Just have my birthday alone in a faraway country from my home. Gonna be homeless in a few days. My life, I guess if I try it should be a successful life. Well at least according to exam and results at school and college. But I have a huge case of procrastination, I just keep pushing things to next days, weeks, months then year. I ran away from college once, tried again in different major then ran away again. This time I am 26 year old with no degree with some job experience: waiter, delivery, tutor, IELTS part-time teacher and do some web design for my sister product.
I knew my mother and sister have huge expectation for me to get success in life and I am a piece of shit who dont want to do anything but laze my ass around. My family loves me but I feel a bit detached from them, maybe due to pressure. I lied to my family that I am still attending in my 2nd year but in fact I quit after a year. Still, I hope my mother's health wouldnt be too bad after hearing the news, she is quite old already.
I kept telling myself that I should go to college but I do not have any motivation to do that. At least in the first year, my GF was around so I have someone to talk to via skype and chat. But as she decided to go to a different country and gonna live there, we knew that there was no future for us to be together and broke up peacefully. I am thankful for her for keeping up with me in that year.
Now I guess I will first come back to my home country, give back some of the money I still keep and endure my family lecture. Then what? Trying to find some jobs or help my sister with her works? I can, but I dont want to do any of that. I dont see myself anywhere in the future and I dont have much goal in life. I want this life to end already but I still dont really have the guts. Everyday I just hope there are some accidents happen to me so I dont have to off myself. But I understand that the probality is too low so I want to see some kind of painless death here.