

May 25, 2019
I heard of a lady in I think Belgium... be put to sleep for depression. Will this become a thing in the USA? I wish that was something you could sign up for at a simple doctor visit without going through hoops and hurdles. I can hardly even find any information on the doctor who does this in Belgium. It should be a right for any human being. Sign some paper work and maybe wait a couple of weeks and have a special place where you can have it done. In nature with the doctor etc. they can euthanize animals why not humans??? If someone doesn't want to be here and suffer anymore it sucks they are forced to kill themself instead of having it done professionally and peacefully with no pain. Aren't there too many people on this planet anyway?? And it's only growing.... It's like society is obsessed with keeping miserable people alive.
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Apr 8, 2019
Unfortunately. I don't think so. Pro 'lifers' don't care about the mentally ill, nor will they ever listen to us.
They'll keep pretending "all lives matter" whilst continuing to make life a misery.
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Mar 28, 2019
" helping" people kill themselves is always going to be taboo or frowned upon in some cultures
and many still think depression is curable ... but if it's that easy there wouldn't be so many of us here
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Jun 1, 2019
Unfortunately, I don't think society will ever become empathetic enough for this to happen.

Wanting people to no longer be in misery requires some level of empathy. Pro-lifers don't have empathy; they have a god complex.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I obviously don't know what the future will bring. I do know euthanasia for incurable mental suffering in Belgium is allowed/legal but it's rarely done (only a tiny percentage of the total number of euthanasia cases are for that reason) and one needs to have had years of therapy, meds and hospitalizations before any doctor will even consider taking the case.

Euthanasia itself can be done by any doctor but he/she needs to follow the correct procedure and make sure the request complies with the law. This includes consults by two other doctors one of which must be a psychiatrist.

While I do not think depression is a medical illness (of course it does entail very real and often grave suffering) so medical euthanasia is unnecessary (not to mention you're ultimately dependent on a doctor's good will since no-one can be forced to do it) I believe in the right to self-determination. Assisted suicide seems the most suitable option here.

That being said making a procedure that only takes a few weeks would be unwise as deep emotions are usually volatile and changing so it would lead to unnecessary deaths.

Of course if one suffers from depression for years on end and one has tried a number of approaches and still nothing changes that's a whole other ballgame and in those circumstances every adult should have the right to check out peacefully and without discomfort. At least in my opinion.
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Jul 22, 2018
The answer for the USA is no. But maybe in 50+ years things will change after much of the old dies off. Although a state like California could surprise everyone by making it a real thing for residents of California.

You can always go to the Netherlands by contacting DIGNITAS if you've documented your depression over the years by going to doctors. I think you will need like 20k to finance it though which sucks.
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Life cares only for itself.
Jun 5, 2019
It will never be allowed while governments force people into positions where they're desperate enough to ctb.

When you consider how many people have killed themselves because of medical bills, or welfare, or homelessness, or having their children removed, or losing their jobs or struggling with disability. Those are political issues, but its never reported like that. If a suicide is reported at all, its always : they were depressed.

If it were legal, there would be thousands of people ending their lives through hopelessness and the reasons would have to be reported. Then it would be obvious to all how many people society kills in this way. Then the governments would have to do something. So, no, they won't allow that.
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Apr 29, 2019
I don't think this is totally black and white though.

The thing you have to consider, and this is from someone who constantly feels like there's no way out and is in hell because CTB might be the only option and I'm so terrified to do it...

Some people actually do get better. So I think the logic there is more of what if someone dies that could have recovered and lived a happy life? I don't necessarily mind that some people try to convince or urge people to get help or try avenues to turn things around.

It's the put-downs like calling people cowards or quitters or selfish or don't try to understand depression and anxiety that I hate. Those people don't know what this is like. And many of us don't want to die or hurt our loved ones by doing it, we just want the pain to stop whether it's physical or mental or feel like we don't have a way out, and some of us flat out don't.

I think that's why I'm a little careful about who I call a pro-lifer. But as someone who's desperately trying to find a way not to do this but thinks it's a 90% possibility, if not more, I certainly get it and wish this did exist. Like everything in my life right now it's a catch-22 and a vicious cycle with no answer.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
The answer for the USA is no. But maybe in 50+ years things will change after much of the old dies off. Although a state like California could surprise everyone by making it a real thing for residents of California.

You can always go to the Netherlands by contacting DIGNITAS if you've documented your depression over the years by going to doctors. I think you will need like 20k to finance it though which sucks.

Dignitas is a Swiss organization.
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Jul 22, 2018
Some people actually do get better. So I think the logic there is more of what if someone dies that could have recovered and lived a happy life? I don't necessarily mind that some people try to convince or urge people to get help or try avenues to turn things around.

I like what you write here but I think it's not really logic unless the things that can get better are listed and the person in pain either agrees or disagrees if they personally matter.

Dignitas is a Swiss organization.
Oops, you're right and I know that but for some reason wrote the Netherlands lol.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
Oops, you're right and I know that but for some reason wrote the Netherlands lol.

To err is human. I mentioned it in case you weren't aware or someone reading it wasn't aware.
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Jul 22, 2018
To err is human. I mentioned it in case you weren't aware or someone reading it wasn't aware.
Honestly, the Netherlands is so amazing in my mind and same with Switzerland. I think my mind just stacks them next to each other like a computer with memory. :ahhha:

Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
Honestly, the Netherlands is so amazing in my mind and same with Switzerland. I think my mind just stacks them next to each other like a computer with memory. :ahhha:

That's quite understandable. As a European I would probably lump US states together too or anything that is unfamiliair yet bears a certain similarity.

It's clear The Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland lead the way in the legalization of euthanasia for the so called 'mentally ill' although those countries still have involuntary commitment laws so suicide clearly isn't legal and like I mentioned euthanasia for mental suffering is still very rare.
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Jul 22, 2018
That's quite understandable. As a European I would probably lump US states together too or anything that bears a certain similarity.

It's clear The Netherlands, Belgium and Switserland lead the way in the legalization of euthanasia for the so called 'mentally ill' although those countries still have involuntary commitment laws so suicide clearly isn't legal and like I mentioned euthanasia for mental suffering is still very rare.
Involuntary commitment laws will likely always exist everywhere. The laws depends on how they're enforced by the legal & medical system. USA abuses involuntary commitment based on hearsay and without evidence in many situations that are abused. I'm doubtful of the Netherlands or Switzerland doing the same. Involuntary commitment makes sense if the person is evidently hallucinating and evidently harmed someone in a physical manner.


Jun 13, 2019
It's very difficult to have aid in dying for depression when the narrative says that suicide is the result of irrational thinking brought on by depression. Can't possibly help anyone die since they only want to die because they're CRAZY!
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Life cares only for itself.
Jun 5, 2019
I fucking hate that "irrational" thinking crap. I'm told its irrational thinking that I want to ctb cos my children have been taken away by their mother and family court. Is that irrational?

How about if I frame it like this: A man's children were kidnapped by a psychopath, who offered to return them one month a year for the next ten years so long as the man didn't get upset about the situation.

At what point would the SWAT team go in?
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Oct 27, 2018
That's one thing I would hope and advocate for to see happen in my lifetime, assuming I somehow don't CTB and live another 30, 40 years.

The reality and irony is, I and many others likely won't live to see it.
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Can't wait to be another statistic
Feb 6, 2019
Probably not, as there's almost always SOME hope from others that you can 'get better'. From an outside perspective there's always a chance that you do suddenly start enjoying life; and that the vices that are holding you back from said enjoyment may be lifted and you will just simply LOVE being alive.

When I was at my 'worst' in terms of relationships jobs ect. I was told that things would turn around: Once I got a job. Got a girlfriend. Ect. Ect. Now I'm in a job. I've been floating through relationships (not commiting because I want to fucking die). And it hasn't changed. HOWEVER, if I'm talking to someone, the goal posts keep moving, WHEN I get a MORE fufilling job, when I get into a more MEANINGFUL relationship, THEN it will change for me. This is the attitude society has, and I can't see it changing any time soon.

If it sounds like this post is dripping with cynicism, that's because it is I guess. I just don't see shit changing. How can an outsider look into the perspective of someone who's lost hope and is full blown existentially depressed? They cant, it's impossible to empathise with, and THAT won't change.
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Eternal Oblivion
Dec 26, 2018
Probably not, as there's almost always SOME hope from others that you can 'get better'. From an outside perspective there's always a chance that you do suddenly start enjoying life; and that the vices that are holding you back from said enjoyment may be lifted and you will just simply LOVE being alive.

When I was at my 'worst' in terms of relationships jobs ect. I was told that things would turn around: Once I got a job. Got a girlfriend. Ect. Ect. Now I'm in a job. I've been floating through relationships (not commiting because I want to fucking die). And it hasn't changed. HOWEVER, if I'm talking to someone, the goal posts keep moving, WHEN I get a MORE fufilling job, when I get into a more MEANINGFUL relationship, THEN it will change for me. This is the attitude society has, and I can't see it changing any time soon.

If it sounds like this post is dripping with cynicism, that's because it is I guess. I just don't see shit changing. How can an outsider look into the perspective of someone who's lost hope and is full blown existentially depressed? They cant, it's impossible to empathise with, and THAT won't change.
This is on point. I'm someone who has pretty good external life circumstances relative to most others on this site (ie a stable and challenging-if low paying-job, an open minded gf, only minor health issues, little to no childhood trauma) and yet these things have made no difference for me. There's nothing now or in the foreseeable future that will reduce my preference for death over life.
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Done with life
Oct 28, 2018
I heard of a lady in I think Belgium... be put to sleep for depression. Will this become a thing in the USA? I wish that was something you could sign up for at a simple doctor visit without going through hoops and hurdles. I can hardly even find any information on the doctor who does this in Belgium. It should be a right for any human being. Sign some paper work and maybe wait a couple of weeks and have a special place where you can have it done. In nature with the doctor etc. they can euthanize animals why not humans??? If someone doesn't want to be here and suffer anymore it sucks they are forced to kill themself instead of having it done professionally and peacefully with no pain. Aren't there too many people on this planet anyway?? And it's only growing.... It's like society is obsessed with keeping miserable people alive.

I am in the Netherlands and in the process.
It is so that they do fulfill these cases but only when there are no options left so only if you had all types of therapy. But can tell you the waitinglist is long and it takes long for me almost a year now and still did not see a team
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
This is how it should be: if one truly has exhausted all reasonable options and decided it's time to go it should be possible to do it in a humane manner, out in the open and with medical assistence.

It sucks that you have no other option left but I'm glad this possibility exists for you.


Done with life
Oct 28, 2018
This is how it should be: if one truly has exhausted all reasonable options and decided it's time to go it should be possible to do it in a humane manner, out in the open and with medical assistence.

It sucks that you have no other option left but I'm glad this possibility exists for you.

Yeah but believe me it sucks waiting for almost a year now and only moved up 1 place. And its not sure they will put me down only a few lucky people will get it.

Just updated my own tread venting
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
Yeah but believe me it sucks waiting for almost a year now and only moved up 1 place. And its not sure they will put me down only a few lucky people will get it.

I'd say you're in a much better position than a lot if not most people on here: you're in the process of euthanasia (which is illegal in pretty much all countries except The Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland) and you've got N. The way I see it you're set, at least as far as self-deliverance goes.

What do you suffer from?
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
I really hope so, I've been yelling about it for years but it will be really hard. We would need a lobbying group and publicity, most of us would rather just die. Even people who support assisted suicide want to put a bunch of bullshit Pro Life caveats on it.
"I support Right to Die but ONLY IF IT'S A TERMINAL ILLNESS, SIGNED OFF BY THREE DOCTORS, AND NEXT OF KIN, anything that allowed the patient more free-will than that would be yucky!"
My workaround was to try to blow out my liver with acetaminophen, so that even if I can't complete ctb, if I just ruin my liver enough, I can be classified as terminal and then they have to give "compassionate release."
It's very difficult to have aid in dying for depression when the narrative says that suicide is the result of irrational thinking brought on by depression. Can't possibly help anyone die since they only want to die because they're CRAZY!
That is just part of the abusive nature of Western "mental health care."
They need all the money they can get. They can't bill a dead person for their scam "treatment".
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Done with life
Oct 28, 2018
I'd say you're in a much better position than a lot if not most people on here: you're in the process of euthanasia (which is illegal in pretty much all countries except The Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland) and you've got N. The way I see it you're set, at least as far as self-deliverance goes.

What do you suffer from?

I got mental issues set in the A cluster and paranoid personality, ptsd and depression.
And on top of that sick of society and life how it is just dont want to be part of this anymore.

Have informed my family and doctor about my situation now and they know now i am going. Wish my life had turned out differently but life fucked me good bit messed up now so its better. Because i do not want a life filled with doctor appointments etc and mental breakdowns just to tired for it


Nov 8, 2018
It will never be allowed while governments force people into positions where they're desperate enough to ctb.

When you consider how many people have killed themselves because of medical bills, or welfare, or homelessness, or having their children removed, or losing their jobs or struggling with disability. Those are political issues, but its never reported like that. If a suicide is reported at all, its always : they were depressed.

If it were legal, there would be thousands of people ending their lives through hopelessness and the reasons would have to be reported. Then it would be obvious to all how many people society kills in this way. Then the governments would have to do something. So, no, they won't allow that.
This is absolutely right!! That's basically the main reason it is not allowed.


Jun 24, 2019
Not while big pharma can make millions off depressive illnesses, creating customers for life.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I got mental issues set in the A cluster and paranoid personality, ptsd and depression.
And on top of that sick of society and life how it is just dont want to be part of this anymore.

I'm sorry to hear that. It sucks to have to come to the conclusion death is better than life. Personally I'm not there yet as I still have some capacity for love and care for others: for what that's worth and for how long it may last. Sometimes I wish I didn't and I could get it over with.

The best of luck to you.
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Lost and always will be.
Jul 22, 2018
It fucking should be a thing!!!
Ive said this for years!!
selfish pro life w**kers!
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Done with life
Oct 28, 2018
I'm sorry to hear that. It sucks to have to come to the conclusion death is better than life. Personally I'm not there yet as I still have some capacity for love and care for others: for what that's worth and for how long it may last. Sometimes I wish I didn't and I could get it over with.

The best of luck to you.

Yeah i can understand that if you can find that worth while.

But relationships is what maked me nuts.
My first girlfriend committed suicide when i was 18. My second tried to stab me on Christmas night with her drunk head and she cheated on me.
My last was so serious but also cheated with a kid of 22 years old tried to forgive her but after a year she cheated again and gave me std, thats how I found out at my doctor.

So yeah my truste is fucked because woman got paranoid of it. So with no trust no life dont trust anything anymore.

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