to exist. No life and anything that can possibly lead to life or anything that resembles it shall exist again.
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
No, no sense.
I believe that destroying the entire universe that we "know" will not solve anything. It's too easy. And too stupid

Another thing is that my main problem is ME.
If I wasn't the piece of shit I am now, I'd be in a completely different situation.
I am my biggest problem.
Not the Universe.

Other people are not me, so they may see the world better.
I'm not going to punish other people for my weakness.
I can only punish myself.
Of course, other people may have their own problems and at that point it all comes down to freedom of choice.
You want to take away this freedom of choice, which I assume you demand from, for example, countries' governments. This stinks very much of hypocrisy. Or frustration.

I am also in favor of creating a utopian empire (I know it is unlikely) rather than destroying everything.
Ashes are unexciting to rule.
Sometimes violence and brutality are a sensible solution to a problem, but in this case it is, in my opinion, the wrong decision.
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Oceanic Member
Feb 6, 2024
Both involve the same highly unethical act of deciding over life or death for someone else without their consent
Both consents are impossible to fulfill.

Either you keep life coming "without it's consent", or it's ended without it. Everyone ceasing to have offspring is idealistic and will never happen.

Arguments like "procreation is murder" and the "consent on the unborn" inevitable reach a dead-end

Consider if most people really are privileged, or that's what you say yourself. Most people don't have rights you enjoy, most situations are nothing like you know, and some are quite disturbing... I understand people saying yes. Nothing makes up for the worst cases, which happen quite often.

Apart of that, this is the 10th or so thread with the same question, could we disallow duplicate threads and stick to original postings, that'd be great. :)
Last edited:
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Global Mod
Aug 24, 2019
No I wouldn't. same reason as other people, most people enjoy life and I wouldn't want to take that away from people. Also there could be intelligent life on other planets and I wouldn't want to take away the unique experience of life from them either.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I wouldn't destroy the universe.
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Dark Moon

Dark Moon

Sep 21, 2022
I don't like this world and society but I don't think I would wish to destroy the entire universe.
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May 13, 2022
Yes, if nothing will matter anymore then it would be just like normal death from my pov, but painless and instantaneous, so it would be worth it.
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Jul 8, 2023
I would smash that button harder than Kai the Hitchhiker...
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Apr 17, 2018
Yes, I would press it twice if I could. That's the ideal and perfect solution: all life and everything must cease to exist. No life and anything that can possibly lead to life or anything that resembles it shall exist again.
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Feb 22, 2023
This Fake Universe is already headed for destruction. It does not exist. I'd press the button instantly to speed up the process.
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
No. Absolutely not. I don't believe in "if I can't have it, you can't have it either" ideology. If feels vindictive and childish.
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Nov 25, 2018
Fuck no. My nieces are here, my son is here, my brothers and sisters. There are car shows and people building cars and playing pro WoW, filming their next skate part. There's a lot of dope things going on and I'm not going to end all that for others simply because I fucking hate myself. That's selfish as hell. Fuck my life but don't hurt others
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Efilist, atheist, pro-right to die.
Jun 8, 2023
I will reiterate that my answer is yes. A universe without happy beings is not defective in any way: if no life was ever created nobody, including those who think it must exist, would lament not being alive. The same would apply if I were to press the red button: if nobody existed tomorrow, nobody would miss life, no matter how good it was, or could have become.

On the other hand, if you don't press the button, the only thing you will "gain" is a majority of people who would successfully (to varying degrees) solve the problems life created for them, problems the solution to which wouldn't be missed if the brokenness simply stopped being there. All the while condemning a bunch of other people to a shitty life, which clearly is a problem. A universe without happy beings is not problematic, because there is nothing broken in it that creating sentient beings would fix, whereas a universe with miserable beings in it definitely is problematic, because NOW there is something broken that needs to be fixed whereas there was nothing broken prior to life existing that life could somehow be a remedy to.

So, basically, we have: absence of messes (and hence both no need and no possibility for a solution, which is what "joy" of "enjoying life" are) vs presence of messes (as in, both the possibility to meet the needs created by existence itself, and the presence of a lot of unmet needs as a price to pay for all the met needs). Pursuing the former is, thus, the right course of action. Since, unfortunately, there's no way to stop the process without violating anyone's consent, the red button is probably the only solution. Not that we'll probably ever have one to begin with anyway.
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Feb 29, 2024
Yes, I would press the button. The people in this thread who say pressing the button is "evil" or "genocide" or "psychopathic" clearly don't get it and have no intention of getting it so there's no point in arguing with them.
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hold onto those who accept your messy self
Jul 1, 2024
No, that's not my decision to make.
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reject humanity, return to monke
May 5, 2024
No, there are so many happy people who love living, and if we think about the aliens too; there are probably a lot of happy aliens. The universe will collapse on its own much later. I don't want to just delete all of that love like it never existed before.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
No but like I said in the wipe out humanity button thread, I'd rather use the button as leverage to have people give me what I want.
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Oct 10, 2023
No, I have no wish to play God, just because my life is a miserable hell dosn't mean everyone else's life is too and they don't have a right to it.

I would just let it continue on its current path of self destruction.

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