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Mar 28, 2019
Don't you think somebody who is mentally sick for a period, like let's say a person during a psychosis, thinking he can fly and is about to jump out of the window - that he needs to be captured and put under medication? Or somebody who thinks aliens want to kill him and that he needs to put end to his life to escape this - that he needs forced medication? I think we can agree upon this.

It's a matter of degree. I for example told my therapist that I don't want to live. I was not being detained. He knows it's a feeling. Of course I'd not tell if I got my date and my plan ready. I also agree that they see everybody suicidal as sick. The problem is: Some are, some aren't. And if they don't have chance to judge upon the seriousness and the quality of the death wish, they should capture at least to find out about that. In dubio pro life.

What I propose is, that in societies with euthanasia option, you don't even go preparing to killing yourself and put oneself in a danger of being captured, you voluntary go see doctors and they check how free your mind is when articulating the wish to die. I don't know how many people get rejected but in belgium they as well do grant euthanasia for people suffering under psychological illnesses, like PTSD or depersonalization or chronic depression. So this is not impossible and we should support this model. If we attack the whole psychiatric system, it will not lead to anything. It's like wanting to improve workers rights and then chanting for abolishment of capitalism. It will not work, nobody will listen to us.

There needs to be a control mechanism. Otherwise how a society stop the lovesick teenie from suiciding if its easy and legal?
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I am ___________

I am ___________

Hated, Unloved by the world and everything in it.
Jan 3, 2019
The reason is very simple, you are a slave to society and therefore you have no right to decide to end your life by your own hand. They want to profit as much as possible off of you, all you are is mere property/cattle. The second reason is humanity is essentially a selfish, stupid, and greedy species. Even when we have the technological and scientific prowless to create a better, more sustainable world we choose not to out of greed and selfishness. Humanity will never change, history will repeat itself and so will the cycle of suffering until the end of humanity.
"Better to never have been......"
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Memento Mori

Memento Mori

shambling garbage
Jan 24, 2019
I believe that ultimately it's due to religion. Almost all major religions condemn suicide and have done so since their inception. For thousands of years, religions have forced their beliefs and values on mankind and now those beliefs and values are the basis for what is considered by society as 'normal'.

religion yes. and humans are often not capable of what they're doing, so others take the role of a saviour and try to do the "right thing", often without really confronting themselves with the situation of the suicidal person. i understand this, but it's the same as everything else: you won't get ultimate fairness, there's no time to care for each single individual since we're too many, so this law will turn out imperfect as everything else. people who should be allowed to die can't, people suffer from bad ways to ctb/fails, the only good thing is that we're preventing some unnecessary deaths. some of them caused by bad impulse, some others planned. and some of the people who planned it might feel happy in some years that they survived. it seems too hard to put on a scale if all this is worth it.
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Apr 4, 2019
Suicide is not forbidden. Assisted suicide is.

Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
Christ, what a retarded mess. Serious question: Do you have autism? Because this "I had quite a laugh" stuff is definitely in the territory of 'triggered autist'.

Anyway, you sure did spend a lot of words saying nothing of value. And don't embarrass yourself by copypasting from Wikipedia latin phrases that add nothing except secondhand embarrassment for a panting tryhard.

As evidenced by the thousands and thousands of suicides that happen around the world, it is absolutely de facto legal. You are very free to kill yourself with whatever means you have at your disposal. Ranting in the street about it will get you locked up in a psych ward, yes. And yes, this forum is full of idiot teens with borderline and/or histrionic personality disorder who eat this retarded "The Maaaaan won't let you kill yourself, man! And by killing yourself, I mean endlessly ranting about how you're gonna do it any day now!" shit up.

Of course involuntary commitment is a thing. E.g. psychotic people can be a danger to themselves and others. You should look up psychotic and learn what it means. A suicide during psychosis might very well be something the person did not want to do when not psychotic. This edgy teen bullshit about "It's unfair that like the state can lock you up, man!" is just fucking retarded. And psychiatrists do not prosecute you, they evaluate your soundness of mind and danger to yourself and others.

"Dangerousness to self" is not a roundabout way of saying suicide is against the law. It applies to psychosis, where a person genuinely is not in a state to make rational decisions. And to the idiots who go around telling people that they're going to kill themselves. And the idiots who try to OD on tylenols and gummi bear vitamins.

Jesus christ, what a fucking moron you are. It's easy to understand why you're socially excluded.

Complete drivel, nonsensical arguments, wrong assertions and childish name-calling. Either you are a troll or your're completely incapable of controlling yourself, coherent thinking based on facts and acting like a grown-up. 'Histrionic', 'autistic' and 'borderline' describe your behaviour here perfectly.

Anyone who gets that triggered by what a complete stranger writes on the internet must have some serious mental issues. The fact that you resort to amateur psychodiagnostics suggests personal experience. Unless you googled it of course which seems to be the sole source of all your wisdom. You even attribute any sort of knowledge (like well-known legal phrases in Latin which can be found in any textbook on the subject) to it.

You crossed the line between mildly amusing and downright pathetic. I've seen my little nephews throw more more intelligible and intelligent temper tantrums and they're 3, 4 and 5.

"As evidenced by the thousands and thousands of suicides that happen around the world, it is absolutely de facto legal."

That must be the dumbest, most illogical sentence I've ever read. Because the government isn't all-powerful and all-knowing and can't prevent all suicides it is by your demented logic legal... Completely disregarding the fact that many are in fact prevented by force from taking their own lives which pretty much proves it's de facto illegal.

Try to absorb this: being physically able to do something has nothing whatsoever to do with it being legal or not.

You don't even seem to know the difference between 'possible' and 'legal' nor show yourself capable of even the simplest form of logical reasoning.

Anyone with half a brain instantly realizes a) your conclusion does not follow (non sequitur: another thing that you'll need to google) and b) you've provided no evidence for your position whatsoever.

Evidence in this context would be the cops leaving anyone alone whom they know is planning to kill themselves. In sharp contrast in many jurisdictions they have the legal duty to prevent this and when that happens the local involuntary commitment law will be actived and the person likely detained. Regardless of the specific type of 'mental illness' they are thought to have.

Do you even inhabit reality or do you not understand the term 'involuntary commitment'? It means being detained against one's will because of mental illness, danger to self and/or others and unwillingness to undergo psychiatric treatment. Dangerousness to self is certainly not limited to psychosis... If you don't know the first thing about the subject shut up about it and save yourself further embarassment.

By all means shows us verifiable civil commitment laws that are limited in application to psychosis. Google hard grasshopper. Remember: limited to, not include. And do try to keep the potty talk out of it.

You have no possible way of knowing who frequents this forum but of course you confidently conclude a high proportion of mentally unstable teenagers. Another important distinction that eludes you: knowledge does not equal guessing or assuming. Not to mention you've basically called half this forum childish and immature. Insult upon insult: no sane, rational, decent person would stoop so low.

This feels like trying to reason with a mentally challenged person so I'll stop wasting my time. Chances are high you're just trolling and I've fed your addiction to negative attention with this.

I suggest you try to behave yourself and abide by the rules or find another forum to troll. If you don't know what 'moderated' means I suggest you google it. If not you will find out soon enough.
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Feb 8, 2019
Well, reading intelligent reflections on the subject does a lot of good, it contrasts with the stupidities we hear in everyday life ...

We must continue to fight for suicide to become a right for all.

To those who claim that suicide is a selfish act, I will answer that it is the fact of wanting to "keep" people as things that is selfish. We are not things, so our life belongs to us. Preventing someone from committing suicide is always extreme malice.
The reason is very simple, you are a slave to society and therefore you have no right to decide to end your life by your own hand. They want to profit as much as possible off of you, all you are is mere property/cattle. The second reason is humanity is essentially a selfish, stupid, and greedy species. Even when we have the technological and scientific prowless to create a better, more sustainable world we choose not to out of greed and selfishness. Humanity will never change, history will repeat itself and so will the cycle of suffering until the end of humanity.
"Better to never have been......"

100% agree...


Feb 15, 2019
Christ, what a retarded mess. Serious question: Do you have autism? Because this "I had quite a laugh" stuff is definitely in the territory of 'triggered autist'.

Anyway, you sure did spend a lot of words saying nothing of value. And don't embarrass yourself by copypasting from Wikipedia latin phrases that add nothing except secondhand embarrassment for a panting tryhard.

As evidenced by the thousands and thousands of suicides that happen around the world, it is absolutely de facto legal. You are very free to kill yourself with whatever means you have at your disposal. Ranting in the street about it will get you locked up in a psych ward, yes. And yes, this forum is full of idiot teens with borderline and/or histrionic personality disorder who eat this retarded "The Maaaaan won't let you kill yourself, man! And by killing yourself, I mean endlessly ranting about how you're gonna do it any day now!" shit up.

Of course involuntary commitment is a thing. E.g. psychotic people can be a danger to themselves and others. You should look up psychotic and learn what it means. A suicide during psychosis might very well be something the person did not want to do when not psychotic. This edgy teen bullshit about "It's unfair that like the state can lock you up, man!" is just fucking retarded. And psychiatrists do not prosecute you, they evaluate your soundness of mind and danger to yourself and others.

"Dangerousness to self" is not a roundabout way of saying suicide is against the law. It applies to psychosis, where a person genuinely is not in a state to make rational decisions. And to the idiots who go around telling people that they're going to kill themselves. And the idiots who try to OD on tylenols and gummi bear vitamins.

Jesus christ, what a fucking moron you are. It's easy to understand why you're socially excluded.

People get locked up for non psychotic suicidal ideation and self harm all the time. It is a punishable crime to tell someone how to kill themselves in some countries like Australia. In the US, they will try to pass a law every year (Suzy's law) to ban sites like this.
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Have a great day!
Mar 24, 2019
Many people who commit suicide are not mentally sound at that moment and are not in the right frame of mind. They can not think rationally or they may be impulsive, so they lose their freedom to make decisions regarding their own life for their own protection. You can always take a life, but you can never get it back.

Regarding the legalisation of suicide, making it not legal means that police can intervene which then allows them to take you into custody and transport you to a medical facility to receive psychological and medical help for the better or worse.
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