
Sep 3, 2024
You will have to work most of your life to get that small house and work until you turn 40 or 50 or 60 die... Or pay your rent until you die.... it may not be your country but it will be in my country....
Yes it's the same in my country as well it's everywhere really
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Reticent Being

Reticent Being

Aug 4, 2024
It's hard to attribute suicide to one factor. I would say "not having one's concerns heard or taken seriously" Everytime someone has a problem, it's called "complaining" which is a negative undesirable thing to be/do. Many people fake smiles because that's better than showing sadness. It used to be people ask "what's wrong" and actually care. Now, the problems are too big for one person to solve just by listening. Then you can even work if you want to. People with *diagnosed* disabilities have to cut their hours or else they wont get a disability check.

I hate hearing surprise about how suicidal young people are.. like there should be an age limit on not wanting to live. Young or old, when someone is crying out for help, they dont get listened to. That includes folks under the age of eighteen.

I dont think digitalization matters. I know people who cant afford the internet and dont have time to use it. A lot of websites require reading skills to understand. The public school system [in my country] fails to teach many students how to read. Older people 45+ are still left out. Technology/internet isnt accessible for a lot of people, some folks pretend it is and dont care who is excluded.
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Jul 9, 2024
i have noticed that the government is more inclined to blame Big Tech for the increase in mental illness, and for all the wrong reasons. instead of caring for the wellbeing of children this presumption is used to justify passing laws to censor the internet and eliminate private browsing for the rest of us.

as a gen Zer i can clearly see that most of my generation is experiencing symptoms of mental illnesses that were once attributed to a minority of the population. although suicide is still deemed illogical to most, it seems like many of the youth is struggling with perceiving a personal future or believing they are capable enough to function in society. the unemployment rate and mental health statistics should serve as proof of such.

i am not one to believe that social media is the cause of it all. upon studying my despair i come across concepts such as the constant unwavering acknowledgement of the agony of the modern human condition, hopelessness for humanity's ability to eliminate greed and prioritize social betterment, and an inability to find a support system outside of professional help.

i believe that the rising suicide rate of my generation can be mostly attributed to a newfound desire to escape the rat race clashing with the immense social pressure to settle into a "cog-in-machine" lifestyle. if you were to attribute the rise of suicide to one modern factor what would it be? do you agree that the digitalization of daily living is a fierce motivator, or perhaps increased access to non-painful methods of CTB? i'd like to hear your thoughts.
Good observations

My opinion we are having a throw away society, where certain groups are just thrown away because they are valued or dont' fit into the existing view of the world. It increasese the feelings of worthilessness that contributes
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homesick ⭒
Apr 14, 2023
People in power refuse to seriously address wages, job security, the costs of living, housing, healthcare, mental health problems, education while the costs of everyday goods have surged. This is the natural result. First they destroy life, make life itself unlivable and exhausting, and then they tell us fairy tales about how valuable life is lol
When you realise life isn't getting better, there is no point to stick around to see how worse it can get. This's especially true for our generation, we understand that this is exactly what our life will be like for the next 40-50 years, unless it gets even worse. There's no hope, we've only known despair, we were born into a burning, collapsing world
At this point staying alive seems like masochism
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Jul 23, 2024
Because humanity is shit and everythings getting worse. Many young men have also realized that they can never have girlfriends, a family, or anything hopeful at all. This planet is doomed and everyone who's not a complete moron can see it.
Well said. My son is in his late 20s. All he ever wanted was a job that paid a livable wage, a girlfriend who would eventually become his wife, and kids. He has given up on all of those. I hope to ctb before it occurs to him to do the same.
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Jul 25, 2024
the world continues to get worse
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flower, water
Jun 20, 2024
It's likely not increasing in the grand scheme of things, just more documented


everything will be okay in the end
Jul 14, 2022
It's likely not increasing in the grand scheme of things, just more documented
you don't need thousands of years of data collection to see a rise in the numbers LOL what?


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
People are starting to be more aware of how shitty wage slavery is and realise that the only way to avoid it is to die


flower, water
Jun 20, 2024
you don't need thousands of years of data collection to see a rise in the numbers LOL what?
rise in numbers # rate, dont think pple now are more suicidal than even in 100 years ago. also doubt its properly documented even now outside of the first world
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Jan 18, 2021
It is important to remember that suicides used to not be reported in the past, and the State didn't worry if people falsify the causes of death, at least here where I live. There are still many people who have committed suicide and people say that it was not that, even though it may be listed on the death certificate; obviously, these people were not included on the list. Today, this is becoming more difficult, and it shows a reality that already existed before and now only corroborates it.
(I'm not getting this out of my thoughts, a renowned psychiatrist said so and I've read it elsewhere.)


Mar 28, 2024
To those mentioning statistics: You do realize that statistics are always manipulated to make them look better than they truly are, right?

I can tell you an example from my country. We have a "Statistics Central Bureau" or SCB who keep official statistics on everything. During the 2000's they were told by the government that people who are chronically ill / disabled and can never work again (no matter how much medical proof they have and being registered as ill) were not to be included in the official "unhealth number" anymore. Later they propagated how the "unhealth number" keeps decreasing by a lot. Whoever points out the truth is told "that group of people have alternative sources of income and is not to be counted as ill".

Naturally, most statistics are being manipulated in this way just to be able to present the most positive (fake) image of each country.
ham and potatoes

ham and potatoes

Just some hillbilly
Mar 27, 2024
People are realizing that no matter how hard they work, they will never be rich.
not even be rich, just be financially stable and have money left over for fun things.