Nov 3, 2021
I'm not planning to take the vaccine since I'm living in a zero-COVID city and am planning to CTB before the borders open. No one here is dying of COVID. Why should I waste a jab that could go to someone who wants to live?
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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
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May 29, 2020
the thing is, "normal" people don't want to die. in fact the thought of dying terrifies them.
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:Professional Hypocrite:
Nov 19, 2020
I contracted COVID earlier this year (I was still not vaccinated) and it was hell. Honestly, it's worth taking the jab considering how fast it spreads too. Thank god my relatives had it so they only got mild flu.

It baffles me that even here, where there's a vaccine shortage and a rising death toll, there's still a handful of antivaxxers. Imo they do more harm than good. If only they don't affect other people, I wouldn't really care but even just spreading false info can get things out of hand. It can kill. It HAS killed.

There's also the contrversy with the vaccine brands.. Everyone's clamoring to get Pfizer vaccines, but most of us get the one with lower efficacy. Seeing some people overseas refusing it makes me feel bad :/ .
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Oct 31, 2021
That´s the thing with Cvd, it only almost kills. It´s a weak virus that is not serving it´s depopulation purpose as it should.
Worst is that the vaccines suck because most people that take it just either stay alive or develop weird health problems. It´s like a roulette.

I remember Boris Johnson and Bill Gates defending population control and the reduction of humankind, but they are making a lousy job.
People should just stop having babies.
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The Cake Is A Lie
Aug 12, 2021
I don't want to live. I even ended up allergic to the covid vaccine but still got both doses and will get any boosters I'm told to get.

If refusing the vaccine meant that it would only endanger myself, I would have done that. But refusing the vaccine endangers every innocent person I come into contact with, so I'm vaccinated.
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Nov 22, 2021
If the vaccine really works and protects/saves your life, why would anyone who is genuinely depressed or suicidal want to take the vaccine? Makes no sense to me whatsoever.
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Dec 4, 2020
I took it. Mainly because of my sickly parents who also took it. But also... Jesus fucking christ, this vaccine talk is getting out of hand. It's like a mass psychosis by now.
I took it. And lived. And who cares? Covid would not have killed me anyway. I'm a resilient sob.
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Oct 23, 2020
Making a political post not gonna argue with anyone I'm just saying with the vaccine mandate in the US going on (by Jan 4th), it's just amazing how afraid people are of a shot. Bonus points if they don't want the flu shot. Act like they're gonna die do you really want to live that badly lmao I'm getting my booster shot next week. Worst case it doesn't work.

Turned on Fox News and they are absolutely livid and batshit crazy even ignoring the covid stuff. We are so divided on just this simple issue we are completely fucked as a country. It's only gonna get worse.
As a person with hypochondria this vaccine thing isn't fun.
I'm a gig worker, I lost out on many jobs cause of it, most contracts now say 'cards required'
2 young people I used to be friends with have died from Covid blood clots.
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I fcking hate myself
Dec 5, 2018
Only reason anyone got the Covid vaccine and think it works (over other methods like a longer lockdown) is because the government said so. Anyone saying "oh its good its good cause it saves people" needs to understand that there are and have been many other ways besides a vaccine to deal with COVID.

The vaccine was rushed, with each of the main ones having some glaring issue, alongside people who specially have issues with vacccines.

The vaccines was rush because big governments of the world want to open up the world and business and not lose profit. You have to look at everything through this angle. The reason why they want people to live in the first place is because large companies know how to make an overall profit on one person. So the more people that exist, the more money they will make. Especially true with old boomers who have lot of disposable income.

For the record im fully vacc'd.
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The Abyss

The Abyss

Why're we still here, just to suffer?
Dec 19, 2019
Anyone not afraid & looking to earn some money or know someone offering the service of taking a shot as a stand in contact me; gotta get somewhere before I die & want to guarantee a timeline.


Metaphysically Homeless
Aug 28, 2021
The same people who planned the "pandemic" a few months prior during Event 201, a conference which featured a pandemic simulation, funded by the Gates Foundation, are telling you to get experimental gene therapy, and people think they're the intelligent person for going, "Okay, sure, I'll do it, no questions asked".

Like, most people knew that Big Pharma was evil - this was common sense two years ago. Now, suddenly they're heroes? Suddenly they want the best for you?

It's utterly laughable.
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Apr 25, 2021
Getting the COVID vaccine for me was not out of safety but of political nature. I wasn't really worried about catching COVID at the time and I only got it reluctantly because it is required for flying on airplanes, required to travel certain places and required to eat in restaurants.

I didn't get the vaccine right away either but at some point I had too. I'm not getting any booster shot though, no way.

Certain family wouldn't let me visit when I go see them if I didn't have it. I'm planning on visiting family soon so I needed the vaccine for the plane and them.
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Oct 30, 2021
I'm not surprised the mentally weak are all about tyranny
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Nov 10, 2021
Even if you don't want to live I don't think COVID is a very pleasant way to go out. Slowly suffocating to death alone in a hospital doesn't sound like a good suicide method to me. And this is in addition to endangering others by being contagious and using up medical resources.
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Jul 14, 2021
i had to do it for work......or rather the job i want. who knows maybe the vacciene will be more deadly in the long run?


flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
Dec 18, 2021
they're trying to protect their quality of life. the vaccine isn't as likely to kill you as it is to give you side effects that can make the most die hard pro lifer want to die.

I'm vaccinated and I'm against making it mandatory.

Please stop caricaturing.

Take care,

this. it should be an individual choice whether or not to get it.
Edit: What amazes me most the people who are cheering on for mandatory shots are the 'My body, My choice' crowds. Fucking hypocrites.
To be honest Americans have just turned this whole ordeal into a political issue rather than what it was intended to be- a discussion of public health and epidemiology.

I keep seeing Americans online (granted, there are people from other countries doing this too, but it is mainly Americans honestly) circle jerking about their moral superiority and how they hope "le trumptard redneck unvaccinated people" all die off en masse, no matter what their reasoning is for declining.

On the other side of the coin, you have some unvaccinated people who view themselves as Neo incarnate, boasting that they are smarter than the "sheep" and wishing ill will upon those who chose to take the vaccine.

It is just pathetic. I blame the American media outlets for stoking this massive fire and creating a cultural divide that serves no purpose other than to further divide an already fractured population and sow the seeds for more strife and disarray. Instead of bringing people together they have created a scapegoat for the government's poor decision making.

You have older vunerable people out there who absolutely would reap rewards from the vaccine once you do a cost benefit analysis, but refuse to take it for various reasons. Should we force them? Absolutely not.

They can make their own decisions regarding their health, no matter how asinine anyone else may find their choices. At this stage of the game, they have accepted the risk of a disease that poses a considerable threat to their demographic, and that's the risk they're willing to take. No one will make them budge.

Then we have the complete opposite of this, people who are absolutely hysterical despite having recovered from covid themselves, receiving the vaccine, and possessing the knowledge that they have a negligible chance of developing a complication from the disease.

Seriously, I am seeing so many Americans rushing to get their 5-10 year old children jabbed, when they don't need it. None of this is out of concern for their children, mind you, but because they are afraid their own kids will bloody kill their young, healthy parents by transmitting covid.

You can show them data from the CDC and numerous esteemed medical journals that children do not develop severe symptoms unless they are extremely immunocompromised/serious existing comorbidity, but they still won't believe it. They don't believe anyone should have a choice in this matter. Covid vaccination should be forced, out of some delusion of moral good.

To me, this is incredibly fucked up. It is a slippery slope towards mandating medical procedures, when the ends do not justify the means. I am speaking as someone who got CFS from another viral infection, I would never support forcing anyone to take a flu jab "for my safety" because I don't think it's the responsibility of other people to make medical decisions out of some supposed moral obligation for me.

I didn't take it because I was afraid it could worsen my existing conditions, as I have had bad responses to vaccines since I became ill. There was genuinely no way to ask questions or have an honest discussion about it because the health services here advise you to take it unless you will literally die of anaphylaxis.

I don't care about dying, I just don't want my mediocre quality of life to become even worse. No one has been able to answer any of my questions about how this vaccine effects people with CFS, because there's no data except surveys on chronic illness forums, which are anecdotal.

I am so glad I do not live in North America under these draconian mandates, which are causing nothing but more hatred and division- with very little gain for the vunerable. You're either a fox news watcher or a supposed NPC in the matrix, there is no in between.
There's no room for nuance or for changes in data and scientific inquiries, it is now a matter of being on the right political team so you don't look like you're "on the other side." I hate it. American politics are an absolute cancer.
Yeah it's all a divisive mindfuck. For that reason alone I believe all this shit is engineered. Everything that's been happening over the last few years is just trying to pit people against one another. When you realize that the whole entire goal is to get you to fight with everyone else, you're further than most.

That said, I'm still not getting the vaccine. People can call me ignorant if they like.
you two said it all.


Jan 20, 2022
No idea what's going on in the US but I got vaccinated because I don't want to kill my immunocompromised grandmother. Also because I love needles
I live here in the U.S. and I have no idea what's going on. It's a massive dumpster fire shit show.

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