Spiritual survivor

Spiritual survivor

A born again but occasionally suicidal
Feb 13, 2022
The only part of the Bible that applies to us in the current time is the New Testament. Anything prior to that was a different period that applies to the people before Jesus was sent to change the terms for us to be able to reconnect to God and have the Holy Spirit indefinitely once u get it. Prior to Jesus being sacrificed for us, God would give us the Holy Spirit but we could lose it or it was only temporary. I think the best part of the Bible is the gospels. It's Jesus's story. My random input 😅
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New Member
Oct 26, 2023
The Bible, Quran and Tao Te Ching are all allogorical, reverse psychology, acceptance and pessimism

These books are all about human psychology and how reality works

These books are all about what goes on inside of your soul / mind / head

These books are all about the now / present moment

You can choose to change your mind, perspective and reality at any moment

Some bible audiobooks:

1.Old testament

New testament

2. Old testament

New testament

3. Old testament

New testament

4. Old testament

New testament

5. Old testament

New testament

6. Old testament


New testament


7. Old testament


New testament


8. Old testament


New testament


9. Old testament


New testament


And a couple of Quran audiobooks

1: part 1


1: part 2


2: part 1


2: part 2


And a couple of Tao Te Ching Audiobooks too because the Tao Te Ching is a great book as well

1: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-pglb5L4KSA&pp=ygUWdGFvIHRlIGNoaW5nIGF1ZGlvYm9vaw==

2: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fCLpgXmK3cg&pp=ygUWdGFvIHRlIGNoaW5nIGF1ZGlvYm9vaw==
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Aug 9, 2023
Hello wildflower.
I think you can read whatever you want with whoever you want, believe whatever you want too, why not?
Best wishes
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Oct 14, 2023
The bible was written by humans.

The bible supports homophobia, incest, and pedophilia. If we go by the bible, then God hates gay people, Joseph was a pedophile, and Adam and Eva, the first humans, performed incest to bring more people into the world.

So yes, I do think that my reply helps. I don't "think" that it is a load of bs, it IS a load of bs. The univeese as we know it, came to existence with the big bang.

But you're right, it is ultimately the decision of the OP of this thread, so I have no say in this. If they want to read the bible together with someone, then they can go on ahead. I was just making sure that they know what they're getting into.

I understand your fear but at the same time, think about this rationally.

Why would you go to hell? You did nothing wrong. And now let's look at reality. Have you ever seen anything supernatural? No? Then why would something like "hell" exist? That's why, like I said, the bible and religion in general, are just there to control people. It's religious people controlling other people with fear and forcing them follow their rules.

Basically: "If you do this and that, you will end up in a bad place, but if you do what I like, then you will end up in a good place where you worship God."

It's like parents telling their kids that Santa came to bring them presents. It's all lies.

The bible was written thousands of years ago. The humans back then, all those thousands of years ago, were much dumber and less advanced than we are now. Why would they know about God and how earth was created. but not us? Just take a look at evolution and who the ancestors of us humans are. That disproves the "Adam and Eva were the first humans" bs that the bible is claiming.

Well yeah because it basically means that they got away with their crimes. Like, I might not believe in heaven and hell, but if those places do exist then I'd rather pick hell for abusers, rapists, and murderers, than heaven.
I completely appreciate everything you're saying
I don't really know how to explain because it sounds silly
but I feel like there is a tiny, tiny bit of possible evidence for God. Maybe it's nowhere near strong enough - and there are definitely alternative explanations - but one thing I think about (and I know there are counter arguments for) is consciousness. I don't think we can reduce consciousness to brain activity. idk if you've heard the "Mary's Room" thought experiment. But basically - say someone is blind, and they get taught about light waves etc and how colour works - but they never have seen the colour yellow - they CANNOT understand what it's like to see the colour yellow, without actually seeing it
in the same way that yellow cannot be reduced to light waves, I don't think consciousness can be reduced to brain activity. Maybe scientists will one day be able to explain it better - but currently, they can't really explain consciousness.
for me - I feel like this means possibly means consciousness is something non-physical. And yes perhaps unconscious complexity leads to consciousness - but we don't really understand how that works, as yet. Could it possibly be that something conscious causes consciousness in us - God?
I know this may seem like a very weak, unconvincing argument - "God of the gaps". And even if it does suggest God - we don't know necessarily anything about God's nature. But this is just how my thought process is atm. Idk if I'm just delusional but you say - have you ever seen anything supernatural? So I'm claiming MAYBE consciousness is supernatural. And also - though I know there are many other possible psychological explanations for this - I feel like I see something spiritual in nature and music

"Why would you go to hell? You did nothing wrong"

I wish this were true - idk if I'm too hard on myself or not, but I definitely am not 100% innocent :(

"Well yeah because it basically means that they got away with their crimes. Like, I might not believe in heaven and hell, but if those places do exist then I'd rather pick hell for abusers, rapists, and murderers, than heaven."

- I think all I can say to this is that I tend to lean towards determinism - that people's genetics/environment dictate everything they do - so even though some people do absolutely awful, horrific things - maybe they actually can't control it... and I just can't wish eternal suffering on anyone. But ofc it's completely natural to feel hate towards people who commit atrocities

I didn't mean to be rude.

It's just that I was catholic myself, yet never felt God's presence, no matter how many times I prayed as a kid. It's all just brainwashing. And the older I got, the more I realized how fucked up the stuff in the bible was.

Adam and Eva performed incest, Joseph was a 90 year old pedophile who raped a 14 year old Mary to bring Jesus into the world, and God hates gay people, even though there is nothing wrong with a man liking a man and a woman liking a woman.

The bible sends a BAD message, alright? It's the reason why so many people get abused or are subjected to Discrimination.

If it wasn't for the bible and religion in general, then many people wouldn't have been abused, gay people wouldn't face Discrimination, and many children wouldn't be raped (there are SOOOOO many child sexual abuse cases occuring in churches).
I just wanted to say I am not condoning homophobia or pedophilia - it just seems that people have so many different interpretations of the Bible - how are we to say who is reading it right? there are SOME Christians who aren't against gay rights - so is it possible that a lot of Christians could be misinterpreting the Bible?
I feel like I need to read the Bible myself to see what it actually claims if that makes sense

I do completely appreciate the argument that religion can be harmful though.
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Sep 12, 2023
I know this sounds like a strange request but basically I want to read it before ctb - just in case /somehow/ I get an epiphany or actually feel God's love or something like that?

I don't think I even believe in God. But there's just a part of me that's like "what if". And people seem to say if you pray / read the Bible you might feel God's presence and idk I'm just desperate at this point and also I'm scared of going to hell and I want to show God I at least tried to connect with Him before ctb if that makes any sense

I want to read the Quran too (because if there is a God it's not necessarily Christianity which is the "right faith") but I don't know how I can do that with having such bad ocd and with reading the Quran requiring so many rituals

The problem is even with the Bible it's REALLY hard for me to read with ocd. I also have such terrible concentration atm
I'm just wondering if there's anyone in a similar boat to me who would like to read it with me? Like even if it's just going onto watch2gether and listening to an audio version with text at the same time
I feel if I had someone to read with me I might be more likely to be able to do it
I think you can listen to the Bible on audiobook. And I also think you can fiend adiobook apps. I can recommend reading the bible if your open to it . It has alot of valuable wisdom and lessons I don't believe in god. But there is a way to enlightenment. He also has a pocket book called : way to enlightenment . That is way more easy to read. Then the whole bible itself. I read It had helped allt of people gaining newer perspectives on life etc etc. Wish you the best 💕


Jun 28, 2022
You should try starting to watch Rabbi Manis Friedmans videos. He's the most famous Rabbi on YouTube. He makes videos not only for Jews but also for Non-Jews alike.
He's a funny guy and tells you about bible secrets and all that stuff and generally has good advices. Just daily watch his video. I'm doing it for 1 year now and it has prevented me from CTB. Because of him I started believing that there could be a god. He's a very wise man.

He also made videos about suicide. Yeah he's pro-life, but still interesting insights

Here's his channel:

Here's one of his videos about suicide:

Also Judaism doesn't know an eternal hell / eternal damnation (not for Jews nor for Non-Jews). There's only a purgatory time (maximum 12 months!) which prepares you for heaven.
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Kill me
Oct 15, 2023
The Bible is getting a lot of hate because evil piece of shit soul less moral less scum use it as their excuse to be all around pieces of shit.

However if you read the New Testament and the life of Jesus you will see no similarities between Christians and the Bible.

It's almost like they are two entirely unrelated things.

Jesus would never victim blame you, call you mentally ill, support capitalism, destroy families, or anything negative.

He didn't like the church. He was in the streets with the poor, the depressed, the forgotten people that Christians treat like shit because they are all the pieces of shit.

They were thieves, liars, and prostitutes and they made better disciplines than any piece of fucking shit In the Church.

He was a cool dude who would have been like, "you should provide shelter and feed Muslims even though they believe different than you".

He liked to drink a little wine, walk on water (party tricks), and tell the government to go fuck itself.

People who are giving it all this hate probably haven't read it. Even if you don't believe Jesus was the messiah or the Son of God it's hard not to want to be like him if you are just an all around decent human.

The Bible is also one of the oldest barely changed pieces of literature around and it has a lot of significant history that actually happened and there accounts of some of the stuff in other religions.

I think modern Athiests are the Satanic Church are probably the closest you can get to being "like Christ" if you actually follow the Bible and treat people with respect. Heck maybe they might just want to be like you?

Definitely recommend you read the Bible so you can look at Christian's and laugh your ass off at how brainwashed and mentally retarded they are. They are like the most soul less and just repeat scripture that they are absolutely nothing like.
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Mar 12, 2023
There is no god for one simple reason at some point something came out of nothing.

Nothing = no god.

Should have stayed that way , everything and everybody was at peace.

God is a concept only use by human being , at a microscopic level , we are just atoms moving around.

If we look from far away (light years away), we are nothing.

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Kill me
Oct 15, 2023
There is no god for one simple reason at some point something came out of nothing.

Nothing = no god.

Should have stayed that way , everything and everybody was at peace.

God is a concept only use by human being , at a microscopic level , we are just atoms moving around.

If we look from far away (light years away), we are nothing.

I mean at a microscopic level everything is just code.

Usually there's a coder.

How did the conditions exist for the Big Bang to happen?

Is a God incapable of designing biological processes that amount to evolution?

How do you know so much? You've been around for a couple of decades. The Bible has been around for thousands of years.

Jesus made the world a better place than anyone alive is trying to make it. You don't even have to believe he is the messiah to follow good advice.

His teachings would be something to aspire to be like but unfortunately Christianity has been taken over by Satan himself. Destroyer of families. Master of lies. Secular indulgence. They worship the definition of Satan in the Bible.

Christian just means Satan-like now and people just "identify" as Christians and "deserve" respect lol.


No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
I'm just wondering if there's anyone in a similar boat to me who would like to read it with me? Like even if it's just going onto watch2gether and listening to an audio version with text at the same time
I can read it to you or listen to it. I've read it before. Can we at least skip Deuteronomy:Book of Numbers? I'm not religious so there won't be any religious bias.

Hell is barely alluded to in the bible, never as Hell itself, and under four different names. Most of which just mean place of death, and one of which seems to allude to where fallen angels go.

The general Christian ways to avoid Hell(Lake of Fire) are:
1. Believe in God/Jesus. Impossible for me to believe in God, as per Epicurus' reasoning.
2. Repent your sins (no guarantee that repentence is accepted). Be kind/merciful to others.
3. Try not to commit further sins.

The general Islamic ways to avoid Hell(Jahannam) are:
1. Believe in Allah/Prophet Muhammad.
2. Repent your sins (no guarantee that repentence is accepted). Be kind/merciful to others.
3. Try not to commit further sins.

Not surprising since both are Abrahamic. To avoid hell, you can repent your sins while saying you believe in both Jesus and Muhammad. If it helps they were at least both real people that walked the face of the Earth.
You can also make the argument that an atheist won't go to hell because they don't believe in the various different versions of hell.

I wouldn't necessarily use the modern Christian version of repenting because to modern eyes that seems sinful itself (if you consider what some of those "sins" may be).

Repent based on your own moral code unaffected by religious literature. Repent based on what you think is wrong, not based on what may or may not have been misinteprated by corrupt human values translating from ancient religious texts. That should be enough for God if they exist, after all. Repent based on the human heart, he gave us free will and knows we're fallible.

If what is written in the Bible is all true, than nobody would get in heaven at all if not for Jesus, the requirements are too strict since nobody is purely good. Jesus died so people can get in heaven, with the caveat you have to believe in him. It doesn't hurt to repent your sins if you mean it, and not to be mean to others.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Sorry if this sounds like blasphemy but has anyone ever wondered if Jesus was a narcissist cult leader, like Jim Jones or David Koresh?
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Jul 29, 2021
for an intelligent species we sure are dumb believing in so many backwards ideologies culture is not your friend as is evident from all religions ever made, what gets me the most is people actually believe the bible to be true that the only book ever written by god was so demented
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Oct 19, 2023
The bible says nothing about suicide being a sin. Only passage I could find on the websites talking about suicide in the bible was "you shall not murder" that later Christians have interpreted as meaning suicide is self-murder -- meaning it's a sin. The other passages they point to are passages where people have been suicidal, and have overcome that urge by believing in god, so there is no actual evidence that the bible says suicide is a sin. Just people interpreting it as so. Additionally all sins are equal, and all sins are forgiven by the death of Jesus Christ, and all the people before the death of Jesus were "dead", but were then "alive" because all their sins had been forgiven by god.

What comes to homosexuality, there's debate on what the correct translation, classically it's thought of prohibiting male on male sexual encounters. But some scholars argue it's mistranslated and that the passages mean either man with boy (underage) or man with man (family member).


What comes to incest, it's specifically prohibited in the bible in Leviticus (at least most forms).
What comes to the story of Adam and Eve, most resources say it wasn't bad because their genes were pure, and incest wasn't bad at the time, and only later changed to bad because of the degeneration of the human genome. Others say there were humans already on the planet (the nephilim, though the meaning of that word is contested a lot), and for example Cain found a wife somewhere out there.

I'm not religious but that's some points to argue against the bible promoting all things evil @hibikikyuxx


Efilist. Possible promortalist.
Jan 14, 2023
Sorry if this sounds like blasphemy but has anyone ever wondered if Jesus was a narcissist cult leader, like Jim Jones or David Koresh?
I think he was. Specially considering what he promises and obviously don't happen. He said that through prayer his believers would be capable of greater things that he "did".
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
The bible says nothing about suicide being a sin. Only passage I could find on the websites talking about suicide in the bible was "you shall not murder" that later Christians have interpreted as meaning suicide is self-murder -- meaning it's a sin. The other passages they point to are passages where people have been suicidal, and have overcome that urge by believing in god, so there is no actual evidence that the bible says suicide is a sin. Just people interpreting it as so. Additionally all sins are equal, and all sins are forgiven by the death of Jesus Christ, and all the people before the death of Jesus were "dead", but were then "alive" because all their sins had been forgiven by god.

What comes to homosexuality, there's debate on what the correct translation, classically it's thought of prohibiting male on male sexual encounters. But some scholars argue it's mistranslated and that the passages mean either man with boy (underage) or man with man (family member).


What comes to incest, it's specifically prohibited in the bible in Leviticus (at least most forms).
What comes to the story of Adam and Eve, most resources say it wasn't bad because their genes were pure, and incest wasn't bad at the time, and only later changed to bad because of the degeneration of the human genome. Others say there were humans already on the planet (the nephilim, though the meaning of that word is contested a lot), and for example Cain found a wife somewhere out there.

I'm not religious but that's some points to argue against the bible promoting all things evil @hibikikyuxx
Cain found a wife somewhere out there. Something doesn't add up.

Well maybe the Bible refers to this:
geneticists concluded that all human beings on Earth right now can trace their lineage back to the Eve gene, a single common female ancestor whom scientists called the Mitochondrial Eve. She lived around 200,000 years ago.

So if the Bible is true then Genesis happened around 200,000 years ago. The fact that geneticists can trace genetics back into the distant past and all of us only go back 200,000 years--- WE ARE ALL DISTANT COUSINS.


Oct 19, 2023
Cain found a wife somewhere out there. Something doesn't add up.

Well maybe the Bible refers to this:
geneticists concluded that all human beings on Earth right now can trace their lineage back to the Eve gene, a single common female ancestor whom scientists called the Mitochondrial Eve. She lived around 200,000 years ago.

So if the Bible is true then Genesis happened around 200,000 years ago. The fact that geneticists can trace genetics back into the distant past and all of us only go back 200,000 years--- WE ARE ALL DISTANT COUSINS.
You're correct, I wanted to leave out real world explanations by science out of my reply because it was about the bible's message specifically, though the gene stuff I guess is science as well, but science churches themselves use to explain it.
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Jul 23, 2022
Life is a "vale of tears". Probably the most accurate thing in the whole Scripture. As cool as a zoo boat sounds.
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pang of joy

pang of joy

May 16, 2023
I find the Quran very calming to read and listen to. It brings me peace and hopefully it will for you too.

Just some info, there are no rituals for reading the Quran on a device! You can find many translated versions online just make sure they are trustworthy. I recommend using "Quran.com".

Just remember that God is All-forgiving and He sees that you're trying to connect and will reward you for your efforts.❤️❤️ Feel free to ask me anything else!
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Nov 25, 2023
It is certainly worth a read. I hope you found someone to read it with.


Oct 14, 2023
Thank you both. Let me know if you're interested and if you're able to commit to a regular time - I did try to set up a group before but I think people quickly lost interest / weren't available so it didn't really work :(
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Nov 22, 2023
If you're still interested. I'll read it to you. Maybe it'll save me too. I feel like a lot of people want to, maybe we can make a discord if anyone is interested?


Nov 25, 2023
I see that many people here are trying to discourage you to read the Bible, but I would really encourage you to give it a a shot. It has helped many people and there is no reason you can't be one of them. Even if nothing comes of it, I'm sure you will feel better knowing that you at least gave it a fair chance. There are many religious communities online, and they are full of some of the most caring and uplifting people out there. I'm certain that you will find people who will be glad to help you with your endeavors.


Memento mori
Jun 17, 2023
OP and anyone else that is interested, I would love to read the Bible with you.
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Oct 17, 2023
for an intelligent species we sure are dumb believing in so many backwards ideologies culture is not your friend as is evident from all religions ever made, what gets me the most is people actually believe the bible to be true that the only book ever written by god was so demented
Exactly lmao. If humanity today, with all our advanced technology and intelligence, has no idea about what happens after death, why do religious people believe that something that was written in a book by humans thousands of years ago, is in any way true or valid? It isn't any different from mythology, like dragons, fairies, or the Greek Gods. Humans are animals, that is a scientific fact. It's proven in our cells, in our DNA. Even if I end up being wrong, why the fuck would I want anything to do with a "God" who is selfish, corrupt, and cruel, not doing even the bare minimum for others? Like, no offense, but I've read the bible, and it's complete bullshit and nothing in it is true. For example: "Bible Gateway Genesis 1: NIV. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".

That alone proves that it's fake. There are billions of planets and galaxies out there, and the only species who would believe that God created earth first, are humans who think that they are special even though they are animals.

Then God, according to the bible, said "Let there be light".

Another proof that it's fake. Because as we know, the first humans appeared billions of years after the earth was created. Modern humans originated in Africa within the past 200,000 years and evolved from their most likely recent common ancestor, Homo erectus. So nobody could have been around when God created earth. Therefore , God never said "Let there be light". It's all just a lie and fake fairy tales.

Also, I don't understand how reading that 70 year old Joseph r*ped a underage Mary to reveive Jesus, is in any way interesting. As a child, I didn't even know about that, but after reading the bible as an adult, it made my stomach turn.

@Loner, can you stop spamming my notifications with your hateboner?
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
OP askd a specfc questn/ favr frm usrs

Thy dd nt ask fr a deb8 abt th/ legitmcy of th/ belifs tht thy r lookng t/ xplore

Pls kp tht in mnd & if ur opinn & nt gnuinly addng t/ wht OP = askng fr othr thn 2 try 2 stp sme1 devlpng a belif tht mght comfrt thm thn = wse t/ kp thse opinns t/ urslf

If u d/ nt wn2 belve thse thngs urlf thn no1 = stoppng u -- ds nt mean tht u nd 2 piss on sme1 elss parade


Nov 15, 2019
The bible is a waste of time. It was written by humans. Humanity is far more advanced and smarter now than they were all those thousands of years ago. There is no such thing as heaven and hell, nor a God. I was raised by catholic parents. I went to (more like was forced to) go to church every week as a kid. Christianity was shoved down by throat. I prayed to God every night as a kid. I NEVER felt God's presence, so all of that was useless and just them brainwashing me. Also, the bible condemns homosexuality. It is also written in the bible that the mother of Jesus was 12-14 when she gave birth to him, while the father was an old man, which is pedophilia.

I really hate religion and the bible has the most ridiculous bullshit written in it. It's a bunch of fairy tale stories and full of hypocrites. If we go by the bible, then God is a homophobic piece of shit who allows abuse, rape, and murder to happen because of "free will", yet he condemns same sex relationships.

I absolutely love this reply. It resonates very deeply for me. My parents sent me to conversion therapy when I was 17 to try and make me straight.

But instead, the rejection I experienced from my family and the church really fucked my life up.

One of my favorite Bible verses that also proves how foolish the Bible is Ezekiel 23:20:

"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."

Why couldn't we have discussed that verse in Sunday School? 😂

But I get you OP. I want to Ctb, and even though the church fucked me up and brainwashed me as a young child, a large part of me still fears dying and going to hell. It's so stupid.
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Death is the solution to unsolvable problems.
Sep 13, 2023
I will do it. Maybe we will all be religious when we die.


Not a student
Oct 25, 2023
I know this sounds like a strange request but basically I want to read it before ctb - just in case /somehow/ I get an epiphany or actually feel God's love or something like that?

I don't think I even believe in God. But there's just a part of me that's like "what if". And people seem to say if you pray / read the Bible you might feel God's presence and idk I'm just desperate at this point and also I'm scared of going to hell and I want to show God I at least tried to connect with Him before ctb if that makes any sense

I want to read the Quran too (because if there is a God it's not necessarily Christianity which is the "right faith") but I don't know how I can do that with having such bad ocd and with reading the Quran requiring so many rituals

The problem is even with the Bible it's REALLY hard for me to read with ocd. I also have such terrible concentration atm
I'm just wondering if there's anyone in a similar boat to me who would like to read it with me? Like even if it's just going onto watch2gether and listening to an audio version with text at the same time
I feel if I had someone to read with me I might be more likely to be able to do it

The Bible is poetry, and it's only helpful if you read it between the lines as such. You see on this thread what happens to people who take it literally, and throw temper tantrums when the non-existent Omnipotent Big Giant Man's Head in the Sky doesn't grant them their wishes.


Nov 27, 2023
KJV BIBLE PLAYLIST | WITH Audio with TEXT | Read by Alexander Scourby


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