Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
- Jan 11, 2020
- 6,726
As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
Thats what I heard! Not me being lazy! Notice I said " apparently " Where was 5g turned on first then? I mean it could be coincidence. Are you saying it's random? How about the P4 bio lab in Wuhan.... let me guess.... it doesn't exist!That's so lazy it's almost impressive.
A possibility, but it's weak because how can you infect humans with a virus with radio waves? That's what makes it a laughable theory.They apparently switched on 5g in Wuhan before anywhere else. Corona was also originating from Wuhan. So that's why people are questioning the possibility of it being connected.@Broken Chimera
Yeah true. However HAARP for example has some quite advanced tech. Who knows what these scientists can cook up?! It could be a possibility, however remote.A possibility, but it's weak because how can you infect humans with a virus with radio waves? That's what makes it a laughable theory.
This has not been confirmed. There's a whole conspiracy around the origin of the virus - a heated US-China coronavirus origin blame game currently going on.Corona was also originating from Wuhan
Great comment! Exploding rainbows would be an interesting phenomenon to see!!! We already have soul parasites.... one of them lost the 2016 election!What a terrifying world it must be to live in, where any event that's happening of whatever scope and scale can be explained by giant invisible monsters, exploding rainbows, soul parasites, secret activity of states that's actually less harmful than what it actually does.
Yeah I should have put "allegedly " I meant to. I also heard that it originated from Woking in England and Virginia in the US. I'm just going with what the mainstream media " reported "This has not been confirmed. There's a whole conspiracy around the origin of the virus.
Patient 0 Corona's First Positive Human Alias Found, Allegedly US Army
-> - The debate between China and America about the origin of the corona virus entered a new phase. China urges the United States to release the healthengnews24h.com
You're right, it is a terrifying world! And fear can be a powerful motivator.What a terrifying world it must be to live in, where any event that's happening of whatever scope and scale can be explained by giant invisible monsters, exploding rainbows, soul parasites, secret activity of states that's actually less harmful than what it actually does.
I'm not into Tech.... my dad was an engineer.... but I'm not. It's not my jam, however I'm a very good researcher so I'm sure I can edumacate myself. I have a enquiring mind. My boyfriend thinks it's hot!You can get a pretty strong grasp on what technology they can cook up by understanding the technology.
You're right, it is a terrifying world! And fear can be a powerful motivator.
Believing in theories has a lot to do with the personality traits agreeableness and openness. Once upon a time, being very open and agreeable was a good thing. But in that time, we weren't exposed to 99 lies and 1 truth for everything we see in our world. Living in a world with so much propoganda and disinfo might lead one to question the very existence of objective truth. Being exposed to so many conflicting realities can be overwhelming, especially for independent thinkers.
We can believe two things at once. I am aware of the forces acting against us, in actuality and in theory. It's all acting against us, whether it's now or in the future. Independent thinking is not independent to actual forces.... it incorporates all possible possibilities. Modes of thinking etc... some modes of thinking seem more outlandish than others. I can concede that. Isn't that independent thinking... ? seeing as all the education institutions are Marxist hellscapes now, that despise reason, facts and logic... these are the places that want to indoctrinate and abolish free thinking. I rail against that. Independent thinking is just that....independent.What good is independent thinking when it's independent to actual forces acting on us like politics, economics, social, sciences, etc..
A possibility, but it's weak because how can you infect humans with a virus with radio waves? That's what makes it a laughable theory.
We can believe two things at once. I am aware of the forces acting against us, in actuality and in theory. It's all acting against us, whether it's now or in the future. Independent thinking is not independent to actual forces.... it incorporates all possible possibilities. Modes of thinking etc... some modes of thinking seem more outlandish than others. I can concede that. Isn't that independent thinking... ? seeing as all the education institutions are Marxist hellscapes now, that despise reason, facts and logic... these are the places that want to indoctrinate and abolish free thinking. I rail against that. Independent thinking is just that....independent.
I'm glad you brought that up. I was saying that about viruses. I actually did forget about that but those are caused by directed energy weapons. While they can't cause a virus, they can make you sick, cause cancer, some say they can even be used to cause riots. Then we have the new electric meters that spew radiation. Barrie Trower talks a lot about what radio waves can do to people.You mean like the waves used to make all those people sick at the US Embassy in Havana, lest we forget?
It does understand them though! It understands the patterns that exist already! Hence why my politics has changed over the last decade! Because I am able to come to my own conclusion about certain ideologies. How do you know for certain that the conspiracy theories aren't fact? A theory is no longer a theory once proven. Every theory is the one, until other wise proven! The good are never easy, the easy never good, and life it never happens like you think it really should. Deception and perfection are wonderful traits.One will breed love, the other hate. Real life at the moment is just a theory, an illusion! What if the conspiracy theories are right ? Appeals to authority are asinine! In a lot of circumstances. Humans can lie, that is certain. Human nature is predictable, and terrifyingly random. So patterns can be broken.Independent thinking would have an understanding of patterns and systems, the forces that actually exist. It wouldn't explain the social fallout of a political event by recreating patterns and systems that don't exist.
Yes exactly!I'm glad you brought that up. I was saying that about viruses. I actually did forget about that but those are caused by directed energy weapons. While they can't cause a virus, they can make you sick, cause cancer, some say they can even be used to cause riots. Then we have the new electric meters that spew radiation. Barrie Trower talks a lot about what radio waves can do to people.
I bet the Romans were smug bastards all the time regardless of the fall of Rome.A conspiracy theory is a theory that there is a conspiracy.
There are indeed conspiracies. If there weren't, there would be no clandestine government organizations and operations, which are by their very definition conspiratorial -- they are operated and planned by more than one person, they're secretive, and they're acted out in opposition to another. Agencies like the CIA act out against not only other governments, but their citizens. Propaganda? Yup. Voice of God technology used against, who was it, Afghani soldiers? Yup. Who honestly believes their own government seeks to protect its own people rather than exploit them? Show me that Eden exists and I'm on the next plane.
Of course those with the most power and the most money and the most privilege, in general, want more. It's human nature to never be satisfied, read the Laws of Emotions. And since time immemorial, individuals and groups have plotted to take what does not belong to them. Of course some shithead with enough power and money wants control over what s/he has no right to -- the minds and bodies of other humans. Put that shithead with one or more other like-minded shitheads and it's a conspiracy.
The world is consistently proven to be unsafe and unstable for the non-shitheads. Folks get comfortable and forget that at any moment, their safe existence can be utterly and irrevocably fucked by war, and that one's own government can turn against them in obvious ways. To assume it's not happening covertly may keep one comfortable, and that's fine, but I caution against being smug about it. I bet the Romans were some smug bastards before Rome fell.
You took the words right of my mouth! Yes never be too smug! Perfect comment! This appeal to authority and government reliance to do the right thing by its citizens is myopic. Almost like blind faith. Do people really think their governments won't throw them under the bus if they wanted to? It's already happening.A conspiracy theory is a theory that there is a conspiracy.
There are indeed conspiracies. If there weren't, there would be no clandestine government organizations and operations, which are by their very definition conspiratorial -- they are operated and planned by more than one person, they're secretive, and they're acted out in opposition to another. Agencies like the CIA act out against not only other governments, but their citizens. Propaganda? Yup. Voice of God technology used against, who was it, Afghani soldiers? Yup. Who honestly believes their own government seeks to protect its own people rather than exploit them? Show me that Eden exists and I'm on the next plane.
Of course those with the most power and the most money and the most privilege, in general, want more. It's human nature to never be satisfied, read the Laws of Emotions. And since time immemorial, individuals and groups have plotted to take what does not belong to them. Of course some shithead with enough power and money wants control over what s/he has no right to -- the minds and bodies of other humans. Put that shithead with one or more other like-minded shitheads and it's a conspiracy.
The world is consistently proven to be unsafe and unstable for the non-shitheads. Folks get comfortable and forget that at any moment, their safe existence can be utterly and irrevocably fucked by war, and that one's own government can turn against them in obvious ways. To assume it's not happening covertly may keep one comfortable, and that's fine, but I caution against being smug about it. I bet the Romans were some smug bastards before Rome fell.
Believe it or not I knew about that too. But I didn't know it had a term. I first heard about it from Deborah Tavares, but she called it stack and pack. I don't believe it all, but some of it actually makes sense. Think about what they're doing over this virus. I can't forget that famous quote, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." I wonder how they're gonna use this one.Yes exactly!
I thought of more Tech advances ( well it's architecture) that crush the human spirit and make one depressed.... you'll never believe it. It's called Brutalism. Think ugly, grey, drab tower blocks where people are stacked one above the other. Sardine style.
There's a law on the books where the government can legally use propaganda on the American people. It's called the Smith–Mundt Act.Agencies like the CIA act out against not only other governments, but their citizens. Propaganda? Yup. Voice of God technology used against, who was it, Afghani soldiers?
This mobile phone tracking thing that's planned to be rolled out in OS automatic updates.Believe it or not I knew about that too. But I didn't know it had a term. I first heard about it from Deborah Tavares, but she called it stack and pack. I don't believe it all, but some of it actually makes sense. Think about what they're doing over this virus. I can't forget that famous quote, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." I wonder how they're gonna use this one.
Yes if I can recall the architect name, I'll edit my comment and put the name in. Stack and pack, that's exactly what these hideous tower blocks do. Awful! I heard all about it from a commentator on a big social media platform.Believe it or not I knew about that too. But I didn't know it had a term. I first heard about it from Deborah Tavares, but she called it stack and pack. I don't believe it all, but some of it actually makes sense. Think about what they're doing over this virus. I can't forget that famous quote, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." I wonder how they're gonna use this one.
woah dude !! you got me, urgh View attachment 31699 run mental laps around me, you could say
this is one of those 90% of times you are the smartest person in the room![]()
The hard left is a cancer. It rots whatever it touches. There's rotten people everywhere, but they seem concentrated on the hard left. Everything they're trying to do is destroying this country.Yes if I can recall the architect name, I'll edit my comment and put the name in. Stack and pack, that's exactly what these hideous tower blocks do. Awful! I heard all about it from a commentator on a big social media platform.
As for the virus.... it's a conduit for totalitarianism. We've already had a lot of our freedom taken away, freedom of speech and trying to modify our thoughts through Marxist thoughtcontrol and tone policing. Education institutions indoctrination etc. Postmodern thought, the dumbing down of people. Newspeak, double think.Hard left ideology etc. The fact that postmodern thought says that morals are subjective etc, the eradication of objective beauty also. All to modify our behaviour.
Yep they are the most intolerant, bigoted bunch of people out there. They are narcissistic fools. Imagine worshipping someone like Stalin who starved 4 million Ukranians (Holodomor) because they didn't want to join " collectivisation "The hard left is a cancer. It rots whatever it touches. There's rotten people everywhere, but they seem concentrated on the hard left. Everything they're trying to do is destroying this country.
Agreed 100% and yeah I'm from the states.Yep they are the most intolerant, bigoted bunch of people out there. They are narcissistic fools. Imagine worshipping someone like Stalin who starved 4 million Ukranians (Holodomor) because they didn't want to join " collectivisation "
These people will make every nation they are in fall. Antifa are terrorists who deserve no time of day. They are obsessed with ists and isms and are also massive hypocrites. Some of the things they want legalising will turn your hair grey prematurely and will make you vomit. So yeah fuck em!
@Broken Chimera are you in the USA? I'm in Britain.