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perpetually confused
Jan 12, 2023
Walter, you are such a precious individual. Your usual posts always seem to give me a little bit of peace or hope; they remind me that admirable people definitely exist, despite my general disappointment in regards to humanity as a whole.

I'm sorry your recent interaction has left you feeling broken and disrespected. You are certainly worthy of better treatment, and I sincerely hope you decide to focus on those of us who adore you rather than the few who seem to get off on ruffling one's feathers. We need your kindness here. I implore you to rethink your decision, dear Walter. Much love to you.
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But in the end it doesn't even matter...😢
Aug 19, 2019
Hello Walter I'm so sorry someone upset you this way
When somebody posted and asked what was your favorite animal you had commented that you loved Ragdoll cats. I told you that I had a Ragdoll cat named Tinkerbell. And you told me to give her a big hug. I've seen several of your posts and you've always seem like a very kind soul. I know you had plans to maybe retire in Hawaii.. I told you that one of my favorite places on earth was the rainforest on Maui. I hope that dream can come true for you and you can enjoy some of the most beautiful sunsets in the world. I hope that I see you again on here because I know you brighten many people's days ⚘
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Mar 25, 2023
I'm so sorry this happened, you didn't deserve it. I don't think I can say anything others haven't already but I can say that I appreciate you and your contributions to the forum.

You probably don't remember but you sent me a message in August that I remember smiling at even at a terrible time in my life. I have memory issues and I barely remember anything around the time you sent that message so it must of meant a lot to me at the time for me to remember it.

I wish you all the best.
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Nov 13, 2021
I hate this happening to Walter, of all people. I don't completely buy into the whole "respect your elders" thing but assisted started it with Walter first.

Like what was the point of being such a dickhead? "Were the results too 'real,' Walter?" was a completely unnecessary reply to him just saying he wasn't going to share the stupid personality test results.

I've always loved my interactions with Walter, he was one of the first people to welcome me here and I agree that he is an indispensable member. I hope he changes his mind on this, and doesn't leave permanently.
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Jan 4, 2022
I alongside many have always loved your posts and genuine energy. You've been an invaluable presence and perspective here, a real breath of fresh air to humanity; I really do wish the best for you moving forward.

Thank you for all the kindness you've spread in your time on the forum. You will be missed, Walter. ❤️
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