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Heading for something better than this
Jul 9, 2023
imo this site was different from 2018-2022 . Everything seemed to change after that dumb pro-life video. pro lifers took down all the many domestic sn sources. i noticed ddos attacks right after that video. I won't name it so that more people won't click on it. Every time someone clicks a video the youtube algorithm suggests it to more people and the video gets more popular and brings even more prolifers and police here . imo people fell into a trap here not knowing youtube will make a video more popular if you view it or click. any mention of it or post about it is just an ad for it becuase people will get curious . 3.6 million views from a nothing youtuber . how many pro-lifers did that bring here. how much money did people here clicking on that video give this evil liar?

I saw a reddit thread about that dumb video and they were saying there they were going to ddos attack this site because they believed the lies in the video

i didn't watch it and have no interest in it nor making it more popular. just went on the profile and that's the most popular video by far 3.6 million views slandering this site .
I imagine this is the one with the cake123 shit. It's even more fucked he tried to censor the name but later showed a screenshot of people campaigning to take down the site and didn't censor it which is how I unfortunately found about this site. At first I thought if it's true this place is disgusting but after reading and browsing around I realised they don't like it because they aren't like us, they don't know what it's like to be in constant mental torture caused by trauma or shitty life situations so they just assume we are sick and need help. Some of us do and we seek it but what if we exhausted every option we had. If you live in constant pain with no end shouldn't we be allowed to ctb and have peace. You're allowed to mercy kill in the military isn't this the same? It's baffling to me and I know that if a pro lifer reads this they will come up with their own 13 reasons why you shouldn't but the problem is exactly that. They don't understand us. Besides it is legal to ctb, not that you can be punished for it after you already died xD
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local stupid
Jun 7, 2023
Think they probably made a few more suicidal than they were before.
That and made ppl more paranoid of the website 😭 (logged in this morning and the error 1200 page made me physically jump and panic for the rest of the day)
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Jul 3, 2023
Yeah I got stressed out when I couldn't access it earlier, thought it might have been banned in my country or something like it is in Italy. I haven't been on here long but it's already become my safe space. Hope it doesn't go down again
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Jul 2, 2023
I think this site is getting a lot of attention lately, especially by pro-lifers and without knowing shit, they want to take the community down. I'm still new here but somehow, this has become my safe haven and made me realize that my suicidal tendencies aren't bad BAD or disgusting.
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Jun 19, 2023
The 1200 Cloudflare error (too many requests) + the Are you human check points toward denial of service attack. Thanks for adding on to an already crappy day full of flare up in physical pain + a bunch of SN orders canceled.


Jan 6, 2023
I thought I was losing it - every time I tried to log in I was getting error codes.

Whatever is going on, if cops come knocking on my door to snatch my SN, I'm pulling a Newman:

View attachment 116014

Sample screenshot of this foolery:

View attachment 116015

I've seen a variety of similar type messages throughout the day.
Hi, I bought one of these shirts back in April, Since you made the reference I thought you'd like too see this website too: https://storeaboutnothing.com/products/vandelay-industries-t-shirt
  • Yay!
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Komeetta ♊︎
May 8, 2023
Hi, I bought one of these shirts back in April, Since you made the reference I thought you'd like too see this website too: https://storeaboutnothing.com/products/vandelay-industries-t-shirt

Thank you for this - I needed that laugh 😂

George was such a character. Now I'm thinking of the whole "Moops" situation with the bubble boy 🤣

I think this site is getting a lot of attention lately, especially by pro-lifers and without knowing shit, they want to take the community down. I'm still new here but somehow, this has become my safe haven and made me realize that my suicidal tendencies aren't bad BAD or disgusting.

I've been on and off with SaSu and this community has been here for me even when I had nothing to say, or didn't interact. Through my latest account, the only one I have and currently use, I've noticed a significant uptick in members and possible interlopers since May.

Smh re: those entering this forum in bad faith.

I do feel some happiness knowing you've come to the realization that your suicidal tendencies aren't "bad BAD or disgusting".

You're a living breathing person with emotion and capacity 🫂
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It’s killing me
Jun 4, 2023
Why? If pro-lifers are really doing that, why? This is unironically the most cheerful community i have been part of, i have just felt more confortable and welcome since i created this acc… they really dont understand how it feels to have an extreme trauma that haunts you but you cannot talk to anyone about that, they do not know how it feels to wake up every day and feel as empty as an empty shell… this is literally the only place on the internet that i truly think that i can be honest when I am talking about suicide, traumas, descisions, hopelessness, etc.
if this site goes down, so it goes my mind
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Komeetta ♊︎
May 8, 2023
Why? If pro-lifers are really doing that, why? This is unironically the most cheerful community i have been part of, i have just felt more confortable and welcome since i created this acc… they really dont understand how it feels to have an extreme trauma that haunts you but you cannot talk to anyone about that, they do not know how it feels to wake up every day and feel as empty as an empty shell… this is literally the only place on the internet that i truly think that i can be honest when I am talking about suicide, traumas, descisions, hopelessness, etc.
if this site goes down, so it goes my mind

I had some similar thoughts earlier today, thinking damn…if this is it for SaSu, I hope some diligent notes and/or screenshots were taken by members here.

If SaSu goes before I do…smh.
  • Aww..
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“All life is a near death experience.”
Dec 27, 2022
can they dox you if you don't use a vpn?
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dissociated angel.
Jul 8, 2023
Yeah I got stressed out when I couldn't access it earlier, thought it might have been banned in my country or something like it is in Italy. I haven't been on here long but it's already become my safe space. Hope it doesn't go down again
yea, i also hope it isn't going down again. this morning, i tried to login for the first time and panicked when i saw that i couldn't connect to the server from my house. and now on my phone i have the loading circle of doom.
  • Aww..
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Komeetta ♊︎
May 8, 2023
yea, i also hope it isn't going down again. this morning, i tried to login for the first time and panicked when i saw that i couldn't connect to the server from my house. and now on my phone i have the loading circle of doom.

The loading circle of doom…

I'm sure it will make an appearance in my dreams at some point tonight.


Nov 25, 2022
Think they probably made a few more suicidal than they were before.
quite literally I tried accessing the site earlier to cope with something that happened earlier and it made me so depressed not being able to use it I just fucking locked myself in my room and slept
  • Aww..
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Reactions: lachrymost, Rogue Proxy and enough of this


Mar 25, 2023
Looks like DDoS attacks, nothing to be really worried about. At worse they do convince cloudfare to take down the website but another company can host it and I'm sure there's no shortage of people willing to donate for that cause.

Doxxing isn't really anything to be worried about as long as you're careful. A tad bit of paranoia always helps for situations like these.


Dec 10, 2021
imo . we are in a war. we are just suicidal people a small group who are suffering. .the pro-lifers , LE, news orgs pro-life videos are in a war against us to take down this website , take away our ctb resources . there are no domestic SN sources left. i don't think we have to debate them . they'll never understand . they want this site taken down . they want all our painless sources for ctb taken down. this site was pretty much hidden for 4 years from most prolifers. Yeah there were some but I think it was mostly suicidal people that found this site from 2018 to 2022 searching the internet for methods.

We the suicidal are very small group . they know they can marginalize and demonize as a death cult and this site as our gathering place which is a lie. We are just people that are suffering temendously . we are not a death cult but they will never believe that no matter what we say or type or what logic we use . They believe most here are in a death cult and that we lure underage and others who are vulnerable and convince them to ctb. that is the lie . I don't care about what any body else does wether they want to live or die.

I think that pro-life youtube video brought a lot more prolifers here. don't click on it or post about it because that will cause someone to go click on it. Any click on a youtube video will cause the youtube algorithm to suggest it to more people .

I saw a reddit post where they specifically said they were going to ddos attack this website and dox many members here and it was a thread in response to that same dumb pro-life video so they believed what that video said. don't click on it nor post about it . viewing that video will just make it more popular which will bring even more pro-lifers , police etc here.

This is an all out one-sided war against us. irl we can't say we want to commit suicide or they'll put us in mental hospital . so they can't have us being able to say that here or to say life is bad or to have access to painless suicide methods.

The reasons i use this site are for methods which they are obliterating. there were many 10's of domestic sn sources 2018 , 2019, 2020 and 2 reliable N suppliers . There are zero domestic U.S. sn sources of SN and no sources of N left . What happened to N from D?

This is to pro-lifers : you are going to die and not exist forever just like every other human. before that you will grow old . to the older ones you know the decades fly by like a blink of an eye. in a blink it will be as if you never existed. nothing matters . what will matter in 200 years? nothing
I agree with all this. Was looking on reddit and can't see the post
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
The site has went down many times in the past but I cannot remember it ever being for as long as it was yesterday.
But if this is happening because of pro-lifers then that is just so horrible, it's inhumane wanting to restrict people's access to suicide method information trying to force them to suffer endlessly until they die anyway, I despise how this society is so pro-life, it's such a disgusting world where we are denied the right to die in peace. Just because some people want to exist here doesn't mean that everyone should have to delay their inevitable fate and suffer against their wishes.
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Rerolling to be an Ayy
Jun 26, 2023
Yeah. Its the same old problem with eating disordee support forum. Media goes mad for encouraging anorexia. Its nothing like that. Its support for sufferers
Do you know the name of some of these forums? If you don't want to say it in the thread, could you pm it?


Mar 9, 2023
I dont want this site taken down.. shouldnt we start archiving the methods and posts and everything? Theres nothing like this site and these ddosing events suck so much.


Just “hanging around”
Oct 10, 2022
This might sound silly but i wondered if there is a site that is opposite to this, like a pro-life website, can someone DDos them for payback :D give them a taste of their own medicene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jul 10, 2023
It keeps going down. Not sure why.
Definitely getting DDoS'ed. I'm not sure what the assholes who are doing this think they're achieving by DDoSing SaSu… they should think in other ways than "SaSu is helping people kill themselves" or "People will have full and amazing lives if they take care of their problems, so, lets just shut down SaSu!" Instead, they should think about how people use this site as comfort and a place to tell their feelings. Lots of people were saying that they got very anxious when SaSu got constant DDoS attacks..
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